University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-30-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 07-30-1909 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 07-30-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/3141 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS WEATHER FORECAST No. 1- -7-4. Mo 4- - V No. 7- - io.5S" LB1 Denver, Colo., July 30. Parllf ctositi No. S 6.40 & v. uqueeque A i:o Iccil showers tonigt.l Satartfiy. ir No. 1 1. 4 5 p ''. Citizen 9 ' VvE. GET THE NEWS FIRST VOLUME LU. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. FIU DAY. JULY :30. 1909. NUMBEK 1G9 NECESSITIES ARE REDUCED They Insisted on Forcing Consuclo and EVEI YN MAY M SUE! PROMINENT PRELATESTO Revision Downward Duke to Make Up QUICKLY ENDED FOR SEPARATION BE AT SANTA FE LUXURIES TAXED HIGHER BY TROOPS FROMJjARRY IN AUGUSI evee-i. V Reported Complete Tariff Bill Mob at Barcelona Hemmed His Wife Shocked at Revela- Cardinal Gibbons and Atgr. Conferees , e s i In bv Cavalry "".. and ' tions Made During the Falconlo Will Take Part to Congress Today After Working I i 1 XT' Surrendered A- Present Insanity In Unusual Cere- fter a Hard Over the Various Schedules for the Tflal. mony. ,' Flghl Ma- Past Three; Weeks and Making J-- 4 IHAW A MATCH CONFER PALLIUM terial Changes in the Bill as Prepared OTHER NATIONS by FOR PROSECUTOR ' OHRCHBISKOP by the House and Amended the W JOIN SPAIN V .. Senate. BRKSIIlHONT TAFT. Denies Stories of Crutlty and Clergymen Throughout the South- War With Moors Regarded as Answers Questions Without west Will Attend Ceremony Christianity ana iv in Threat to asli vrii'"' :'vi III Will Be Entered Leat licsltatlor. Telling at Cathedral When IKIIiAii 1 Alltt UMA aiHIUIICIll Such by European Jerome He Is Emblem Is Pre- DECIDING THAT REVISION IS GENERALLY DOWNWARD Powers. j Crazy. sented. CONSUELO. IU'OHRSS OF captain llARLHOIUU'flll. Madrid. July 30. The White Plains, X. Y., July 30. Har Santa Fe, N. M., July SO Santa Fo Importations! gcmrul of Harcelona has telegraphed T.ond Kng.. July 30. Lon- will two I'.o Says Tlidt Increases Have Been Made on in. ry K. Thaw exhibited little Interest to- entertain the highest digni- the authorities that the Insurrection don confidently expects that the taries of the Catholic In day In report Kvelyn Amer- ! 1 and thu offi- Con-sue'l- o the that Thaw s Valued at More Than 800 Millions and Decreases on Im A ists have surrendered fall sot ial season will see ica during August when Cardinal cials are now masters of "the situa Vanderbilt and the duke of intended to bring suit for divorce, and the apostolic delegate, Mgr. w - There as a great loss of life ( Marlborough reunited their bused on pros Falconlo, will be here to portaUon 3 Valued at Aore Than 4 Bllilons Corporation Y- J Jit c tion. after the revelations of the tako part in lighting. Twenty-thre- e buildlng9 long Depuration. ent trial Alter denying that he hal!,nfn,J c'TtmonJ' of tunferrlng h--j Tax Amendment Will Bring Revenue of 30 Million:-- . ; ::.i,: V:: :: ..4 were destroyed by artillery. The Though the duke objects to leuiuuoi on Arcnoisuop j. if. fitavai al icci'lved any official notice! of such leaders are now being tried by court-marti- his wife's friendship for a well in addition to these two, there wilt Authorize More Panama Canal Bonds to Finish the Work. and summarily executed. known Kngllsh nobleman, nnd suit, Morschauzer, counsel for Thaw, be many clergymen throughout th Word from Barcelona that the ("otisticli Is very angry at the declared Thaw would light til suit In attendance and tu troops had gained the upper hand of duke for Invlshlng mom y on an if it were brought. event will be celebrated with the dig Insurgents and that only the lso-Int- Kiittllshvv oman. it is thought nity It demands. Washington, July 30. Th. tariff lower wood pulp and print paper, the the that Thaw no cause dl- - are holding out In the so "Mrs. has for will Tiill, accompanied by the report of tho rate on the ordinary print paper being bunds a truce will be reached that vi rce," he paid. "She always was well Tho pallium be conferred on th - greatest relief be archbishop In i unferci's, was presented to tin- House fixed at J3.75 per ton Instead of J'i suburbs, occasioned the they will outwurdly, nt hast, ticnted. At present receives $6,000 the cathedral