Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 05 July 2018 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the North West team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Defer – Informal Approval 9 2017/08883/PA Land at Lea Hall Allotments and Institute Ltd Wood Lane Handsworth Wood Birmingham B20 2AP Redevelopment of Lea Hall allotments to provide 107 dwellings (use class C3) relocated allotment space, public open space including play area, parking, altered access from Wood Lane, landscaping and associated works. Determine 10 2018/01365/PA Boldmere Sports and Social Club Boldmere Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B73 5HQ Variation of Condition No. 6 attached to planning application 2009/05515/PA to extend opening hours to 1000-0000 (midnight) hours Monday to Thursday, 1000-0100 hours Friday and Saturday and 1000-2300 hours on Sunday. Approve - Conditions 11 2017/08888/PA Land to rear of 36-40 Ebrook Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B72 1NY Erection of 6 no. two storey houses with associated car parking and landscaping (Option 1) Page 1 of 2 Corporate Director, Economy Approve - Conditions 12 2017/08886/PA Land to rear of 36-40 Ebrook Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B72 1NY Erection of 6no. two storey houses with associated car parking and landscaping (Option 2) Approve - Conditions 13 2018/02013/PA Deanery Church of England Primary School 14 Fox Hollies Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B76 2RD Construction of part of existing school playing field into a multi use games area (MUGA). Page 2 of 2 Corporate Director, Economy Committee Date: 05/07/2018 Application Number: 2017/08883/PA Accepted: 01/03/2018 Application Type: Full Planning Target Date: 31/05/2018 Ward: Handsworth Wood Land at Lea Hall Allotments and Institute Ltd, Wood Lane, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2AP Redevelopment of Lea Hall allotments to provide 107 dwellings (use class C3) relocated allotment space, public open space including play area, parking, altered access from Wood Lane, landscaping and associated works. Applicant: Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd c/o Agents Agent: WYG 54 Hagley Road, 3rd Floor, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 8PE Recommendation Approve Subject To A Section 106 Legal Agreement 1. Proposal 1.1. Planning permission is sought for the erection of 107 dwellings, relocated allotment space, provision of public open space including play area, parking, altered access from Wood Lane and landscaping. 1.2. The proposed mix of units would comprise: • 14 no. 2 bedroom units (13% • 87 no. 3 bedroom units (81%) • 6 no. 4 bedroom units (6%) 1.3. The split of the proposed dwellings by tenure is as follows: • 66 (62%) dwellings for open market sale • 10 (9%) dwellings for affordable housing (shared ownership) • 31 (29%) dwellings for private rented sector 1.4. The houses would be traditional in design and presented with a variety of gable ended and hipped roofs with varying plot widths. The layout comprises predominantly detached and semi-detached houses however there are 2 terraced blocks containing 3 units in each. The houses would be a mix of two and two and half storeys in height. A number of different house types are proposed which incorporate different design features including bay windows, brick soldier courses, brick plinths, brick window headers and cills, decorative lintels above windows and canopies above front doors. Integral garages are included on a number of the house types. Window and door reveals are framed within deep recesses. Page 1 of 24 1.5. The houses would be constructed using light red brick, red multi brick and buff multi brick with selected plots being partially rendered white or tile hanging with interlocking red and grey roof tiles. 1.6. All of the proposed 107 dwellings would meet or exceed the minimum National Space Standards of 70sqm for a two bedroom house, 84sqm for a three bedroom house and 97sqm for a four bedroom house. The two bedroom units are 93sqm, three bedroom units would range in size from 85sqm to 113sqm and the four bedroom houses would be 110sqm. 1.7. The internal layouts generally consist of an open planned kitchen/living/dining room, separate living room, wc/utility room at ground floor level, bedrooms, study and bathroom at first floor level and a further bedroom where a second floor is proposed. 1.8. The proposed development would meet or exceed the separation distance guidelines in Places for Living of 21m between building faces and 12.5m from windowed elevations to flank walls. Rear to rear separation distances would meet or exceed the 21m Places for Living guideline. 