.^•v. r\- /* ■' ■ FRIDAT, JANUARY 11,1944 Lay-away Bonds and You Lay-away Our Enemies PAuS FQUBTEEII Manchester Evening Herald The son bom yesterday at Me­ It o f these young Chinese she met The W<«lher Oorporal Warren Wood has safe­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge members In the training camp that she ig are requested to meet this evening morial hospital to Private and Unusual Topic contributing her time to especial­ Foreoaet of U. S. Wtntoer Ba ly arrived overseas and is at pres­ Mrs. Edward H. White, has been Average Dally Clrenlatlim A b o u t T o w n ent stationed at a base hospital In at seven o’clock, at Center and ly help their cause in this country. r*r toe Month of December, 164a Winter streeU to proceed to the named Edward Harrington White. Bhigland, with the U. S. Army For this purpose she will also Fair with little change In 1 HoUoran Funeral Home, In tribute Mrs. White was the former Miss For Talk Here speak of "Friends of China’’ an Toiletries Medical Corps, according to a to Mrs. A. N. Skinner. She was a Madolln CuUln, daughter of Mr. American organisation formed to 8,504 porature tonight and Sunday. The program •5**ff* *®T cablegram received by his ^ ren U , and Mrs. John CuUln, of Avon Manchuter KlwaaU Club at the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood or member of the guards, a willing create a better friendship and un­ street. Private White is stationed derstanding between toe two na­ Yardley Lavender Soap * ............ $1.00 Box Member of toe Andit lianrtetrr lEiirttttts IkraUi worker and supporter of the lodge Woman Who Taught meeUng neat Monday noon at toe Woodbridge street Corporal Wood at Fort Bliss, Texas. B w eM o f CXieolntoMW TJbC.CA. Will include a movie, before his Induction Into the serv­ and will be greatly missed. Chinese Fliers to Talk tions. ' -A City of Tillage Charm compiM te IlM War W rt^ n t ice was organist of the Center Monday afternoon’s meeting Yardley Shaving L otion .......... ..........$1.25 R M mrtWSd. •‘Baptlam rim Mrs. Edward E. Fraaler has re­ will be held at the home of Mra. (TWELVE PAGES) Congregational church. Publir Records English, the Speaker. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1944 fyiH ta toown to all toe aoldiera be- ceived news from her husband re­ William Cheney on Park street. (Claaatoed Advertfalng on Page 16 ) fom they go acrom. The picture garding his promotion to the rank 50c Jergen’ s L o tio n ............ 39c V O L . LXin., N O , 96 will be shown through toe courtesy St. Margaret’s Circle. Daugh­ Announcement of an unusual of sergeant. He is a mechanic on a and most Interesting topic for an o t Alex Oole. Ih e attendance prlxe ters of Isabella, wUl have a card Liberator bomber and is at present U s Pendens party Tuesday evening at 8 o clock address, was made today In rela­ 75c Hind*8 Cream and Lotion ........ 49c hrlU be given by R. K. Anderson. stationed at Wendover Field. Utah. at the home of Mrs. James Barry. Notice of the pendency of a suit tion to the Monday afternoon Range and Fuel Bury Buddy at Bougainville 18 Unnmore Drive. There will be He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ against William and Ernest Sasa in meeting of toe Women's Auxiliary Land The f""w t parish meeting of 8t. Allied Forces ward a. Frazier of 32 Hawthorne the sum of 8500 brought by the OIL $1.75 Vimms .........., ........... $1,69 Mary's l^iscopal church will be tables for bridge and setback, with of the Manchester Chamber of Magdeburg Target prises In each section. Refresh- street. Rolston-Purlna Company on prop­ Commerce. T*“ hMd Monday evening at 7 :S0 In the erty on Vernon street owned by the T IC K E T PRINTlNq parish house.' All parishlonera are menU wlU be served by Mrs. Barry Miss Esther Blankenburg, for­ and her committee. Mrs. Edward ’The entertainment committee of defendants In the action has been merly of Rockville, but now of this METERS 75c Bayer’ s A sp irin ....................... .59c urged to attend as the oommlttee filed with the town clerk. 'The appointed to select a rector to sue* Kelly, Miss Stephanie Tunsky and the V. F. W. Club has planned a town, will be the speaker. She will Meter prints ameunt of de­ Miss Eleanor LaOace. renewal of the popular Saturday writ Is returnable In the February tell' of her experience in teaching Lines; oeed Rev. James S. Neill will make $1.00 White’ s Cod Uver Oil Tal5i..........89c Of British Bombs; Behind Nazi night and week night parties at term of the Common Pleas Court, English to Chinese fliers, training livery on your slip for your its report Hartford. Charles Sulsman of the Manchester Green V. F. W. In this country, preparatory to re­ protection. Rev. a. ICrlc Hagg, pastor of the Home. ’The first of the winter New London represents the Rol turning to their homeland to bat­ 35c Vick’ s Vapo R u h ............. / ................ 