On the Trail The defaunation bulletin n°29. Events from the 1st April to the 30th June, 2020 Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling Published on March 22, 2021 Original version in French 1 On the Trail n°29. Robin des Bois Carried out by Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) with the support of the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, the Franz Weber Foundation and of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, France reconnue d’utilité publique 28, rue Vineuse - 75116 Paris Tél : 01 45 05 14 60 www.fondationbrigittebardot.fr Non Governmental Organization for the Protection of Man and the Environment Since 1985 14 rue de l’Atlas 75019 Paris, France tel : 33 (1) - fax : 33 (1) www.robindesbois.org [email protected] Publication Director : Charlotte Nithart Editors-in-Chief: Jacky Bonnemains and Charlotte Nithart Art Directors : Charlotte Nithart and Jacky Bonnemains Coordination : Elodie Crépeau-Pons Writing : Jacky Bonnemains, Gaëlle Guilissen, Jean-Pierre Edin, Charlotte Nithart and Elodie Crépeau-Pons. Research, Assistant Editor : Gaëlle Guilissen, Flavie Ioos, Elodie Crépeau-Pons and Irene Torres Márquez. Cartography : Dylan Blandel and Nathalie Versluys Cover : Giant humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) © Klaus Stiefel (CC BY-NC) English Translation : Robin des Bois Previous issues in English : http://www.robindesbois.org/en/a-la-trace-bulletin-dinformation-et-danalyses-sur-le-braconnage-et-la-contrebande/ Previous issues in French : http://www.robindesbois.org/a-la-trace-bulletin-dinformation-et-danalyses-sur-le-braconnage-et-la-contrebande/ On the Trail n°29. Robin des Bois 2 NOTE AND ADVICE TO READERS “On the Trail“, the defaunation magazine, aims to get out of the drip of daily news and to draw up every three months an organized and analyzed survey of poaching, smuggling and worldwide market of animal species protected by national laws and international conventions. “On the Trail“ also relates ongoing trials and the evolution of regulations and sanctions. “On the Trail“ highlights the new weapons of plunderers, the new modus operandi of smugglers, rumours intended to attract humans consumers of animals and their by-products. “On the Trail“ gathers and disseminates feedback from institutions, individuals and NGOs that fight against poaching and smuggling. End to end, the “On the Trail“ are the biological, social, ethnological, police, customs, legal and financial chronicle of poaching and other conflicts between humanity and animality. No continent is spared. • A single event may refer to several species (e.g. simultaneous seizure of ivory, bear bile and snake skins); it is then analysed in the “Multi-species“ chapter, with the exception of events that bring together the following species and which have their own chapter: - Pangolins + rhinoceroses + elephants - Elephants + rhinoceroses - Rhinoceroses + elephants + felines - Multi-species reptiles (simultaneous seizure of several reptile species) - Marine and freshwater multispecies (simultaneous seizure of several aquatic species) • Geographic regions at the continental scale are based on the UN classification. • The main sources are indicated at the end of each event. Each event reported and/or analysed is from a recension of one or more articles or press releases. This critical review eliminates inconsistencies in date, price and quantity if necessary, and if possible mistakes or looseness about the description of the species. The original source(s) are sometimes enriched by cross-checking and additional information from previous issues of “On the Trail“, by Robin des Bois’ investigations and archives, and by international bibliography and iconography. Robin des Bois thanks the Species Survival Network, the NGO Save the Elephants and the Eagle Network for their alerts which enrich the daily monitoring carried out by the “On the Trail“ team. • When a species is CITES-listed, the Appendix is specified after its scientific name. CITES APPENDICES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (182 Member States). Appendix I : species threatened with extinction. Trade in specimens of these species is permitted only in exceptional circumstances and under import and export permits. Appendix II : export permit required in order to avoid utilization incompatible with the species survival. Import permit if required by national law. Appendix III : species that are protected in at least one country, which has asked other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling the trade. In the case of trade from a State that included the species in Appendix III, an export permit of that State is required. PICTOS ACRONYMS Human death. Guard, ranger, policeman, EAGLE : Eco Activists for Governance and Law poacher... by firearm or other