1.9. All but 4 of the proposed gardens would comply with the guidelines of 52sqm for two bedroom houses and 70sqm for 3/4+ bedroom dwellings in Places for Living. Two of the gardens which fall short provide 66sqm, whilst the remaining two would provide 62sqm and 69sqm respectively. The gardens are generally quite sizeable with 44% providing over 100sqm and the largest constituting 155sqm. Public Open Space (POS) 1.10. Two areas of POS totalling 5547sqm are proposed, one wrapping around the listed Lea Hall building (2871sqm) which incorporates a children’s play area (886sqm) and the other located at the entrance to the site to the south of the existing bowling green (2676sqm). Other areas such as the allotment land and attenuation basin and strip of land by the access at the front of the site have also been referred to as open space by the applicant but I have only considered the two main areas as public open space as I do not consider the other areas would be useable. Reallocated Allotments 1.11. The reallocated allotments would amount to 5040sqm (60 plots) and would form the eastern section of the site, adjoining the rear gardens of properties off Lea Hill Road. The allotments would have gated access from the existing parking areas to the east of Lea Hall. At the northern end of the retained allotments there would be an attenuation basin and new planting, to manage surface water run off on the site and create a wildlife area adjacent to the railway line. The allotments would be implemented by the applicant however would continue to be managed by the owners of the Lea Hall Social Club which would continue to operate independently from the housing development. Access and Car Parking 1.12. Access into the site would be shared with the Social Club and would be off Wood Lane, utilising a new access point replacing the current ‘in/out’ arrangement. Pedestrian access is also provided at this point. 200% car parking provision is proposed as well as most plots benefitting from integral garages. Page 2 of 24 Boundary Treatment/landscaping 1.13. Boundary treatments proposed include 1.8m high acoustic close boarded fence adjacent to the railway line, 1.8m high close boarded fence on the majority of rear and side boundaries between plots and 1.8m high brick walls on plots 15, 55, 58, 65, 70, 79, 90, 91, 107. The POS would be treated with 1.1m high hooped top metal railing. 1.14. It is proposed to remove 17 individual trees and a group of trees forming part of TPO 1433 and TPO 1579. 120 new specimen trees are proposed as part of a detailed soft landscaping scheme for the site. 1.15. The application is accompanied by a Planning Statement, Design and Access Statement, Noise and Vibration Assessment, Air Quality Assessment, Heritage Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment, Ecology Assessment, Sustainable Drainage Strategy and Drainage Plan, Energy Statement, Transportation Assessment, Arboricultural Assessment, Travel Plan, Sustainable Construction Statement, Allotments and Open Space Assessment, Geo Environmental Assessment (Contaminated Land), Viability Assessment and Statement of Community Involvement. 1.16. The original Section 106 offer from the applicant was for an off-site financial contribution of £110,000 towards affordable housing. The Section 106 offer has been amended, resulting in 10 no. 3 bedroom affordable housing units within the development. Repairs works have also been secured to the listed Lea Hall building of £350,000 and this will be controlled through a S106 Agreement. 1.17. Developable area is 2.9ha and the development density would be 36 dwellings per hectare. 1.18. Link to Documents 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The privately owned allotment site, measuring approximately 4.3ha in total, is roughly semi-circular in shape, and is located in a backland situation to the rear of dwelling numbers 66 to 84 on Wood Lane, Handsworth Wood. The site slopes down approximately 13m from Lea Hall to the railway line on the northern boundary. 2.2. Approximately 2.1ha of the allotment land is currently disused. The existing allotments have limited storage, lack of services such as standpipes for running water and no vehicular access through the site. Whilst some of the allotments appeared to be well maintained, others were overgrown with dilapidated sheds/structures. None of the trees within the allotment element of the site contain protected trees. A woodland area is located in the north eastern corner of the site. 2.3. Currently the site has separate ingress and egress lanes both from Wood Lane. As the site is approached from Wood Lane there is the grade II listed Lea Hall, its associated grade II listed stable block and floodlit bowling green and associated pavilion building to the south. These are not included within the red line boundary of the application site however the site forms the curtilage to the listed building. Between Wood Lane and the bowling green there is an area of unused land which contains several mature trees which are protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). Further trees at the access to the site are also protected by a TPO.
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