Checklist of the birds of Ecuador / Lista de las aves del Ecuador, v. 08.2020 ID Scientific_IOC_102 English_IOC_102 Español Ecuador CERO Ecu E_Cont E_Gal Alt_min Alt_max Alt_ext suBspecies 1 Tinamus tao Grey Tinamou Tinamú Gris x x 400 1600 kleei 2 Tinamus osgoodi Black Tinamou Tinamú Negro x x 1000 1400 hershkovitzi 3 Tinamus major Great Tinamou Tinamú Grande x x 0 700 1200, 1350 peruvianus, latiFrons 4 Tinamus guttatus White-throated Tinamou Tinamú Goliblanco x x 200 400 900 monotypic 5 Nothocercus bonapartei Highland Tinamou Tinamú Serrano x x 1600 2200 3075 plumbeiceps 6 Nothocercus julius Tawny-breasted Tinamou Tinamú Pechileonado x x 2300 3400 2100 monotypic 7 Crypturellus berlepschi Berlepsch's Tinamou Tinamú de Berlepsch x x 0 400 900 monotypic 8 Crypturellus cinereus Cinereous Tinamou Tinamú Cinéreo x x 200 600 900 monotypic 9 Crypturellus soui Little Tinamou Tinamú Chico x x 0 1200 nigriceps, harterti 10 Crypturellus obsoletus Brown Tinamou Tinamú Pardo x x 500 1100 chirimotanus? 11 Crypturellus undulatus Undulated Tinamou Tinamú Ondulado x x 200 600 yapura 12 Crypturellus transfasciatus Pale-browed Tinamou Tinamú Cejiblanco x x 0 1600 monotypic 13 Crypturellus variegatus Variegated Tinamou Tinamú Abigarrado x x 200 400 monotypic 14 Crypturellus bartletti Bartlett's Tinamou Tinamú de Bartlett x x 200 400 monotypic 15 Crypturellus tataupa Tataupa Tinamou Tinamú Tataupá x x 650 950 inops 16 Nothoprocta pentlandii Andean Tinamou Tinamú Andino x x 1000 2300 ambigua 17 Nothoprocta curvirostris Curve-billed Tinamou Tinamú Piquicurvo x x 3000 4050 curvirostris 18 Ortalis erythroptera RuFous-headed Chachalaca Chachalaca (Guacharaca) CabecirruFa x x 0 1800 monotypic 19 Ortalis guttata Speckled Chachalaca Chachalaca (Guacharaca) Jaspeada x x 200 1100 1250 guttata 20 Penelope barbata Bearded Guan Pava Barbada (Barbuda) x x 1900 3100 monotypic 21 Penelope ortoni Baudo Guan Pava del Chocó x x 0 1300 monotypic 22 Penelope montagnii Andean Guan Pava Andina x x 2500 3600 2200 atrogularis, brooki 23 Penelope purpurascens Crested Guan Pava Crestada x x 0 1500 aequatorialis 24 Penelope jacquacu Spix's Guan Pava de Spix x x 200 500 1000 jacquacu 25 Pipile cumanensis Blue-throated Piping Guan Pava Silbosa Goliazul x x 200 400 700 cumanensis 26 Aburria aburri Wattled Guan Pava Carunculada (Aburrida) x x 1200 2100 3500 monotypic 27 Chamaepetes goudotii Sickle-winged Guan Pava Ala de Hoz x x 900 2600 2970 Fagani, tschudii 28 Nothocrax urumutum Nocturnal Curassow Pavón Nocturno x x 200 400 900-1000 monotypic 29 Mitu salvini Salvin's Curassow Pavón (Paujil) de Salvin x x 200 400 700-900 monotypic 30 Crax rubra Great Curassow Pavón (Paujil) Grande x x 0 700 rubra 31 Crax globulosa Wattled Curassow Pavón (Paujil) Carunculado x x 200 300? monotypic 32 Odontophorus gujanensis Marbled Wood Quail Corcovado Carirrojo x x 200 900 buckleyi 33 Odontophorus erythrops RuFous-Fronted Wood Quail Corcovado Frenticolorado x x 0 1200 1600 parambae, erythrops 34 Odontophorus melanonotus Dark-backed Wood Quail Corcovado Dorsioscuro x x 1200 2700 1050 monotypic 35 Odontophorus speciosus RuFous-breasted Wood Quail Corcovado PechirruFo x x 800 1800 2000 soederstroemii 36 Odontophorus stellatus Starred Wood Quail