
TBG3 MEMPHIS DAILY .APPEAL SATURDAY, OYEMBER 12, 1859. fottisgustiussfoliSa glisdlancons grj? (gooUs gongs. fcnspdaftoit. STisdlancoits. (Bskk Seal -- nxcL.vsimvx' wholesale. aftel STRAUSS, & CO,, FALL AND TOTER .HE.tIP JIMS I AltY'S WW CUrPIiES & IttABSTOIV, Plantation For Sale. AGUE CURED 0B NO PAY. CHATCEE's COUJTSEE. C3r AROMATIC VALLEY IPaaWMC a aetl try aaaatsaWa ea nk Xlsaitttail AND sotow X laafhU, ia Kli llnSjsl. rATH. JoVbers and Ectail Dealers. LITTLE ROCK Ta teaaa esatalas 630 ef wasah KJTTI " fMBnifiP siwivrc ivn nuirD OODS1859, WHISKY. lekt aaraal ate w FOE stoatra jJF .A. A fFreoitka Xew fwtraneFiiajaaa.l seats aalh laMnMis wtahleoaert .. Pmi"andtttortrtMtra, at ITS JtsSa R I L R O D ss aajtii in ntias laasif.stetLsnau on. aisssd in Bll. T. 3IcCOWWS F 09U B. Benlar rreicut and Faaseaatr Train win rTIBEsaritysd akt, WklskT at I IhWi I to aVtht sorts T?""i sous j 202 Slain Street. Bmsliet, Matches, Blacking, WALKEE & THE lar X . hr. fH2Ltr wui. street. SRO.'S, rrery aaorntK at srree o'esok. and iacaorthoreaaeeer truoe. soak Br fwfttm. IIMllBlSdof awttaetatasttoarrtacwe M at 10 A M the net l Xtw Tark tkooaat. A Irtaod of eaas dssmtisl nsea DOGWOOD A X B IROS Wooden WlWow Xedie Betstntsc. start Xadiaaa 'shoanv. a ts w- - w. and Ware, So. 73 Front now, Adans-st- at 1 o'clock F. X , il.rri.aoi ach thiaoe, toll, wl -- trongaa, waKas JN 1, For the Spring Trade. cor. .t aid arrlre at BioHseld at P. X. tkat tka" 1 j aViafau Bssita Free p. Q LTSSJVreT to, K PICKETT, OVEMBER 1859 I os. 65 asd 57 North Second Street, Oartasoec. al Xadimi with Chldeeter, Bastoyk.Ce 'a a to Aroaaaua." aad at h ta reUahat, w ana) ssl I II tBSs. 10 emm "Tm that ri--s it wB U1W. Kemeiu. AKD aktesr I I eorraotM .'.. ATTOBXCTS AT Law ot BUfas to utile Bott throaeh, la enrol rtroassatad thta Taltoy whaHy to shea asaaolar a W"tyT.Pwot.snstOTwsatioer. --riband ta left . Xioulfs, Bood CHOICE FLAXTiTIOX ASD m AXB IBakX i u St. Mo. thittrhuara Faaaaoc.r. taay rely ea Uts( oat thnadk attid. XEGROES swwttBtt MXlsssi XurhteweAtt. be thy wwkes to tty stale BateaBooesa. SOLE AOISTS 11 ST. LOCK ro o. J. WALKER & CO., DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKY. Wt. T. Mtotosnttotof OSS EEOOXD STOCK OF KICOAEDSXIX CO.'S DETBniT XATCRES, '- - X. ITXCB. XeoMlaeadant. AXD IODIDE taali rfr.mhert wiser. 21. SOMEUTIX.1,13, . k SALE, or roTAtti. MlkH. J. it H. Trim. OSK C MAAI ETTA TUB AXD BTCEET FACTOST, FAPHfrs 217 MJIH FOR sti.it B.ttad, that tuvt br AT LAW, JfrmrOU. mum io. STREET, O.Y 1, sreporau-rf- ATTOaNxrS Srst EiTTLKB'S CELESSATEO BLACEIXS, rverwane reHewa IVEW TE.V rE.MS' TI.TJE. ., teoB aaer i or 1U1B and Mooroe straela. vol Hall.) IITLKOAJ? KOBTE ACBBB as Tanasa aad Talaav am - WHEELIX0 AXD OTHER PAPER MILLS. C.e asa eaaattrs, -t- , that rjarllmn:ua- 'BM oetttr wttoh mbm m-- y km racket SreBs nr.ttaira. Fall & Winter Goods CLOTill.