Oncogene (1998) 16, 3331 ± 3335 1998 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0950 ± 9232/98 $12.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk/onc SHORT REPORT Somatic deletion mapping on chromosome 10 and sequence analysis of PTEN/MMAC1 point to the 10q25-26 region as the primary target in low-grade and high-grade gliomas Daniel Maier1, Zuwen Zhang1, Elisabeth Taylor1, Marie-France Hamou2, Otmar Gratzl1, Erwin G Van Meir2, Rodney J Scott1 and Adrian Merlo1 1Molecular Neuro-Oncology, Neurosurgery and Department of Research, University Hospital, Schanzenstr.46, CH-4031 Basel; 2Laboratory of Tumor Biology and Genetics, Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland The 10q25-26 region between the dinucleotide markers dicult to delineate speci®c regions of loss, 10q25-26 D10S587 and D10S216 is deleted in glioblastomas and, has consistently been suspected to harbor a tumor as we have recently shown, in low-grade oligodendro- suppressor gene (Fults et al., 1993; Rasheed et al., gliomas. We further re®ned somatic mapping on 10q23- 1995; Albarosa et al., 1996). Recently, PTEN/MMAC1 tel and simultaneously assessed the role of the candidate on 10q23.3 has been proposed as a candidate tumor tumor suppressor gene PTEN/MMAC1 in glial neo- suppressor gene for gliomas and other neoplasms, plasms by sequence analysis of eight low-grade and 24 clearly de®ning a second locus on 10q (Li et al., 1997; high-grade gliomas. These tumors were selected for Steck et al., 1997). This gene has also been shown to be partial or complete loss of chromosome 10 based on involved in two rare inherited disorders, the Cowden deletion mapping with increased microsatellite marker (Liaw et al., 1997) and the Bannayan-Zonana density at 10q23-tel. Three out of eight (38%) low-grade syndrome (Marsh et al., 1997). PTEN/MMAC1 and 3/24 (13%) high-grade gliomas exclusively target encodes a protein tyrosine phosphatase, shares 10q25-26. We did not ®nd a tumor only targeting extensive homology to the cytoskeletal proteins tensin 10q23.3, and most tumors (23/32, 72%) showed large and auxilin, and has been shown to act either as deletions on 10q including both regions. The sequence positive or negative regulator during signal transduc- analysis of PTEN/MMAC1 revealed nucleotide altera- tion, cell cycle progression, and cellular transformation tions in 1/8 (12.5%) low-grade gliomas in a tumor with (Tonks et al., 1996), and is regulated by transforming LOH at 10q21-qtel and in 5/21 (24%) high-grade growth factor b (Li and Sun, 1997). gliomas displaying LOH that always included 10q23- The more telomeric region on 10q25-26 between the 26. Our re®ned mapping data point to the 10q25-26 dinucleotide markers D10S587 and D10S216 is region as the primary target on 10q, an area that also involved in glioblastomas (Rasheed et al., 1995; harbors the DMBT1 candidate tumor suppressor gene. Albarosa et al., 1996), and in low-grade oligoden- The fact that we ®nd hemizygous deletions at 10q25-qtel drogliomas, too, as we have recently shown (Maier et in low-grade astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas ± two al., 1997). The involvement of this very region in histologically distinct entities of gliomas ± suggests the earlier tumor stages has also been described in existence of a putative suppressor gene involved early in endometrial carcinomas (Nagase et al., 1997). We glial tumorigenesis. further re®ned somatic mapping on 10q in another seven low-grade gliomas (®ve astrocytomas and two Keywords: deletion mapping; chromosome 10q23.3 and mixed oligoastrocytomas). From the total number 10q25-26; PTEN/MMAC1 (n=86) of low-grade (n=14) and high-grade (n=72) gliomas which have been used for somatic mapping on chromosome 10, we selected eight low-grade (®ve astrocytomas, one mixed oligoastrocytoma, and two Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 10 has oligodendrogliomas) and 24 high-grade gliomas, which frequently been found in a variety of human cancers, either displayed LOH at the PTEN/MMAC1 locus such as endometrial (Peier et al., 1995), prostate (n=23), selectively targeted 10q25-26 (n=6) or were of (Gray et al., 1995), bladder (Cappellen et al., 1997), low-grade type without LOH on chromosome 10 renal cell carcinoma (Morita et al., 1991), Non- (n=3), to assess the role of PTEN/MMAC1 in glial Hodgkin lymphomas (Speaks et al., 1992), malignant tumorigenesis by analysing the genomic sequence of meningiomas (Rempel et al., 1993), melanomas (Herbst this new candidate suppressor gene on 10q23.3. These et al., 1994) and gliomas (Fults et al., 1990; Fujimoto tumors were selected for partial and complete LOH, et al., 1989; Rasheed et al., 1992; James et al., 1988; since the biallelic inactivation of a tumor suppressor Steck et al., 1995). Eighty to ninety per cent of gene typically involves an intragenic change (nucleotide malignant gliomas display large deletions on chromo- substitution, small