Corcovado de Estrellas (Estrellado) x x 200 400 monotypic 37 Rhynchortyx cinctus Tawny-Faced Quail Codorniz CarirruFa x x 0 600 australis 38 Anhima cornuta Horned Screamer Gritador Unicornio (Canclón) x x 0 300 monotypic 39 Dendrocygna autumnalis Black-bellied Whistling Duck Pato Silbador (María) Ventrinegro x x h 0 200 discolor 40 Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvous Whistling Duck Pato Silbador (María) Canelo x x 0 100 monotypic 41 Merganetta armata Torrent Duck Pato Torrentero x x 700 4000 colombiana 42 Sarkidiornis sylvicola Comb Duck Pato Crestudo x x 0 500 900 sylvicola 43 Neochen jubata Orinoco Goose Ganso del Orinoco x x 200 300 0 monotypic 44 Cairina moschata Muscovy Duck Pato Real (Pato Machacón) x x 0 300 monotypic 45 Amazonetta brasiliensis Brazilian Teal Cerceta Brasileña v x 220 220 brasiliensis? 46 Spatula cyanoptera Cinnamon Teal Cerceta Canela x x x 2500 2800 0 borreroi, septentrionalium, orinomus? 47 Spatula discors Blue-winged Teal Cerceta Aliazul nb nb nb 0 3200 monotypic 48 Spatula clypeata Northern Shoveler Pato Cuchara Norteño nb nb v 0 10 monotypic 49 Mareca americana American Wigeon Ánade Americano v v 0 0 monotypic 50 Anas bahamensis White-cheeked Pintail Ánade Cariblanco x x x 0 50 3800 rubrirostris, galapagensis 51 Anas georgica Yellow-billed Pintail Ánade Piquiamarillo x x 2200 4000 spinicauda 52 Anas acuta Northern Pintail Ánade Norteño v v 0 2400 acuta 53 Anas carolinensis Green-winged Teal Cerceta Aliverde v v 0 0 monotypic 54 Anas andium Andean Teal Cerceta Andina x x 3000 4000 andium 55 Netta erythrophthalma Southern Pochard Porrón Sureño x x 0 100 erythrophthalma 56 Aythya collaris Ring-necked Duck Porrón Piquianillado v v 10 3800 monotypic 57 Aythya aFFinis Lesser Scaup Porrón Menor nb nb 10 2800 monotypic 58 Nomonyx dominicus Masked Duck Pato Enmascarado x x h 0 300 monotypic 59 Oxyura Ferruginea Andean Duck Pato Rojizo Andino x x 2100 4000 ferruginea, andina 60 Steatornis caripensis Oilbird Guácharo x x 500 2400 3100-3650 monotypic 61 Nyctibius grandis Great Potoo Nictibio (Puntepalo) Grande x x 200 400 900 grandis 62 Nyctibius aethereus Long-tailed Potoo Nictibio (Puntepalo) Colilargo x x 200 700 longicaudatus 63 Nyctibius griseus Common Potoo Nictibio (Puntepalo) Común x x 0 1700 2000-2100 griseus, panamensis 64 Nyctibius maculosus Andean Potoo Nictibio (Puntepalo) Andino x x 1800 2300 3200 monotypic 65 Nyctibius bracteatus RuFous Potoo Nictibio RuFo (Puntepalo Rojizo) x x 200 550 monotypic 66 Chordeiles nacunda Nacunda Nighthawk Añapero Nacundá nb nb 200 300 nacunda 67 Chordeiles rupestris Sand-colored Nighthawk Añapero Arenisco x x 200 300 400 rupestris 68 Chordeiles acutipennis Lesser Nighthawk Añapero Menor x x 0 800 1200 2000 acutipennis?, aequatorialis 69 Chordeiles minor Common Nighthawk Añapero Común nb nb nb 0 2800 3500 ? 70 Lurocalis semitorquatus Short-tailed Nighthawk Añapero Colicorto x x 0 900 nattereri, noctivagus, semitorquatus 71 Lurocalis ruFiventris RuFous-bellied Nighthawk Añapero VentrirruFo x x 1500 2500 3300 monotypic 72 Nyctiprogne leucopyga Band-tailed Nighthawk Añapero Colibandeado x x 200 200 exigua? 