94th EDUSC Convention Journal The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina The Rt. Reverend W. Andrew Waldo, Eighth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina 94th Diocesan Convention Journal Table of Contents Minutes of the 94th Diocesan Convention 03 Bishop’s Address to the 94th Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of 18 Upper South Carolina Journal I 25 Lay Delegates and Alternates to Convention 52 2017 Statement of Mission 61 Bishop’s Reports to the Diocesan Executive Council 66 Official Acts of the Bishops 93 Letters Dimissory 95 Clergy in Order of Canonical Residence 96 Non-parochial Clergy 100 Ordinations 101 Postulants and Candidates for Holy Orders 102 Necrology 103 Memorial Page 104 Organizational Chart of the Diocese 105 Diocesan Executive Council Directory 106 Actions of the Diocesan Executive Council 109 Actions of the Standing Committee 111 Convocations Map 113 Convocation Deans and Lay Wardens 114 2015 Diocesan Audit 115 Parishes and Missions 136 2016 Official Clergy Directory 137 Parishes and Missions with Officers 165 Financial Statistics of Congregations and Missions 181 Vital Statistics of Congregations and Missions 184 Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South 186 Carolina Standing Resolutions 227 Minutes of the 94th Diocesan Convention – Business Session St. John’s Episcopal Church, Columbia Worship, Prayer, and Dialogue Saturday, November 5, 2016 Convention Call to Order: The 94th Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina is called to order at 9 a.m. by The Rt. Rev. W. Andrew Waldo, using the “Collect for a Church Convention:” Almighty and everlasting Father, you have given the Holy Spirit to abide with us for ever: Bless, we pray, with his grace and presence, the bishops and the other clergy and the laity here assembled in your Name, that your Church, being preserved in true faith and godly discipline, may fulfill all the mind of him who loved it and gave himself for it, your Son Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Welcome from Host Congregation: The Bishop then recognized The Rev. Fletcher Montgomery, Rector of St. John’s, Columbia, who welcomed everyone to the parish and to Columbia. The Rev. Montgomery thanked the chairs of St. John’s planning committee, Margaret Axson and Michelle Rabon, for their organization and leadership. Bishop Waldo offered special thanks for St. John’s strong ministry of hospitality, as they have hosted several Diocesan events over the years. The Bishop reflected that it was important to acknowledge the larger context within which we were doing our work. Over the past year, we lived through the most extraordinary presidential campaign season any of us can remember. Our divisions so multiplied and deepened that we understandably wondered how wounds opened this year would ever be healed. Noting that the election was but days away, and national anxiety filled the air, but in particular about what reactions there will be whatever the results. He noted that by comparison, the work we would do at convention could seem small and inconsequential and emphasizing our work is not. “Our work is on behalf of the One whose kingdom transcends all earthly rulers, all trials, all anxieties. We do our work in God’s time, reaching far beyond this week or this year, into the time beyond our own “little lives,” to reference Henri Nouwen. No matter what is going on around us, we are called to run with perseverance the race that is set before us. We are still called to love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and our neighbor as ourselves.” “No matter what comes we will be filled with opportunities for us to be known by our love for one another. It will be no time to give in to destructive blaming or life-negating accusations. For, as scripture tells us, Jesus has already shown us a better way.” 1 The Bishop then led us in a moment of silent prayer and offered a collect for our nation and the world. Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Moving on to the business of convention, the Bishop reminded the assembled that as we continue to strive toward Making, Equipping, and Sending Mature Disciples of Jesus Christ, our focus for this convention was WORSHIP, PRAYER, AND DIALOGUE. Being witnesses to the love of God throughout the world begins with ourselves, especially when the stakes are high. So the intention of our dialogue time later in the day was to grow in understanding of and appreciation for the unique identities that exist across our cultural and personal differences. Bishop Waldo thanked those who served as Leadership Day keynote speakers: Dr. John H. Dozier, Chief Diversity Officer & Senior