2468 CONGR.ESSIONAL REOORD-SEN.A.. TE FEBRUARY 4 3168. Also, petitio~ of W. H. Turner, Dick Burnham, et al, of. Mr. SMOOT. 1\Ir. President, the resolution will have to go to Macon County, Mo., against passage of House bill 78; to the the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of Committee on the District of Columbia. the Senate. 3169. Dy Mr. STEELE : Petition of 105 citizens of Atlanta, · Mr. WALSH of Montana. I trust that the Committee to Fulton County, Ga., protesting against the passage of the Audit and Control will be able to take the matter under im­ Brookhart bill pertaining to motion pictures ; to the Committee mediate consideration. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. I submit a further resolution, in the form of a motion. I 3170. Also, petition of 61 citizens o.f Campbell County, Ga., move that the President of the Senate be directed to certify to protesting against the passage of legislation enforcing compul­ the district attorney for the District of Columbia the report sory Sunday observance ; to the Committee on the District of made on yesterday by the Committee on fublic Lands and Sur­ Columbia. - veys for appropriate action by that officer. 3171. By Mr. STRONG of Kansas: Petitions of 62 citizens The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the motlon is of Minneapolis, Kans., protesting against the passage of the agreed to. Does the Senator from Montana ask for the im­ Lankford compulsory Sunday observance bill (H. R. 78) ; to mediate consideration of the resolution submitted by him? the Committee on the District of Columbia. Mr. WALSH of Montana. It will have to go to tbe Com­ 3172. By Mr. STRONG of Pennsylvania : Petition of citizens mittee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the of Blairsville, Pa.• urging that immediate steps be taken to Senate. bring to a vote a Civil Wru.· pension bill for veterans and The VICE PRESIDENT. The 1·esolution will be so referred. widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. FESS subsequently said: I ask lea,·e to report Senate 3173. By Mr. TEl\!PLE: Petition of True Blue Commandery, Resolution 133 from the Committee to Audit and Control the Knights of l\Ialta, and Chartiers Valley Lodge, No. 77, Amal­ Contingent Expenses of the Senate with an amendment in the gamated Iron and Steel 1Vorkers, of Canonsburg, Pa., in sup­ nature of a substitute, and I call the attention of the Senator port of House bill 25 and Senate bill 1727, known as the Dale­ from Montana [Mr. W .ALSH] to the report. Lehlbach retirement bill ; to the Committee on the Civil Service. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. BINGHAM in the chair). 3174. By Mr. WINTER: Resolution adopted by Sheridan Without objection, the report will be received and the sub titute Commercial Club, protesting against further restriction of Mexi­ resolution will be read. can immigration; also resolution adopted by the Kiwanis The CHIEF Cu;nrr. Sti·ike out all after the word "Resolved" Club, of Douglas, Wyo., protesting against the further restric­ and insert: tion of Mexican immigration; to the Committee on Immigra­ That the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys be, and it hereby i:;, tion and Natm·alization. authorized to employ counsel at a cost of not to exceed $2,500, to be 2175. Also, petition against compulsory Sunday observance, paid out of the contingent expenses of the Senate, to represent the signed by residents of Weston County, Wyo., and the citizens Senate in any proceedings takPn by Robert "\V. Stewart to secure his of Sheridan, Wyo. ; to the Committee on the District of Co­ release from the custody of the Sergeant at Arms in any court. lumbia. Mr. "\VALSH of Montana. I ask unanimous consent for the ' 3176. By Mr. WYANT: Resolution of Council of Associated immediate consideration of the resolution. Building Trades of Philadelphia and vicinity, favoring legisla­ The resolution was considered by unanimous consent. tion to appropriate $750,000,000 for increasing the strength and The amendment was agreed to. efficiency of the United States Navy; to the Committee on The resolution as amended was agreed to. Appropriations. Mr. HEFLIN obtained the floor. 3177. Also, petition of State Council of Pennsylvania, Junior Mr. KING. Mr. President, may I have the attention of the OrQ.er of United American Mechanics, indorsing House lJill 3 ; Senator from Montana? to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. The VICE PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from Alabama , 3178. Also, resolution of New Kensington (Pa.) Chamber of yield to the Senator from Utah? Commerce, favoring pa sage of Dale-Lehlbach bill (H. R. 25 1\Ir. HEFLIN. I yield for a question. and S. 1727) ; to the Committee on the Civil Service. Mr. KIKG. I just came into the Chamber and I was wonder­ . 