releases | discoveries 1jan – 31dec 2019 www.6forty.com January 1, 2019 Sower of Wind by Rosetta (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://theanaesthete.bandcamp.com/album/sower-of-wind released January 4, 2019 VLMV 'Little Houses' live at The Loft 08.12.18 https://youtu.be/V-TaL4jKTWU Published on 1 Jan 2019 Laniakea by Hemelbestormer & Jo Quail https://youtu.be/QQJVVEQhgPs Published on 4 Jan 2019 Quality Studio Live by Quantum Trio (Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://quantumtrio.bandcamp.com/album/quality-studio- live released January 4, 2019 In 1988 I Thought This Shit Would Never Change by Some Became Hollow Tubes (Montreal, Québec) https://somebecamehollowtubes.bandcamp.com/album/in-1988-i-thought-this-shit-would-never-change released January 1, 2019 The Ultimate Boon by Phet (Chennai, India) https://phet.bandcamp.com/album/the-ultimate-boon released December 23, 2018 Collapsing Domain by Stellafera (San Antonio, Texas) https://stellaferamusic.bandcamp.com/album/collapsing-domain released January 1, 2019 Amenra Live in Diksmuide 20th July 2018 - Full Concert https://youtu.be/_gdtwTSXuYc Published on 1 Jan 2019 Blurred Reality by This Social Coil (Aachen, Germany) https://thissocialcoil.bandcamp.com/album/blurred-reality released December 23, 2018 III by Coronach Collective (Throne of Bael Records - UK) https://throneofbael.bandcamp.com/album/iii-2 released January 1, 2019 piano EP by yvette young (San Jose, California) https://yvetteyoung.bandcamp.com/album/piano-ep released January 1, 2019 Planetbirth by spume (Toronto, Ontario) https://spume91.bandcamp.com/album/planetbirth released January 1, 2019 Very Good Music Compilation Vol. 3 by New Noise Entertainment (Portland, Oregon) https://newnoiseentertainment.bandcamp.com/album/very-good-music-compilation-vol-3-2 released January 1, 2019 Midnight Lace by shipwreck detective (San Francisco, California) https://shipwreckdetective.bandcamp.com/album/midnight-lace released May 1, 2018 II: Vanishing by Longhouse (Ottawa, Ontario) https://longhouse1.bandcamp.com/album/ii-vanishing released April 14, 2017 Tribute to the Sprouting Son Pt. 1 by Trees Whom Dwell With Giants (Seattle, Washington) https://treeswhomdwellwithgiants.bandcamp.com/album/tribute-to-the-sprouting-son-pt-1 released January 2, 2019 Firefly by iwantsummer (Saint Petersburg, Russia) https://iwantsummer.bandcamp.com/album/firefly released December 20, 2018 Echo Delay Fuzz Reverb by 93millionmilesfromthesun (Doncaster, UK) https://93millionmilesfromthesunofficial.bandcamp.com/album/echo-delay-fuzz-reverb released December 23, 2018 I Cannot Be Here by Sam Haven (Australia) https://samhaven.bandcamp.com/album/i-cannot-be-here released December 28, 2018 Sleep Weed by Hunted Creatures (White Reeves Productions - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://whitereevesproductions.bandcamp.com/album/sleep-weed-wrp018 released January 1, 2019 Mind Trap + Mind Games by Dirty Backseat https://slovvdk.bandcamp.com/album/mind-trap-mind-games (SLOVVDK - Cairo, Egypt) released January 4, 2019 B A I K O N U R by AoT - ambiguity of travel (NRW, Germany) https://tonfunk.bandcamp.com/ released January 4, 2019 Where The Tap Leaks by Brightwater (Sunshine Coast, Australia) https://brightwater.bandcamp.com/album/where-the- tap-leaks released January 5, 2019 Pilgrim remix by ASHTORETH / GREY MALKIN (Antwerp, Belgium) https://ashtoreth1.bandcamp.com/album/pilgrim- remix released January 1, 2019 The Virgin Prunes - Live Switzerland 1983 https://youtu.be/QODW0Vm3w1M January 7, 2019 lades Live at KRCL by Temples (Salt Lake City, Utah) https://templesmusic1.bandcamp.com/album/lad-s-live-at-krcl released January 5, 2019 Slow Dancing in the Dark by Cody Noon (Reading, UK) https://codynoon.bandcamp.com/track/slow-dancing-in-the-dark released December 31, 2018 The Art of Apathy by Jonathan Fraser (Huntington Beach, California) https://jonathanfraser.bandcamp.com/album/the- art-of-apathy released January 13, 2019 Underwater by Elephant Gym (Kaohsiung City, Taiwan) https://elephant-gym.bandcamp.com/album/underwater released November 14, 2018 ZEVIOUS - 'Ritual Based Symmetries' from their 2018 release 'Lowlands' https://youtu.be/sqoRLbdjtEA Published on 8 Jan 2019 https://zevious.bandcamp.com/ Kaschalot - 'Need Some Rest' from their 2018 release 'Whale Songs' https://youtu.be/ii02EJSZwUQ Published on 8 Jan 2019 https://kaschalot.bandcamp.com/album/whale-songs Shifter by Into Orbit (Wellington, New Zealand) https://intoorbit.bandcamp.com/track/shifter released January 9, 2019 Differences In Distances by The Gardener (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) https://thegardenerofficial.bandcamp.com/album/differences-in-distances released June 22, 2018 It's Only Permanent by Black Flak and the Nightmare Fighters (Salt Lake City, Utah) https://blackflakslc.bandcamp.com/album/its-only-permanent