for Ch a ild st r a e P n A r d ou rl nd the Wo A Children’s Nutrition and Cooking Curriculum Pasta for Children Pasta for Children Contents Introduction ....................................................................................... 4 Lesson 1: What is Pasta? .................................................................. 7 Lesson 2: Europe & Asia Belgium • France • Germany .................................................... 14 Italy • Spain • Portugal ............................................................. 20 Turkey • Iran ............................................................................... 26 Lesson 3: Latin America Brasil • Uruguay ......................................................................... 34 Chile • Argentina ....................................................................... 40 Venezuela • Colombia ............................................................... 46 Mexico • Costa Rica ................................................................... 52 Lesson 4: North America Canada • United States ............................................................. 60 Appendix World Pasta Production and Consumption ........................... 68 2010 Scientific Consensus Statement ..................................... 69 Glossary ....................................................................................... 71 © 2012 Oldways Preservation and Exchange Trust Pasta for Children Pasta for Children How are the Lessons Organized? Practical Steps Before You Begin Introduction Following the introductory chapter about pasta, Each lesson starts with the materials to be copied the curriculum is organized by geography: Europe for the children in your class—the Recipes and the Pasta for Children Around the World is a food and and Asia; Latin America; and North America. Each Maps, plus Food Facts, and Pasta Traditions! cooking curriculum to introduce and bring excite- lesson has a focus on pasta, and also covers the ment about pasta, food, and cooking — to children geography and agricultural products of each coun- We suggest you encourage the children to take everywhere! try. Fun food and pasta facts follow. Finally, the these handouts home to share with their families. curriculum introduces a traditional pasta dish of You’ll need to check out the equipment and ingre- The four lessons teach children about pasta, food each country, including a simple recipe that can be dient/shopping list for each class (see the list at the traditions, and simple cooking, with recipes for prepared by the children in a classroom, with par- end of each lesson). healthy pasta meals from countries around the ents at home, by an educator in a grocery store or world. The lessons are organized by region and health clinic, or by a teacher in an organized group We encourage you to recruit volunteers (other groups of countries. meeting (church, scouting, or others). parents, teachers, friends, family members) to help you. Key Messages What Does Lessons 2, 3 and 4 Include? If you do not want to cook in a classroom (or if The key messages of the curriculum are that pasta Each lesson includes maps, food facts, pasta facts, there are rules preventing you), bring in a prepared meals are easy to make, healthy and delicious, AND recipes, and a “script” for the teacher to follow. All dish to serve the children at the end of the lesson. pasta is a part of meals in countries around the pages can be copied as handouts for the children. world. As a general rule of thumb, we have designed the class to last one hour, with the following time allot- 1. Local: It’s easy to take local food traditions ted per segment: and mix them with pasta! 1. Geography, Agriculture, Pasta Traditions: 2. Global: Also, it’s easy to make and enjoy 25 minutes healthy pasta meals from countries around 2. Pasta Cooking Lesson and Set-Up: 25 minutes the world. children of any age, from kindergarten to high 3. Clean-Up: 10 minutes school. It can also be taught to people of any age Anyone—parents, teachers, community leaders, including senior citizens, or to any group interested health professionals, food retailers or others inter- If you’re teaching in a school setting, it is easiest in learning about healthy eating. ested in children, food, cooking, and health—can to set up while the children are at another activ- teach Pasta for Children Around the World. ity (art, recess, etc.). For clean-up, it is best to wash Who can Teach Pasta for Children? all the dishes at home. However, it is important to Oldways developed this curriculum on behalf of The lessons are designed so that teachers, parents, involve the children in clean-up: packing up, clean- the International Pasta Organisation to help chil- grandparents, chefs, and other people who care ing up tables and picking up things from the floor. dren around the world learn simple, delicious, and about food and children will be comfortable teach- When you are all packed, a group of children can healthy