3179. Also, resolution of the Antinational Origins Clause ing whether the last resolution which the Senator offered con­ League, protesting against national origins method of determin­ templates tJ1e abandonment of any policy of procedure which ing immigration quotas ; to the Committee on Immigration and would bring Mr. Stewart before the Senate? Naturalization. Mr. WALSH of Montana. Not at all. I am -rery glad tllat 3180. Also, petition of employees of Parnassus, Pa., post office, question has been asked. indorsing Senate hill 2108, House bills 7473, 9058, 9059, and Mr. KING. It looks as though it might be inconsistent. House Joint Resolution 159; to the Committee on the Post M:r. WALSH of Montana. Not at all. Under the procedure Office and Post Roads. whicll was contemplated, should Colonel Stewart appear here 3181. Also, resolution of directors of New Kensington, Pa., he would be relieved from the custody of the Senate at any Kiwanis Club, indorsing Dale-Lehlbach bill (H. R. 25 and S. time he would signify a willingness to answer the questions 1727) ; to the Committee on the Civil Service. which were propounded to him. Thereupon the power of the 3182. Also, petition of I. N. Simon & Son, advocating legis­ Senate is gone; we could not hold him for a moment. lation for the relief of farmers and others in some classes of But, Mr. President, this is an offense, a grave offense, pun­ mail matter; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post ishable by imprisonment. I think that the time has come Roads. when the dignity of the Senate of the United States ought to be recognized and it ought to be appreciated that it is no trifling affair to defy its authority, however high the recusant SENATE witness may stand. I am not content at all to excuse Colonel SATURDAY, February 4, 1928 Stewart if he should now agree to testify. His offense is properly punishable, as was the offense of Mr. llart·y F. Sin­ (Legislative day of Wednesday, Feb,ruary 1, 1928) clair, who was sentenced to 90 days in the common jail. , The Senate reassembled at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expira­ Mr. CARAWAY. 1\:lr. President, may I ask the Senator from tion of the recess. Montana a question? The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Alabama has ROBERT W. STEW.ART--RECUS.ANT WITNESS the floor. Does he yiel.d to t4e Senator from Arkansas? The Sergeant at Arms (David S. Barry) appeared and said: Mr. HEFLIN. I yield just for a question. I do not want Mr. President, acting under instructions of a warrant issued to the Senator to hold the floor, however. the Sergeant at Arms by the President of the Senate, Robert W. Mr. CARAWAY. I just came into the Chamber. I undt>r­ Stewart was taken into the custody of the Senate. He has stood a motion was made to certify the mutter to tlle district applied ·for and obtained a writ of habeas corpus, which is attorney of the Distl'ict .of Columbia. Is that the plan? returnable Tuesday, l!'ebruary 7. i\Ir. WALSH of Montana. Yes. l\Ir. WALSH of Montana. Mr. President, I offer the follow- ~ir. CARAWAY. Have we ever had anything but delay in ing resolution. any matter that went down to the courts? Sinclair is out, and t;pey pave been pretendi:~1.g to try a contempt case before Judge The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will read the resolution. Siddons since the. memory of man runneth not to the contrary. The Chief Clerk read the resolution ( S. ·Res. 133), as follows: It seems to me that anything ·which is certified down there we Resolved, · That the Committee on Public Lands and Surve;ys be, and might as well say is merely off our hands and that the parties it hereby is, authori:.r;Pd in its di cretion to employ counsel to represent involv.ed are in no danger of being punished. lhe Senate in any · proce~<lings taken by Robert W. Stewart to secure his Mr. GEORGE . Mr. President-- . release from the custody nf the Sergeant at Arms in any court. l\11". HEFLIN. I yield to the Senator from a ·eorgia. I I i r l f 1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2469 ~ I · l\fr. GEORGE: I merely wish to iriquire of the Senator from r ate has a right to know. Mr. President, we are reaching a I Montana the purpose of certifying the record to the district pitiful pass in this country. The money supply of the United I r attorney. Is it to inform the habeas corpus court of what States is being manipulated for the benefit of the stock gamblers, I transpired before the committee and in the Senate? Or is it the grain gamblers, and the cotton gamblers.
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