here en officially announced she 18. In today for conslderution. Chulrman as under the Dlngley law, and on tne lure. It was that iieaiu man and wife. a year from the Thaw family." Mor August Twice recent years th J re- higher grades paper tne cavalry hud succeeded In driving V. K. the duchess' - people of Santa Fe have Coyne the conference of print at $3.75 r Vanderbilt. se liuuzi claimed tlie. revelations of hud an port, but under the rules It went over instead of Jv the insurgents into St. Martin's father, has threatened to cut the Susan Merrill that Thnvv Hogged to wdtness thin ceremony, until tomorrow for printing in the Mechanically ground wood pulp is Souare. where they were hemmed In Marlborough allowance from naked women in her lodging house, once when Cardinal Oibbons confer- oy 1 ne which, pallium on Chap-- pi rce-or- Mr. Payne said he hoped to to come in free of duty Instead of on all shies cavalry. aruiiei) Jl'dil.OnO to $r0.00ft, with on which the divorce suit Is said to red the Archbishop one-twelf- the; iispoie of tlu- - report before adjourn-r.si'S- t paying of a cent a pouni! and machine suns mowed down the renewed taxes proposed for be based, have been unsubstantiated. He and once when Archbleshop Peter o Bourgade w tomorrow, but did not want as under the Dinghy law, but pro- close packed ranks. After a long and landowners, will leave the duke Thaw took the stand with an air as the recipient. The cer- emony is very soli-m- ut off debate unnecessarily. vision Is made for a countervailing desperate resistance the survivors of up against It linnnclally. which showed calm coiilhh'nec in his and significant 10 in l and an etxraordlnary one. In The House will convene at duty caise it becomes necessary to he bund surrendered. King F.dward and the ipieen I'levlous showing anil UHSurance that that 'I e. te occurs only during o'clock tomorrow, giving time for protect this country against Canada's I.altor licadiT CVihIii. are helping by refusing meet ho was a match for Jerome once the life of ate upon , I Chairn in Payne will doubtless Inhibitions the exportation of the-rbere- July SO. Authorities either the duke or Consuclo till Ji rutin continued the examination urr.hbl8,1,;n' ofP-l- woods to .States. royal um Is a yoke-ban- d of make in ul (statement with tile I'nited liar the arrival of Alejandro Le Hum they are reunited. Between along line s of Thaw's own Ideas as lot nu'.1" whste pressure; - to th-- report tomorrow and Shoes Com licss. X U on the way from Uracil to head the aid and parental , It Is bis mental condition ill contrasting yeemmma 1MB lull ' will present a separation w ill Vend. ..,, ,y ,.,,,.,... ironi, ana is ueeoraieu witn cronwn probably Mr. Clark Hides come in free and there is a revolution. e Houx completely con- thought the iinvvsers with ,.f 0- ,a cn-tha- etatement showing the Democratic corresponding reduction on leutner trols the workmen's organisations. alienists. Thaw clung to the plm.'e U ls W:,wed by "? - n1 ft v tn view. goods. The House rates are practi- m. und w as condemned t two years' he might have bene legally In- - lart cally retained ou oIc leather, uppers, for a series of urUcleB san,-- though not medlcallv insane l robes, emblematic of tU " authority pOIL.. Washington, July 30. When Rep- boots, and shoes and harness, hut the - s the government, but he escap- QUAKE iN Trace when he shot While. He admitted '''1"'S of the tvi j U ' ther emblematic of pope resentative Payne, head of the House free hides provision is based on the ed tj Brazil. The government issu'd some or the physicians might have '"' the whi.--h I iUfe-tli- that the archbH,..,, onforeei on the tariff bill condition that on and after October CHAIRMAN PAYNE. orde is for his arrest on landing. been right, others mistaken, and one 'nl"e H ; is successfully fulfilling his 1c beam his name, rose In the House 1, 1909, sole leather from the hides Wrecked the ( hurdles. EARLY THIS wilfully presetited a distorted verdic.. duties present the report of the that are to be admitted free will pay All "What you me'un you say head of the church where he Is. It today to ('inrberp, France, July 30. the do when Is given of the two a duty of live per cent; grain, buff 1. only to archbishops. conference committee and ei)uiv-ahn- t.
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