-V- MAIVUFA DALY'S ARQJU.' TALLBT WHISKY. UUU Xarasaaas Act ta caa! i.attoa oisk BuSlUai ere bisk ktAxrrACTtrarst of CTORY, atUhatyXist.ee. SS ealsi, aadetkar aaacs; piantatiao ' ' tn cr eoto Ko. 113 Kcrth x O. Trae atokta.l --- Id. Baahelwitoh.ttniT Wine ' nOJIOEOPATEHC pkexitjx nxo wasiiboaeds, Third Strett, PUlaisIpliU, Pa. notittttntatask af a aa Tisoxtj lu . Beat Bsaat A TAB A nartahB J .1 II T" E JJ WELL BDCEETS. ay who trot, oat naked tart Baaleet au JUST It I IBOX BOUXD COOFEBAai. that Xo aMXaeaattH.B.U4ra. th IVo. IRS 3IEMPIIIS TO CAIRO. ILL., Xhiaay.' aa etr boost of "oet CTslitakSawea. APOTHEOAEY! AXD MAXILLA BED COEDS AXD TWIRES, 287 Wain Street, nr wStwtx mi ibMiii tain F'tmrni wU pfSekrr atrlr shall pretnU. HlXr hy Was. a Bay. at aa aaa I lad tot eortir aad tf Stoateaaaa.Sowoka.aaaanaannsaaVof u.. If vtU tl s. JIEDICIN JiS. B&O0XS. of dracrlntlaa. Z. rTu jaoVtoin thy mBBBtsr-- ntoar n , trrrr DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC, The Slcnmlils nnrl aator ky aay ia ta snarl si. Aftaue BroachMt, - n o x rii.irlritnn. tree) Bert or fw- For Sale TT 8, tm-- "htrid Ifcet.tf books .i.rnXOT Hi vj BIEECT IKrOBTEkt Or (&JXELZT bLOOC,) uc ana TlalatTsaetoBdiisi enss stsiBtSiii aarasle t.enrrai tr. A. WBIGKT, GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES. TenBeceee.uiiihiii DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKY. atw aar rasa, eaanoa ea ana uaao ta prteared ay X. S. aa 1 1, m nasi 11 us Xam stsata, W. nud &tkW&QQ nsBVejalatsB ats-ta- i, Dr. ., J Bsscx, rsiExon akd xxLannr willows. aiobile Press Ska llanajtlt Batty Aaoo.1 an asVal BaVwIsa1 )t Ssl'vrsVdPtwl XaeaskM, whore amy he tosnsl ibtb wJ,"f Kiia-c- t., bckrv Ba4c-t- Strvut k Prvrtta-- Clothing, ato.iatreSf JL, Kxousn a. gebxax goods, Clothing:, Clothing-- and tlliln It la ar is an to a free man 1 fttaaadattaaail these aaoteawadaaksseeoat oa Xadicante, sboop skv OMk o credit nar-aaw- ir mixes. faxct tl If e"djass, na a m aata-jj- to-t- all HI fteta-l- n se, aof) aae, any T. MsOtotar-- na,,. H ' "hnss Mm tn,d!, OuX CAPS ef all tints. vrfaolesale aBd Retail Dealers n FB0X OOTt ea and aasssiiwstly WssMaao I win er BSBaaar, whale iSht a ad ahst H 0WX XAXVTAOnmr. i A. PDTXET tola tk etec W al I aoiaira adaiturt,, whiakeer-k- w I sire to aaaa effaces the oend ay thoot who to daner kaa tr.i ibIis I . - ...- - .. to - a isto Ml. tatt JOII.f ,nm RAILROADSTo Columbus, Ky., nss aa owa Ansty to as say I isrtisis. kff WALXIX, JOSEPH G. BIILLKIt, . at Xiaefaateii ta at sanihil laflnaaci lata who aa jBbTbb !- - way 5 AIUlW1tb J. XOX DRESS GOODS, great variety. iZll: tiHwhntthr Mala-f- t. WIS: Asd saiiM, waar snry at e isaai l at ail. The .toil',', wi--. ASOBSET Office iaWaRtfi BdMiac &mMt Cwier, 20 t. Cain, aialsas t. mseot He"T Commission and Forwarding Merchant, saeetot whisay ar aa J. W IttWaJIM. Ut toad orde, BoLAIXEB at 10 coats per d. tt eh hnArnq TTOi nr.tm'-3uii- E NEW SheaHtowhmsal roeai,Bnd art, th toPi hash sohere, r a to . XKE PtLAIXES, MH oa. da. cx.otiii.yg i Illllioia Contral Itnilrnnrl in TRBATJBNT! H. X. BOBASOt" ob r li, SO TWTrxrlx.ot otroot, BT. UMTIB. Sa Uofh shall stool tr, " 8. k. SOTTEL.L. da. M da. da. 