Associate Provost for Inclusion, University of South Carolina Dr. Brent Driggers, Professor of New Testament, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Bishop Waldo thanked all who led inspiring workshops on topics that included focusing on interpretation of scripture, Lectio Divina, understanding history in light of today’s opportunities and challenges, Asset-Based Community Development, courageous stewardship, and liturgy that leads to mission. Many thanks to the gifted leaders that led these learning experiences: Dr. John H. Dozier Dr. Brent Driggers Dr. Keith Reeves Barron The Rev. Rob Brown The Ven. Callie Walpole Ms. Kayla Massey The Rev’d Canon E. Mark Stevenson Dr. Scott Bader-Saye Thank you all for calling us into action through Worship, Prayer and Dialogue. The Bishop commented that while at convention, the children and youth were engaged in the study of scripture with Madelyn Smith and Margaret Woodrum, and that they also helped to lead our worship. The Bishop expressed his appreciation for the Order of the Daughters of the King who prayed for us throughout convention. 2 Bishop Waldo recognized the members of the Diocesan Executive Council, asking them to stand, thanking with gratitude for their willingness to serve. The Bishop recognized the Sisters of the Convent of St. Helena stating, “Their ministry of prayer, hospitality and service provides unique opportunities for retreat and renewal at their facility in North Augusta is such a gift to us.” Bishop Waldo thanked retired bishops and their spouses who assisted throughout the year: The Rt. Rev. Don and Mrs. Ann Hultstrand The Rt. Rev. Charles and Mrs. Nancy Duvall The Rt. Rev. Rogers and Mrs. Anne Harris Bishop Waldo noted that only certified delegates and clergy with seat, voice and vote, and those granted seat and voice, were to sit at the tables on the convention floor. Lay delegates wore blue nametags. Clergy with seat, voice and vote wore green nametags. Those with seat and voice wore red nametags. As clergy and lay delegates representing their congregations, they were expected to participate in the convention through the closing gavel. All others were to be seated in the guest area. The Bishop informed lay delegates, lay alternates and clergy that the packets received that morning contained everything needed for the convention, as well as supplemental information on various Diocesan ministries. Bishop Waldo urged everyone to visit and support the exhibitors, located in Heyward Hall outside the entrance to the convention floor, remembering that each of them in their own way is calling us to a particular disciple ministry. The Bishop instructed all to silence cell phones and provided direction for speaking from the floor, that during the course of our business day, each person should approach one of the two floor mics and wait to be acknowledged. Once acknowledged the speaker was then to state his/her name and parish before commencing with remarks. And finally, the Bishop noted that the offering received during the Convention Eucharist would be given to Camp AIR for Adventures in Reading which is held annually at the Gravatt Camp and Conference Center. Over the past two years more than 50 children and counselors have participated in this experience offered through the efforts of the SC Bishops’ Public Education Initiative. The Bishop offered that every extra bit of generosity in donations would make a palpable difference in the lives of the children and youth that attend. Certification of Quorum and Acceptance of Agenda: The Bishop then recognized Ms. Beth Prendergast Hendrix, Secretary of Convention, who certified that a quorum was present. The Rev. Grant Wiseman, President of Diocesan Executive Council, moved the acceptance of the agenda as printed in convention packets. Because the motion came from committee, no second was required, and the motion carried. 3 Report of Committee on Credentials: The Bishop recognized The Rev. Alan Leonard, Chair of the Credentials Committee of the Ecclesiastical Discipline Board, then reported that there were 223 lay and clergy delegates in attendance, with seat, voice and vote in the convention. In accordance with TITLE I, CANON 1, SECTION 1. (a) (2), Rev. Leonard requested that the Convention grant seat, voice and vote to these Clergy currently placed in the Diocese: The Rev. Paul Abernathy, Priest-in-Charge, Epiphany, Laurens The Rev. Jill Beimdiek, Interim Rector, St. Mary’s Episcopal, Columbia The Rev. Geoffrey Coupland, Interim Rector, St. Bartholomew’s, North Augusta The Rev. Thomas Nicoll, Interim Rector, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Columbia The Rev.
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