VANCOUVER ISLAND ECONOMIC ALLIANCE (Dun aah duck), Tlatlasikwala First Nation (Tla tla see List of First Nations on Vancouver Island kwa la) Data accurate as of February 25, 2010 The Link Project -- [email protected] Malahat Treaty Office 110 Thunder Road Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P4 TREATY GROUPS AND TRIBAL COUNCILS (250) 743-7430 On Vancouver Island Fax: (250)743-7163. Te’mexw Treaty Assoication, Malahat First Nation Laich-Kwil-Tach (Hamatla) Treaty Society 1441 Old Island Hwy Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council Campbell river, BC V9W 2E4 P.O. Box 90 (250) 287-9460 Alert Bay, B.C., Canada, V0N 1A0 1.800.900.5720 (250) 974-5516 Fax: (250) 287-9469 Fax: (250) 974-5466 [email protected] [email protected] Campbell River, Cape Mudge, Comox, Kwiakah Member Bands: Huu-ay-aht Treaty Office Kwicksutaineuk-ah-kwaw-ah-mish (Kweek soo tain nuk 3483 3rd Ave. ah kwa a meesh), Namgis First Nation (formerly Port Alberni, BC V9Y 4E4 Nimpkish), Tsawataineuk (Tsa wa tay nook), (250) 723-0100 Gwawaenuk. Fax: (250) 723-4646 [email protected] Nuu-chan-nulth Tribal Council http://www.huuayaht.com P.O. Box 1383 Port Alberni, Hul’Qumi’num Treaty Group B.C., Canada, V9Y 7M2 12611B Trans Canada Highway (250) 724-5757 Ladysmith BC Fax: (250) 723-0463 V9G 1M5 1-877-677-1131 (250) 245-4660 Cliff Atleo NTC Fax: (250) 245-4668 [email protected] [email protected] 1-888-987-3289 Member Bands: Member Bands: Ahousaht Band (A how sat), Ditidaht (Dit ee dat), Chemainus First Nation, Cowichan First Nation, Ehattesaht (Eh hat eh sat), Hesquiaht (Hesh kwit), Huu- Cowichan Lake First Nation, Halalt First Nation, ay-aht (Ohiaht) (Oh high at),Hupacasath First Nation, Lyackson First Nation, Penelakut First Nation Kyuquot, Mowachaht/Muchalaht, Nuchatlaht (Noo hat lat), Opetchesaht (Oh petch eh sat), Tseshaht (Tse shat), Kwakiutl District Council Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations (T lay qwat), Toquaht (Toe 695 Headstart Crescent kwat or Toe qwart), Ucluelet, Uchucklesaht (U chuk le PO Box 489, sat). Campbell River, BC V9W 5C1 (250) 286-3263 Unaffiliated First Nations Fax: (250) 286-3268 [email protected] Member Bands: Beecher Bay First Nation; Cowichan First Nation, Member Bands: Campbell River First Nation, Cape Mudge, Comox, Nanoose First Nation, Pacheenaht First Nation, Gwa'sala-Nakwaxda'xw (Gwa sala nak wah dah), Qualicum Indian Band, Songhees First Nations, Sooke Kwakiutl (Kwa gyu th), Kwiakah (Kwee a ka), First Nation, Tlowitsis-Mumtagila First Nation Mamaleleqala-Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Enox (Mamma leel eh qwala quee qwa soot ee nuk), Quatsino Tanakteuk Naut’sa Mawt FIRST NATIONS BANDS ON VANCOUVER ISLAND 1145 Totem Rd Nanaimo, BC V9R 1H1 Ahousaht First Nation (250) 753-0190 General Delivery Fax: (250) 740-0053 Ahousaht, BC V0R 1A0 Keith Wilson [email protected] (250)670-9563 Fax: (250) 670-9696 Member Bands http://www.ahousaht.com Halalt, Homalco, klahooseKlahoose, Malahat, Chief Keith Atleo [email protected] NanooseSnaw-naw-as, Ssiliammon, Snuneymuxw , Stz’uminus, Tsawwassen, Tsleil-Waututh, T’Sou-ke Beecher Bay Scia’new First Nation Beecher Bay Band 4901B E. Sooke Road, Snaw-Naw-As Treaty Group (Nanoose) RR 6, Sooke, BC V0S 1N0 100G Snaw-Naw-As