474 BURSTPJ !RPOINT I SUSSEX. Hawken Giles LockwoodLangM.R.C.S. Marshall Walter, grocer, Western rd Russell Arth.Reuben,irnmngr.High st Eng.,L.S.A. surgeon (firm, Hawken Masters & Tulley, family grocers, St. Christopher's Home for the Aged, & Beach), Eastern house drapers, house furnishers & house Cuckfield road Hayes Ernest, greengrocer, 7 Church agents, The Stores, High street & St. John's College (Rev. Arthur Henry Coombes M.A. head master; E. E. terrace, High street Keviner• road, Hassocks Heathorn Fredk. Jn. baker, High st Maury Camille (Mdlle. )_, girls' school, Balshaw, sec) Heaton Geo. Edward M.P.S. chemist, see Heron May (:Miss) & 2\'Iaury Salcombe William, Chinese Gardens High street Camille (~dlle) P.H. Western road Render Bernard Brooks, farmer, }litten & Co. cl~emists (Arnold Shove Charles, masseur, Thistledene, Little park Spencer Whitby :\<LP.S.U:md.), West ern Toad Heron ~lay (Miss) & Maury Camille High street Simmons John, beer retlr. High st (Mdlle. ), girls' school, Belle Vue ~loon; Edward. iusurance agent, 3 Sims William Edward, photographer, house, Cuckfield road Cards place, High street Hassocks'road Hersee William Charles, Sussex Arms Morley J. N. & !Son, bakers, High st Smith ..A.lbert W. confectioner, Stanley P.H. Cuckfield road M01·ley Lawrence, farm bailiff to house, High street Holden Fredk. tobacconist, High st Reuben Scrase esq. Dumbrell farm Smith Harry, auctioneer, Ruckford Hole Amos, higgler, Sayers Colliroon Myall Henry, baker, Cuckfield road Smith John Edwin, saddler, High st Hole Edwin, blacksmith, Sayers Com .\-lyram William, farmer, Leigh farm Smithers & Sons Limited, brewers, Hole Fredk. pig killer, Sayers Com (letters via Cuckfield) Cuckfield road Hole John, shopkeeper, Sayers Corn ~ayworth Cottage Convalescent Home Spong- A. Noel, dairyman, West town Role William, farmer, Sayers Corn :.'iJewman Walter, shoe ma. High st Standing Miss Fanny,milliner,High st Holman Alfd. mkt·. gardnr. Boxhouse Oddfellows,Independent Order of,Man- Stevens Charles, tailor, Wolstonbury Howell Thos. carpntr.& joiner,High st chester Unity (Loyal Star of Hope house, High street Howlett Francis Wm. draper, High st Lodge, No. 4972) (James Nathaniel Stevens Waiter, shoe maker, High st Hudson Frank, farmer, Newhouse Yrorley, sec.), New inn, High street Stoner George,beer retlr.Cuckfield rd Hurlstone Arthur Geo. baker,High st Packer Prances C. (Mrs.), draper, Streeter Thomas G. Queen's Head Hurstpierpoint Assembly Hall (Nor- High street P.H. High street man Peskett, sec.), Cucl•field road Pacli.ham Charles (Mrs.), miller Stringer Edward, plumber & glazier, Hurstpierpoint Conservative .Associa­ (water & steam) Cobbs mill Hi.gh street tion (F. Vaughan, sec) Packham James, miller, Leigh mill Sunshine Home of Recovery (Sister Hurstpierpoint Cottage Trust Ltd. (letters via Cuckfield) in Charge), Hassocks road (Ernest H. Hollingdale, sec.), High Packham Thos. frmr. Northend farm Tester Charles, house agt. Windsor vil street Page Edwin. brick ma.Sayers Commn Tugwell _.Ufd.insur.agt.3 Pierpoint ter Hurstpierpoint Gas Co. Ltd .. (Alfred Parsons George, farmer, Horn's farm Tulley Charles F. a.gent to the Sun Anscombe, manager & sec.), High st Pearman Frank, wine & spirit mer- Insurance Office, High street Hurstpierpoint & Hassocks Conserva­ chant, High street Tulley Walt.Wm.crpntr.3 Western ter tive Club Ltd. (Thomas H. Green, Pearsey Joseph, builder, Gordon ho. Volunteer !<'ire Brigade (J. Pearsey, sec. & steward), High street High street capt.; George Walcler,sec.),High st International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. Pelling Edward Wm. insurance agent, Voyce William Hy. coal dlr. High st High street Lensworth, West ern road Wade lv Eisdell, solicitors & commis­ .Jago Henry, hair dresser, High st Peskett Clement, tailor, High street sioners for oaths, & agents to .Jenden William, farm bailiff to A. PPskett Fletcher, grocer, High street Barclay & Company Limited, Brigh­ Scrace esq. Dean House farm Philpott Fanny (Miss), statnr.High st ton Union Bank, High street Jenldn Wm. Ira, farmer, Tott farm Pickett Susan (Mis~ ), apartments, Walder Geo. aparts. 