SPORTINGCOPTHIUHT, 1M4, BY THE SPORTING* LIFE PUB. CO. 1HTESED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SBCOND CLASS MATTER. LIFE VOLUME 22, NO. 18. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JANUARY 27, 1894. PRICE, TEN CENTS. and four -will probably be decided upon, been signed by Detroit. Ellis wrote to ho season to open about April 1, and Carroll, informing him that Grand THE SPORTING LIFE. cl( se September 1. The salary limit WESTERN AFFAIRS. TIM IS A "POOH-BAH." Rapids is the only club in the league he LATE NEWS BY WIRE. A WEEKLY JOURNAL will not be over $800. The proposed is eligible to play with next season. circuit is Galveston, Houston, Dallas, Detroit has also signed Spies, the cham­ Devoted to ?ort Worth, Austin and San Antonio. THE WESTERN LEAGUE SITUATION ALL THE NEW ENGLAND OFFICES pion catcher of the California League ANOTHER SDIT AGAINST A BALL CLUB These are the best in fact the only last season, who was also on Grand BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND base ball cities iu the State. Their Rapids' list. As Detroit seemed to be GENERAL SPORTS AND !amine of good ball since 1800 has MOST PROMISING. HELD BY MURNANE. making a business of signing Grand BY A PLAYER. served to make them all the more hun­ Rapids players, Ellis retaliated by sign­ PASTIMES. gry for it. ing two of tho men allotted to Detroit, Good officers are necssary, and it A Well-Matched Lot ol Teams, From Details of the League's Annual Meeting Pitcher Balz, Spies' side partner, and a Pitcher Scarsdale Against the Washing­ vill not be hard to select them. Alex California catcher named Published by iaston, of Galveston; Charley Fegan, of Cody. A Dallas, or Billy Sinclair, the Houston Which It is Impossible to Select a Brockton Admitted to Member­ spirited correspondence is now in pro­ ton Club Latest Information From THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO. lewspaper man, would be first-class men gress between Grand Rapids and De­ Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. o select a president from, and George Winner-All the Conditions Favor­ ship-Bright Ontloofc For a Circuit troit, which will no doubt result in Spies League Headquarters Sporting In­ Deimody, of Galvestou; Fred Mosebach, and Carroll coming bore and Balz and of Sail Antonio, and several others I able For Snccess. ol Six Good Towns. Cody being released to Detroit, where telligence From All Points. FRANKFRANCIS A. C.EGAN RICHTER f) Edltp , it°_rS>r, could mention would fill the bill for the they belong. ___ ___ secretary iu an able manner. Such men as Charley Levis, Billy Works and Cou The Western base ball situation, at The annual meeting of the New Eng­ JACK ROWE'S IDEAS. CONTENTS: Strothers will be engaged for mana­ iresent is in the most promising of po- land Base Ball League was held at the FROM LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS. gers, ynd they will give tone and re- litious, although it is just that season of He Thinks That Base Ball is Enter­ Base Ball News....................... Pages 1 to 7 Quiucy House, Boston, Jan. 18. Fresi- ing Upon Another Boom. Latest Contracts and Releases iu tho Bicycling News ....................... Pages 9 to 12 pectability to the game. the year when little can be said in leut T. H. Murnane was in the chair. Billiards, Mr. Horace Moore, who is prime reference to the movement of the Buffalo, Jan. 26. Second baseman Big Organization. Cricket, Kennel, The following were in attendance as .Tack Rowe, looking like a solid man of Special to "Sporting Life." Turf, Rod and Gun............. Page 7 mover for a league for '94, reports en- League, as nothing active is being delegates: J. Garrity and C, H. »r,iiraging news from 1he cities he has done, aside from the signing of a Ross, affairs beneath hid silk skull cap, can Washington, D. C., Jan. 26. Head­ King-, Foot Ball, Athletic, )f Portland; I. S. Isaac-son, A. E. Mo be seen behind the counter any day at Aquatic, Chetss, Etc.............. Page 8 bus far visited. He is expected here )layer here and there to complete teams. quarters National League and American his week. !u about 12 weeks the teams will be Donough and J. A. Leighton, of Lewis- Harry Murray's tobacco and cigar dis­ Association of Professional Base Ball ton; A. E. McDermott, of Fall River, pensary on Main street. This quarter SUBSCRIPTION KATES: ipou the diamond in preliminary games, Clubs: PABKS IN CONTROL and then the public will be better able and F. J. Leonard, of Dover. Worcester of the famous "Big 4" is looking as CONTRACTS FOR 1894. One Tear................. ............................. B4.00 and Bangor, applicants for admission well as be ever did, and if appearances With Cincinnati James Canavau, Six Months....................... .................... 