3To. TO BOrf THE WHOtSSALS TRABE. UwrsnefLLB; DALY'S AROKATIC VALLEY WHISKT. Sale, rins riXK For 1 BUFFALO rt nnnlltnii Dl4--Ir ST. xo. fSXat LOTao laktaj atroot. a, a Xaia aad Seoant Lorns. Oar teaeh at aiWKUIt, I tin XIMCAL DtSPdUIf as. PACL (Fraai the Ooerrin Cltiae etrawto, YCXNItX aaOtTam. Oeoe, fwrioe'a , BsUimrin. a a, a, Custom-mad- e at. anctaaae ataanaant taonaaahe Ground Italy. eUe, SarserT, ee. S jjSirlles' Shoes, aODASM, BtJFTALO, Hstsesn X.akaaajaXiBiiJ ilea tmr Tbe Late Battle in ALL WOOL ea. da. da. Children's Finer Hats and Caps. Clotn and Casslaere ClotMB?, to aero at I Wax si i tasa aootti at Xaia a4 OafasaMTeeta. rauhs. IKMAKArOUa. XIAAASA FALLS, iotas a sat withers sotaXea-taaai- ot ska 1 w tax carrtspeBdtBt wrtttef; from the aiami day, pet Adsnu Eipteet, a aatUa1 easy l leldlikli DYttSMU, 6 EN CR AL Tbt Tint' AralinHie ewer TJ BetlTED this For ear trade, ta weal selected sad i BAMtXWE, Set the alrohatitntaatlBl. tslisita, niailatTSSHsiii ia IB of the Miaeie, eo the Sch instant, Bays Robes Galalecl At. asaaiiiutni. it. M "J--" twcixxarf, FKTER AXD AGUE, ASTBtLX, buki riTKAX. - cell trftiosiia ueari efwp. PattitisairHiA, DALY'S naahscsH J. Ttobes Clrcrcl We at ale la receipt of ear slack at 0OLC MSt's AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKY. naoaf IJtCIPIEXT COSSCMPTIOil, tnr taklne the raBwir at Tarts, and TRUNKS, VALISES, OLETBLAXi), IFtnithtlaltaateB Sn ) m hi - Kee by which tfce Seed illedical ioticc Jtobea HEXRY VIBE & CO., so an a CatfnsTXPTMMa OF TOCTB AXB OUB aaBX, Baa) punas "TK- fee of J nrHAS a4 H.Jt. HOPSOS oara aiatslitad Iaahellel AND .VTXDD AXD ALL THE hr aoutattoa let it eeaal, if as aoriitrs & csBBr. - - Kaa. lOSandltaJ Lrree, BOOTS S12033S. ws- railed tti wares from the Seat to tbt DBS. awfraetieaar H1- FRENCH MERINO ROBKS at $8.00. BUtACaaO AKtl BROWN bti aaam aM aT Caart" " BOXaVrtCS. ertheru ana Western Cities. MEKC17KT Mincio, 'will bare dtshtattTic ceariBeiB--' Br. J Prtaua'aaM ae&M. aa Oa flAIXT LOUIS, jalSSOVRI, Pi see nss i. ar feka B ar. taoan oa ako Smisli 0 CSIIB. me -.-.-i n Til Daaraaaller. SILE VELVET CLOAKS, DALY'S AROMATIC YALLEY WHISKY. t nil. Kanslactarra of all kinds of twitaioa saiaaas win aaaae eattaha arnnitaaaa at BOC Sale. L swex that Be is cotae erer ne ceunnr .11 1 rrmm l'or Dr. Hinireateaaaa waua mm, Tz CLOTH CLOAKS. Carpet Bags, 1tLY.1S!IJE?E3, uoire witn ta asas r. at. sraas aa taa mm all Otasrsi Ftoo eke assail Baatr ahasjntrer X "2 Elc. woathal ras, aa Aieaaaa tSS ZtlflWs which three Betfe was the theater ef a raigh'T ; at Beat. IiIQUOEia tVdtroad It ha. at leiao id ay the hath sat sctsauac aad at Ut aooata, aajans &H. A' SOJ , raOi-ta- DOMEBTIO k. O. rr or KERSEYS, AND lay at toileted. ISO MSB between three of the raeet powrrfni TBIC0T CLOAKS. AM Sola Freprittora of the celebrated kranaj FLANNELS BLANKETS. Part aa low and Usee as aaart aa ay toy l if reote "eki s sore and esaaay atian.aM. tour, IX. COMtBR MaVW It QUAY m S.
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