Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68084-4 — The Cambridge Companion to the Musical Edited by William A. Everett , Paul R. Laird Index More Information Index Shows, sources of shows, songs, and dances are listed by title, not under author’s names. Titles in italics with no parenthetical identification are staged musicals or operas. Song titles are in single quotation marks. ‘A Woman’s Touch’, 122 Allegro,156–7,160,169,189,223,337 ABBA, 244, 246, 289 Allen, Frederick Lewis, 103 Abbott, Emma, 22 Allen, Peter, 288 Abbott, George, 107, 160, 169, 173, 178, 197–8, Allyson, June, 118 221–4, 226, 229, 232 Alt Heidelberg (play), 77 Abyssinia, 96, 99 Altar Boyz,299 Ace of Clubs,129,139 Altman, Robert, 129 Acheson, Dean, 141 Amberg, Gustav, 45 Act, The,229 Ambros, Wolfgang, 277 Adam, Adolphe, 15 Amen Corner,289 Adamini, Arturo, 48 ‘America’, 200, 218 Adams, Lee, 181–2, 236 ‘American Dream, The’, 251–2 ‘Adelaide’, 332 American in Paris, An (film), 309, 314 Adenberg, Wolfgang, 277 ‘American Women’, 226–8 Adler, Jacob P., 43 Amerikaner Shadkhn,51 Adler, Richard, 173, 178 America’s Sweetheart,106 Adventures of Harlequin and Scaramouche, ‘Amores chicanos’, 50 The,4 Amour,281 Adventures of Priscilla, The (film), 295 Anderson, Carl, 257 Adventures of Priscilla, The (show), 295 Anderson, Maxwell, 103, 107–8, 192–3, 196–7 Africaine, L’,90 Andersson, Benny, 244 After the Ball (show), 129, 132 Andrews, Julie, 160, 176, 183, 268, 331, 336 ‘After the Ball’, 100 Androcles and the Lion,162 Agee, James, 199 ‘Angel of Music’, 263–4 ‘Agony’, 212 ‘Ankunft der Grunhorner,¨ Die’, 49 Aguglia, Mimi, 49 Anna and the King of Siam,159 ‘Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life’, 66, 87 Annie (show), 182, 299 Aida (show), 268, 273, 287, 298 Annie (television version), 337 Aimee,´ Marie, 24 Annie Get Your Gun,110,133–4,139,156,168, Ain’t Misbehavin’,287,289 293–4, 297, 327, 330, 338 ‘Ain’t It Romantic?’, 122 ‘Another Day’, 369 n.5 Albini,Felix,72 ‘Another National Anthem’, 218 Alboni, Marietta, 16 ‘Another Op’nin’, Another Show’, 140, 172 Aldrich, Richard, 63 Anouilh, Jean, 199 Aleichem, Sholom, 186 Anstey, F., 194 Alexander, Jason, 336–7 ‘AnyOldPlacewithYou’,109 Alexander’s Ragtime Band (film), 320 ‘Anvil Chorus, The’, 92 ‘Alexander’s Ragtime Band’, 68, 109 ‘Any Time’s Kissing Time’, 85 ‘All for the Best’, 241 Anyone Can Whistle,209 All Shook Up,247 Anything Goes (film), 119 All That Jazz (film), 228 Anything Goes (show), 104, 107, 110–11, 118, ‘All That Jazz’, 333 120, 122–3, 171, 275, 359 n.22, 359 n.23 ‘All the Things You Are’, 149 ‘AnythingYouCanDo’,168 ‘All Through the Night’, 119 Applause,182 ‘AllYouNeedisLove’,320 ‘Aquarius’, 239 Allah Be Praised,223 Arc de Triomphe, 131–2 [386] ‘Allah’s Holiday’, 74 Archers, The,6 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68084-4 — The Cambridge Companion to the Musical Edited by William A. Everett , Paul R. Laird Index More Information 387 Index Arden, Eve, 332 ‘Bali Ha’i’, 158 Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus in the Isle of Balkan Princess, The,72 Naxos,7 Ball, Michael, 253 Arlen, Harold, 167, 178–9, 222 Ball at