clinical care anD ManaGeMent of opioiD Use DisorDer in preGnancy Annmarie Blair, DNP, MSN, BSN, RN Maternal Child Health Nursing Professional Developmemt Specialist Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” opioids, leading to a variety of complex developmental —Mahatma Gandhi disorders and complications as the infant enters the world and suddenly goes through opioid withdrawal. INTRODUCTION The American College of Obstetricians and There is a disturbing villain which no longer lurks Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates that 30%–80% in the dark shadows of a city alley or lies hidden away of neonates born after intrauterine exposure to opi- from our friendly neighborhoods. It lives among us in oids will suffer from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome our communities, in our school systems, on our front (NAS) as early as 72 hours after birth. Symptoms can porches, and in our hospital systems. It is the vile face include tremors, seizures, excessive crying, fever, diar- of prescription drug abuse. rhea, respiratory difficulties, poor weight gain, and The opioid epidemic has been a perpetual chal- excessive sweating. Hospital length-of-stay increases, lenge across the globe. It has infiltrated every avenue of and readmissions are twice as common with NAS. The society and leaves no one unscathed by its devastating enormous cost of providing appropriate care has been impact on mothers and their young, even those who estimated at more than $1.5 billion.5 have not yet entered the world. Opioid dependency Complications associated with NAS include low disorders affect every corner of society, without dis- birthweight, jaundice, prolonged hospital stay and crimination by race, culture, age, or gender. potential admission to the newborn intensive care unit, We’re all aware of the problem, but its staggering according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.6 magnitude in the United States isn’t apparent unless Although NAS remains the general term used in we look at some numbers. Although the United States clinical practice and in the literature, a more specific has 4.6% of the world’s population, it accounts for term has gained popularity in an effort to differenti- 80% of opioid drug consumption worldwide.1 In 2015, ate infants who experience opioid withdrawal from as overdose deaths from opioid pain relievers skyrock- those exposed in utero to other toxic substances such eted, an estimated 2 million U.S. women reported as tobacco, alcohol, and other prescription medica- opioid drug overuse, of whom approximately 600,000 tions used throughout the pregnancy. The concept women admitted to heroin abuse. Opioid abuse killed of Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) is an average of 31 women a day; between the years 1999- being introduced in the clinical arena to promote best 2010, women experienced a 400% increase in deaths, practices for opioid dependent infants, who require as opposed to an increase of 237% for their male distinctive tools for assessment and treatment.7 counterparts.2 Contributing factors which compli- cate dependency for women are theorized to be their CARE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS smaller body size and metabolic differences, which Despite widespread education and awareness sur- accelerate physical dependence.3 rounding the care and management of opioid use during pregnancy, stigma remains the most significant SCOPE OF THE EPIDEMIC IN PREGNANCY barrier for effective treatment. Dr. Loretta Finnegan, It is known that opioid drugs cross the blood-brain former medical advisor to the director of the Office barrier, binding to specific G-protein receptors in the of Research on Women’s Health at the U.S. National brain, and potentially causing altered pain perception, Institutes of Health suggests, “Rather than discour- decreased respirations, and other physiological effects aging discussions of drug use during pregnancy, we in the pregnant mother.4 As these drugs also cross should be looking upon this as an opportunity to the placenta, the neonate in utero is also exposed to bring about positive, long-lasting change in the life of 76 The Journal of Lancaster General Hospital • Fall 2019 • Vol. 14 – No. 3 opioiD Use DisorDer in preGnancy the mother and the child, through effective treatment safety director at Women & Babies Hospital, who was and support services.” Often these women appear on excited about the idea. He developed a task force to the doorsteps of clinics and emergency departments work on the project in February 2018. seeking help, but instead are judged unfairly due to Over time, the task force grew to include anes- their addictions.8 thetists, social workers, case managers, psychiatrists, Health care providers need to remain mindful of addiction counselors, perinatal safety representatives, the consequences for both mother and baby if women project managers, drug and alcohol counselors, nurse are too fearful or embarrassed to seek treatment dur- leaders, and of course, Connie, the