6 Townfield ter Jenner Chas. grocer, Sayers Common Melbourne, Cuckfield road Walker John & Son, boot & shoe Jupp George, grocer, High street Piper Frederick, solicitor & commis­ makers, High street Kennard Henry, Sportsman inn sioner for oaths, Firholme Walker Susanna (Miss), apartments, Kerrigan John, White Horse P.H Pratt George, farmer, Malthouse Townfield terrace King Brothers, farmers, Highfields & (letters through Burgess Hill) Waterer M. farmer,Little Washbrooks Burst Wickham farms Pratt Richard, farmer, Coombe Watson Mary (Mrs.), apartments, King Harry, bricklayer, Wentworth, Prince George, grocer, 4 & 5 Church Argyll lodge, South avenue Cuckfield road terrace, High street Whitbourn David, hardware dealer &i King Jas. market gdnr. Orchard cot Priscott Rd. Hy. insur. supt,South av carrier, 4 Southdown terrace Knight Mary (~Iiss), dress maker, Public Free Library (H. J. Coleridge, White George, confr. Cuckfield road Eardenstowe, High street sec.), High street White W alt. H. customs & excise officr Lewry .Alfred, chimney sweeper,Hurst Randell Henry Randolph, plumber & Williams Fdk. Chas. dairymn.High st Wickham painter, High street Withyman George, apartments,Lyme- Liberal Club (Thomas Collins, sec.), Rawlinson George, deputy registrar dale, West ern road • Assembly hall of births & deaths Hurstpierpoint Woodford William. farm bailiff to Lockyer Wm. Alfd. cycle dlr. High st sub-district, Cuckfield union, Rose­ Samuel Hannington esq. Edgerley Lyne Walter W. market gardener, neath, CuckfiPld road W oolgar Stephen, coach & carriage Wickham cottage, Cuckfield road Robins E. & Son Limited, wine & builder, High street McLaren Peter, nurseryman, Stanley spirit merchants, High street Young- Frederick Thomas, dairyman, nurserv• Rollings Amos, insur. agt. Layton ter Latchetts, Burst Wickham Markins Alfred, New inn, High street HIGH HURSTWOOD, 2~ miles north from Buxted course of erection. Heron's Ghyll is the property and station on the Erid.ge and Lewes branch of the London, residence of J ames Fitzalan Hop€ esq. :.VI.P., J .P. The Brighton and South Coast railway, and 4 north from population in rgrr was 6r5. Uckfield, is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 22 Dec. Post & T. Office.-Peter Page, sub-postmaster. Letters 1871• from the civil parish of Buxted. It is in the arrive from Uckfield at 8.10 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.; dis­ Northern division of the county, Loxfield Dorset patched· 11.35 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, arrive at hundred, Pevensey rape, Uckfield petty sessional rlivisiun 8.ro a.m.; dispatch_ed ro.ro a.m. Buxted, 2~ miles and county court district, and in the rural deanery of distant, is the nearest money order office Uckfield, archdeaconry of Lewes and diocese of Chichester. Holy Trinity church is of stone )n the Per­ Wall Letter Boxes.-Heron's Ghyll. cleared at ro.3o & pendicular style, and has a taw.er, erected in 1903 at 7.20 p.m. on week days & rr.m a. m. on sundays; a cost of about [25o, from designs by Mr. Christian, Royal Oak, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sun­ architect, of London, and containing 2 bells: the west days, 8.30 a.m window and four others are stained : there are sitting-s Pillar Letter Boxes.-The Hermitage, cleared at 11.45 for 263 persons. The register dates from the year 1871. a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; · sundays, ro a.m.; Parlrhnrst, The living is a vicarage, net yearly value [330, with cleared a.t II .40 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. ; sundays, 9·55 residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbur~·, a.m.; Strood~, cleared at 10.30 a.m. & 7-I5 p.m.; and held since r88r by the Rev. Thomas Constable M.A. sundays, r r. ro a.m. ; Poundgate, cleared at 10.25 of Hertford College, Oxford. The Catholic church, a.m. & 7.ro p.tn.; sundays, rr.s a.n1 Heron's Ghyll, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, ' and built in 1897 at the expense of James F. Hope esq. Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), built in M.P., J.P. is an edifice of stone in the Early English 1872, for 120 children; this school has an endow­ style: two stained windows were inserted in 1913 as a ment of £3o yearly, from bequests by the late Col. memorial to Mrs. Helen Ridddl : there is a small Harcourt & Lady Catharine J. Vernon-Ha.rcourt; £25 1 burying ground close to the church. A Dominican con- 1 from Saunders' charit~· & £w from Fermor of Crow­ vent was established here in 1913, in connection with i boroug-h's charity; Miss M. E. Johnson, mistress; which an orphanage for 12 children is now (1915) in 1 'Miss ~ancy Kenward, infants' mistress .
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