ways of preparing pasta meals. This will ing them. Each lesson is similar in structure, and help you carry the equipment and ingredients. General Cooking Equipment for the Class help form a foundation for healthful eating that the introduction (below) includes some step-by-step will last them a lifetime. guides for preparing and teaching. Each lesson includes a shopping and equipment Plastic bowls or tubs with covers, or plastic bags list. The cooking lesson requires a hot plate, stove work well to transport ingredients. We suggest The curriculum is divided into four lessons. Lesson What if I’m Not an Expert? or other heating element. An easy solution is to buy extra-large canvas bags and extra-sturdy bags to two small electric burners. These are easily found in transport all the bowls, bags, and equipment. 1 is about pasta basics, and how pasta is an easy You don’t need to be an expert in all cuisines and the housewares’ section of department or variety way to introduce lots of healthy foods (for example, cultures. You just need to have a passion for good stores. Of course, a regular kitchen set up can also vegetables and beans), with the flavors and foods of food and for teaching children about it. The class any country around the world! Lessons 2, 3, and 4 be used. materials are designed and presented so that any- If you have any questions, please contact us include information about pasta and several coun- one with an interest in food and children can teach The cooking lesson also requires a large pot for at Oldways: tries. Each country’s lesson covers: geography and the lessons without a lot of study and preparation. agriculture; food and pasta facts; plus a traditional cooking the pasta, another pan or two for the pasta phone: 001- 617- 421- 5500 pasta meal recipe to make. sauce, utensils such as knives, wooden spoons, Is Teaching Experience Necessary? rubber spatulas, measuring cups and spoons, and fax: 001- 617-421-5511 Who is the Curriculum designed for? No, not at all. The lesson plans give you a frame- cutting boards for cooking and prep work (cutting email: [email protected]. work: You can follow each lesson to the letter, or vegetables or measuring ingredients). The program is tailored for teachers, parents, and you can add material from your own experiences. others to use with children ages 8-14. It can eas- You may want to do all the “prep” work for the ily be adapted to the interests and skill levels of class ahead of time at home, or you can also do this in front of the children in class. 4 5 SON LES 1 W h ? at sta is Pa Pasta—A Global Food for Taste, Health, and Convenience 6 What is Pasta? What is Pasta? Pasta—A Global Food Eight Reasons to Eat Pasta! There are lots of really good reasons for eating pasta. Here are eight simple ones for Taste, Health, and Convenience showing why pasta is a good food choice for children and their families. 1. Pasta is quick and easy to cook. 6. Pasta can be served hot or cold. What is Pasta? 2. Pasta, and pasta meals, are delicious. 7. Pasta can be served as a main dish or Pasta is food, and it is a delicious food. Families all a side dish. It can also be served in over the world eat pasta. Very often pasta is part of 3. Pasta, and pasta meals, are nutritious their main meal of the day. and healthy. soups, salads, and even in desserts! 4. Pasta is convenient and easy to store, 8. Pasta is also environment-friendly, What is Pasta Made From? thanks to its long shelf-life. thanks to its packaging that permits Pasta is made from durum wheat semolina, which 100% recovery of the materials. is mixed with water, made into shapes, and then 5. Pasta is not expensive. dried. Eggs are sometimes mixed with flour to make pasta dough. Pasta + Pasta Factory Sometimes pasta may contain other ingredients If the pasta is made in factories, the expert pasta such as eggs or vegetables. These ingredients can be makers put the durum wheat semolina and water mixed into the dough before it is dried, like in the into one end of a huge machine (bigger than a case of egg pasta, or they can be added as a filling, An Etruscan cave painting. house!). Then the pasta maker pushes the “start in the case of filled pasta like ravioli. button,” and the machine goes to work. The pasta dough is forced through holes in the machine History of Pasta Pasta can be served with delicious sauces and foods (called a die) that determine the shape of the pasta. such as tomatoes, olive oil, cheese, vegetables, fish, Children and parents have eaten pasta for a very, Then, the shaped pasta goes through a drying pro- clams, shrimp, meat, and beans, so it tastes good, very long time. cess and after its completion, the dried pasta comes too! out the other end of the machine, and is ready to Wheat flour was one of the first foods of our distant How to Make Pasta go into boxes and then to the market! ancestors. To make the flour, they crushed the ker- Pasta can be made two ways.
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