Self-Publishing in the United States, 2013-2018 Print and Ebooks Prepared by Bowker® Self-Publishing in the United States, 2013-2018 Print and Ebooks Table of Contents Overview 3 ISBN Output for USA Self-Publishers, 2013-2018 Total Print and Ebooks 4 Print Books 5 Ebooks 6 Author Solutions Output 7 Bowker Self-Publishing 8 Report Highlights 2013-2018 Copyright © 2019 Bowker® LLC All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or distributed in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of Bowker. Overview Bowker is pleased to present this latest edition of our report on self-publishing in the United States. Covering the years 2013 through 2018, the report documents the continued growth of this dynamic industry based on the number of ISBNs registered in the Bowker Books In Print® database. For 2018, the numbers demonstrate that the self-publishing industry continues its steady growth, with over 1.6 million titles published – a 40% increase over prior year. This growth trend has been ongoing since 2013, when the number of print books and ebooks with registered ISBNs stood at 461,438. This trend is likely to continue as the quality of many self-published works now rivals that of traditionally published titles. Authors now have access to a wide range of professional services, from editing to cover design, to help ensure that the highest standards are met. With these resources, coupled with the online marketing and distribution tools now available, self-publishing authors are positioned for success as never before. On the following pages are six charts. The first three are a breakdown of titles by publisher by year (Total Print and Ebook, Print only, Ebook only). The remaining charts provide a consolidated view of the output from the divisions of Author Solutions. As these totals represent registered ISBNs only, any titles published without an ISBN would be additional. Bowker publishes authoritative statistical reports for the publishing industry on a regular basis. As we plan for the release of the numbers for 2019 and beyond, we look forward to receiving your feedback, questions, and suggestions. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Alison Roth at [email protected] or (734)-707-2691. ISBN Output for USA Self-Publishers, 2013-2018 Total Print & Ebooks Source: Bowker Books In Print ® database increase %increase increase %increase NAME 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2017-18 2017-18 2013-18 2013-18 CreateSpace/Indpendently Published 187,846 293,442 425,752 517,707 929,295 1,416,384 487,089 52.41% 1,228,538 654.01% Smashwords * 85,500 112,483 97,198 89,041 74,290 71,969 -2,321 -3.12% -13,531 -15.83% Lulu Press, Inc. ** 74,787 82,887 85,437 75,243 67,398 67,477 79 0.12% -7,310 -9.77% ISBNBlurb, Output Inc. for USA Self-Publishers, 2013-2018 2,842 17,474 33,188 22,957 20,656 19,098 -1,558 -7.54% 16,256 571.99% TotalXlibris Print (Div. & of Ebooks Author Solutions) 13,990 11,789 7,966 9,887 9,050 8,474 -576 -6.36% -5,516 -39.43% ® Source:AuthorHouse Bowker (Div. Books of Author In Print Solutions) database 11,835 8,858 7,740 7,565 6,096 6,585 489 8.02% -5,250 -44.36% WestBow Press (imprint of Author Solutions) 3,476 2,953 3,228 4,206 3,957 3,568 -389 -9.83% 92 2.65% Christian Faith Publishing 0 0 26 726 1,900 3,142 increase1,242 %increase65.37% increase3,142 %increasen/a NAMEBookBaby 2,5102013 2014161 20154 1,5782016 2,3512017 2,8392018 2017-18488 2017-1820.76% 2013-18329 2013-1813.11% CreateSpace/IndpendentlyBalboa Press (imprint of Author Published Solutions) 187,8461,652 293,4421,074 425,752592 517,7071,500 929,2951,516 1,416,3842,657 487,0891,141 52.41%75.26% 1,228,5381,005 654.01%60.84% SmashwordsIndependent *Publisher (Bar Code Graphics) 85,5002,495 112,4832,381 97,1982,892 89,0412,539 74,2902,461 71,9692,632 -2,321171 -3.12%6.95% -13,531137 -15.83%5.49% LuluiUniverse Press, (Div. Inc. of ** Author Solutions) 74,7874,640 82,8872,772 85,4371,739 75,2432,532 67,3982,281 67,4772,456 17579 0.12%7.67% -7,310-2,184 -47.07%-9.77% Blurb,Page Publishing,Inc. Inc. 2,842454 17,4741,406 33,1882,264 22,9571,508 20,6563,891 19,0982,087 -1,558-1,804 -46.36%-7.54% 16,2561,633 571.99%359.69% XlibrisSalem (Div.Author of AuthorServices Solutions) [formerly Xulon Press] 13,9902,544 11,7891,823 7,9661,948 9,8872,208 9,0501,553 8,4741,603 -57650 -6.36%3.22% -5,516-941 -39.43%-36.99% AuthorHouseArchway Publishing (Div. of (Div. Author of Author Solutions) Solutions) 11,835343 8,858620 7,740657 7,5651,381 6,0961,406 6,5851,426 48920 8.02%1.42% -5,2501,083 315.74%-44.36% WestBowFriesenPress