ft, THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER. YOL xx NO. 51. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20,1894. WHOLE NO. 1043 The Frieze Memorial Organ. WHILE CALLING YOUR ATTENTION FOUR PROFESSORS RESIGN Fully two thousand people attended HITS 'EM HARD. TO OUR the concert given in University Hall FROM THE HOMOEOPATHIC FAC- last Friday night. It was undoubtedly 1 CORRESPONDENT TO THE REG- ULTY AT TIIK LAST KliGENT'S the greatest musical event which has ISTER TELLS A LITTLF STORV, ever occurred in Michigan. This is es- FALL AND WINTER STOCK It Has a Sort of Double Action to lt- TWO GREAT SAMPLE 1INES OF pecially true when it is considered how OF The Hew SKions Lutheran Cluircli great an influence in the interest of Mayx lie Will Have .Tlore lo Say In Dedication—Tlie Frieze Memorial music will result from the installation of Auotli-r i»»ue Tit • Register Is open Organ Concert—Interesting Moouital to Any One Who "W'l.olies to Reply Reports—A War ol" Words—Prof. such an instrument in University Hall. \v illrii to < lose His Work lit Ann Although it cannot yet be told just To tlie Editor of TIIK REQI8TER: — and Arbor Tills Year. what the receipts from the concert I live in one of the towns in the west- CHRISTMAS Suits lledicated. were, it is very likely that enough was ern part of the state and sent my son At half past ten o'clock last Sunday taken in to almost entirely wipe out the Tohn to the high school at Ann Arbor morning the keys to the new Zion indebtedness. The entire program For the purpose of preparing him for Church were formally turned over to was carried out without a break of any the University. John is about fifteen kind except the ommission of part VII years of age; has never used liquor or Overcoats the pastor Rev. Max Hein, and the doors were thrown open to the nearly which was done to enable those from tobacco, and has never seen the inside Representing the entire production We wish to impress upon your mind the fact that we carry a super- one thousand people who stood outside out of town to be sure of not missing of a saloon. He bad been in Ann Ar- of one of the largest Jewelry Manufac- ior quality of ready-to-wear Clothing. Every man in Washtenaw their trains. The addresses were all bor in the high school about a month tures and Calhoun Robbins and Go's, County, no matter what his occupation, will tind it to his interesl good while the playing by Prof. Stan- and his mother, becoming anxious line of notions, both bought at 1-3 of to examine our immense stock of suits and overcoats for fall and the wholesale price, will be sold dur- ley was brilliant. The program, given about him, sent me on to Ann Arbor to ing the holidays for winter. below, Is one well adapted to show the investigate a little. Ages wide scope of the great organ's capaci- I arrived late in the evening, went IN CHILDREN'S SUITS, 1, ,* *We c^ ty. It is indeed a wonderful instru- immediately to John's room, found him 1-3 Off Regular Value. ment, altogether too much so to make there alone and we retired, soon after I it possible to give within our limited had arrived. I got up the next morning THE LITTLE GIANT, THE COLUMBUS and the B. 0. E. spaceo an adequate description of it rather early and began investigating Men's and Ladies' Cuff Buttons. End- (Best on Earth) Double-Breasted Coats. Pants made double seat less in Variety.Unique in Design. Gold, The addresses by Prof. Kelsey, Pres. somewhat. I first examined John's Solid Sterling Silver, Swiss Enameled, and knee. We call special attention to our all wool combination Angell, Governor Rich and General coat-pockets, and found a bunch of cig- Fancy Pearl in prices 10c to $1.50, Suits, Double-Breasted, two pairs of Pants and Hat to match at Alger were all interesting and were arettes in one of them, partly used. $3.75. well received. The entire program, John got up betimes and dressed, and Our Men's $7.00 All Wool Suits, Our Men's $8.00 All Wool Suits as rendered last Friday night is as after we had had our breakfast, we sat Selling 1-3 Less. and our Men's $10 All Wool Suits are world beaters. We believe we follows: down for a chat. I showed him the stand head and shoulders above all competition both in variety and' PART I. bunch of cigaretts and remarked : Belt Buckle, Bow Buckles, Neck value. We invite the comparison. Why not make it ? EXERCISES OF DEDICATION. P. How is this, John, are you smok- Buckles in Steel, Gold, Silver, Set with Presentation of the Organ ing these? Rhyne Stones, Emeralds. Rubys, Amc- Francis W. Kelsey, thyist, very lovely, President of the University Musical S. Well, yes, I am. Society. P. Well John, you know that your Than Their WADHAMS, RYAN & REULE Acceptance of the Organ James B. Angell. mother and I do not approve of your President of tbe Dnlverslty of Michigan. All 1-3 Less Value. 