•Wl I ' IM ^ — WATERYLIET RECORD VOLUME 11. WATERVLIET, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1892. NO. 13. MARKET REPORT. Combination Spring Wagons at Hill's. National Flag Bunting for Deoorationr A. K. Kelly's infant child is dangerous- 7 cts. per yard at Eggs—12^0. R. E. WIGENT'S. Do you Know— Butter—12^c. ly Ul. Coats' Thread 4 cents per spool or 48 THAT BMtoa Harbor it the largest city in the County? Potatoes- 25c. Salt 86 cents per bbl. at Grant's Cosh Wheat-83c. Store, Coloma. cents psrdoz. at Grant's Cash Store, Oats—85. Brown and Thompson will get all the Coloma. Do you Know— lumber out of your logs that there is ia BREVITIES. In view of the feeling of disoourage- THAT Enden and Terry, the enterprimng young: mer- thsm. ment among farmers over the late plant- ahtnta of tbia wma Beaton Harbor, have the Largest Beat Selected and Finest Build a house to rent. The Western Boad Grader appears to ing of corn, some one has suddenly re- Youth's and Men's Clothing to be found in Southwestern Mich- S. D. Lavely has a sick boy. be the favorite with road makers, F. M. membered that the beet corn crop ever k**9 Kalamazoo Top Buggies at Hill's. Witbeck, of Millburg, is sgent. raised in Illinois was in 1858, when ow- Flooraid is the only fioor paint that is ing to uufsvorable weather the planting Frank Coon's adopted child is eiok. any good on porches and similar outdoor could cot be done till the first week in WELL A change in Witbeck's ad. this week. work. H. Peirce & Son, agents. June. Eugene Austin and Gottlieb Scherer It IS so, whether you know it or not, and if you don't this ad. is put Natural Finish Boad Wagons at Hill's. A HOUSEKEEPER'S PROTEST. added to the list of patrons of the Wal- fem for TOUB particular benefit; to call YOUR attention U> the fact that Salt 85c. per bbL at Waldsn & Oo.'s. ter A. Wood Single Apron Binders. Showing added to oar already large stock, The infant child of Wm. Huddleston up the Bogus Baking Get your Straw Hats for Childrens Powder Tests. is sick. Day and Decoration Day at The Chicago Tribune, referring to the Mr. George Bowles is laid up with a R E. WIGENT'S. $20,000.00 lame back. schemes of the baking powder tester^ S. M. Haskell was home from La who are going through various sectioM worth of clothing,- Ed Yates has the frame of his new^ Porte, Indiana, Sunday. He reports a o f this State, givss a letter from a house- hoose up. destructive frost where he was Friday keeper, exposing the fraudalsnt ohano- including, C. Lederer has oar thanks for a bunch morning. ter of the perform an os. of Hne pie-plant. Call and see the MFsmouB Oil Bangs" Mrs. Page, says our exchange, writsa All the Latest Styles in Soring F. A. Blackmer and wife went to Chi. at H. Peirce & Sou's. It beats the gas- that she was recently visited by the lady Overcoats, Light and Me- cago Wednesday. oline stove to death and no odor or dan- agents of a powder which she did not.ose An elegant line of Flower Pots at ger of explosions. who attempted to show her by boiling dium Suits, Conformation Grant's Coloma. The shomuker says he has worked in and stewing it that there was something wrong about ths brand shs doss uss, the Suits both English and Don't put the building lots up out of Waterviiet three years, and in that time American, Spring Hats,— a poor man's reach. he has lost only about two dollars and a Royal. No amount of maaipalatkm, half in bad debts. however, succeeded ia doing thia. The Knox & Stetson's in all The Walter A. Wood Maehioes ate Royal went through all tests triamphantljr daily gaining favor. Drew Selby & Go's. Ladies Fine Shoes and without a fiaw, and the tester ac- shades & styles. The latest Linen Note and Letter Paper for sale for sale at Grant's, Coloma, tbey are ex- knowledged herself beaten. The tester novelties in Neckwear, at the RucoBt) ? ffloe. tra good value, and you can make no then took a can of Royal from hsr poeket mistake in buying them. Black mer has cawed oat all ths logs he and from that produced almost anything in fact had ia his mill yard. By the middle of the summer business she called for. She ssid that she bad 1 will be so rushing in Watervliet that made tbia test before many hoosskeepen, BVSBYTHINQ that is geaerally foutd in a first-claes Gent's Furnuhiog Mrs. W. C. Bpreea is