Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information HISTORIES OF HEINRICH SCHU¨ TZ Bettina Varwig places the music of the celebrated Dresden composer Heinrich Schu¨tz in a richly detailed tapestry of cultural, political, religious and intellectual contexts. Four key events in Schu¨tz’s career – the 1617 Reformation centenary, the performance of his Dafne in 1627, the 1636 funeral composition Musicalische Exequien, and the publication of his motet collection Geistliche Chor-Music (1648) – are used to explore his music’s resonances with broader historical themes, including the effects of the Thirty Years War, contemporary meanings of classical mythology, Lutheran attitudes to death and the afterlife, as well as shifting conceptions of time and history in light of early modern scientific advances. These original seventeenth-century circumstances are treated in counter- point with Schu¨tz’s fascinating later reinvention in nineteenth- and twentieth-century German musical culture, providing a new kind of musicological writing that interweaves layers of historical inquiry from the seventeenth century to the present day. bettina varwig is a music historian with wide-ranging interests in early modern European culture. She has held fellowships at Magdalen College, Oxford, and the University of Cambridge, and is now a lecturer at King’s College London. She has published widely on the music of Heinrich Schu¨tz and J. S. Bach. This is her first book. © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information MUSICAL PERFORMANCE AND RECEPTION General editors john butt and laurence dreyfus This series continues the aim of Cambridge Musical Texts and Monographs to publish books centred on the history of musical instruments and the history of performance, but broadens the focus to include musical reception in relation to performance and as a reflection of period expectations and practices. Published titles Playing with History: The Historical Approach to Musical Performance john butt Palestrina and the German Romantic Imagination: Interpreting Historicism in Nineteenth-Century Music james garratt Eight Centuries of Troubadours and Trouve`res: The Changing Identity of Medieval Music john haines The Keyboard in Baroque Europe christopher hogwood (ed.) The Modern Invention of Medieval Music: Scholarship, Ideology, Performance daniel leech-wilkinson Performing Brahms: Early Evidence of Performance Style michael musgrave and bernard sherman (eds) Stradivari stewart pollens Beethoven the Pianist tilman skowroneck The French Organ in the Reign of Louis XIV david ponsford Bach’s Feet: The Organ Pedals in European Culture david yearsley Histories of Heinrich Schu¨tz bettina varwig © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information HISTORIES OF HEINRICH SCHU¨ TZ BETTINA VARWIG © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sa˜o Paulo, Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521197656 © Bettina Varwig 2011 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2011 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Varwig, Bettina, 1978– Histories of Heinrich Schu¨tz / Bettina Varwig. p. cm. – (Musical performance and reception) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-521-19765-6 (Hardback) 1. Schu¨tz, Heinrich, 1585–1672–Criticism and interpretation. 2. Performance practice (Music)–History–17th century. I. Title. II. Series. ML410.S35V47 2011 782.202092–dc22 2011015543 ISBN 978-0-521-19765-6 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information In memoriam Gisela de Boor Hildegard Varwig © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information Contents List of abbreviations page viii List of music examples ix List of figures xi Acknowledgments xiii Introduction 1 1. Trumpets and drums (Psalmen Davids, 1617) 8 Paraphrase 1: Lutheran Schu¨tz 44 2. Echoes, mirrors and masks (Dafne, 1627) 58 Paraphrase 2: Operatic Schu¨tz 94 3. Life, death and afterlife (Musicalische Exequien, 