Temple Beth-El 688 Broad St. Providence, R. I. A\j: 1 : Mi s s P i :l C U·S Only Anglo-Jewish Serving 30,000 Newspaper in This State in Rhode Island The Jewish Herald 7 CENTS THE COPY VOL. XXXIV, NO. 36 FRIDAY, NOVEMBRE 11, 1949 PROVIDENCE, It. I. SIXTEEN PAGES R. ,1. Zionist Fall Discuss Role of GJC Urges Coverage Center in Community "The Community Focus of the of ·Remaining Cards Conference Sun·day Center", a discussion on the con­ centration of Jewish Community Centers to extend their services Arthur I. Darman from the Center building itself in­ Drive Reaches to the larger community, was the "Coverage Week" Is m ain symposium of the 39th an­ nual convention of the New Eng­ Principal Speaker land Section, Jewish We If are Announced by GJC $800,000 Mark Board held at the Hotel Sheraton , In a determined effort to ("D"-Day Pictures on Page 1~) The Fall Conference of the Springfield, Saturday evening and bring the 1949 fund-raising Rhode Island Zionist Region will Sunday, November 5 and 6. campaign of the General Jew­ "Mopping up" activities took be held this Sunday afternoon, Participating in the discussion ish Committee of Providence to over the center of t he stage as November 13 in the Sheraton were Henry Gesmer. vice president a close as rapidly as possible, the 1949 GJC fund-raising cam­ Room of the Sheraton-Biltmore of the Section; Miriam R. Eph­ drive officials have listed the paign entered its final few weeks. Hotel. The program will begin at raim, who served as consultant; week of Nov. 13-20 as "Cover­ At yesterday's report luncheon 2 o'clock and Frank Licht, presi­ Max Rovner, president of the age Week." at GJC headquarters, it was an­ dent of the Region, will preside. Manchester J ewish Community Workers, with pledge cards nounced that the drive had reach­ Headlining the program as gues_t Center ; Saul E. R. Feinberg, vice still outstanding, are being re­ ed the $800,000 level. Last Sun­ speaker will be Arthur I. Darman president of the Providence Jew­ quested to complete coverage day's successful "D" -Day solicita­ of Woonsocket, former president ish Community Center; Bernard during this period or else return tion was responsible for adding of the R. I. Region, who returned P . Kopkind. vice president of the their cards to GJC headquart­ $9,000 to the current campaign in recently from a journey to Israel. Section, and Albert M. Stein, New ers at 203 Strand Building­ behalf of the United Jewish Ap­ England Regional Director of the where they will be reassigned peal and 54 oth er beneficiary Nomination and election of of­ Council of Jewish Federations and agencies. Close to 1000 cards were ficers for the coming season will to special "flying squads." Welfare Funds. Two Report Luncheons, in­ covered and there was a redis­ be the major item on the business / tribution of 350 cards of those agenda. The nominating commit­ Officers of the Section elected stead of the customary one, have been slated for "Coverage persons who were not at hom e. tee is headed by Morris Espo of ARTHUR I. DARMAN (Continued on Page 2) Pawtucket. Week." Monday, Nov. 14 and With "D"-Day behind it, the Thursday, Nov. 17, have been Men's Division stepped up its work In addition to the annual re­ set for brief noon-day meetings of contacting the several hundred ports of the District presidents and HQ me for Aged Annual Meeting Sunday which all workers and captains potential donors still unlisted in the reports of the Regional presi­ in the Men's Division are firmly the 1949 campaign . dent'. secretary and treasurer, the Jacob I. Felder, president of the mittee, report and explanation of urged to attend and report on The least 1:nheralded and ·the Conference will include a group J ewish Home for the Aged, and changes in by-laws, and Max cards still in their possession. most time-consuming of all cam­ discussion on the following topics, Sugarman, report of m emorial paign work, "mopping up" activi­ led by the persons indicated : Max Alexander. executive director, will review the year's work of the committee. ties, nevertheless, "will d e c i d e Activities of local organizations Home organization at the 17th A slate of officers will be pre­ No.ted Psychologist whether or not our greater Provi­ - Morris Espo, chairman; youth annual meeting in the Auditorium sented by Irving I. Fain, chair­ dence community has m et the activities- Bernard E. Bell, chair- of the Home, Sunday at 2 :30 m an nominating committee, and challenge thrust ·upon it-and man; relationship with national o'clock. the election will be under the sup­ Speaks Here Sunday other great cities throughout the office~Rabbi Morris Schussheim, On the program are Rabbi Eli ervision of Judge Philip