Press (imprint of Author Solutions) 3,4761,157 2,9531,441 3,2281,241 4,2061,316 3,9571,050 3,5681,257 -389207 19.71%-9.83% 10092 2.65%8.64% ChristianOutskirts FaithPress Publishing 1,9310 1,8020 1,96826 1,523726 1,9001,157 3,1421,186 1,24229 65.37%2.51% 3,142-745 -38.58%n/a BookBabyDorrance 2,510577 161484 4804 1,578739 2,351745 2,839745 4880 20.76%0.00% 329168 13.11%29.12% BalboaTrafford Press (Div. of(imprint Author of Solutions) Author Solutions) 1,6524,000 1,0742,458 592866 1,500959 1,516657 2,657605 1,141-52 75.26%-7.91% -3,3951,005 -84.88%60.84% IndependentPalibrio (Div. ofPublisher Author Solutions)(Bar Code Graphics) 2,4952,238 2,3811,775 2,892885 2,539669 2,461516 2,632475 171-41 -7.95%6.95% -1,763137 -78.78%5.49% iUniverseDog Ear Publishing (Div. of Author Solutions) 4,640511 2,772662 1,739539 2,532519 2,281475 2,456397 175-78 -16.42%7.67% -2,184-114 -47.07%-22.31% PageBooklocker.com Publishing, Inc. 454301 1,406534 2,264380 1,508333 3,891445 2,087329 -1,804-116 -46.36%-26.07% 1,63328 359.69%9.30% SalemPartridgeIndia Author Services(imprint of [formerly Author XulonSolutions) Press] 2,544398 1,823910 1,948695 2,208865 1,553385 1,603249 -13650 -35.32%3.22% -941-149 -36.99%-37.44% ArchwayeBookit.com Publishing (Div. of Author Solutions) 343982 620401 657279 1,381366 1,406227 1,426172 -5520 -24.23%1.42% 1,083-810 315.74%-82.48% FriesenPressMill City Press (imprint of Salem Author Services) 1,157130 1,441123 1,241172 1,31644 1,050123 1,257153 20730 19.71%24.39% 10023 17.69%8.64% OutskirtsJETLAUNCH Press [formerly Red Willow] 1,93163 1,80263 1,96833 1,52332 1,15764 1,186126 2962 96.88%2.51% -74563 100.00%-38.58% DorranceGreenleaf Book Group 577116 48493 48081 739106 745114 74594 -200 -17.54%0.00% 168-22 -18.97%29.12% TraffordAnaphora (Div. Literary of Author Press Solutions) 4,00024 2,45846 866213 95981 65784 60593 -529 10.71%-7.91% -3,39569 287.50%-84.88% PalibrioInkwater (Div. Press of Author Solutions) 2,238130 1,775126 885128 669101 51689 47577 -41-12 -13.48%-7.95% -1,763-53 -78.78%-40.77% DogAbbott Ear Press Publishing (imprint of Author Solutions) 511482 662344 53991 51987 47589 39764 -78-25 -16.42%-28.09% -114-418 -22.31%-86.72% Booklocker.comTroy Book Makers 30173 53454 38059 33347 44551 32964 -11613 -26.07%25.49% 28-9 -12.33%9.30% PartridgeIndiaWasteland Press (imprint of Author Solutions) 398109 91092 69577 86566 38555 24956 -1361 -35.32%1.82% -149-53 -37.44%-48.62% eBookit.comBalboa Press (Div. of Hay House) 982591 401669 279914 1,163366 1,030227 17254 -976-55 -24.23%-94.76% -810-537 -82.48%-90.86% MillWheatmark, City Press Inc. (imprint of Salem Author Services) 13067 12366 17267 4472 12353 15354 301 24.39%1.89% -1323 -19.40%17.69% JETLAUNCHVirtualbookworm.com [formerly Red Willow] 13963 12963 10533 3294 64 12651 -1362 -20.31%96.88% -8863 100.00%-63.31% GreenleafInfinity Publishing Book Group 116365 14793 15881 106134 114128 9450 -20-78 -17.54%-60.94% -315-22 -18.97%-86.30% AnaphoraInspiring Voices Literary (imprint Press of Author Solutions) 29724 15846 21338 8136 8417 9325 98 10.71%47.06% -27269 287.50%-91.58% InkwaterTelemachus Press Press 130199 126158 128100 10151 8960 7721 -12-39 -13.48%-65.00% -178-53 -40.77%-89.45% AbbottWyatt-MacKenzie Press (imprint Publishing of Author Solutions) 48223 34430 9122 8724 8919 6416 -25-3 -28.09%-15.79% -418-7 -86.72%-30.43% TroyDancing Book Moon Makers Press 7316 5424 5914 4713 5116 6414 13-2 -12.50%25.49% -9-2 -12.33%-12.50% WastelandAventine Press Press 10934 9232 7724 6617 5520 5612 -81 -40.00%1.82% -53-22 -48.62%-64.71% BalboaAardvark Press Global (Div. Publishing of Hay House) 5919 6697 9142 1,1632 1,0309 5410 -9761 -94.76%11.11% -5371 -90.86%11.11% Wheatmark,Robertson Publishing Inc. 6731 6629 6717 7218 5318 5410 -81 -44.44%1.89% -13-21 -19.40%-67.74% Virtualbookworm.comConcierge Marketing, Inc. 1396 12912 10517 945 6422 518 -13-14 -20.31%-63.64% -882 -63.31%33.33% InfinityChapel Publishing Hill Press 3654 1477 15811 13442 12825 507 -78-18 -60.94%-72.00% -3153 -86.30%75.00% InspiringBiographical Voices Publishing (imprint Companyof Author Solutions) 29719 1587 386 364 172 255 83 150.00%47.06% -272-14 -91.58%-73.68% TelemachusBook Publishers Press Network 19936 15830 1005 5112 600 212 -392 -65.00%n/a -178-34 -89.45%-94.44% Wyatt-MacKenzieSelah Publishing GroupPublishing 233 304 226 240 197 161 -3-6 -15.79%-85.71% -7-2 -30.43%-66.67% DancingBookBaby Moon Print Press 21716 58524 64214 86113 1628 140 -28-2 -100.00%-12.50% -217-2 -100.00%-12.50% AventineBooktango Press (Div.
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