means. Enforcement ENV : Education for Nature – Vietnam IBAMA : Instituto brasileiro do meio ambiente e Judgment and sanction. Condemnation, dos recursos naturais renováveis acquittal, fine... IEW : Iran Environment and Wildlife Watch KWS : Kenya Wildlife Service LAGA : Last Great Ape Organization Trapping. Poaching by jaw trap, snare ... OIC : Orangutan Information Centre PROFEPA : Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente Poisoning. By chemicals, pesticides SAPS : South African Police Service and medicines: cyanide, carbofuran, SPCA : Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to diclofenac, M99 … Animals SSB : Sashastra Seema Bal SVW : Save Vietnam Wildlife Full moon. Moonlight poaching SWT : Sheldrick Wildlife Trust USFWS : United States Fish and Wildlife Service WCCB : Wildlife Crime Control Bureau 3 On the Trail n°29. Robin des Bois CONTENTS 3 NOTE AND ADVICE TO READERS 5 COVID-19 7 ON THE FRONT LINE 14 PANGOLINS 20 PANGOLINS, RHINOS AND ELEPHANTS 21 ELEPHANTS 29 FOCUS ON THE SUDDEN DeatH OF ELEPHANTS IN BOTSWANA 41 IVORY AND IVORIES 42 ELEPHANTS AND RHINOCEROSES 43 RHINOCEROSES 51 RHINOS, ELEPHANTS AND FELINES 52 TIGERS, LIONS, LEOPARDS, CHeetaHS, LEOPARD CatS, JAGUARS, OCELOTS ... 69 WOLVES, ASiatiC WILD DOGS, JACKALS, AFRICAN WILD DOGS AND HYENAS 73 BEARS 77 GAZELLES, ANteLOPES, SEROWS, BUSHBUCKS AND MARKHORS 83 GIRAFFES 84 ZEBRAS AND DONKEYS 85 BUFFALO, baNTENGS AND GAURS 86 MUSC DEER, MUNTJACS, DEER, ELKS AND MOOSE 92 GUANACOS AND VICUÑAS 93 GORILLAS, ORANGUtaNS, CHIMPANZEES, MACAQUES, GIBBONS, LORISES 101 ARMADILLOS, COatiS, PACAS, AGOUTIS, CAPYbaRAS AND PECCARIES 105 SQUIRRELS 106 BatS 107 OTHER MAMMALS INCLUDING HEDGEHOGS 110 BIRDS 132 VARIOUS REPTILE SPECIES 133 TORTOISES AND FRESHWateR TURTLES 138 SNAKES 141 IGUANAS, MONITOR LIZARDS, GECKOS AND LIZARDS 143 CROCODILES, ALLIGatORS AND GHARIALS 146 DENDRObateS AND OTHER AMPHIBIANS 146 ANTS, beetLES, BUtteRFLIES, taRANTULAS AND SCORPIONS 148 MULTI-SPECIES 161 VARIOUS MARINE AND FRESHWateR SPECIES 163 CORALS 163 CONCHES, CLAMS, GOOSENECK baRNACLES… 165 AbaLONES 167 SEA CUCUMBERS 168 SEAHORSES 169 MARINE OR FRESHWateR FISH INCLUDING SHARKS AND EELS 176 MARINE TURTLES 179 MANateeS, GANGES RIVER DOLPHINS, DOLPHINS, SPERM WHALES, WHALES, WALRUSES AND SEA LIONS On the Trail n°29. Robin des Bois 4 COVID-19 Follow up of the “Preliminary report on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on terrestrial and marine wildlife“ cf. “On the Trail Covid-19 Special Edition“, published on April 30, 2020. https://robindesbois.org/wp-content/uploads/ON_THE_TRAIL_COVID19.pdf “ON THE TRAIL 29“ reflects the smuggling and poaching that affected the world between April, May and June 2020. This edition is impregnated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Smugglers and customs officers are masked. More than a hundred events analysed and reported by Robin des Bois bear the Covid-19 mark, including some bravadoes such as the “lockdown festival“ (and poaching festival) in Nagaland, a bigwig snapping his fingers at Covid-19 in Brazil while he is parading in a video cooking an armadillo in one hand with a glass in the other, or even in Argentina the ride to “experience an adventure with nature“ and break the lockdown in the company of children, rifles and 8 hunting dogs (result : 6 poached guanacos). THE EFFECTS OF THE PANDEMIC ON POACHING AND SMUGGLING ARE MULTIPLE. THE LONG SMUGGLING SUPPLY CHAINS by air and sea have begun to suffer the backlash from the global logistical paralysis. The networks have broken down due to a lack of vehicles. Planners are postponing deliveries and only smuggling containers that left in March 2020 before the imposition of global immobility and the disruption of trade between wildlife resource exporting countries and consuming countries have tried their luck. A few have probably reached their destination and are still stashed in port areas if they contain non-perishable wildlife goods such as deer antlers, elephant tusks, feline bones. Destocking will come when business and bustle start again. Others easily identifiable by dog squads or even human nose have been picked up by customs. In vast countries where north and south, east and west, are separated by thousands of kilometres connected by a complex network of rails, roads and waterways, and blocked by internal borders, the traffic in live animals or their parts has also slowed down. It is impossible to transport thousands of turtles by train or bus when trains and buses no longer run. It is likely that for a number of species that are easy to handle and transport in bags and crates, the Covid-19 can be considered as a reprieve, except that in some parts of the world such as south-eastern Asia, “stay at home order“ and the inability to move and be in contact with what
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