S7606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2003 we have the strength and the inspira- anthropology course at Murray State PERIODIC REPORT ON THE NA- tion to never give up until we reach it. University and a gifted and talented TIONAL EMERGENCY WITH RE- I got to know Burke Marshall be- camp at Western Kentucky University. SPECT TO THE RISK OF NU- cause, in 1970, he moved to Connecticut It is my pleasure to honor such an ex- CLEAR PROLIFERATION CRE- and joined the faculty of Yale Law ceptional and altruistic young lady for ATED BY THE ACCUMULATION School, my alma mater, where he her extraordinary charitable contribu- OF WEAPONS-USABLE FISSILE served as deputy dean and professor. I tions to her community. I thank the MATERIAL IN THE TERRITORY unfortunately had already graduated, Senate for allowing me to laud her OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION— but I was lucky to befriend Professor praises. She is one of Kentucky’s fin- PM 37 Marshall around New Haven. He was a est.∑ The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- warm, kind, decent man, who believed f fore the Senate the following message that the fight for justice was never- from the President of the United ending. TRIBUTE TO DR. HARRY BEGIAN States, together with an accompanying The dean of Yale’s Law School, Tony ∑ report; which was referred to the Com- Kronman, put it well. He said, ‘‘His Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, today I have the honor of recognizing a great mittee on Banking, Housing, and goodness was so large that I half be- Urban Affairs: lieved and fully wished he would live musician and educator from my home forever. Burke’s generosity brought State of Michigan. During a career To the Congress of the United States: out the best in others. His love of jus- that has spanned more than 50 years, As required by section 401(c) of the tice helped change a nation.’’ Dr. Harry Begian has made numerous National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. Burke Marshall was a quiet man. In contributions to the music and edu- 1641(c), and section 204(c) of the Inter- fact, his wife Violet once said that, be- cation communities across the country national Emergency Economic Powers cause he said so few words, she wasn’t and around the world. He has greatly Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703(c), I transmit here- sure whether he liked her or not until influenced both high school and colle- with a 6-month periodic report pre- he proposed. But he wasn’t quiet when giate bands throughout the Midwest pared by my Administration on the na- it counted. On matters of principle, on and the Nation. On June 21, 2003, a re- tional emergency with respect to the questions of justice, he heeded the wis- union and banquet will be held at Cass risk of nuclear proliferation created by dom of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Technical High School in Detroit to the accumulation of weapons-usable who said: ‘‘Our lives begin to end the honor not only Dr. Begian’s 17 prolific fissile material in the territory of the day we become silent about things that years as Director of Bands at Cass Russian Federation that was declared matter.’’ Technical High School but also his life- in Executive Order 13159 of June 21, Burke Marshall always spoke when it time of musical contributions that 2000. mattered, and that is why his legacy have touched so many. GEORGE W. BUSH. will live on forever in the hearts he Dr. Begian’s early involvement with THE WHITE HOUSE, June 10, 2003. touched and in the country he helped music included studying trumpet and f flute with famed musicians Leonard change for the better. REPORT OF THE CONTINUATION Smith and Larry Teal. Dr. Begian com- My condolences to his wife Violet, OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY pleted his undergraduate and master’s his daughters Katie, Josie, and Jane, WITH RESPECT TO THE RISK OF degrees at Wayne State University. He and his grandchildren. May God bless NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION CRE- also earned a doctorate in music at the them and the memory of Burke Mar- ATED BY THE ACCUMULATION University of Michigan. shall.∑ OF WEAPONS-USABLE FISSILE Dr. Begian became Director of Bands f MATERIAL IN THE TERRITORY at Cass Technical High School in 1947, OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION TRIBUTE TO KELSEY LADT where he built one of the preeminent BEYOND JUNE 21, 2003—PM 38 ∑ Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I rise high school bands in the country. Dur- to honor and pay tribute to Kelsey ing the following 20 years, he served as The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- Ladt of Paducah, KY, for her inimi- Director of Bands at Wayne State Uni- fore the Senate the following message table sense of giving and community versity, Michigan State University, from the President of the United service. Kelsey, age 