the Savoy,148 Armstrong, Alun, 253 ‘Ballad of Guiteau, The’, 214, 216–18 Armstrong, Louis, 103, 109, 186, 190 Balle, Ernest, 49 Arne, Thomas, 9 ‘Ballet at the Village Vortex’, 199 Arnold, Samuel, 6 Bamboozled (film), 311–12 Aronson, Boris, 226 Banderas,Antonio,259,333 Arthur, Daniel V., 57, 69 Banfield, Stephen, 87, 115, 208, 214, 363 n.15 ‘AsIfWeNeverSaidGoodbye’,263–4 Barbarino, Stephen, 277 ‘AsLongAsYou’reMine’,347 ‘Barcelona’, 208 As Thousands Cheer,108,111 Barker,J.N.,8 Asche, Oscar, 84–5 Barnes, Clive, 240 Ashman, Howard, 87, 319 Barnes,James,90 Askey, Arthur, 133 Baron Trenck,72 AspectsofLove(novel), 256–7, 266 Barrie,J.M.,198 AspectsofLove(show), 257, 266, 268, 275–6 Bart, Lionel, 143, 145 Assassins, 196, 206–7, 211–19, 276, 329 Bart,Roger,335 Astaire, Fred, 113, 119–20, 171, 317, 321 Bartok,´ Bela,´ 199 Astaire, Fred and Adele, 61, 68, 221 Bates, Kathy, 337 ‘AtaGeorgiaCampMeeting’,101 ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic, The’, 79 At Home Abroad,111 ‘Baubles, Bangles, and Beads’, 177 ‘At the Ball, That’s All’, 97 Baum,L.Frank,351 ‘At the Ballet’, 233 Baxter, Joan, 336 ‘AttheEndoftheDay’,251 Be Good!, 359 n.22 Atkinson, Brooks, 171, 176, 193–4, 196–7, 199 ‘Be Our Guest’, 314 Attach´e d’ambassade, L’ (play), 60 Beach, Amy, 97 Attenborough, Richard, 257 Beach, Gary, 335 Auber, Daniel Franc¸ois-Esprit, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, Beach Boys, 247, 288, 365 n.32 23, 250 Beatlemania,245,288 Audran, Edmond, 24, 44 Beatles, The, 245, 256, 284, 288, 309, 311, 320 ‘Auf Wiedersehn’, 75 Beaton, Cecil, 176 Austin, Elizabeth, 9 Beautiful Game, The,254,257,267–8 ‘Auto-da-fe’,´ 200 Beauty and the Beast (film), 295, 309, 314 ‘AutomobileSong,The’,67 Beauty and the Beast (show), 87, 268–9, 273, Avalon, Frankie, 332 295, 298, 319, 326 Avenue Q,286 ‘BeautyoftheNile,orDoomedbyFire,The’,91 Avian, Bob, 231–2, 234 Beauty Prize, The,105 Ay Jalisco . no te rajes!,52 ‘BeautySchoolDropOut’,314 Ayckbourn, Alan, 257 Beck, Ernest, 279 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 23 BabesinArms(film), 119, 310, 369 n.5 ‘Before the Parade Passes By’, 229 BabesinArms(show), 104, 107, 108, 123, 147, Beggar Student, The,24 314, 359 n.23, 359 n.30 Beggar’s Opera, The,3 Babes in Toyland, 55, 56 ‘Begin the Beguine’, 114 BabesonBroadway(film), 171 Begum, The,25 Babette, 55, 58 Bell, Mary Hayley, 257 ‘Baby, Talk to Me’, 181 Belle H´el`ene, La, 361–2 n.13 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 228 BelleofNewYork,The,56,63,164 Bacharach, Burt, 240 Belle Paree, La,69 Baduszkowa, Danuta, 281 Bellini, Vincenzo, 9, 15, 16, 23 Bailey,Pearl,167,187,297 Bells Are Ringing,179,224,226,330 Baker, Belle, 320 Bend It Like Beckham (film), 315 Baker, Josephine, 117 Benedict, Julius, 23 Baker, Thomas, 18 Bennett, Michael, 220, 230–4, 284 Balanchine, George, 118, 154, 221 Bennett, Robert Russell, 121 Balfe, Michael W., 15, 23, 90 Benthall, Michael, 230 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68084-4 — The Cambridge Companion to the Musical Edited by William A. Everett , Paul R. Laird Index More Information 388 Index Berger, Michael, 280 Bobbie, Walter, 326 