73 Nyctipolus nigrescens Blackish Nightjar Chotacabras Negruzco x x 300 1200 monotypic 74 Nyctidromus albicollis Pauraque Pauraque x x 0 1850 albicollis 75 Nyctidromus anthonyi Anthony's Nightjar Chotacabras de Anthony (Matorralero) x x 0 650 monotypic 76 Systellura longirostris Band-winged Nightjar Chotacabras AliFajeado x x 1800 3700 1400 ruFicervix 77 Uropsalis segmentata Swallow-tailed Nightjar Chotacabras Tijereta x x 2200 3500 1950 segmentata 78 Uropsalis lyra Lyre-tailed Nightjar Chotacabras Colilira x x 800 2250 lyra 79 Hydropsalis cayennensis White-tailed Nightjar Chotacabras Coliblanco x x 1400 2000 aperta 80 Hydropsalis maculicaudus Spot-tailed Nightjar Chotacabras Colipunteado x x 340 340 monotypic 81 Hydropsalis climacocerca Ladder-tailed Nightjar Chotacabras Coliescalera x x 200 400 1000 climacocerca 82 Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi Choco Poorwill Chotacabras del Chocó x x 0 600 1100 monotypic 83 Nyctiphrynus ocellatus Ocellated Poorwill Chotacabras Ocelado x x 300 500 1400 ocellatus 84 Antrostomus ruFus RuFous Nightjar Chotacabras RuFo x x 700 1100 ? 85 Cypseloides cherriei Spot-Fronted SwiFt Vencejo Frentipunteado x x 500 1900 2050 monotypic 86 Cypseloides cryptus White-chinned SwiFt Vencejo Barbiblanco x x 200 700 2000 monotypic 87 Cypseloides lemosi White-chested SwiFt Vencejo Pechiblanco x x 300 2000 monotypic 88 Streptoprocne rutila Chestnut-collared SwiFt Vencejo Cuellicastaño x x 1000 2700 brunnitorques 89 Streptoprocne zonaris White-collared SwiFt Vencejo Cuelliblanco x x 0 4000 4200 altissima, subtropicalis 90 Chaetura spinicaudus Band-rumped SwiFt Vencejo Lomibandeado x x 300 1500 50 aetherodromus 91 Chaetura egregia Pale-rumped SwiFt Vencejo Lomipálido x x 200 1000 1800 monotypic 92 Chaetura cinereiventris Grey-rumped SwiFt Vencejo Lomigrís x x 0 1000 1400; 1700 sclateri, occidentalis 93 Chaetura pelagica Chimney SwiFt Vencejo de Chimenea nb nb h 200 3200 500-700 monotypic 94 Chaetura chapmani Chapman's SwiFt Vencejo de Chapman h h 200 400 monotypic 95 Chaetura brachyura Short-tailed SwiFt Vencejo Colicorto x x 0 700 1000 cinereocauda?, ocypetes 96 Aeronautes montivagus White-tipped SwiFt Vencejo Filipunteado x x 1300 2700 3200 montivagus 97 Tachornis squamata Neotropical Palm SwiFt Vencejo de Morete x x 200 500 1000 semota 98 Panyptila cayennensis Lesser Swallow-tailed SwiFt Vencejo Tijereta Menor x x 0 900 1300 cayennensis 99 Eutoxeres aquila White-tipped Sicklebill Pico de Hoz Puntiblanco x x 400 1600 100; 1850; 2500 aquila, heterurus 100 Eutoxeres condamini BuFF-tailed Sicklebill Pico de Hoz Colianteado (Colihabano) x x 300 900 1300 condamini 101 Glaucis hirsutus RuFous-breasted Hermit Ermitaño Pechicanelo x x 200 1100 hirsutus 102 Glaucis aeneus Bronzy Hermit Ermitaño Bronceado x x 0 600 columbianus 103 Threnetes ruckeri Band-tailed Barbthroat Barbita Colibandeada x x 0 900 ruckeri 104 Threnetes leucurus Pale-tailed Barbthroat Barbita Colipálida x x 200 1100 1600 cervinicauda Checklist of the birds of Ecuador / Lista de las aves del Ecuador, v. 08.2020 Scientific_FR2018 English_FR2018 Scientific_RG2006&W2006 English_RG2006&W2006 Scientific_Clements_2019 English_Clements_2019 Tinamus tao Grey Tinamou Tinamus tao Gray Tinamou Tinamus tao Gray Tinamou Tinamus osgoodi Black
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