UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC COMMITTEE FOR CO-ORDINATION OF JOINT PROSPECTING FOR MINERAL RESOURCES IN SOUTH PACIFIC OFFSHORE AREAS (CCOP/SOPAC) TECIThlJCAL BULLETIN No. 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS OF THE SOUTHWESTERN PACIFIC Edited by CHRISTIAN JOUANNIC UNDP Marine Geologist, Technical Secretariat ofCCOPjSOPAC, Suva, Fiji and ROSE-MARIE THOMPSON NiZ. Oceanographic Institute. Wellington Ali communications relating to this and other publications of CCOP/SOPAC should he addressed to: Technical Secretariat of CCOP/SOPAC, cio Mineral Resources Department, Private Bag, Suva, Fiji. This publication should he referred to as u.N. ESCAP, CCOP/SOPAC Tech. Bull. 5 The designations employed and presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status ofany country or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of the frontiers of any country or territory. Cataloguing in Publication BIBLIOGRAPHY of geology and geophysics of the southwestern Pacifie / edited by Christian Jouannic and Rose-Marie Thompson. - [2nd ed/]. - Suva: CCOP/SOPAC. 1983. (Technical bulletin / United Nations Economie and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacifie, Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacifie Offshore Areas, ISSN 0378-6447 : 5) ISBN 0-477-06729-8 1. Jouannic, Christian II. Thompson, Rose­ Marie III. Series UDC 016:55 (93/96) The publication of this 2nd Edition of the Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of the Southwestern Pacifie has been funded by the Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer (ORSTOM, 24 Rue Bayard, 75008 Paris, France) as a contri- bution by ORSTOM to the activities of CCOP/SOPAC. Printed in New Zealand 1983 FOREWORD CCOPjSOPAC has now been in existence for more than 10 years. Its main aims are to promote and co-ordinate marine geological studies in the Southwest Pacific, especially those which provide information and assessment on the economic potential of marine mineraI resources. In its early years one of the first tasks performed by CCOPjSOPAC was to produce a Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of the South Pacific, published in 1975. Since then CCOPjSOPAC has done much work in the region and stimulated others to do even more. Therefore, it is now most appropriate that a list of reports describing the result of this work be compiled and a second bibliography be prepared. The size of this second bibliography is vivid proof of the success of the Committee in promoting work in the region. They have done this by sponsoring regional workshops ­ the first held in Suva in September 1975, and the second in Vila, 1981. Many of the papers presented there have since been published and are listed here. The setting up ofa fully-funded UNDP P,:oject Office in Suva, administered by ESCAP, has played a major role in assisting CCOPjSOPAC achieve many of its work objectives, and the Project's many cruise reports, technical reports, and other papers appear in this bibliography. CCOPjSOPAC has also been 'instrumental in encouraging national and international agencies to continue and even ex'pand their activities in the region. British, French, German, Japanese, Soviet, American, Australian, and New Zealand agencies have ail contributed to the expansion of knowledge in the region. Of particular note is the multimillion dollar Tripartite Australian-New Zealand-USA programme which com­ menced in 1982. With this increased activity the Committee has been greatly assisted in its co-ordinating functions by the French Government who since 1979 have provided the full-time services of a marine geologist to work with UNDP Project staff. Dr C. Jouannic has held this positj<,m during 1979-1983 and it is fitting that this bibliography has been one of his last tasks before leaving this position. His experience, coupled with that of Mrs Rose-Marie Thompson of the N.Z. Oceanographic Institute, has ensured that this work has been thoroughly prepared and is most comprehensive. The work has also been expanded to include countries other than member countries of CCOPjSOPAC thus increasing its usefulness. This work will be of major assistance to ail those planning and involved in marine geoscience work in the Southwest Pacific, and ail those involved in its preparation are to be thoroughly commended. J.V. Eade iii 1 I<:INGMAN F!((F BALl'S PYRJl."'ID o c A 'N~W SQUTt< WAlHI INTRODUCTION This second edition of the Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of the South­ western Pacifie follows on from the first edition by L.W. Kroenke and E. Bardsley, which was published in 1975 in the samc series (U.N. ESCAP. CCOPjSOPAC Tech. Bull. 1). Dealing only with geologic and geophysical matters, this bibliographie compilation is essentially geographic and covers the Southwestern Pacifie region within approximately 4°N - 40°S, 140 0 E- 130 0 W (sec Frontis.). Each section, as in the first edition, corresponds to a distinct country or territory of the region, CCOP/SOPAC member or not, with the exception, however, of Western Samoa and American Samoa which have been combined. A final section is dedicated to the more regional references. dealing