DOCUMENT RESUME ED 025 386 RE 001 513 By-Norris. Mildred W.; Messerli. John H. Sights. Sounds. Senses in Step with Reading. Third Grade. Cedar Rapids Coramunity School District. Iowa Spans Agency- Office of Educafon (DHEW). Washington. D.0 Pub Date 68 Grant- OEG- 3- 7- 703316-4983 Note- 41p. EDRS Price MF-S0.25 HC-S2.15 *Grade 3. Descriptors- American Indans *Bibliographies. Biographies.*Books. Engines. Fantasy. Fiction. *Films. History. Phonograph Records. Poetry. Recreation SciencesTransportation This ESEA Title III bibliography presents books.films. filmstrips, and recordsthat correlate with stories from selectedthird-grade basic reading books.The list of books is prepared from the suggested listsof the Ginn. Houghton Mifflin.Lippincott. and Scott. Foresman reading series. Thebibliography indudes sectionsabout animals and birds. poetry and song. fantasy.fiction and adventure. holidays.Indians. and history. Also included are sections aboutmachines and transportationnaturzal science. life in the United States. recreation.American biography. workers. sports.and space and sciencefiction. The selections are listedalphabetically by author within each section. (RT) 'Elk325:396 SIGHTS, SOUNDS, )1) SENSES IN STEP WITHREADING re4 THIRD GRADE SIGHTS,SOUNDS,SENSES IN STEPWITH READING Mildred W. Norris Coordinator of LanguageArts Instructional Services,Title III EDUCATION Si WELFAX OF HEALTH, U. S. DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF EDUCATION ACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM ME HAS BEEN REPRODULa. THIS DOCUMENT IT. KHNTS OFVIEW OR OPINIONS ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING PERSON OR OFFICIAL OFFICE OFEDUCATION STATED DO NOTNECESSARILY REPRESENT POSITION OR FOWL John H. Messerli,Director Instructional Services Linn, Joint County Systemof Cedar, Johnson, and WashingtonCounties 305 Secosd AvenueS.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1968-1969 pursuant to Grant No. The work presentedherein was performed of Education,Department 00G-3-7-703316-4983 fromthe U.S. Office with the cooperationof the Joint of Health,Education, and Welfare Linn, and WashingtonCounties. County Systemof Cedar, Johnson, Pontee the loon, ( minty System Cedar lohnu,n. I inn And Washoniaton Counties ,......,ormwownatrw*"4-48e`f "PFPW'rwIRMW.010,0411.199191rfig SUGGESTZONS FOR ENRICHING THE READING PROGRAM May Hill Arbuthnot in Children and Books says: "Books are not substitutes Aar living but theycan add immeasurably to its richness. When life is absorbing, books can enhanceour sense of its significance. When life is difficult, they can giveus momentary release from troubles or a new insight intoour problems, or provide the rest and refreshment we need.Books have always been a source of information, comfort and pleasure for peopde who know hadto use them. This is true for children as for adults. This bibliography of children's books for various grade levels has been prepared from the suggested lists of the Ginn, Houghton Mifflin, Lippincott and Stott, Foresman reading series.It is hoped that this list will also be of great help to teachers whouse reading series other than those named. Most of the books, films and records suggested will be found In the Educational Media Center of the Joint County System of Cedar, Johnson, Linn and Washington Counties. If the teacher as a user checks the catalogues and likrtry card files carefully, she should be able to locate most of these materials. The filmstrips suggested may be in the local district curriculum library; otherwise, the local district budgetmay need to provide for these materials. Unless teachers make reading more than just a routine teacher- directed activity, children will not enjoy reading. It is the responsibility of educators of the 1960's tc make reading alive and important LID children. This can be dbne kg many activities. Same of the most important are reading aloud to children and usingmany of the modern media suggested here. The importance of the teacher's reading aloud to 311 of the children cannot be overemphasized.Some time each day should be provided for this activity. These lists have been provided for teachers of Area X. Bow they are used will depend on the teacher's creativity and resourcefulness. John B. Messerli Mildred W. Norris Director Director of Language Arts Title III ESEA Joint County System of Cedar, Johnson, Linn and Washington Counties 305 Second Avenue S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 THIRD GRADE 1 SUGGESTED BOOKS AND MEDIA THAT=RELATE WITH STORIES FROM SELECTED THIRD GRADE BASICREADING HOCKS 111ML ANDBIRD BOOKS* Anderson, C. N., Blaze andthe Forest Fire, Macmillan Anderson, C. IC, BlazeFinds the Trail Macmillan Bauer, Margaret 4.,Animal Babie$fl Donahue Bialk, Elsa, The Horse CalledPetar, Houghton Mifflin Bialk, Elsa, Taffy's Foal,Houghton Mifflin Bridges, William, Zoo PetsMorrow