Road (250) 478-3535 Lantzville, BC V0R 2H0 Fax: (250) 478-3585 (250) 390-9105 Chief Arthur Chipp (Russ) [email protected] Fax: (250) 390-9106 Te’mexw Treaty Association [email protected] http://www.temexw.org Campbell River Indian Band We Wai Kum First Nation Te’mexw Treaty Association 1400 Weiwaikum Road Campbell River, BC V9W 5W8 Te’mexw Treaty Association (250) 286-6949 13D Cooper Road Fax: (250) 287-8838 Victoria, BC V9A 4K2 Chief Robert Pollard (250) 360-2202 [email protected] Fax: (250) 360-2206 Hamatla Treaty Society [email protected] http://www.temexw.org Cape Mudge Indian Band We Wai Kai First Nation P.O. Box 220 Member Bands Quathiaski Cove, BC V0P 1N0 Malahat, Scia’New (Beecher Bay), Snaw-Naw-As (250) 285-3316 (Nanoose) Songhees, T’Sou-ke Fax: (250) 285-2400 Chief Ralph Dick (secretary) [email protected] Whe-la-la-u Area Council P.O. Box 150 Chemainus Indian Band Alert Bay, 12611-A Trans Canada Highway B.C., Canada, V0N 1A0 Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1M5 (250) 974-5501 (250) 245-7155 Fax: (250) 974-5904 Fax: (250) 245-3012 Pearl Hunt [email protected] Chief John Elliott administrator: [email protected] Member Bands: Naut’sa mawt Tribal Council Tlatlaskiwala, Tanakteuk (Dun aah duck), Tlowitsis- mumtagila (Tla oe wad zees mum ta gee la) Kwickutainuek Winalagalis Treaty Group P.O. Box 170 Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0 (250)974-5200 Fax: (250) 974-5201 [email protected] Comox Indian Band Esquimalt Indian Band 3320 Comox Road 1000 Thomas Road Courtenay, B.C. V9N 3P8 Victoria, BC V9A 7K7 (250) 339-7122 (250) 381-7861 Fax: (250) 339-7053 Fax: (250) 384-9309 Chief Ernie Hardy Sr. [email protected] Chief Benedict Andrew Thomas Kwakiutl District Council [email protected] Cowichan (Cow ut zun) Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'xw Indian Band Cowichan Band Admin. Office P.O. Box 998 5760 Allenby Road Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0 Duncan, BC V9L 5J1 (250) 949-8343 or Fax: (250) 949-7402 Cowichan Band Council Chief Paddy Walkus [email protected] P.O. Box 880 Kwakiutl District Council Duncan, BC V9L 3Y2 (250) 748-3196 Gwawaenuk Tribe Fax: (250) 748-1233 PO Box 344 Chief Lydia Hwitsum [email protected] Port McNeil, BC V0N 2R0 http//www.cowichantribes.com (250) 949-8732 Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum’ Chief Charlie Williams [email protected] Da’naxda’xw First Nation PO Box 330 Halalt Indian Band Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0 R.R. 1 (250) 974-2703 8017 Chemainus Road Fax: (250) 974-2706 Chemainus, BC V0R 1K5 Chief William McKenzie Glendale (250) 246-4736 [email protected] Fax: (250) 246-2330 http//www.danaxdaxw.com Chief James Robert (Bert) Thomas [email protected] Kaska Tribal Council, Kaska Dena Council Nawt’sa mawt Tribal Council Ditidaht Hesquiaht Band PO Box 340 P.O. Box 2000 Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M8 Tofino, BC V0R 2Z0 (250) 745-3333 Campbell River Radio Operator Fax: (250) 745-3332 (250) 250-670-1100 Chief Jack G. Thompson [email protected] Toll-free: 1-877-232-1100 Nuuchahnulth Tribal Council 98077 Ch. 466 Hesquiaht Boat Basin Ehattesaht Tribe Fax 670-1102 PO Box 59 Chief Joseph Lewis Tom Jr. Zeballos, BC V0P 2A0 [email protected] (250) 761-4155 Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Fax: (250) 761-4156 Chief Michael Fredrick Adams attn: Darlene Homalco Indian Band [email protected] 1218 Bute Crescent Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Campbell River, BC V9H 1G5 (250) 923-4979 Fax: (250) 923-4987 Chief Richard Harry [email protected] http://www.homalco.com Hupacasath First Nation Kwicksutaineuk-Ah-Kwaw-Ah-Mish Band 5500 Ahahswinis Drive PO Box 10 Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M7 14 Catu St. (250) 724-4041 Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0 Fax: (250) 724-1232 (250) 974-3004 Chief: Shaunee Casavant Fax: (250) 974-3007 [email protected] Chief Robert Chamberlin [email protected] http://www.hupacasath.ca Musgamagw Tswaataineuk Tribal Council Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Lake Cowichan Nation Huu-ay-aht First Nations (formerly Ohiaht) 313B Deer Rd P.O. Box 70 PO Box 1376 Bamfield, B.C. V0R 1B0 Lake Cowichan, BC V0R 2G0 (250) 728-3414 (250) 749-3301 Fax 728-1222 Fax: (250) 749-4286 Chief Robert J. Dennis Sr. [email protected] Chief Cyril Edward Livingstone [email protected] http//www.huuayaht.ca http://www.hulquminum.bc.ca Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group Ka:'yu:'K't'h'/Che: K’tles7et’h’ First Nation Lyackson (Formerly Kyuquot) 9137 Chemainus Road General Delivery Chemainus, BC V0R 1K5 Kyuquot, B.C. V0P 1J0 (250) 246-5019 (250) 332-5259 Fax: (250) 455-2291 Fax: (250) 332-5210 Chief Richard Thomas [email protected] Chief Therese Smith [email protected] http://www.lyackson.bc.ca Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group Kwakiutl Indian Band Malahat First Nation P.O. Box 1440 110 Thunder Rd, RR 4 Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0 P.O. Box 111 (250) 949-6012 Mill Bay, B.C. V0R 2P4 Fax: (250) 949-6066 (250) 743-3231 Chief Coreen Child [email protected] Fax: (250) 743-3251 http://www.kwakiutl.bc.ca Chief Randy G. Daniels [email protected] Te’mexw Treaty Association; Naut’sa mawt Tribal Kwa-Wa-Aineuk Indian Band Council, Malahat Treaty Office P.O. Box 344 Port McNeil, BC V0N 2R0 Mamaleleqala Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Em Band (250) 949-8732 1441A Old Island HWY Fax: (250) 949-8732 Campbell River, B.C. V9W 2E4 (250) 287-2955 Kwiakah First Nation Fax: (250) 287-4655 PO Box 437, Station A Chief Harold Sewid [email protected] Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5B6 Kwakiutl District Council (250) 923-1556 Chief Steven Dick [email protected] Kwakiutk District Council, Hamatla Treaty Mowachaht/Muchalaht Band Oweekwno/Oweekenomuikinuxv P.O. Box 459 P.O. Bag 3500 Gold River, B.C. VOP IG0 Port Hardy, B.C. VON 2P0 (250) 283-2015 (250) 949-8625 Fax: (250) 283-2335 Fax: (250) 949-7105 Chief Daniel Adrian Savey Chief Frank Johnston [email protected] http//www.yuquot.ca Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Pacheenaht Band Admin. Office General Delivery Namgis First Nation Port Renfrew, BC V0S 1K0 P.O. Box 210 (250) 647-5521 Alert Bay, B.C. VON IA0 Fax: (250) 647-5561 (250) 974-5556 Chief Marvin McClurg [email protected] Fax: (250) 974-5900 Chief William (Bill) Cranmer [email protected] Pauquachin Indian Band http//www.
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