Cars 1888 Benz Patent Motorwagen S.Beuchert 1900 Colt's Gatling Gun bitHeadz 1912 Mercer 35J ettore 1913 Austro Daimler Chassis Type "Prinz Heinrich" S.Beuchert 1920 Miller (?) & Cast Alloy Wheel 1925 Steyr Type VII alex-haba 1926 Amilcar -Italiana alex-haba 1926 Morgan Three Wheeler Arthur Dent 1926 Panhard Razor Blade swbogart 1928 Selve Selecta strgaltdel 1929 Auburn Cabin Speedster ssexton 1930 outboard motor powered car ettore 1930's/40's camper trailer designs carenthusiast 1932 Delage D8 ettore 1933 24 liter Napier Railton ettore 1933 Delage D8 SS ettore 1934 Streamlined car patent ettore 1936 Airomobile #1 patent drawing ettore 1936 Airomobile #2 patent drawing ettore 1936 Pierce -Arrow sedan ettore 1937 - 1940 DKW F8 Typeplate bitHeadz 1939 LINCOLN ZEPHYR appleton custom discocandy 1948 Tucker Torpedo Jurenic 1952 Allard J2X jreitmeier 1952 Frazer Nash Mk II LeMAns S.Beuchert 1954 Adler MB 200 Bike bitHeadz 1954 gm firebird -1 dusta 1954 marco off-road vehicle carenthusiast 1956 eureka 3 diff side views dusta 1956 Lloyd LP 600 S.Beuchert 1957 Dual Ghia, side and plan nb 1958 ghia side dusta 1958 Kaiser Carabela (Kaiser Argentina) S.Beuchert 1958-62 Borgward B611 S.Beuchert 1963 1/2 Mercury Comet S-22 jreitmeier 1963-64 Imperial Frames bitHeadz 1964 mecom hussein...etc dusta Page 1 Cars 1966 miller meteor dusta 1967 carter coaster..concept dusta 1969 Melkus SR1000 bitHeadz 196x Amphicar (only Sideview) S.Beuchert 1970 superior ambulance dusta 1971 superior hearse dusta 1974 Can-Am Championship winning car. No 101 Jintonic 1974 superior hearse dusta 1975 Cosworth Vega jreitmeier 1976 superior hearse dusta 1978 superior hearse dusta 1979 Tamiya Sand Scorcher RC Baja Bug scorchi 1994 Saturn SL carpacies 1998 Romulus Predator Jille 2002 bravada dusta 2003 Dacia Solenza - produced with the help of Renault tazzz 2003 Dacia Solenza tazzz 2003 Dacia Solenza Tuned Version tazzz 3-Door Austin Mini-Metro Lukasx A'PEX Altezza Rio AAR Eagle-Climax F1 (1966) ssexton AAR Eagle-Westlake F1 (1967) ssexton AC 3000 ME Zizo ac ace alex-haba AC Cobra Roadster ohzone ac six alex-haba Accent 2001 WRC MonteCarlo Rally rvieira Acrea Zest czechoslowak Adler (1911 - 1935) Moritzamica Adler 2,5 Liter (1937) Moritzamica Adler Standard 8 (1929) Moritzamica aero 500 alex-haba Aero-Willys - Brazilian (1960) palat africar dusta akira bike discocandy Albany carenthusiast Alcon, stoptech calipers bzyku Page 2 Cars Allard Dragster Macka Allard J-2 (1950) Matty Dog Allard J-2 xx Allard J2 1950 Icekid84 Allis-Chalmers M65 Johannes Alta 1 1/2 Litre GP (1947) ssexton alta 1.5 l 1946 alex-haba Alvis 12/50 (1924/25) ssexton Alvis 4.3 Tourer (1939) ssexton Alvis Front Drive (1928) ssexton Alvis Speed 25 "Charlesworth Coupe" (1937) ssexton am matador x side dusta American Underslung Roadster (1909) ettore amilcar cgss alex-haba Amilcar G6 (1926) pt-lustig Amphibious Automobile carenthusiast amx gt alex-haba amx javelin alex-haba amx javelin dusta Another proposal : Auto Union Porsche Typ 52 1933 - 34 S.Beuchert Another Strange Taxi carenthusiast Aprilia RSV Mille R S.Beuchert Aprilia Scarabeo 500 S.Beuchert Argyll Single-Sleeve Valve 15/30 (1913-14) ssexton Arkley carenthusiast Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire Dahlgren Arnolt MG ssexton Aro 24 tazzz Arrowcar carenthusiast Artega GT (2008) Xavier Asia Rocsta Zizo ATS F1 Type 100 (1963) ssexton ATS-59 Shema Johnas Atv Sinister01 Auburn / Cord (1931) three models nb Auburn 851 (1934) kosso_olli Auburn 851 Speedster ssexton Page 3 Cars Auburn Cabriolet (1931) ssexton Auburn Speedster (1932) discocandy Auburn/Duesenberg Various kosso_olli austro-daimler alex-haba Auto Union Rennwagen Various kosso_olli Auto-Union Typ C (1936) Moritzamica Autobianchi A112 (1978) carenthusiast Autobianchi A112 carenthusiast Autobianchi A112 Pete-MJL Autobianchi A112 Zizo Autobianchi Bianchina 4 Versions small sizes S.Beuchert Automobiles Bucciali ssexton avs shadow alex-haba Back the the Future 2 shoes carenthusiast Back To the Future Hoverboards carenthusiast ballot 1926 alex-haba ballot 2 lt 1924 alex-haba Ballot 2L Drophead Coupe (1927) ssexton Ballot 3 litre (1921) Moritzamica Bantam BRC40 carenthusiast Batimobile-II cassio59 Batman Forever Batboat carenthusiast Batmobile (1989) carenthusiast Batmobile from Batman (1989) Icekid84 Batmobile-I cassio59 Batwing carenthusiast Batwing NightEye bausatz 550 gts side decals... dusta benneton 192 2 view discocandy bingo ts dusta Bitter CD (1974) Moritzamica Blastolene B-702 kosso_olli Blue Crown Special (1948) ssexton Blue Flame (1970) Moritzamica Bluebird CN7 Proteus (1963) ssexton bluebird speed record contender modelxv Bolwell Ikara zum Page 4 Cars Bordino body model willi_44 borgward isabella combi stat.wag dusta Borgward Isabella Coupe dusta Borgward Isabella palat Borgward P100 Max P. (mk2) Borgward Streamline by König-Fachsenfeld kosso_olli Borrani wheel type s GatoJose Bowler Off Road pwbull09 Box Trailer imported_envoy Brabham BT 24 (1967) ssexton Brabham BT 3 F1 (1962) ssexton Brabham BT 44B (1975) ssexton Brabham BT 44B (1976) Moritzamica Brabham BT 45 (1976) Moritzamica Brabham BT 50 (1982) Moritzamica Brabham BT-46B-The other fan-car ohzone Brabham BT-8 ohzone Brabham BT.33 (1969) modelxv Brabham BT44 B S.Beuchert Brabham BT50 zum Brabham BT52 (requested) zum Brabham BT52 Bmw F1 Cutaway Drawings carenthusiast Brabham-Repco 1967 Moritzamica Brent mobile home carenthusiast Bristol 401 zum Bristol 407 GTZ (1960) ssexton Bristol 450 gertac Bristol 450 ohzone bristol mid-engined sports car alex-haba BRM H-16 P83 (1966) ssexton BRM Mk. I V-16 (1950) ssexton BRM P167 Jille BRM P57 (1962) ssexton BRM V16 1953 modelxv C2 Fiero ohzone Cabrio Limousine ca (1925-1935) pt-lustig Callaway C12 (2003) multimediaman Page 5 Cars Caozzeria Touring pt-lustig Caparo T1 (2006) Moritzamica Catalano carenthusiast caterham dusta CG 1200S Johnas Chaparral 2E-(my favorite Group7 car) ohzone Checker Taxi cab (1970) modelxv Cheetah Chillout Cheetah GT- Competetion Version ohzone Cheetah xx Chemobile carenthusiast Chenard & Walcker 1500 (1949) Moritzamica Chevron GT-For the detail fans ohzone Chitty Chitty Bang Bang II alex-haba Cisitalia 202 Coupe (1947) ssexton Cisitalia 202 Gran Sport (1946) ssexton Cisitalia 360 GP (1948) ssexton Cizeta V16T (1994) multimediaman Claveau (1928) Moritzamica Clic Mini Cabrio xx Clic Mini Cargo xx Close-Coupled Weymann Saloon on Rolls-Royce chassis (circa 1930) B.W.A. Colani (1968) pt-lustig Colani (1970) pt-lustig Comparisation Panther DeVille + RR Silver Shadow II S.Beuchert Connaught Dart "Moby Dick" (1957) ssexton Connaught Formula II Type A4 (1953) ssexton Connaught L Type (1949) ssexton Connaught Type A (1952) ssexton Connaught Type-D H MRVapor Convoy automobile carenthusiast Cooper Climax Zerex ohzone Cooper Sportscars (1952-53) ssexton Cooper-Bristol F2 (1952-56) ssexton Cooper-Bristol F2 (1952) ssexton Cooper-Climax T45 (1958) ssexton Cooper-Norton Mk. VII (1953) ssexton Page 6 Cars Copersucar FD04 (1976) Moritzamica Corvair Monza GT ohzone Cosworth DFV engine S.Beuchert Cotner Bevington Oldsmobile ambulance/hearse (1962) erase one Courage C65 _ Crosley Super Sports Roadster (1952) Moritzamica Crown 3.0 Royal Twincam G Palex Cutty Sark S.Beuchert Cyclops II swbogart Dacia 1410 Sport The_Pope Dacia 500 Lastun The_Pope Dacia Logan - also known as Dacia X90 or L90 (56k warning) tazzz Dacia Logan MCV (2006) Koen Dacia SupeR Nova (Dacia Nova R+) tazzz Dacia SuperNova The_Pope Dacia X90 - Renault Clio Symbol derivate tazzz Dakar 4x4 carenthusiast Danver Toreador (Ridge Racer V) Forelli_Boy Davis Convertible Coupe (1948) Zachary De Dion Boutons Single-Cylinder (1901-1903) ssexton De Soto (1958) Moritzamica De Soto Airflow (1935) Moritzamica De Soto Airstream (1935) Moritzamica Dean Van Lines Special (1953) Icekid84 Delage D8 120 Chapron Cabriolet (1938-39) ssexton Delaunay Bellville carenthusiast delaunay-belleville alex-haba Delauney-Belleville 6-cylinder (1910-1914) ssexton Delfino Feroce Concept? Chillout Delica Star Wagon draap1 dellow mkv (second time) alex-haba Derways 313102 (2006) Moritzamica Desoto Adventurer (1957) tiberius Desoto Adventurer (1958) tiberius Desoto Adventurer (1959) tiberius Desoto Firedome Sedan (1956) tiberius DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman 4 door hardtop (1959) tiberius Page 7 Cars Desoto Fireflyte Sportsman (1955) tiberius Desoto Fireflyte Sportsman Hardtop (1956) tiberius Dirt track racer carenthusiast Dole Fiero-IMSA GTU ohzone Dome RL (1980/81) Moritzamica Donkervoort D8 150 (1990) Moritzamica Donnet G2 (1926 ?) willi_44 Dubonnet Dolphin experimental 1930's ettore Ducati 450 Mark III, Scrambler or Cross and 160 Monza Junior Pete-MJL Ducati 748-996 (2000) ultima_six ducati 748sps dusta Ducati 749 Dark (2004) Moritzamica Ducati 750 Paso S.Beuchert Ducati 916 cutaway S.Beuchert Ducati 916 ultima_six Ducati MH 900E ultima_six Ducati Monster S4 (2004) Moritzamica Ducati Monster ultima_six Ducati SportTouring ST2 ultima_six Dune Buggy dusta DuPont Model G Catalogue (1929?) ssexton DYMAXION CAR Zachary Dyna-Panhard Junior (1954) ssexton E Type ERA (1939) ssexton eagle daimler hearse dusta Eagle Talon Esi (1997) multimediaman Eagle Vision (1994) DodgeBoy Eagle-Weslake 1967 Moritzamica Ecto 1 - Caddy "Ghostbuster" NixScript Ed-209 Moritzamica EDAG Showcar No. 8 (2005) Moritzamica Elfin ME5 Elfin ohzone Elfin Type 350 Ensign N176 (1976) Moritzamica ERA 1,5 l (1935) Moritzamica ERA Type B (1935) ssexton Page 8 Cars Eurosport Car imported_envoy Excalibur ... (if someone knows the real name, say so!) Icekid84 f100 truck dusta Facel Vega HK500 (1959) ssexton
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