28 S. MAIN STREET. NEW LUTHERAN ZIONS CHURCH. The Organ and tbe State smoking? His Excellency John T. Rich. Governor of Michigan. S. Yes, but then they all do here. in the rain anxiously waiting to enter- The Organ and the People F. Yes, but that is no reason why Hair Ornaments, Torquoise Shell Gen. Russell A. Alger. The building erected by contractor you should. And you do not mean to Sterling, Silver-Pearl. Very fancily Ex-Governor of Michigan. ornamented every possible design — Agt. Soule's Photographs Saner, is one of the best built church DKDK'ATOItY HYMN. tell me John, that you like this stuff? ediiices in the city and is conveniently [Composed especially for the occasion.] S. Oh no, I do not. The fact is the Regular arranged for church purpose?. The Thy thoughts, O God. are far above, first ones I smoked made me very sick, WASHINGTON BLOCK. program for the day was an elaborate Thy ways beyond our earthly ken; Selling 1-3 OffPrice. And yet, Thou hust a heart of love, and I can't use them now very comfort- one. Three services were held. At Thou dost accept the praise of men. BLAKE ably. I realy don't like the taste or 10:30 a. m. the doors were thrown open We bless thy name in this glad hour,— smell of the stuff. Stick pins, thousands of differ ent de- Thy gift of song is rich and free; signs, Solid Gold Set with Pearls and and the morning program was carried In harmonies we feel thy power. F. Then John, why do you use it? Rhyne Stones, Sterling Silver Gold out as follows: Music, Otto's Orches- And music draws us near to Thee. S. Why because they all do here and plates, Mother Goose and Brownie pins, tra, Song by the choir, Chorus song, Accept this thatour hands have wrought; value 5e to $3.00, Let thy voice in its tones be heard; a fellow don't wish to be odd you know. Song by the congregation, Dedicatory So shall II stand with blessing fraught, It is the thing, and any f ellow who prayer; Dedicatory sermon by Prof. E. And hearts with heavenly joy bestirred. does not smoke is considered way be- In great variety. Photos mounted on Glass. Novelties in Schmid, of Oolurnbus.Ohio, Address by PART II. All 1-3 Off. Organ Recital Albert A. Stanley. liind the times; would not be admitted Picture Frames. Rev. Max Hein. Professor of Music in the University of into the tony set. lie would be ostra- Michigan and Director of the Univer- At 2:30 p. m. Prof. M. Loy.of Colum- sity School of Music. cized by all of the high-toned follows Garter clasps, Baby chain pins, Solid bus, Ohio, preached an English ser- PKOGKAM. and be snubbed and looked down upon. Silver thimble, throat Slides, Neck mon, all the songs and other exercises '. rnludo and Fugue, G minor I Sets, every canceivable designs, 5c to 6 Aria > Bach F. Who do you mean, my son: by».62.50, It's A Good Habit at this service being rendered in Eng- c Pastorale. ) saying that all smoke? lish. II. Andante, from Symp. In C. Beethoven S. Why, I mean all the tony boys and For a man or woman to get into the way of looking about and In the evening, Rev. C. Clessler, of Adapted by A. A. Stanley a good many of the leading teachers of All 1-3 Less. ascertaining what is going on all around them. They frequently Bridgewater, and Rev. G. F. H. Mei- III. Sonata—C minor. Op. 183 Merkel the high school, and nearly all of the save good hard-earned dollars by learning to bliy in the best mar- Allegro. Andante. Allegro. ket. The cheapest and best market is at. ser, of Detroit, both made short addres- IV. Adagio in B major Widor professors in the University. Shirtwaist Sets, Collar Buttons, Safe- ief>. F. How do you know, John, that the ty Waist pins from the cheap to the ele- On each occasion the church was From Sixth Organ Symphony gant and are goods you always need, high school professors and the profess- crowded to its utmost capacity.
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