FRATERNITIES INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL W a l t e r S a n f o r d - - - .................................................. President T homas B. Irv in..............................----- Vice-Pres. B ryan Levericei ---------- Sec.-Treas. Inter-fraternity council is composed of two delegates from each social fraternity on the campus. The council’s function is to act as a governing body with general control over the men's greek-letter organizations. Rules for the handling of rishing week, pledging of men, and for the set­ tlement of any difficulties among the fraternities are made up by this group. This year the fraternities, through the council, aided the Masquers in the purchase of a curtain for the Little Theatre, and the Bear Paws in replacing the “M” on the tower of Main Hall. ALPHA TAU OMEGA D elta X i C hapter Karnak Klub House The Karnak Club was founded October 15, 1921, with eighteen members.* It was installed as Delta Xi chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, March 3, 1923, with thirty-four charter members. Alpha Tau Omega was founded at Kiehmond College, V irginia, September 11, 1865. There are seventy-eight chapters. FRATRES IX URBE Robert Harper Leo Mallory Ted Jacobs Clark • T. Brown Page Ninety-seven KAPPA SIGMA D elta Omicr< C hapter Alpha Delta Alpha was organized January 22, 1916, with seven charter members. It was installed as Delta Omicron chapter of Kappa Sigma May 12, 13 and 14, 1927. K appa Sigma was founded at the University of Virginia on December 10, 1869. There are 104 chapters. Fox; Morrow; Anderson; Cogswell; Metzel; Alton; Elmore; Briscoe; Sanford; McCarthy; Mclver; Coen; Needham; Stratton; Parmalee; Campbell; Downs; Judge; Covert; Moody; Onstad; Gillespie; Nlbill; Kvalnes. PHI DELTA THETA Montana Alpha C hapter Delta Rho was founded in 1916, with six charter members. Installed as Montana Alpha Delta Rho House chapter of Phi Delta Theta011 March 4, 1921, with twenty-eight charter members. Phi Delta Theta was founded at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, on December 26, 1848. There are ninety-seven chapters. FRATRES IN URBE hn F. Patters inrad Orr orris McCollur r Higbeo H. Jesse SATRES IN FACULTATE i Page One Hundred One PHI SIGMA KAPPA Mu Deuteron Chapter Iota Nu was founded in 1908, with ten members. It was inducted into Phi Sigma Kappa011 April 26, 1923, as Mu Deuteron chapter. There were fifty-six charter members. Phi Sigma Kappa was founded at the Massachusetts Agricultural College011 March 15, 1873. There are forty-six chapters. J. F. S. Marshall Elmer Stowe Ekegren, K .: Hunter Hanson; Bloom; ullivan; Miller; Ekegren, Floyd; Steele; T lan; Vierhus; Ekegren, V Merrill; McConnell; Tierney; EricksoJi; Teeli M artin, W. W arden; Hagerty; Stillings; Coyl» rster; Dorm an; McCarthy. Page One Hundred Three SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Montana Beta Chapter i life::" i 5 Sigma Alpha was founded as a secret club sigma Alpha House by eight men 1in 9 1 9 ; it gained in membership. and was announced on the campus in 1922. It was installed as Montana Beta chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, February 12, 1927. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was founded at Tuscaloosa, Alabama, in 1856. There are ninety-nine chapters. FBATRES IN URBE FACULTATE Mitchell; Palubicki Dahl; Stevens; Moe Nelson; Colby; Bloom; Marks; Her Page One Hundred Five SIGMA CHI B e ta D elta C hapter Eta Phi Mu was organized with fifteen members in 1904. Established as Beta Delta chapter of Sigma Chi in 1906. There were twenty-six charter members. Sigma Chi was founded at Mia University in 1855. There are eighty-seven chapters- FRATRESIN URBE W. O. Dickinson Clias. E. Simons Clarence J. Forbis Ed Polleys Hugh Forbis Dr. J. G. Randall Lloyd E. Noll Newlon Whitlock John M. Orvis Oakley Coffee Fred H. ’ I)r. P. T. Gilbert A. Ted Plun FRATRES 1 *rof. Frederick ( i)r' c. h!'ciai Reely; Pearce; Dickinson; Ktlroy: Woodworth: Gar ling ton; Nilsson; Hughes, E. Ilolzberger; Porter, M .; Scliwingle; Rainer; Hughes, D .: Drew; Stewart: Graffin; Baker, J . ; Reeves; Smith; Scott: Sweetman; Slmerson; McFarlln Sterling, F .: Doherty: Sturm; IffeVey; Malm; Donlan: Dean; Leverlch; Tarbox; Dickson: Ricker; Meeker; Kennedy; Edgington: Goloh Porter, L .; Thomas; Baker, G .; Danielson; Baney; MacKenzic; Linville; Mowatt; Zimmerman: Mathews: Prescott; Hughes, C .: Staunton; Congdon: Burns Pease; Helmbach; Coffey; Sterling, G .; Hodges, B .; Hodges, T.. Page One Hundred Seven SIGMA NU Gamma Phi Chapter Gamma Phi chapter of Sigma Nu installed in 1905; it was the first national Greek-letter organization on the campus. There were seven charter members. Sigma Nu was founded at Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, January 1, 1869. Total number of chapters, one hundred two. ' FRATRES IN URBE John M. Evans John Dawes Holmes Maelay Tom Sheridan Berne K ltt John Luey Joe B. Halm Frauds Peterson Massey McCullough A. G. Whaley Phil Sheridan