Beriat, Jean-Michel, 282 Bock,Jerry,173,180–1,186 Berkeley, Busby, 221, 313–14, 321 Boh`eme, La, 36, 247–8, 335 Berlin, Irving, 27, 67–9, 107–15, 119, 133, 156, Bohemian Girl, The,23 166, 168, 170, 172–3, 178, 210, 224, 285, Boieldieu, Franc¸ois-Adrien, 9 294, 297, 309, 320 Boles, John, 83 Bernard, Crystal, 168 Bolger,Ray,173,221 Bernstein, Leonard, 122, 166, 173, 178, 190–2, Bolton, Guy, 68–70, 105–6, 109, 117, 293 197–201, 206, 218, 223, 225, 285, 338, 348, Bombay Dreams, 71, 290 352, 363 n.15 ‘Bon Voyage’, 200 Berte,´ Heinrich, 75, 85 Bonnie and Clyde,277,282 Besoyan, Rick, 87 ‘Boote in der Nacht’, 278 Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The,234,290 Booth, John Wilkes, 212, 218 ‘Best Things in Life Are Free, The’, 118 Booth, Junius Brutus, 9 Betsy,106,147,314,320 Bordman, Gerald, 25, 69, 172, 185–6 Bieber,Andreas,276,278,280 Boris Godunov,350 Big (film), 296 Born to Sing,289 Big (show), 296 Borodin, Alexander, 177 Big Deal,228,292 Borroff, Edith, 3 Big River,286,290,299 Boublil, Alain, 251–4, 279, 290, 300, 319 ‘Big Spender’, 228 Boulanger, Nadia, 182 Bigley, Isobel, 140 Bounce,212 Billion Dollar Baby,223 ‘Bowery, The’, 20 Billy Elliot: The Musical (film), 296 Bowie, David, 309, 320 Billy Elliot: The Musical (show), 287, 296 Boy Friend, The,127,141–3 Birds of Paradise,341 ‘Boy Friend Back Home, The’, 122 Bishop,Anna,16 Boy from Oz, The,288 Bitter Sweet (film version), 83 ‘Boy Like That/I Have a Love, A’, 200 Bitter Sweet (show), 72, 86, 129–30, 133 Boys from Syracuse, The (film), 119–20 Bizet,Georges,23,149,197,293 Boys from Syracuse, The (show), 107, 123, 147, Black, Don, 257 337, 359 n.22, 359 n.23, 359 n.27 Black and Blue, 287, 289–90 ‘Braavleis’, 139 Black Crook, The,3,18–19,177 Bradford, Joseph, 89 Black Hussar, The,24 Braham, Dave, 26–7 Black Patti’s Troubadours,93 Brando, Marlon, 332 Blackbirds,99 Brandy, 336 ‘Blackville Derby, The’, 92 Brantley,Ben,285,291,326 Blaine, Vivian, 332 Braun, Carl, 49 Blake, Eubie, 94, 99, 105, 117, 288 Bravo!, El,290 Blaue Engel, Der,282 Bray, John, 8 Bless the Bride,134–6,138–9 Bray,Stephen,289 Blitzstein, Marc, 107–18, 190, 197 Brayton, Lily, 84 Block, Stephanie, 343 Brecht, Bertolt, 188, 190, 192, 201 Blondell, Joan, 332 Brent, Romney, 107 Blood Brothers,246,273,276 Brice, Fanny, 67, 185–6 ‘Bloody Mary’, 158 Bricusse, Leslie, 188 Bloomer, Amelia (‘Dolly’), 167 Bride and Prejudice (film), 315 Bloomer Girl,167,222 Brigadoon (film), 331 ‘Blow, Gabriel Blow’, 119 Brigadoon (show), 166, 170–1, 175, 195, 222–3, Blue Eyes,106 329, 338 Blue Kitten, The, 359 n.22 Brightman, Sarah, 261–2 Blue Ridge Boys, 218 Bring in ‘da Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk, 290, 299 Blue Skies (film), 320 Brisson, Frederick, 178 ‘Blue Skies’, 320 Brittan, Robert, 289 Blyth, Ann, 83 ‘Brivele der Mamen, A’, 38–9 Blossom Time, 74–6, 85 ‘Brivele dem Taten, A’, 38–41 Blossom, Henry, 58 Broderick, Matthew, 175, 335, 338 Blue Paradise, The,74–5 Brohn, William David, 350 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68084-4 — The Cambridge Companion to the Musical Edited by William A.
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