![1902-03-19, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
», h. THE SMYRNA TIMES, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 10, 1002. honored with many, other officis. and their children, Wm. George Hill Edifice was foilud to be too =unoi These were tbe founders of tbe old Robert Hill, Mrs. Rowland Cox and j tbe growing congregation. ^ETER’S CHURCH, SMYRNA, a------ Church at Duck Creek. From the ! Mrs. Nathaniel Wilds are their Church resolved to enlarge and i\,, Ajlayton,. War of the Revolution, this Church i representatives. through the building committed tions, ant *• im- N, s items If suffered, and not until 1786 do we find! George Cummins was one of the posed of George W. Cummins 4 Dr. nation. ' any sign of new life, when the vestry j most public spirited, benevolent, and j William Cummins and George Henry I ar iu ad- . AND ITS PRESENT IMPROVEMENT of Christ Church, Dover, conferred | popular men of his day. He was State | Raymond, son of Jacob Raymond I'd with the vestry of St. Peter’s (for these Senator from Kent county nine times. An addition was made of twenty feet Parishes were united at that time) with j in the period from 1796 to 1820, and 1 to the length, and transepts making the view of calling the Rev. Samuel J held other offices. Eben Cloak, father | the Church cruciform, and giving much J NOW ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND MOST COMPLETE Roe, as Rector of the two Parishes, of John and Eben, was one of the Rev-1 larger seating capacity, but with the , ! The Dover committee consisted of j olutionary martyrs—victim of the I objectionable feature of an organ loft - V CHURCH EDIFICES IN DIOCESE OF DELAWARE. I Messrs Rodney, Taylor and Truitt, ! dreadful British prison ship, the i back of, and over the pulpit. 1 j that from Duck Creek, of Thomas Col- “Jersey.” In 1872 tbe Chapel of St. Peter' s was In 1827 the Parish of St. Peter’s took j built, adjoining ihe Church at the j lins, Daniel Cummins, John Cook and COfc Risdon Bishop. On the resolution fix- on new life. The quaint brick Church j of $4000, the gift of Mis. Susan H. Fia-« - Work of Renovation is Completed With Magnificent Altar and Mural Decorations and a iug the salary at £300 per annum, the at old Duck Greek, with its box pews 1er, daughter of John and Susan H. j following names are added to the and high pulpit sounding board, of the j Cummins, in memory of her husband, I ■ 3I Re-arrangement of Pews With Middle Aisle Gilt of Mrs. Susan D. Waters and Dover committee James Sykes, Thomas Pre-Revolutionary style, was torn Dr. Samuel M. Eisler, und of her father .. c p c , , q. Hict^ri' Pv -Ji iti m Rodgers, John Banning and Joshua down, and the materials thereof, hauled and mother. In 1885, the congrega­ l - Mrs. bUSan U. buclltr Uianct ai bl. rtlclS n SLOT C. OILIIK n. i Clayton—all prominent public men of in and deposited on the lot of ground gation determined to further enla te I that period—St. Peter’s committee re- \ donated by John Cummins, where St. j and improve tbe Church Edifice, ] mained the same. Tbe Rev. Mr. Roe i Peter’s now stands; and those mater- the Rector, the Rev. William B. G The work of the renovation of St. j Above the plain color, and at, and H. B. Grieves and Joseph Hunn, who j "’as called, and continued, and died in u Peters Church is completed. With the above the feet of the rafters, and in the have also had the active and efficient the service here Feb. 8th, 1791. From t ? new open timber roof, and altar and 1 spaces between them all, for the whole co-operatLu of the Senior Warden, this to 1827, no records of the Parish mural decorations in color, one feels nave on both sides, and the transepts Wm. E. Waters. Beside the gas, they are in evidence. But a short time ago, that there is quite a transformation, j as well, are the most beautiful and have introduced the electric lighting, Mrs. James D. Wilds gave me a paper C'4- The open timber roof is of good archi- appropiate decorations iu varied colors, which will make the Church brilliant at writing, which her mother found among \ tectural design and creditable work- representing theinsigniaof the Evange- night. I understand that the first ser- j the old letters and papers of her father, manship. It is solid and substantial, lists and the Apostles, and those typical vice iu St. Peters will be on Easter j Eben Cloak, which is one of the T yet not heavy iu effect. From door to of Christ and others appropriated by Day. And the formal opening with \ l°st records; it reads as