H. F. Flaherty Rule; MacDonald; ©McGUlis; Higgins; Ryan;0 Sbead; Denton Curtis; Duncan, T .; Baldwin; Angland, T .: Edge; Varney; Slmerson Duncan, R .; Gillespie; Adams, B .; Huber; Anderson; Cochran; Walford Marto; Stark; Yaw; Griffith; Blue, A.; Ulvestad; Miller, J. Cardwell: Adams, R .; Blue, W .; LeRoux: Crump; Nofsinger; Nichols Crego; Miller, T. Pege One Hundred Nine SIGMA PHI EPSILON Montana Alpha Chapter Alpha Gamma Phi founded in January, Alpha Gamma Phi House 1916, with nine charter members. Montana Alpha chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon installed February 3, 1918, with twenty-one charter members. Sigma Phi Epsilon was founded at Richmond College, now Richmond University, Virginia, in November, 1901. There are fifty-four chapters. FRATRES IN L’RBE Ralph Fields Alvin Lister William Gallagher Frank Finch J. H. Ramskill Fred Schilling Guynu; Still; Trippett; Fullmc Abel; Struckman; Shado Taylor Shaver: Feurt; Dimond; Sande Ainsworth; Spaulding; lleeder; Qaughai Paige, L .; Graham; Alley; Mayland; Nelson; Webster: Belner; Seeley; THE TEMPLARS First Templar House Organized on the Montana Campus February 3, 1924. FRATRES IX URBE Leonard R. Foster L. R. McKenzie C. E. Mollett Palmer Pawlson B. E. Thomas Geo. Williamson FRATRES IN FACULTATE Dean C. E. Mollett Prof. B. E. Thomas /•'A. Page One Hundred Twelve Ailing, It. Ailing, F. Stxanahan; Young; Bates Murphy; Huskosky; Combe; Diefenderfer; Merrill Fenton; Fritz; Herring; Ebert W yatt; 'isnerr; Hollingsworth; Douglas; Jelly Thomas ingee; White; Mid Skonea; Poole. HISTORY OF FRATERNITIES House of Jericlio First Men’s Residence Eta Phi Mu, a local organization which appeared in 1904, was the first men’s social fraternity on the Montana campus. Sigma Nu was installed as the first national fraternity on the campus in January, 1905. Eta Phi Mu was installed as Sigma Chi in September, 1906. * In 1907 the Inter Nos dub was founded, later becoming Iota Nu. It remained a local until 1923, when it was inducted into Phi Sigma Kappa. Alpha Gamma Phi, founded in 1916, became Sigma Phi Epsilon in 1918. Delta Rho, also founded in 1916, was established as Phi Delta Theta in 1921. The Karnak Klub, founded in 1921, obtained its Alpha Tau Omega charter in 1923. Sigma Alpha, founded in 1922, was granted a charter by Sigma Alpha Epsilon and installed early in 1927. Alpha Delta Alpha, founded in 1916, was granted a charter in Kappa Sigma in May, 1927. The Templars, a group of Masons and DeMolays, organized in 1924. PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL M a r g a r e t M a d d o c k President P a u l i n e S w a r t z - Vice-Pres. A n n e M il l e r - - Treasurer M il d r e d M a y - - Secretary Two representatives from each of the nine national sororities form the nucleus of Pan-Hellenic Council, which is the governing body of women’s fraternities, making and enforcing rules governing rushing and inter-sorority games. Pan-Hellenic was organized in 1910 for both men and women’s groups, but divided into separate functions111 1912, the fraternity council being called Inter-Fraternity. ALPHA CHI OMEGA A lpha X i Chapter Pounded at DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, October 15, 1885. Alpha Xi chapter of Alpha Chi Omega was granted to Chelys Club, May 1923. The local organization was started in 1921. SORORES IN URBE SOROR IX FACULTATE I’age One Hundred Nineteen ALPHA PHI Chi C h a p ter Delta Phi Zeta House Founded at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, 1872. Chi chapter was installed on the Campus in 1918. The local sorority, which organized in 1916, was Delta Phi Zeta. SORORES IN URBE Miss Anne Webster Miss Georgia MoCrea Miss Solvay Andres Miss Loretta MoBarron Miss Ruby James Miss Ruth Smith Mrs. Mildred Graug Miss Dorothy Van ' Miss Florence Himes Miss Adalouie McAllister SORORE IN FACCLTATE Page One Hunched Twenty-one ALPHA XI DELTA A lp h a M u C hapter Founded at Galesburg, Illinois, April, 1893. Alpha Xu chapter granted to the local organization, Omega Xi, in 1924. a There twenty-six charter members. Omega Xi organized in 1921. Barrows; Hancock; Beley Brown; Wickes: Holmes; Hughes; Sliope; Wilson; Hammer; Skulason; Besancon; Flynn; Ferring; Cowan; Keating; Peters; Patton; Corbly; Hoteher; Wakefield; Daniel; Fai rbr other; Wheatley; Siefert; ' Charles; Page One Hundred Twenty-three DELTA GAMMA P i C hapter Delta Gamma Former House Founded at Oxford, Missouri, 1874. In September, 1908, Sigma Tau Gamma was or- the local organization. Pi chapter of Delta Gamma was granted to the local in September, 1911. IfiS k . I k s ' I s SP- SORORES IX FACULTATE Page One Hundred Twenty-four Page One Hundred Twenty-five DELTA DELTA DELTA Theta Elio Chapter Flii Beta House Founded at Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, November, 1888. Theta Rho chapter was granted to Phi Beta in October, 1926, at which time thirty members were initiated into the national organi­ zation.
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