nursing represen- ing pregnancy. The Association of Women’s Health, tative for the team. The purpose of the task force was Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN, 2015) to properly identify and treat pregnant women with stresses the importance of compassionate care and opioid use disorder (OUD). She would share stories or transparent advocacy for females identified as opioid events that occurred on the units in order to support abusers before conception. Hospitals and birthing cen- the need for an action plan and to help her colleagues ters across the country are making tremendous efforts on the task force become more aware of the problem. to promote safe health practices with the implementa- Connie took the initiative to identify the need for a tion of patient safety bundles. The identification and screening tool that would serve as a flag to help provid- recognition of women at risk remains at the forefront ers recognize a patient suspected of opioid use. of best practice in care and management in the ante- With Connie’s passionate persistence, the team, partum and intrapartum period. led by Dr. Faizon, developed a screening tool, protocol, and order panel that is currently being implemented HOW IS THIS BEING ADDRESSED BY OUR HOSPITAL by the labor and delivery nursing and medical staff COMMUNITY? (Fig. 1). The tool provides a platform of guidance to As is often the case, one person’s experience the provider in the care and management of opioid impelled her to act. Connie Heidig, a seasoned labor dependent patients, and those who are also at risk for and delivery RN at Penn Medicine Lancaster General relapsing into opioid dependence following delivery. Health Women & Babies Hospital, recognized the The nursing protocol will drive best practices and help need for a more detailed and comprehensive approach answer questions such as: to patients entering the triage and the labor and deliv- ery units with either an active opioid disorder or a Is this patient using opioids now or do they have the history of opioid dependency. Her concern stemmed potential to use? Is there a family history risk factor that from having seen one of her own family members suf- could put this patient at risk for using? When the patient fering from opioid dependency during labor: is discharged from our care, should they be placed on metha- done or suboxone? Is the patient being managed appropriately “My family member told the providers that she was during the labor process? clean, when, in fact, she was not. Urine toxicology screens were not done as they were satisfied with her testimony. Prior Janay DiBerardino, perinatal safety nurse at to her delivery via cesarian section, she was using illegal pain Women & Babies Hospital, collaborated with Connie medication, but nobody knew about it. After she delivered, and the team to successfully develop an opioid depen- she was given IV pain medication and her drug use spiraled dency screening algorithm (Fig. 2). According to out of control. I do not blame the OB practice, but felt that Connie, “The opioid dependency task force included if they had more knowledge or had a screening tool, this could valuable input and work from so many different pro- have been avoided.” fessionals.” The order set and screening tool was presented by Dr. Faizon at the OB Care Management Connie had been concerned about “knowledge Team March of this year and was accepted unani- deficits” regarding the opioid epidemic for this popu- mously by the medical staff. lation in the community. Her passion for the safety The order panel provides standardization of and appropriate treatment of these patients ignited a care for antepartum and intrapartum patients spark which would serve as the impetus for desperately with opioid use disorder, includes proper medi- needed change. She contacted Dr. Robert Faizon, chief cally assisted treatment (MAT) options for patients The Journal of Lancaster General Hospital • Fall 2019 • Vol. 14 – No. 3 77 opioiD Use DisorDer in preGnancy already on MAT, and has the capacity to connect The team at Women & Babies Hospital came together patients with appropriate external treatment centers. as a united army of professionals dedicated to providing The order panel allows for pain management options quality of care without discrimination or judgement for that include higher doses during labor, and includes their patients. They are able to persevere with these diffi- recommendations for lab tests and consults. The cult situations because they know what pregnant patients policy and algorithm for opioid use disorder is used with OUD need, and they recognize the challenge posed to screen all pregnant patients using a single screen- by the current statistics on the devastating consequences ing question (SSQ). Patients presenting with high-risk associated with opioid use in pregnancy. clinical conditions and those on MAT with a positive Heeding Gandhi’s admonition (see beginning of SSQ will receive an automatic urine toxicology screen.
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