insertion, or microdeletion) within some 10. Although somatic mapping has proven one allele, combined with inactivation of the other allele through the loss of a large chromosomal region (Knudson, 1993). Sequence analysis of PTEN/MMAC1 Correspondence: A Merlo revealed nucleotide alterations in 1/8 (12.5%) low- Received 22 October 1997; revised 8 January 1998; accepted 8 grade gliomas and in 5/21 (24%) high-grade gliomas. January 1998 None of the 9/32 (28%) tumors that did not display Two targets on chromosome 10q23-26 in gliomas DMaieret al 3332 LOH at the PTEN/MMAC1 locus showed sequence oligodendrogliomas and ®ve astrocytomas). DNA from alterations of this gene. All mutated tumors displayed tumor specimens and lymphocytes was analysed for LOH at the PTEN/MMAC1 locus. These ®ndings loss of heterozygosity (LOH) by ampli®cation of 31 di- suggest that PTEN/MMAC1 plays a role in glioma and tetranucleotide repeat-containing sequences using tumorigenesis. However, we ®nd partial somatic PCR and the conditions described (Merlo et al., 1994). deletions to be more frequent on 10q25-26 in low- Primers for microsatellite markers were obtained from grade and high-grade gliomas, suggesting that this Research Genetics (Huntsville, AL). Primer sequences region is the primary target in glioma tumorigenesis on for PTENCA, a highly informative dinucleotide repeat chromosome 10q. marker at the 5' end of PTEN/MMAC1, were kindly Tumor tissue and peripheral blood lymphocytes provided by P Cairns and D Sidransky (Wang et al., were obtained from 32 patients diagnosed with 1997). For microsatellite analysis, one primer was primary CNS tumors and were classi®ed according to labeled with T4-polynucleotide kinase (New England the World Health Organization: 24 high-grade astro- Biolabs) and g-32P-ATP. Fifty nanograms of genomic cytomas grade IV (glioblastoma multiforme) and eight DNA (normal and tumor) were subjected to 30 cycles low-grade gliomas grade II (one oligoastrocytoma, two of PCR ampli®cation with annealing temperatures that Table 1 Mutations and polymorphisms of PTEN/MMAC1 in primary gliomas Tumor type Case no. Codon changea Mutation Exon/Intron Predicted alterationb All GE31 CAT183→CGT183 missense 3 H61R GBM BS7 ATG594→D[ATG]592 ± 594 frameshift 6 delM198 GBM BS10 T1G intron 4 splicing variant GBM BS11 CGA699→TGA699 nonsense 7 R233Opal BS11 del T intron 3 polymorphism GBM BS54 CGC519→CAC519 missense 6 R173H GBM LS971 TAT264→D[AT]263 ± 264 frameshift 5 Y88fs a Mutated nucleotides are in boldface type. b Positions refer to the deduced PTEN protein sequence; fs, frameshift b ACGT a NNTT q 21.1 q 25.2 D10S676 D10S221 q 23.3 q 25.3 PTEN/MMAC1 locus c ACGT PTENCA D10S587 q 24.2 q 26.1 D10S254 D10S214 Figure 1 LOH analysis on chromosome 10q and mutations of PTEN/MMAC1 in primary gliomas (a) The deletion breakpoint in this low-grade astrocytoma (GE74) lies telomeric to the PTEN/MMAC1 locus (10q23.3) between the markers D10S254 (10q24.2) and D10S221 (10q25.2). Arrowheads denote loss of alleles consistent with LOH. N, normal; T, tumor. (b) Mutation in glioblastoma (GBM7, middle lane; GBM2, left lane; GBM8, right lane). Sequence of nucleotides 571 ± 603 of exon 6 of PTEN/MMAC1 in the antisense orientation. Arrow indicates an in frame 3 bp deletion of nucleotides 592 ± 594. (c) Mutation in a low-grade astrocytoma (GE31). Sequence of nucleotides 173 ± 193 of genomic DNA from blood (left) and primary tumor (right) from the same patient using a sense primer. Arrow indicates a transversion from A to G at nucleotide 182 Two targets on chromosome 10q23-26 in gliomas DMaieret al 3333 ranged from 50 ± 628C. Products were separated using Li et al. in their original reports. The fact that we 7% polyacrylamide-formamide gel electrophoresis detected a mutation in a low-grade astrocytoma followed by autoradiography. For informative cases, (GE31) suggests that this candidate tumor suppressor allelic loss was scored if the radiographic signal of one gene might occasionally also contribute to earlier allele was at least 50% less in tumor DNA as stages of tumorigenesis. Since the mutation rate as compared to the corresponding normal allele. assessed by direct analysis of the genomic sequence of For mutation screening of the candidate tumor PTEN/MMAC1 in primary gliomas was found to be suppressor gene PTEN/MMAC1, 50 ng of genomic much lower than LOH at the PTEN/MMAC1 locus, DNA from primary tumors and blood lymphocytes we searched for alternative mechanisms of gene was ampli®ed by PCR. Cycle sequencing was inactivation, that could be missed by direct sequence performed directly on PCR products using a nested analysis. For example, homozygous deletions are sequencing primer end-labeled with g32P-ATP and the technically dicult to exclude in primary tumor AmpliCycleTM Sequencing Kit (Perkin Elmer, Branch- specimens. It has been shown that an apparently burg, NJ).
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