with the Southwestern Pacifie as a whole. ln the case of the countries covered by the tirst edition, i.e., French Polynesia. New Caledonia, Samoa, Solomon Islands. Tonga, and Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), only references additional to those that have already appeared in the tirst edition are cited here (Fiji is a special case; sec Fiji section). Each section includes. therefore, ail references related geographically to a given country (or territory). ln addition, it may include references originated out of the country. i.e., in international waters, or in a neighbouring country, if it appears to be of interest to the geological understanding of the country in question. For example, the Santa Cruz Islands, while being part of the Solomon Islands, have been included also in Vanuatu, because of the geological association with the New Hebrides island arc, of which Vanuatu forms, by far. the larger part. As in the first edition. wherever possible, periodical references have been cited in conformity with the iJ'orld List of Scientijie Pcriodieals, 4th Edn. Books, reports, and theses have been dealt with following the style of Hurley (Titles of Selected Scientitic Periodicals and Expedition Reports dealing with the Marine Sciences, New Zealand and the Antarctic. Mise. Pl/bis N.L. occanogr. /nst. 58: 45 p (1974)). We acknowledge the very considerable efforts made by the individual contributors to this compilation and also the most helpful computer searches carried out by the librarians at N.Z. Oceanographie Institute. Wellington. and U.S. Geological Survey at Menlo Park. Christian louannie Rose-Marie Thompson Frontispiece : Map of areas included in this bibliography, kindly reproduced with per­ mission of the Hawaii Geographie Society, Honolulu. Areas north of the Equator and Indonesia have not been included. v CONTENTS Page FOREWORD iii INTRODUCTION v Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Australia (Eastern Off­ shore) C. Jouannic. CCOP/SOPAC. Suva Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of the Cook Islands R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 17 An Annotated Bibliography of Bibliographies of the Geology and Geo- physics of Fiji P. Rodda Mineral Resources Division. Fiji 28 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of French Polynesia H.G. Barsczus Centre Geologique & Geophysique, Montpellier 32 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Kiribati C. Jouannic, CCOP/SOPAC, Suva R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 52 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Nauru R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 65 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of New Caledonia J. Launay, ORSTOM, Noumea C. Jouannic, CCOP/SOPAC, Suva 68 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Offshore New Zealand (north of 40 0 S) R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 97 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Niue R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 119 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Papua New Guinea W. Manser University ofPapua New Guinea: Port Moresby 123 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Samoa R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 150 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Solomon Islands W. Manser University ofPapua New Guinea, Port Moresby 156 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Tokelau R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 186 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Tonga Karen Anscombe Ministry ofLands, Surveys & Natural Resources, Nuku 'alofa R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 188 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Tuvalu R.M. Thompson. NZOI, Wellington 206 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Vanuatu J. Launay, ORSTOM, Noumea C. Jouannic, CCOP/SOPAC, Suva 208 Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of Wallis & Futuna J. Dupont, ORSTOM, Noumea R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 230 vii Regional: Bibliography of the Geology and Geophysics of the Southwest­ ern Pacifie C. Jouannic, CCOP/SOPAC, Suva R.M. Thompson, NZOI, Wellington 232 APPENDIX List of Journals Searched at N.Z.O.!. 257 Vill BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS OF AUSTRALIA (Eastern Offshore) Christian Jouannic CCOPjSOPAC, Suva. Fiji The geological/geophysical bibliographie compilation of Eastern offshore Australia extends to the Coral Sea, the Lord Howe Rise (occasionally to the New Caledonia Basin), and to the Tasman Sea, to approximately 40o S. It includes also the articles directly related to Norfolk and Philip Islands, as these islands are Australian territories. The compilation results from the merge ofa computer search provided by the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) from its own GEODEX system and of a manual search carried out at the CCOP/SOPAC office. The merge was then circulated between various researchers at BMR in Canberra, from whom further contributions were added, in particular, N.E Exon, P.
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