C. Joslin, Dr. Murray Banks, n ationally nation-by the desperate needs of chairman; and internationaliza- A. Bohnen of Temple Emanuel, vice president. Rabbi Carol Klein known psychologist, and author an immigration-swollen Israel." tion-Morris Shoh am, chairman. giving the invocation; Herman of Congregation Sons of Jacob of th e publication, "How to Live So stated Joseph W. Ress. chair­ The report of the resolutions com- I J . Aisenberg, recording secretary, will be installing officer. With Yourself", will be the fea- 1man of the Trades and Industry mittee _will also be presented by minutes of previous meeting ; The meeting is open to the pub­ ture speaker at the season's first Division, who this week called Re­ A . Louis Abedon, chairman. Charles Brier, assistant treasurer, lic. regular meeting of Roger Wil- port Lun ch eon m eetings on both treasurer's report; Mrs. Mitchell Iiams Lodge, B'nai B'rith, this Monday and Thursday of next Sherwin, president Ladies Asso­ Sunday evening, November 13. at week. Finkle, Grant Leave · ciation, women's report; Morris Plantations Auditorium. His sub- "We ar e anxious to close our S. Waldman, chairman legal com- Hadassah Plans ject will be "Life. Love and Mar- books on our campaign," said Ress. For Detroit Convention riage". ~ "Every day's delay means another Dr. Banks, wh o has spoken to Ida y of suffering and deprivation­ J oseph M. Finkle and Max L. Emanuel Father and audiences throughout the coun- even life or death, in m any· cases Grant leave today for Detroit Theater Party try during the past_ few years, - for our people in the DP camps where they will attend the ses­ Son Night, Nov. 17 presents a dramatic and humorous 1of Europe and Israel. Time is ra- sions of the fourth annual meet­ Arrangements for the Rhode discourse on psychology that is pidly running out; we must go ing of the National Council of Scouts and cub scouts of Troop Island prevue performance of the highly entertaining as well as in- I'all-out' these ·last few weeks in the Joint Defense Appeal which 20, Temple Emanuel, will be 9osts Holl~wood p1;od,uction, _Universal- formative. A graduate of New our effort to contact every still will be held at the Hotel Book­ to their fathers at a Father-Son Int~! nat10n_al s Sword m the De- York and Columbia Universities. unpledged contributor." Cadillac. The J oint Defense Ap­ Night November 17 at the Temple. sert . starring Dana Andrews and he is noted as a clinical psycholo- 1 Last Sunday's "D"-Day canvass peal raises all the funds for the Michael Levy, son of Mr. and Marta T~ren, _w hich will b~nefit I gist and professor of psychology, witnessed 325 male adult solicitors defense and educational programs Mrs. Sy Levy, is Master of Cere­ Hadassah s Child Welfare ProJects, and has been a visiting -professor in action. Following a hurried of the Anti-Defamation League monies for the evening and will were made yesterday afternoon and special lecturer at such uni- \ "rally breakfast" at the Narra­ of B'nai B'rith and the American Introduce the featured enter tainer, at_ a dessert . meeting of the ~om- versities as North Carolina. New gansett Hotel at 9 o'clock and J ewish Committee. Finkle and Herb Taylor, com edian. Prizes and m,ttee working on the affair at York, Temple and Pittsburg. (Continued on Page 2) Grant are members of the n a­ gifts will be given and refresh­ the home of the chairman, Mrs. tional executive committee. ments served . Haskell Frank, 27 1 Freeman Park- way. The movie. a stirring epic of Wom en Discuss Plan for Convalescent Home Israel's fight for freedom and the Council Women Vote S50,000 For Hebrew U. Haganah underground. will be A pla n for the formation of a and Exeter. shown Thursday evening, Decem­ Jewish Convalescent Hom e was Reports were made by Mrs. Ed­ ber 1. at 8 : 30 at a downtown presented by Mrs. Joseph W . Delegates to the Triennial Con­ uel P. Lichtenstein of the Hebrew ward F inberg. chairman of the vention of the Council of J ewish University School of Education. theatre. Strauss to the m embers of the Mrs. Haskell Frank and Mrs. Monteflore Ladies' Hebrew Bene­ shoe and stocking fund. and Mrs. Women, which was held in Balti­ and Dr. Harry N. Rivlin, chair­ Ben Poulten, presiden t. Mrs. Poul­ m ore on October 22 thru 28. voted man of the Department of Educa­ Alfred Fain. co-chairman. an- Iv o 1 e n t Association Wednesday nounced that the response to Ha- afternoon at the Sheraton-Bilt­ ten announced the f o 1 1 o w in g $50.000 a year to the Israel Edu­ tion at Queens College, New York, cha irmen : cation Project through w h I c h and a member of the Council's dassah's previous Thrift Affairs J more Hotel.
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