Giants Drop Third in a Row to Pirates, 12-5 ¦¦mm YankeesLose Another to White Sox, 3-2 and Attack Robertson Offsets Dashing Spirited How to Start the Day Wrong By BRIGGS Wildness by Of Rivals Upsets McGrawmen Good Work in the Pinches Th(5 chanicSE? <nj Terv\peRM-uRe cjG-T RBADr- ! »"MSRe. I COME. Again Scores Hits on NICE Arno COOV- am Pittsburgh Freely, ~ Bunching A ISllïW PCRSOW Mj.TM APPHTtTe UK(5. Chicago Twirîer Retires in and and With Homer A COUP^tx. HORSES! Eighth Inning Lev- Jesse Virgil Barnes'? Meusel, apt6r »¦'Ir*.^-r»./N erette Checks £K<i Accounts for Three New York Runs That IfF-G-e tqwJ liugmerfs Rally; Shankey Effect» Single, ThUNT>ET3 TÎ-I/VT ThUMDGh ive Until Sixth. When Cleaaonites Score 3 STORM .» SToRm «JUAS Ruai I5NT «T ^ W. B. Hanna y t>-»OPíT(r* /S By * By John Kieran The Giants aren't and their are MILUON DOLLA&S hitting pitchers being hit, but back CHICAGO, July 31.. Although battling Bob Rhawkey, ih« of those upsetting states of being is the fact that they are list¬ sea forme» playing deep sailor, held the White Sockers to five hits in his seven innings lessly. They're a bit mentally stagnant while having Pittsburgh defeats of laboring in Charley Comiskey's vineyard to-day, the Pale jabbed into them once a day. The Pirates won for the third fIos*<J yesterday athletes trimmed the hapless Hugmen by the narrow margin of 3 to 2 time in threp days, scoring freely, as usual. The score was 12 to 5. i* a battle that was fought right down to the third line of dffensc. The The Pirates have made a whole lot Yanks are therefore still the runs in this series. They have playe taking dust that William?, Severeid et «1. a danhing, care-free, confident game; nro Ifiplrlnc un in settinr* thp American I.eaeiie naff the Giants, on the other hand, being in Five Leading Batsmen Charley Robertfton, th« perfect 27-no a moody, loosing vein and outdone in hit-no-run, "no mithin'" hurler, who batting, fielding, pitching and pepper. In Each Major League gave the Detroit Tigers the surprise Yesterday Jesse Barnes und his of their felino liven in the early sea¬ Still both to the Sliding brother, Virgil, gave way NATIONAL LEAGUE son, was the mound artist who hfld attack, base hits bunched to Murderers' Row in The CWCAQO (A L.J NEW vr.Kfí 'A. Pittsburgh subjection. ah r b « » L, Player nnd OInb. G. AR. R. H. IVt. ¡K. ab r h the most productive point. Jesse Slengrl. Now York 43 111 2(1 48 .397 former army avint.or was as wild as .Johnson, *< 4 0 0 1 501Witt ¡n t« Barnes was hit and hurt in the second St. Loula.101 Sßfl «¡v ir>5 the jack rabbits that roam his native Mulligan, 8b 4 i l ¡Tin So Horaaby, .am 2b. 4 1 1 . 5 inning by a bee liner, driven by Hamil¬ Grime, Chicago. 83 303 01 110 ,3«3 Texan plains, but when it was neces¬ rf Meusel, rf SOC 2 Oí 101 Hooper, 8 1 1 0 0 RtHh, If ton. He stopped the ball--couldn't get DHiiliert, Cin'natl 305 80 149 ,W8 sary to find this same gentleman for a Strunk, cf,. 2 <i ; o 0 no jo» Hollocher, Chicago 0!) 37!) 67 136 .358 Fa Ik 3 ; o o s o4 out of the way of it.and threw Hamil¬ 61 hit to score a highly important run 0 12 OO.Plpp. lb. 4 o a was Blfbee, IMtishitrgh 94 38Í 130 .350 ArviD KWIy. lb 10 0 15 0 0 ton out, but possibly his pitching whats m y Boy -So The Day w/sS the ex-service boy was Just plain 3 Ward. 2b 4 0 2 AMERICAN LEAGUE "Betrris-.s Hrbalk. a. 0 0 8 1 <i .-¦' affected by the'jar of it. GoíkíC To HAwG («So^e. Just NAruRAu.y A. W. O. L. with no stated destination Robertson, 2 o . Kmlth and Club. G. AIL R. I And (Crtïae/^rv, oPsex 0 0 00 He was knocked out in the fourth, rinyer H. Pet. RjR Ml S and no forwarding address. The. I/CTcrelt», p' 0 0 6 1 0 M'.W m 000 the Cobb. Detroit. 87 344 03 1*2 .413 \ CEPeA!. TOA5T Tme Cream Yanks could hoar but could .-<hf vrkey ? and the predatory enemy made Sister. St. I.onis... 117 300 80 LID .402 3« t5 Ä K t=V\ S *T ; r o/vje »<= i him, they p 0 0 switch from J. to V. Barnes as a£\ not see hirn. [tBaker .... 1 00 just Spenkrr, Cleve 01 »3» 65 121 .301 i s Sour. WORKinO GlTiV-- Uurrar, p 0 00 readiy as if the pitching of the broth¬ He'.linann, Detroit M 365 71 129 .354 Both Shawkey and Robertson failed won the Seining. New York 72 232 27 81 to survive. Robert was dis¬ Total»... 