January 27, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S113 who they were. This is not the Amer- it requests the concurrence of the Sen- materials that are not supplied by ican way. We must draw the line. With- ate: their schools or school districts. These out delay, we must pass the Hate H. Con. Res. 241. Concurrent resolution expenditures enhance our childrens' Crimes Prevention Act and the Em- providing for a joint resolution of Congress education but are paid for out-of-pock- ployment Non-Discrimination Act. And to receive a message from the President on et. we should reauthorize the Violence the state of the Union. In fact, in 1996, according to a study Against Women Act. f by the National Education Association, No American should be subjected to the average K±12 teacher spent $408 an- discrimination in finding a home, get- MEASURE PLACED ON THE nually on classroom materials needed ting a job, going to school, or securing CALENDAR for education but not supplied by the a loan. Tonight, I propose the largest The following bill was read the sec- schools. These materials include every- ever investment to enforce America's ond time and placed on the Calendar: thing from books, workbooks, erasers, civil rights laws. Protections in law S. 2006. A bill for the relief of Yongyi Song. paper, pens, equipment related to class- room instruction, and professional en- must be protections in fact. f Last February, I created the White richment programs. House Office of One America to pro- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Under current law, a tax deduction is mote racial reconiliation. That's what JOINT RESOLUTIONS allowed for such expenses, but only if the teacher itemizes, and only if the Hank Aaron, has done all his life. From The following bills and joint resolu- expenses exceed two percent of the his days as baseball's all-time homerun tions were introduced, read the first teacher's AGI. Of course, a deduction king to his recent acts of healing, he time and second time by unanimous just reduces taxable income. A credit has always brought Americans to- consent, and referred as indicated: would give teachers relief dollar-for- gether. We're pleased he's with us to- By Mr. BROWNBACK (for himself, Mr. night. dollar spent, up to the $100 annual NICKLES, Mr. ASHCROFT, Mr. CRAIG, limit. This fall, at the White House, one of Mr. SHELBY, Mr. SANTORUM, Mr. On a modest income, teachers pro- America's leading scientists said some- LOTT, Mr. ENZI, and Mr. SMITH of thing we should all remember. He said New Hampshire): vide an incalculable service to our all human beings, genetically, are 99.9 S. 2010. A bill to require the Federal Com- country. Surely, we should not expect percent the same. So modern science munications Commission to follow normal them to pay for school supplies out of rulemaking procedures in establishing addi- their salary, when they have already affirms what ancient faith has always tional requirements for noncommercial edu- committed their lives to the education taught: the most important fact of life cational television broadcasters; to the Com- of our young. is our common humanity. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- A similar provision enacted by the Therefore, we must do more than tol- tation. Arizona legislature in 1995 has been ex- erate diversityÐwe must honor it and By Mr. ASHCROFT: tremely well-received by teachers. The S. 2011. A bill to amend title 18, United celebrate it. provision was recently upheld as con- My fellow Americans, each time I States Code, to expand the prohibition on stitutional by the Arizona Supreme prepare for the State of the Union, I stalking, and for other purposes; to the Com- Court. approach it with great hope and expec- mittee on the Judiciary. By Mr. KYL: Please join me in supporting this bill. tations for our nation. But tonight is S. 2012. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Our teachers deserve to be at least par- specialÐbecause we stand on the enue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against tially reimbursed for financial sac- mountaintop of a new millennium. Be- income tax to elementary and secondary rifices they make to educate our na- hind us we see the great expanse of school teachers who provide classroom mate- tion's children.