Menston Parish Council Parish Council Meeting Thursday 29th April 2021 at 7.00pm MINUTES Present: Councillors Peter Finlay (Chairman), Gordon Metcalfe, Philip Moore, Jamie Needle, Dale Smith, Goodith White and Jo White Clerk: Catriona Hanson 2021/064 Introduction and welcome from the Chairman Councillor Finlay welcomed everyone to the meeting. He asked the Clerk to place on record the Parish Council’s commiserations to the Butterfield family on the recent loss of Dot Butterfield who had passed away in March aged 102. The Butterfield family had generously donated Butterfield Park and other pieces of land to the village for the benefit of local residents. It was agreed that the Parish Council would advise the Butterfield family of the recent improvements to the park gates. 2021/065 To receive any apologies for absence None. 2021/066 To receive any disclosures of interest and requests for dispensation The following disclosures of interest were noted: Councillors Finlay and Smith – Governors at Menston Primary School and Trustees at the Kirklands (Menston) Trust Councillors Needle, Smith and Goodith White – members of Climate Action Menston Councillor Smith – owner of a plot of land to be discussed during the meeting and also a District Councillor 2021/067 Public participation Four members of the public were present at the meeting. David Asher from Burley ‘Walkers are Welcome’ explained the proposal to replace footpath stiles with gates with the aim of making all paths between Menston and Burley stile-free. 23 stiles have already been replaced with gates in conjunction with Bradford Council who will match-fund each stile replacement. A complaint had been received about a stile on the Derry Hill footpath and the land-owner has now agreed with the Footpaths Officer from Bradford Council that the stile can be replaced with a self-closing gate. Following a discussion about accessibility and the need to replace all four stiles on this particular footpath, the Parish Council RESOLVED: to fund the replacement of two stiles on this footpath to a maximum of £500 and to accept Bradford Council’s match-funding for the other two stiles. Proposed: Councillor Metcalfe Seconded: Councillor Smith Mr Asher advised the Parish Council that Bradford Council would approach the landowner about the replacement of the other three stiles. The Parish Council thanked Mr Asher for approaching them about this proposal and invited him to identify any other areas in need of improvement. 1 Andrew Dodds explained that he was attending the meeting on behalf of his wife, Sarah, who is interested in joining the Menston Park Sub-Committee. Councillor Finlay explained that he will be setting up a physical meeting once the current restrictions have ended and will contact all interested parties. He advised the meeting that the children from Menston Primary School have been invited to submit their proposals for improvements to Menston Park. Contributions from Year 3 have already been received and Councillor Finlay is still waiting for proposals from Years 4 to 6. 2021/068 Minutes of the previous meeting and update on matters arising RESOLVED: to accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 25th March 2021 as a true and accurate record. It was agreed that a copy of the minutes would be signed at a subsequent meeting. Proposed: Councillor Smith Seconded: Councillor Needle Councillor Jo White had received some complaints about encroachment problems on Menston Old Lane and was advised to contact Nigel Cawthorne and ask him to inform the appropriate department at Bradford Council. 2021/069 Finance RESOLVED: to pay the following invoices: • £40 annual fee to the Information Commissioner’s Office • £100 to the West Yorkshire Pension Fund (top-up fee) • £27,480 (includes £4,500 VAT) to Streetscape for the trim trail – this includes a payment of £900 for a post-installation inspection report Proposed: Councillor Jo White Seconded: Councillor Smith Councillor Finlay gave an update about the Parish Council finances and it was agreed that the details would be circulated to the Parish Councillors. The closing balance at the end of March 2021 was £188,000 - £113,000 of this total comprised CIL funds, as yet unallocated. The Parish Council precept for 2021-22 (£117,000) has been transferred to the Parish Council’s bank account, as has £52,000 CIL payment. The Parish Council has transferred £30,000 to the Kirklands (Menston) Trust. It was agreed that the Parish Council would set up a meeting to discuss potential projects to benefit from CIL funds. 