released January 10, 2019 The Woods by A Swarm of the Sun (Version Studio Records - Sweden) https://versionstudio.com/album/the-woods released January 11, 2019 The Last Summer For Lucy by The Last Summer For Lucy (Dresden, Germany) https://thelastsummerforlucy.bandcamp.com/album/the-last-summer-for-lucy released December 4, 2018 Le Retour A La Lune by Les Autres (Ovvk Recordings - France) https://ovvkrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/le-retour-a- la-lune digital release January 10, 2019 / Recorded on Otari 8 track tape recorder during summer 1994 in Châteaugiron, France. Originally released 10 january 1995. Underwater by Elephant Gym (Kaohsiung City, Taiwan) https://elephant-gym.bandcamp.com/album/underwater released November 14, 2018 Fracture by EYRTH (Riga, Latvia) https://eyrth.bandcamp.com/ released January 4, 2019 Donkloops (We Deserve This Loop Reworks) (Germany) https://wedeservethis.bandcamp.com/album/donkloops-we- deserve-this-loop-reworks released January 8, 2019 Last Age // Symbol by i.o (Victoria, British Columbia) https://ioiomusic.bandcamp.com/album/last-age-symbol released January 9, 2019 The Seas Swell and the Sky Darkens by Zakarion (A Moment of Clarity Recordings - Colorado) https://amomentofclarityrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/the-seas-swell-and-the-sky-darkens released January 11, 2019 Multiplicity by RAIC (Thirsty Leaves Music - Thessaloniki, Greece) https://thirstyleavesmusic.bandcamp.com/album/multiplicity released January 11, 2019 Fragmented Lives by Zenjungle (MIDIRA RECORDS - Germany) https://midirarecords.bandcamp.com/album/fragmented-lives released January 19, 2018 Christuskirche Bochum 17.02.12 by A-Sun Amissa (MIDIRA RECORDS - Germany) https://midirarecords.bandcamp.com/album/christuskirche-bochum released December 22, 2012 http://midirarecords.com/md-004-a-sun-amissa-christuskirche-bochum/ Rusted Tone Recordings: Sampler Vol. 2 (Rusted Tone Recordings - Farnham, UK) https://rustedtonerecordings.bandcamp.com/album/rusted-tone-recordings-sampler-vol-2 released January 7, 2019 Same Kind of Weird by 2 Before Noon (Fort Wayne, Indiana) https://2beforenoon.bandcamp.com/album/same-kind-of- weird released January 11, 2019 Vista 2 by Eraser Ears (weareallghosts - Motherwell, UK) https://weareallghosts.bandcamp.com/album/vista-2-waag- rel125 released January 6, 2019 January 14, 2019 SEE by Old Solar (Raleigh, North Carolina) https://oldsolarmusic.bandcamp.com/album/see released January 18, 2019 Falltime by Endless Dive (Belgium) https://endlessdive.bandcamp.com/album/falltime released January 18, 2019 Weightless by Clouds Arrived (Finland) https://cloudsarrived.bandcamp.com/album/weightless released January 18, 2019 -aire by The End Of The Ocean (Columbus, Ohio) https://theendoftheocean.bandcamp.com/album/aire released January 18, 2019 https://open.spotify.com/album/55fU1hPoJcg34kqNZQan42 Entangled Time by Amp (sound in silence - Athens, Greece) https://soundinsilencerecords.bandcamp.com/album/entangled-time released January 18, 2019 About B. (Memory Sketches B-Sides Recordings) by Tim Linghaus (sound in silence - Athens, Greece) https://soundinsilencerecords.bandcamp.com/album/about-b-memory-sketches-b-sides-recordings released January 18, 2019 Ana Never (uživo iz Elektropionira 11/1/2019) https://youtu.be/jh1gCxcE0eM Published on 12 Jan 2019 Indifferent Universe by Mixtaped Monk (India) https://mixtapedmonk.bandcamp.com/album/indifferent-universe released January 14, 2019 walk across the air by 4 Airports (Beacon, New York) https://4airports.bandcamp.com/track/walk-across-the-air released January 12, 2019 Traxx by des Astres (Bordeaux, France) https://desastresband.bandcamp.com/album/traxx released January 14, 2019 The Final Thoughts of Gaia by Shockpowder (London, UK) https://shockpowder.bandcamp.com/album/the-final- thoughts-of-gaia released January 11, 2019 Five Days…Complete by The Legendary Pink Dots (Nijmegen, Netherlands) https://wearethelegendarypinkdots.bandcamp.com/album/five-days-complete released December 11, 2018 Colossus by KOSATKA (New Haven, Connecticut) https://kosatkaofficial.bandcamp.com/releases released January 15, 2019 Tracteur by TRACTEUR (Toulouse, France) https://tracteur.bandcamp.com/ released January 14, 2019 Flotsam by After-Math (Vasteras, Sweden) https://after-mathlondon.bandcamp.com/album/flotsam released January 15, 2019 Black Clouds Are Coming By Misto https://open.spotify.com/album/5UZnZucxyRGpTuQ5t8ZxQY released January 15, 2019 IMPLODEX TREMORANTI by Artificial Memory Trace (Clare, Ireland) https://artificialmemorytrace.bandcamp.com/album/implodex-tremoranti released January 16, 2019 It Could Happen To You by Fox Wound (Atlanta, Georgia) https://foxwoundband.bandcamp.com/album/it-could-happen- to-you released January 15, 2019 [ 2k15 -
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