27 3 5 27 14 0' ers was of twin quality. They .34» OJ ACCOUNT CO*«Af5 Of=" Roving Total«... Il 2 s 24 U« in which the CâcoD to make room for .T. Franklin 'Batted for S-oit In game in the inning OF TH AT U-V - i A placed eigh-h inning. fraternal succession took and HAVE Baker as a pinch hitter in the eighth, »Batted for Shawkey in eighth Inning, place H"*" "ÏC3 Be ' PROVD and "Smiler finished out the Chicago .. 0 0 1 0 0 clinched it two innings late:' with an¬ Thunder id You Airv-r Gorn\ Murray New 3 0 0 *.t other invoice of five runs, this one off Ruether Easy for last stanza for the Ynnkr, without ft York. ] 0 o ¦> o 0 0 1 0_J Ri<a>i~r To Tai_k UKE The four Three-ban« the younger Barnes. in sign of trouble. Hugmen got hita.Mulliran. Strunk, fea*. "(^t TMf5 "PR&S&*JC& hits and one run off Robertson to the rince.Scott. Doubl« play».Scott Checks Giants The Cardinals and rip A (_ADV up Plpp; kW Hamilton f3«^'.?*^' *Py when clustered two more Shawkey. Scot! and Pipp. Left ¦ PT<;. *5 re. - eighth, they bases.New York. 10; ? Hamilton the while was __/ on Chicago, Baga Earl curbing hits for another run, and had the bases balls -Off Robertson. 7. off Sha» the Giants, who hit with tepid effort Robins Lose5 6 to 2 filled with two out when Gleason sent Struck out.By Roborifcon. i; by after an en¬ Robert¬ 2 Huh.(jff S in 7 Bha«k«( and infrequent output up colored lights and ordered 0 Shawkey. Inntngt 0j first Irish Meusel, son to earth. Murray. In 1, off 6 couraging inning. volplane back to solid off 0 In 1 Roberteon, In 7 J-Ji a and a home run, knocked Val Leverctte was once more called Leverette, 1-3. Winning with single By Joseph upon Robertson. Losing pitcher- Shawkey. in three runs for the Giants, but other¬ Tossing a poor, defenseless to stem the tide that threatened the pires- Dlnneen aní Morían Data wise Hamilton and his southpaw curv¬ southpaw White and this he did in easy the Cardinals ia like a Sockers, reduced New York's batting and against waving fashion. Baker grounded to Collins ing red in front of a scoring to u mere smattering. flr.g bull.the party for the third out. in the ninth the Indians Win Heinie Groh was back again and he of the first part is invariably torn and Yanks went out in order. Easily did his part satisfactorily. He was fnst tattered after the experience. Witt Scores the First Run at in for balls and quick with Manager Over 14 to 5 coming The Robbie must have known this at Ebbcts With Battling Bob firing the for¬ Senators, his hands on hard grounders. turret on the main deck un- CLEVELAND, July suffer from Field but he sent ward with 81..Washingtofl Giants didn't any fielding yesterday, southpaw failing accuracy and destructive effect played poorly behind ineffectivo pitch¬ fraiitics except a missed grounder by Dutch Ruether against nev- the first half of tho the added to the! thésCards, through game, ing by Zachary, Brillheart and Young, and that only ertheless, and Ruether was one gained by the Yanks in the Young, it didn't lose the game.] promptly tally blood *o-day and Cleveland won. 14 to Pirates' loot; knocked out of the box in the lead-off inning began to take on added .". Meusel made use of his hits, early The wildnesa of Robert- Manager Speaker made a home run good The Cards continued their as- importance. but had to play too much of a lone game. son was responsible for the counter, as to the score board. It was his seventh hand for the Giants to lift themselves sault even after Ruether's demise and Home Run Hitters he personally granted Whitey Witt of the season. from their mid-summer malaise. Ban¬ won out over the Robins, 6 to 2. International League free transportation to first as soon as in the first and the little blond Yank at the Umpire HUdebrand was hit by a foal croft walked inning It was an error to send In Games appeared Groh walked. Frisch sacrificed and egregious | Yesterday plate. Whitey went to third on tip in the first inninp but cor.^inu^d runs. Dutch the consider- YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Meusel singled and sent in two against Cardinals, Dugan's single, and scored as Ernie behind tho bat after his injuries war« No up to this time.
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