ill at the home of •steMWunsct. some of ue will have to take.to thejwoods and had by it induced them to throw her father, P. O. Bowe. to get a little quiet and rest. away the Royal. "My opinion is," writsa H.J. Bay was in Dowcgino on busi- John Carrier, of Bnnton Harbor, while Mrs. Psge, "that this tssting is a fraad. We Buy for Cash. ness one day last week. etill owing un for the full time that we It was evident to me that the sample of Royal she drew from her pocket had bnsa Have you tried B. E. Wigent's Famous have been publisbiDg the RECOKO, re- doctored for the purpose of making tbsaa Jap Tea, 3 lbs for 81.00. futes bis paper at the post cilice. We Sell for Cash. teats, and I cannot see how any sensible Two inchss of snow Nil at Faribault, Charles Vrooman and wife wars visit- boueewife could be so readily fooled. I Minn., New Richmond, Wis., and various ing ic Indiana, last week. believo also tbst where that whsrs thsy other points in ths Northwest last Fri- : > o3 THEREFORE can they slip some substancs into the tin Good Hay for sale at Eight Dollars per day. ton at William Polmanteer's. in which thsy boil tbs wster and powdsr. We can save you money by buying from us. There was a frost last Friday morning. When thay are watched too doeely and ^ A. Baiter will soon begin patting So far as we can learn no damage was cannot do it, then they produce the small 1 sppls barrels for ths fall trade. 3 done except to a few of the earliest straw- can expreesly prepared tor the pnrpoai* CALL and SEE. Special sale of bleached muslins at berries. Ths women who are performing thsss 8. D. Walden & Co.'a next Friday. n sight-pound girl lately arrived aC alleged tests are, perhaps, innocsnt of the 1 1 ames Harper's, and was so wsll received great fraud in which they are parUdpaati Do yon use the Cary-Ogden paints? t she has decided to remain and he- but no censure is too severe for the em- Mersi Terry, f" ™ " M H. Peirce & Son are agents for them. me a member of the family. ployers who thus use them te do flliort 102 Main St. 107 Water St. Landreth's Garden Seeds, also a good E. T. Spencer has found a place where work which they dare not tbsmselvse line of Bulk Seeds at Grant's, Coloma. he will linger for a couple of months— perform, and which has brought Beat stock of Paint Brushes in town at Wsst Farmington, Trumbull County, before tho courts elsewhere. H. PEIRCE & SON'S. Ohio. So he orders the.RBOOBD sent to* him. Head Qnarters Garfield Post Ho. 80, Wilson Bridges' new bouse is ap and Dep't of Mich. G. A. B. incIOsed, windows in and doors hang. The man who builds the right sort of a house to rent in Watervliet will have Coloma, May 26th, 18BL Two young men from Hartford are an investment that will brin^ him from COMRADES: talking of starting a cigar factory here. twelve to fifteen per cent, interest for The dutiee of "Memorial Day" are Hurrah! Nurralr! Another furniture dealer in town is Hurrali! years. again at hand. The 30th of May hsi one of the possibilities of the near future. Visitors in Watervliet who are aware been made a National Holliday and sa THE BOOM IS HERE. Fred S. Alhn and Mies Rosa Wilkeson of the importance of the paper mill that such it is incumbsnt upon all loyal and were married at Hartford on the 14th is coming here all agree that it will in a law abiding citizens to properly obsarre inst. few years be the best town between Ben- the same, but we as members of the SO AM I, Top Buggies, Boad Wagons, Read ton Harbor and Grand Rapids. Grand Army of the Republic are ondsr yet greater obligations to ksep the day Carts, Two-Seat Wagons—at Hill', The wet weather is fine for grass, and sacred in order that we may keep gresa With a ftill stock of8111111== Coloma. the pisturea and mesdows never looked the memory ?of our fallen comradea. C. Lederer will build thirty rods of better. Jaae grass is heading out, and timothy pax be found whose leaves The Members of Garfiold Post will Hartman Wire Panel fence around his assemble at their Armory in Coloma al DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, house and orchard. •traightitisd out will reach two feet high. 9 o'clock A. M. o| May 30th and go from BOOTS & SHOES. Who'll be the first enterprising and Wanted Immediately.
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