27c First Lutheran church, Waltham, series will be held at the clubhouse ston-Punna, Company In the pend tle the Japanese. a u c k o o f r a m Berlin Also Raided Mass., and president of the tomorrow night. ’The first card ing action. Miss Blankenburg was so Im­ L. T. Wood Co. (Haowu As f)neen AUoe) New England Conference Luther party will be held at the club Fri­ Quit Clslm Deed pressed by toe character and spir- 20c Four Way Cold Tablets...................... 17c Beachhead Gained SPUUTUAL MCUIUM League will preach at Emanuel 51 Bissell St. TeL 4496 geveuth Daughter of a Seventh Son day night. Jan. 28. Watch for The Manchester Realty Com­ Lutheran church, January 30 at ads next week to remind friends Industrial Qty in Sax­ Bnm With a VeU. pany to the Savings Bank of Man­ 60c Alka Seltzer .......................................... 49c Open War 10:30 a. m. It will be recalled that of these parties. chester, property on Oak street. TALA CEDARS Sendings Dally, Incloding Sunday, he attended toe conference here ony Crushed Under Americans and British • A. M. to 9 r . M. Or By Appotnt- Marriage Intention some three years ago. It Is hoped Three Navy uMut. In the Service of the Peo­ Mrs. Bridget Shea, of 480 Ver­ William Bradford Roulstone. Jr., 50c Ipana Tooth P a ste............................. 39c More Than 2,000 Tons Reports Show Pour Ashore on West members and friends of Emanuel non street, reached her 80th birth­ BINGO FOR TOP VALUE Upon Role ple for 80 years. of New York City, N. Y., and Ma will reserve the date of the 30th to day last Tuesday. She was pleas­ -5 5 Bombers Lost in Coast of Central Italy m Church Street Hartford, Coras. rion Behrend. daughter of Mr. and TONIGHT IN A NEW HOME Yardley New Hand C ream ................... .. 65c Phone 6-8034 I hear and to greet him. antly surprised by her many Mrs. Albert E. Behrend. of 41 WaU Growing Move Fliers Hour friends and received some beauti­ Attack; Nazis HU Lon­ O f Swing Before Dawn in At­ nut street. appUed for a marriage ORANGE HALL See the Ones Being Built By ful glfU. She U enjoying fairly license in the town clerk’s office tack to Smash Flank good health. Her best present, ac­ Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. don and Coast Areas. Pass Tests today. GREENBROOKE For Sea Base cording to her, was a' cablegram Sinatra Answers *Bunk* And Turn Winter Fort­ from her son. Private Dennis Shea HOMES, IN C London, Jan. 22.—<^)— stotlng that he had arrived in ifications of Gustav Read Herald Advs. The campaign to flatten Ger­ To Rodzinski Declare Pour Through Air In Ehigland safely. RANGE AND On Walker Street Second Sizeable Air man industrial targets crush­ , ation Boog{e Woogie termediate T rain And Adolf Hitler Lines DINE In The For further Information eall at ed the city of Magdeburg m Assault in Two Days FUEL o n . Alexander Jarvis Co. olllee on The J W . H A L 6 CORK Saxony last night under more Cause of Delinquency. ing Stations at Cor- Allied Headquarters, Al­ 381 Center St. Tel. 6366 Center street or »t 86 Alexander South o f Madang street. mamcnistss Conn- than 2,000 long tons of pus^Christif Pensacola, giers, Jan. 22.— (/P)— Power­ Hollywood. Jan. 22—(/P»— Open May Presage Attack. ful American and British B L U E ROOM HALE'S SELF SERVE James A. Woods Phonest 4118 or 7876 bombs as the major phase of a great aerial operation warfare between the long-hair forces of the Fifth Army Tht Original In New England! Advanced Allied Headquarters, Washington, Jan. 22— — The O f The which included a smaller at­ group and the booby-sock crowd striking by sea toward Rome New Guinea, Jan. 22— OP)— The men who carry the war to the tack on Berlin. The new blows developed today as Conductor landed on the west coast of growing Allied bid for Madang, enemy in the skies, blasting ships against Germany, following up a Artur Rodzinski of the New York and shore establishments, shoot­ central Italy before dawn to­ AND HEALTH MARKET heavy 2.200 long ton assault on Philharmonic Symphony orchestra whose pre-war wharf facilities the capital the previous night, these Marines carry ashore a buddy who was killed ing down enemy bombers ahU day in a heavy attack to Depot Square Grill termed boogie woogie "one of the were the best on the northeastern smash the Germans’ flank cost the R.A.F.
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