2.«5 to judge of the respective merits of the were \s Eastoii's New Manager New eight clubs who will do battle for the represented also. go for anything, he ought to be able to Frank Motz. Three Months....................................... 1-25 Grounds For the Team to be Se­ The resignation of J. C. Morse, sec­ play "the game of his life" 'next sum­ With Philadelphia George S. Had­ Single Copy.......................................... Western Association pennant. At pres­ lOc. en red. ent, there is not a man, no matter how retary, was presented and accepted, and mer. While admitting that it is not dock, James J. Callahan. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Easton, Pa., .Tan. 23. Editor "Sport*- good a judge of base ball timber, who i vote of thanks was tendered him for probable that he will play with Buffalo With Boston Frank H. Connaughton. Foreign Postage, SI .04 Extra per Annum. ng Life:" Things have been can come anywhere lis services in the past. Frank J. Leon­ next summer, he is not prepared to say KELBASED. very quiet near placing the ard was chosen secretary pro tern. what his intentions really are, By Boston S. C. Carroll and AV. H. n base ball centres this winter, but now teams as to relative strength. The Quarks. he wheels are again moving. On motion of I. S. Isaacson, it was In conversation about the sad accident readers of THE SPORTING LIFE The di- managers have selected eight sets of ordered that the League apply for ad­ which N. E. TODNQ, Secretary. who have not facilities for reaching eetors of the Easton Club held « meet- men,who. as a ruie, are new to West- befell Catcher Charley Bennett, ng Jan. 14 and elected William R. t-rn audiences, and who mission to class B of the national agree­ Rawe snid that nothing could have newsdealers, or do not care to be depend­ are so evenly ment. The association has a cash bal- shocked him more. He and the great ANOTHER LAW SUIT. ent upon delivery by carriers or news 'arks business manager, and have com­ Hatched as to records, that every city ince menced to hustle for the approaching n the League is entitled to hope that on the right side of the ledger. Boston catcher were club mates for1 agents, should by all means subscribe, season. Several of last year's team will ts team will be at or near the top from The pennant for 1894 was granted to three years in Detroit. At that time Pitcher Stocksdale's Demand on th« thus assuring themselves regular and >e signed again, and it is assured that he start. the Fall Rivers. Rowe was playing short field. The Washington Club. prompt delivery by mail direct from Easton FAVORING CONDITIONS. W. H. Alien, representing Brockton, kindliest feeling always existed between Special to "Sporting Life." will be represented by as strong them. Bennett's character, said this office. i team as that which brought the flag Tin's state of things should be a asked for membership for that city, Rowe, Washington, D. C., Jan. 2fi. Scars­ lere in '93. liealthy one for the League. Too often and, after a statement of the situation was peculiarly lovable. He was singu­ dale, the amateur player engaged last of affaire, the request was granted, larly unobtrusive and considerate of the Advertising Kate Upon Application. There is still some apprehension l season opens with two or three clubs season by the Washington Club, has where the team will play next season. lopelessly in the rear, and that has with prior right to negotiate with the feelings and rights of others. sued that organization for balance of /SS-THK SPORTING LIFE goes to pfess at The Lafayette College Athletic Assoeia- much to do with the failure of some of men who played in that city in 1803. The ex-Bison expresses himself as salary alleged to be due. .He was en­ 2 P. M. every Thursday. ion are erecting- a large and eommo- the teams iu a league, and its final dis­ Application for membership was re­ confident that base ball is just entering gaged last spring at the rate of $200 per .$EB"Advertisers to insure insertion should lious athletic field within five minutes' ruption. Should the Western be lucky ceived from Bangor nnd Worcester. on the most prosperous decade in its month. He was soon loaned to Wilkes- not fail to forward their favors so as to ride of tho centre of the city, and base enough to have its clubs well bunched In the case of Bangor, the circuit com­ history. As he reads tho signs of the barre, which club played and paid him mittee was empowered to visit that city, times as they were about 1881, when reach the publication office uot later mil patrons are clamoring for the games n the race, the coming season will show the game entered until July.
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