∑ American achievement; before us, even rials; to the Committee on Finance. grander frontiers of possibility. By Mr. LOTT (for Mr. MCCAIN): By Mr. LOTT (for Mr. MCCAIN): We should be filled with gratitude S. 2013. A bill to restore health care equity S. 2013. A bill to restore health care and humility for our prosperity and for medicare-eligible uniformed services re- equity for Medicare-eligible uniformed progress; with awe and joy at what lies tirees, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Armed Services. services retirees, and for other pur- ahead; and with absolute determina- poses; to the Committee on Armed tion to make the most of it. f Services. When the framers finished crafting STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED HONORING HEALTH CARE COMMITMENTS TO our Constitution, Benjamin Franklin BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS SERVICEMEMBERS PAST AND PRESENT ACT OF stood in Independence Hall and re- 2000 flected on a painting of the sun, low on By Mr. KYL: ∑ Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, last No- the horizon. He said, ``I have often S. 2012. A bill to amend the Internal vember, I spoke on the floor of the Sen- wondered whether that sun was rising Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit ate about the severe deficiencies in our or setting.'' Today, Franklin said, ``I against income tax to elementary and nation's military health care delivery have the happiness to know it is a ris- secondary school teachers who provide system. We, as a nation, face a very ing sun.'' Well, today, because each classroom materials; to the Committee critical challenge in determining how generation of Americans has kept the on Finance. best to reconfigure the military health fire of freedom burning brightly, light- TEACHER TAX CREDIT RELIEF ACT, 2000 care delivery system so that it can con- ing those frontiers of possibility, we ∑ Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I rise to in- tinue to meet its military readiness still bask in the warmth of Mr. Frank- troduce the Teacher Tax Credit Relief and peace-time obligations during this lin's rising sun. Act of 2000. The act would provide an period of ongoing change in our base After 224 years, the American Revo- annual tax credit of up to $100 for and force structure. lution continues. We remain a new na- teachers' un-reimbursed classroom ex- This is a challenge that has con- tion. As long as our dreams outweigh penditures that are qualified under the cerned me for some time. As I have our memories, America will be forever Internal Revenue Code. been working on this matter and decid- young. That is our destiny. And this is Thomas Jefferson once said that ``an ing how best to proceed, I have met our moment. educated citizenry is essential for the with, and heard from, many military Thank you, God bless you, and God preservation of democracy.'' It falls to family members, veterans, and mili- bless America. our teachersÐthrough their hard work tary retirees from around the country. f and lifetime of commitment to young And, in that process, I have been inun- peopleÐto inculcate the academic val- dated with suggestions for reform. Dur- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE ues and analytical skills that make ing every meeting and in every letter, At 8:35 p.m., a message from the good citizenship possible. I have heard from retired service men House of Representatives, delivered by In my discussions with teachersÐ and women about so many problems one of its reading clerks, announced public and privateÐI have been amazed with all aspects of the military med- that the House has agreed to the fol- to learn that many use their own ical care systemÐincluding long wait- lowing concurrent resolution, in which money to cover the cost of classroom ing periods, access to the right kind of S114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 27, 2000 care, access to needed pharmaceutical shortfalls and, significantly, provide a tions might be satisfied, for example, drugs, and especially the ``broken quality health care delivery system for with the addition of a relatively low- promise'' of free lifetime health care our older military retirees, once and cost prescription drug benefit. Still for military retirees and their spouses. for all. others, however, might desperately I have also personally heard such con- I must add that there are other need full-coverage insurance such as cerns repeatedly expressed as I have wasteful funding efforts that are par- the Federal Employees Health Benefits traveled extensively throughout the ticularly disgraceful. While Congress Program (FEHBP). The plan would ac- United States over the past several wastes taxpayer money on obsolete in- commodate these different require- months. frastructure, unneeded weapon sys- ments. This health care reform plan I have found that a primary concern tems, and projects that have no mean- also would be portable and less depend- among military retirees and their fam- ingful value to our Armed Forces, it si- ent on any specific military hospital ilies is the ``broken promise'' of life- multaneously refuses to adequately system, particularly if further rounds time medical care. In this vein, retiree pay the nearly 12,000 enlisted military of base closures occur. health care is a readiness issue. To- personnel who are forced to subsist on SPECIFIC ELEMENTS OF THE PLAN day's service members are acutely food stamps.
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