1636) 109 Paraphrase 3: Monumental Schu¨tz 144 4. Old and new worlds (Geistliche Chor-Music, 1648) 161 Paraphrase 4: Rhetorical Schu¨tz 194 Conclusion 213 Chronology 216 Bibliography 219 Index 245 vii © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information Abbreviations MuK Musik und Kirche NSA Heinrich Schu¨tz: Neue Ausgabe sa¨mtlicher Werke, ed. Werner Bittinger et al. (Kassel: Ba¨renreiter, 1955–) SD Schu¨tz-Dokumente, vol. I: Schriftstu¨cke von Heinrich Schu¨tz, ed. Michael Heinemann (Cologne: Dohr, 2010) SJb Schu¨tz-Jahrbuch ZfM Zeitschrift fu¨r Musik ZfMw Zeitschrift fu¨r Musikwissenschaft viii © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information Music examples 1.1. Heinrich Schu¨tz, SWV 45 (Psalmen Davids), Parte per le Trombette, end page 16 1.2. Schu¨tz, SWV 472, trumpets and timpani, bars 237–40 17 1.3. Schu¨tz, SWV 45, bars 254–75 35 1.4. Schu¨tz, SWV 43 (Psalmen Davids), bars 174–99 39 2.1. Claudio Monteverdi, ‘Audi coelum’ (Vespro della Beata Vergine), bars 1–9 62 2.2. Monteverdi, L’Orfeo, Act V/1, excerpt 63 2.3. Carlo Farina, ‘Gagliarda’ (Il terzo libro delle pavane, gagliarde, brandi, mascherata, arie franzese, volte, corrente, sinfonie), bars 1–22 64 2.4. Schu¨tz, SWV 333 (Kleine geistliche Concerte I), bars 8–18 66 2.5. Christopher Demantius, ‘Als Daphne keusch und scho¨n von Art’ (Convivalium concentuum farrago), bars 1–8 76 2.6. Schu¨tz, SWV 441, bars 24–33 80 2.7. Schu¨tz, SWV 265 (Symphoniae sacrae I), bars 112–30 85 P2.1. ‘German Christmas Carol’, in F. M. Po¨ttru¨cher, ‘Heinrich Schu¨tz als Opernkomponist’, ZfM 103 (1936), 156 99 3.1. Monteverdi, ‘Duo Seraphim’ (Vespro della Beata Vergine), bars 20–9 113 3.2. Schu¨tz, SWV 281 (Musicalische Exequien), bars 1–17 115 3.3. Schu¨tz, SWV 281, bars 103–23 126 3.4. Schu¨tz, SWV 281, bars 37–40 129 3.5. Schu¨tz, SWV 281, bars 63–73 130 3.6. Schu¨tz, SWV 501, bars 17–23 136 3.7. Schu¨tz, SWV 279 (Musicalische Exequien), bars 231–5 142 4.1. Schu¨tz, SWV 379 (Geistliche Chor-Music), bars 1–8 185 4.2. Schu¨tz, SWV 371 (Geistliche Chor-Music), bars 1–22 187 4.3. Schu¨tz, SWV 371, bars 31–4 189 4.4. Schu¨tz, SWV 371, bars 94–107 190 ix © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information x List of music examples 4.5a. Monteverdi, ‘Quel augellin che canta’ (Quarto libro de madrigali), bars 38–44 191 4.5b. Monteverdi, ‘Quel augellin che canta’, bars 67–74 192 P4.1a. Schu¨tz, SWV 287 (Kleine geistliche Concerte I), bars 34–5 204 P4.1b. Schu¨tz, SWV 381 (Geistliche Chor-Music), bars 38–40 204 P4.2. Schu¨tz, SWV 383 (Geistliche Chor-Music), bars 29–43 205 P4.3a. Schu¨tz, SWV 383, bars 1–7 208 P4.3b. Schu¨tz, SWV 383, bars 44–50 209 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19765-6 - Histories of Heinrich Schütz Bettina Varwig Frontmatter More information Figures 1.1. Gregor Kleppis, Emblemata varia (n.p., 1623), title page, detail. Sa¨chsische Landes- und Universita¨tsbibliothek Dresden / Sammlungen þ Deutsche Fotothek: Art.plast.1104 page 19 1.2. Christo soteri veritatis (Frankfurt: Schwan, 1617). Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Bildagentur fu¨r Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte: YA 4888 m b 21 1.3. Wunderwerck D. Martin Luthers: Der Pa¨pstliche Stuel will sincken (Freiberg, 1618), detail. Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbu¨ttel: 38.25 Aug. 2, fol. 3310 26 1.4. Daniel Ha¨nichen, Vier ChurSa¨chsische JubelPredigten (Halle: Bißmarck, 1618), title page. Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbu¨ttel: H: S 276b.4 Helmst. (4) 30 2.1. Illustration from Statius Ackermann, Pastor fido Oder Die allerscho¨nste Tragicomoedia, Der Getrewe Hu¨rte genant (Schleusingen: Birckner, 1636). Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbu¨ttel: 145.5 Eth. (1) 68 2.2. Peter Isselburg, Emblematische Glu¨ckwu¨nschung (Coburg, 1627), detail. Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbu¨ttel: IQ 14 70 2.3.
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