8, led an art tour and the University of Illinois. In addi- States, together with an accompanying fundraiser for the Community Founda- tion to his work as a band director, Dr. report; which was referred to the Com- tion of Western Kentucky, with pro- Begian has served as a guest conductor mittee on Banking, Housing, and ceeds benefitting the Lourdes’ Founda- and lecturer throughout the United Urban Affairs: tion patient care fund and the St. Nich- States, Canada, and Australia. In 1987, To the Congress of the United States: olas Free Family Clinic. the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in- Section 202(d) of the National Emer- Kelsey Curd Ladt, daughter of Vicki vited him to conduct a formal concert gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides and Ric Ladt, is a gifted and precocious in Detroit’s Orchestra Hall. for the automatic termination of a na- young lady with an exceptional sense The Music Division of the Library of tional emergency unless, prior to the of selflessness and charity. She single- Congress created the Harry Begian Col- anniversary date of its declaration, the handedly led a tour of the artwork in- lection in tribute to his accomplish- President publishes in the Federal Reg- side her parents’ home for 35 people. ments. The permanent collection cur- ister and transmits to the Congress a Kelsey paused by each painting to rently contains 26 reel-to-reel record- notice stating that the emergency is to share historical insight and anecdote, a ings of Dr. Begian’s performances at continue in effect beyond the anniver- remarkable feat for someone so young. Cass Tech. In addition, the collection sary date. In accordance with this pro- Kelsey researched art at Murray also includes 50 records and 15 compact vision, I have sent the enclosed notice, State University under the tutelage of discs from Dr. Begian’s time with the stating that the emergency declared Dr. Joy Navan. With the encourage- University of Illinois Symphonic Band. with respect to the accumulation of a ment from Navan and family friend Dr. Begian is a charter member of large volume of weapons-usable fissile Bill Ford, Kelsey planned the fund- the American School Band Directors material in the territory of the Rus- raiser and interviewed directors of var- Association and a past president of the sian Federation is to continue beyond ious beneficiaries before selecting the American Bandmasters Association. He June 21, 2003, to the Federal Register for Lourdes’ Foundation and the St. Nich- has won the National Band Associa- publication. The most recent notice olas Free Family Clinic. tion’s Citation of Excellence, the continuing this emergency was pub- Kelsey, who is herself an accom- Edwin Franko Goldman Award, and the lished in the Federal Register on June plished artist and pianist, plans on ex- Norte Dame St. Cecelia Award. I know 20, 2002 (67 FR 42181). panding the art tour to four homes in that my Senate colleagues will be It remains a major national security the coming years, in order to better pleased to join me in saluting Dr. goal of the United States to ensure serve her community. Later this sum- Harry Begian’s lifetime full of con- that fissile material removed from mer she will participate in a forensic tributions to the world of music.∑ Russian nuclear weapons pursuant to VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:11 Jun 11, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.113 S10PT1 June 10, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7607 various arms control and disarmanent ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED EC–2654. A communication from the Sec- agreements is dedicated to peaceful retary of Energy, transmitting, pursuant to The message further announced that law, the Annual Report for the Strategic Pe- uses, subject to transparency meas- the Speaker has signed the following ures, and protected from diversion to troleum Reserve, covering calendar year enrolled bills: 2002; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- activities of proliferation concern. The S. 222. An act to approve the settlement of ural Resources. accumulation of a large volume of the water rights claims of the Zuni Indian EC–2655. A communication from the Presi- weapons-usable fissile material in the Tribe in Apache County, Arizona, and for dent, The Foundation of the Federal Bar As- territory of the Russian Federation other purposes. sociation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the continues to pose an unusual and ex- S. 273. An act to provide for the expedi- report Audit Report of the Foundation of the traordinary threat to the national se- tious completion of the acquisition of land Federal Bar Association for the Fiscal Year curity and foreign policy of the United owned by the State of Wyoming within the ending September 30, 2002; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
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