follows; , \ chancel wall, for the nave it has four Christian Art. They are all projected Benediction Service and Confirmation “At a meeting of the vestrv of St. N, ’V large main rafters arched, terminating on a background appearing to be gold will he on Thursday evening following. I Peter's Church, at Duck Creek, ou at their feet with striking hammer- at night under the full illumination of This is a great work to be accom- j Saturday, the 15th, of May 1790—Pres- ; beams of good size, the two openings the electric lights. In artistic beauty, plished in the short time that the Rev. i Esq.f*1 A^niUa6’ Attix*8 Jffifn ! rU of which are finished iu trefoil; and they illustrate and teach so much to Mr. Gilreath has been Rector. i Stuart, Jesse Ford, Timothy Cummins, I their projecting ends ornamented with the worshipper. Around the large Glance at its Historic Eiolulion. Wheeler Pennington, Edward Joy,’ | O * » * a plain shield, carved with various ec- chancel window is thrown appro- This last improvement of St. Peter’s, Abraham Conner, Charles Cason and i 'mm \ IA clesiastical symbols. There are also piately a neat border filled with the j which is so up to date, suggests a Church being'takeulutoTcousideratiou If ) four of these main rafters in the trau- vine and bunches of grapes. j «jinnee at its historic evolution. The | it was resolved that tbe money neces- septs, all of uniform •finish. Between Curtain A|lef sty|e of Michael Ange,0. I Parish had a very small beginning. ÂeïsonsVDnoSed these are the intermediate rafters, In 1704, the first missionary from Eng- tn iTiaUUP fJ8°n iaJ Î?1 *f( mach smaller, but iu relief enough On the chancel wall one of tbe most land to Kent county appeared. In 1740 i subscription papers *to ’collect!* Elec^ j from the wooden ceiling to suggest striking effects produced, in the dec- an effort was made to establish a Parish tiou of members for this purpose was paneling. The wood used is chestnut, oration is the curtain said to be after at Old Duck Creek. In 1744, the Rec-1 Soue into> and the following were attractive and not too dark. The ex- that of Michael Angelo, in the Sis- tor, Rev. Samuel Usher, reported that ^^ton ^Tame's JR Wheeler Pen- St. Peter’s Church, Smyrna, Delaware. ecution of this work reflects credit tene Chapel at Rome; warm in color, a wooijen Chape), was begun at Duck CooY, John Stewart,'Abraham Conner; upon the brilder, Joseph H. Wright, and so realistic and true iu perspec- Creek. The Rev. Mr. Inglis iu 1702, and the persons for superintending the Gift of a Beautiful Altar and Rail. tive- says that his people unanimously agreed work were Robt. Cook, Ed. Joy and j . , .. ... The re-arrangement of the pews, the to build a new brick Church «n, : Geo. C ummins—then adjourned to the laK, as tar as Oood were used iu the don, George W. Cummins and E. A. The altar is of oak, beautifully illu- .. .. ’ . I „ „ uew DrlLK ^uurcn- 1116 ! thud Monday in July next." • i ... .. T « i - «1-. taking on tliöir doors, tliG makiupr of Rgy Air Masraw records flip i construction of this Church. The Evans, were the building committee. miuated with the Lamb and four fohat- , ., .,- nev. mr, juagaw recoru? rue compie- I Here tbe minutes stop—no signature building committee consisted of John They removed tbe organ loft, and . , . , . a good wide middle aisle and two side tion of Duck Crock Brink Church «ml ed columns. It is rich in expression. On . , , non oi duck wees oncx cuurcü, anti | of Secretary. It is probable tbe writ- Cummins sou of Daniel Cummins, placed a new organ iu the right tran- ...... aisles, give convenience and prove a its opening on Trinity Sunday, 1764— I 1 one end is the plate with this inscrip­ f chnrchly fitness, that quite discredit aud a large congregation. There were iug was that of tbe Rev. Samuel Roe. : Ebenezer Blackistou, Jacob Raymond, sept, and added tbe open chancel, with tion: “To the Glory of God, and in lov­ Archaic pew doors and side aisles. After 1791 the Parish languished till and John and Eben Cloak. its large window of stained glass rep- ing memory of John G. and Alphonsa ninety-four communicants. The view from front door to altar and 1827; we do not know if the repairs iu- In 1828, the Rev. John P. Robinson resenting Raphael's Transfiguration, C. Black and George S. and Margaret vice versa, is now clear and refreshing. Committee of Prominent Delawareans. tended were made. took charge of the Parish, aud iu 1831, and in memory of John and Susan H.
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