2021/070 To accept the Street Space report on Main Street It was agreed that the issues raised in the report would be discussed at the forthcoming meeting with Simon D’Vali. 2021/071 Wharfedale Greenway Quentin Mackenzie, who had represented the Parish Council’s interests on the Wharfedale Greenway working party gave an update on the ideal route for the Menston link with the Wharfedale Greenway. The Parish Council RESOLVED: to nominate Councillor Needle as the Parish Council’s representative on the working party and agreed to authorise Sustrans to approach the landowners along the ideal route. The Parish Council gave a vote of thanks to Mr Mackenzie for representing the Parish Council on the working party and for providing a comprehensive update on the current position. 2 2021/072 Leeds Bradford Airport update Councillor Finlay advised the meeting that following two appeals in the Menston village newsletter asking for volunteers to take over from Alan Elsegood as the village representative on the Airport Consultative Committee, Marilyn Banister who is a member of Climate Action Menston had volunteered. It was RESOLVED to accept Mrs Banister as the Parish Council’s representative on the Leeds Bradford Airport Consultative Committee. Proposed: Councillor Finlay A recent email from Mr Elsegood asking for the Parish Council’s support for objections to the new proposals to expand the airport capacity was noted. 2021/073 Consideration of key CCTV coverage in the village to better identify criminality There was no update. 2021/074 Land for sale Councillor Metcalfe advised the meeting that he has now carried out a survey of the land concerned and Andrew Kelly has carried out a survey of birds. Councillor Smith advised the meeting that he is now trying to establish a value for the land and has approached Listers to give a view. It was agreed to retain this item on the agenda. 2021/075 Assets of Community Value Councillors Needle advised the meeting that contracts have now been exchanged and the purchasers are waiting to make an announcement to the village. Councillor Finlay agreed to speak to the facilitators of the Menston Facebook page about publicising the news. 2021/076 Fitness trail Councillor Finlay advised the meeting that the equipment has been installed and is being used. It was noted that both the zipwire and the adult fitness equipment have proved very popular. A notice has been installed next to the fitness equipment which advises that users are 1.4m minimum height. It was agreed that Councillor Finlay would speak to Midgely and Palmer about installing a new access path adjacent to the fitness equipment for wheelchair users. It was agreed to discharge this item from the agenda. 2021/077 Safe pedestrian crossing There was no update. 2021/078 Hawksworth Drive speed limit Despite several emails to Simon D’Vali from Bradford Council’s Highways Department, there has been no response about the Parish Council’s proposal to pay for a temporary 20mph speed limit. It was noted that most of the large lorries delivering building goods to the Derry Hill site have now completed their deliveries. 2021/079 Butterfield Park gates Councillor Jo White advised the meeting that the contractor will be installing the new gates in the next two weeks. Quentin Mackenzie offered to talk to the Butterfield family about the new gates and ask whether they would be interested in the installation of a plaque to Dot Butterfield. 3 2021/080 To consider appointing a village caretaker There was no update. The Clerk had been in contact with the Clerk at Burley Parish Council to ask about a recent snow clearance initiative in Burley in Wharfedale. This had not been funded or organised by the Parish Council, but was the work of a local resident. 2021/081 To receive an update about the replacement website Councillor Goodith White has been in touch with three website developers and had circulated their quotations. It was agreed that the Website working party would make a recommendation for the Parish Council to consider at the next meeting. Councillor Finlay had had a conversation with the owner of the domain name who had made some helpful suggestions. 2021/082 Chairman’s remarks and correspondence Councillor Finlay gave an update about the recent high court judgement on the continuation of remote meetings. The High Court has ruled against the bid made by Lawyers in Local Government (LLG), Association of Democratic Services Officers (ADSO) and Hertfordshire County to enable local councils to continue meeting remotely. The YLCA has published some advice about town and parish council meetings taking place after the flexibility regulations expire on 17th May. The Clerk was asked to investigate these guidelines and advise the Parish Council accordingly. 2021/083 Agenda items for the next meeting Website recommendation 2021/084 Items to be considered in closed session The Parish Council discussed a local issue. 2021/085 Date of next meeting The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held on Thursday 27th May 2021 at 7.00pm. This will be followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting. There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.10pm 4 .
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