Sunday, Random Brunhoff, Laurent de,Barbara's Falr Will Own Next Dalgliesch, Alice, Bears onHemlock Mountain, Stribner Patio, Louise, The HappyLion, McGraw-Hill Patio, Louise, The HangLion Roars McGraw-Rill Flack, Marjorie, The NewPet Doubleday AtClung, Robert, tajal Morrow Mordvinof4 Nicholas, BearsLand, Coward-McCann Ortan, Helen F.,Twin Lambs, Lippincott Rey, Hans A.,CUrfr.us George, HoughtonMifflin Rey, Hans A., CuriousGeorge Takes a Jobf HoughtonMifflin Rowland, Phyllis, GoorgeeLittle, Brown Weil, Trude, AnimalFamilies, Children's Press Ylla, Two Little Bears,Harper Average Boughton Mifflin Allen, Gertrude, TommyChipmunk and His Friends, Andelson, C. ?I., A Pony forLinda Macmdllan Ar.derscn, C. W., Po,n, forThree, Macmillan 'I. Ct,It A , Animal and Bird Books (Third Grade), Cont'd. 2 Bannon, Laura, Jo-Jo, The Talking Crow Boughton Mifflin Beatty, Betty B., !HEEks Horse, Houghton Mifflin Beatty, John Y., Si.p.....1.2.h.e1.L.L....,2arEsarbWhale Lippincott &mill, Jacquelyn, Wonders of the Woodland Animals, Dodd Black, Irma S Lm.L.JaieAgUrAkILvo.j_ipr2Nma Holiday Bond, P'ohael, A Bear Calld Paddington, Houghton Mifflin And, Michael, Paddington Helps Out, Houghton Mifflin Jantamps, Anna, & Jack ConroyThe Fast SOoner Hound, ftughton Mifflin Bradbury, Bianca, Eat, Houghton Mifflin Bridges, William, Zoo Babies Morrow Bronson, Wilfred S., coyotes, Harcourt, Brace & World Brown, Paul, Pony School, Scribner Brown, Paul, SParkle and Puff BallScribner Buff, Mary & Conrad, Dash and Dart, A Story of Two FawnsViking Press Buff, Mary & Conrad, Blf WI Viking Press Balla, Clyde R., The Three Dollar Mule, Cradell Burton, Virginia L., Calico and the Wonder Horse Houghton ifflin Carroll, Ruth & Latrobe, Digby, the Only Dog, Walck Clark, Ann Bolan, Blue Canyon Horse, Viking Press Cleary, Beverly, TO° Dog Biscuits, Norm/ Coates, Belle, Barn Cat, Scribner Coatsworth, Elizabeth, Mouse Chorus Pantheon Cook, Mary, Blackie and His Family, Harcourt, Brace & World Cradle, Ellis, My Pet Peepdlo, Oxford Creekmore, Raymond, Ali's Elephant, Ltacmillan Davis, Lavinia R., Roger and the Fox, Doubleday Dennison, Carol, What Every Rabbit Should Know, Dodd Animal and Bird Books (2hirdGrade), Cont'd. 3 Evans, Eva K., Jer....c.x.leKAnthon,Putnam Evers, Helen i Alf, CopyKittens, Rand MtNally Bader, Berta & Elmer, LittleWhite FOot:Macmillan JOhnson, Margaret S., Jamie, ABassett Round, Morrow Johnson, Margaret S., Kelele, AShetland Pony, Morrow Marks, Mickey K., Fine Eggsand Fancy Chickens, Holt, Rinehart &Winston McClung, Robert M., Otis, The Storyof a Screech Owl, norm, McClung, Robert M., Whitefoot1The Story of a Woodmousei Morrow McGinley, Phyllis, The Horse Who HadHis Picture in the Paper,Lippincott MtMeeken, Isabella, The First Book ofHorses, Watts Mlles, Betty, mr. Turtle's Mystery,Knopf Morrow, Elizabeth, ThePainted Ply, Knopf Newberry, Clare Turley, T-Bone, TheBaby Sitter, Harper Politi, Leo, gemof theSwallows, Scribner Porter, Jane, Biffy Buffalo,Morrow Rey, Margaret & Hans, Spotty,Houghton Mifflin Schlein, Miriam, gleasEtart,Scott Schwartz, Elizabeth & Charles,Cottontail Rabbit, Holiday Sears, Paul M., BarnSwallows Holiday Turnbull, Agnes S., Jed, TheShepherd Aslr, Boughton Mifflin Ward, Lynd, The Biggest BearMOughton Mifflin White, Bessie F., A Bear NamedGrumms, Houghton Alffiln Zim, Herbert, Alligators andCrocodiles, morrow Zim, Herbert, pig Cats, Mrrow Zim, Herbert, Monkeys, Morrow Zim, Herbert, ParakeetsMorrow Animal and Bird Books (ThirdGrade), Cont'd. Difficult(These may be appropriate to read tochildren.) Allen, Gertrude, EverydayAnimals, Houghton Mifflin Andrews, Ray C., All AboutWhales Random House Balch, Glenn, ;fast Horse,Grosset Bridges, William, Zoo Doctor,Morrow Buff, Mary & Conrad, MagicMaize, Houghton Mifflin Coatsworth, Elizabeth, DogStories, Simon & Schusblr Darling, Louis, Chickensand Bow to Raise Them, Morrow Earle, Olive L., Mice atHome and Afield, Morrow Freeman, Lydia, Pet ofthe Met Viking Press Goudey, Alice E., HereCome the Whales, Stribner Penny, Grace J., Moki,Houghton Mifflin Pistozis, Anna, What DogIs It, Wilcox Rounds, Glen, BuffaloHarvest Holiday Rounds, Glen, WildOrphan, Holiday Salten, Felix, Bambi,Grosset Salten, Felix,Bambi's Children Grosset Tinett, James S., I KnowSome Little Animals, Harper Zim, Herbert S., TheGreat Whales, Morrow Zim, Herbert S.,Elephants, Morrow ANIMAL FILMS Animals Growing upo,Encyclopedia Britannica Films Animal Homes, EncyclopediaBritannica Films Beach and Sea Animals,Encyclopedia BritannicaFilms Birds of Our Storybooks,Cornet Birds of the Countryside,Cornet Birds of the Dooryard,Cornet Animal Films (Third Grade), Cont'd. 5 Common Animals of the Woods, Encycic:edia Britannica Films Elegants, Encyclopedia Britannica Films Farm Animals, Encyclopedia Britannica Films Five Little Pups, Cornet Flipper, the Seal, Cornet Frisky, the Calf,
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