Page A-S THE PRESS Sunday, September 14, Classroom Series on Hemingway to Be Seen on 2 Influence and Impact of Late Gable House Writer Is Theme of TV Course Gets Famed The writings of "Ernest nature of his style imprinted "For Whom the Bell Tolls.' Dance Duo Hemingway," his influence upon the life of our time and "Across the River and Into Goree, Cirod to Teach Danclnf < and impact on the 20th Cen­ thPthe siffnifiranrpsignificance of that.that Kitsigna . th? Trees," and The Old Mail at Torrance Sports Center and the Sea." tury, and his obsession with ture." Dr. Moritz, Assistant the theme of violence, will be Professor of English at USC, CONTROVERSIAL 1 Jerry Gore* and Richard CMrod The following major thrmr have just been hired by Jerryj covered by Dr. Kennett Mor- said. will be covered to determine Homel. General Manager of th«| itz during the next 16 weeks MAN AND LEGEND what they mean and wh\ Gable House Bowl, at Hawthorne, when KNXT and the Uni­ As a man of action, Hem­ Hemingway was concerns i and Sepulveda. Torrance, to teachi versity of Southern California ingway was drawn towards with them: violence (in hi.-- PROFESSIONAL DANCING, it| present a Monday-Wednesday the crisis points in Italy, the domestic life, in the bullring 'was revealed today by the noted and on the battlefront), death sportsman. Friday classroom series based Near East, Spain and Europe as an emergence of violence, on the famous American au­ during World War II. Stu­ and finally the theme of coin­ Goree and Girod. with many thor beginning Monday, Oc­ dents wilj examine this record age as a guide to human con years of experience, will instruct interested in learning the tober 2, (6:30 to 7 a.m.) on and study the relationships duct. patrons Channel 2. Characteristically Hem in j; CHA OH A, MOMBO. FOX TROT, between the man, the legend SWING. WALTZ. MERENGtT;, The emphasis will be upon and the aVtiet. way was a controversial writ er who created divided and RHUMBA. BOLERO. SAMBA and Hemingway as a writer. The In exploring the fictional course reveals how his con­ intense opinion among his TANGO. According to the p*ir,l world of Hemingway, Dr. contemporaries. These part i NO LARGE COURSES WILL BE tent, was shaped both by his MoritT! has prepared a book environment of the twenti­ san reactions will be examin SOLD. j list including many of his ed to clear the path for stu eth century and his own per­ short stories and the follow­ Studio hours will be from 111 sonality. dents to make up their own ing novels: "The Sun Also minds regarding the author s a. m. to 9 p. m. daily with groupj "We shall study the sig­ Rises," A .Farewell to Arms," motivations and themes. lessons taught from 7 to 9 p.m.j "Ernest Hemingway" is of ,at the VERY LOW COST OF $l| fered for 2 units of college PER HOUR. Semi-private teworw.1 credit three times weekly on I two to four couples, at a oombin-i Channel 2. Producers are Bob ed EXTRA LOW PRICE OF $10J ELEVEN TO TELECflSI Lamb of TISC and Joe Sands PER HOUR. Private lessons, gin- for KNXT Public Affairs. gle or couple, will go for the i AMAZING PRICE OF $3.00 PER 'HOUR. The dancing instruction offer] STORY OF HUE Real English *d at the GABLE HOUSE BOWLJ another progressive step tak­ Television viewers will be what. Is behind it; the endless WALTER HENDL will be the behind the scenes of or­ guest conductor on the podi­ en by HOMEL to please the mi- taken hours of practice, the con­ 'merous couples and singles seek­ ganized baseball for the first ditioning, the depth of the Hunt in Color um when "Great Music From time Friday, September 29, organization itself. For the Chicago," is teen Monday, at ing the BEST PROFESSIONAL 7:30 p.m.. when KTTV, Chan­ first time, "Biography of a 9 p.m. Channel II. Popular INSTRUCTION at rates condu­ nel Eleven, presents "Biogra­ Rookie" brings this story to Disney Show show just returned on the air cive to budget-minded SOUTH phy-of a Rookie," the story the public, providing an In- after long summer vacation. BAY AND TORRANCE RESI­ Annette (Funicello), Tom­ DENTS. behind Willie Davis of the depth story of the nation's my Kirk and Janet Munro Los Angeles Dodgers. favorite sport. took part in a real English SIGHT PROBLEMS For adidtional Information, This is an amazing docu­ Viewers will be shown what hunt while filming "The Farsightedness, nrarsight- please contact HOMEL, GOREE mentary, showing step-by- actually goes into the making Horsemasters," two - part BIGELOWS or GIROD, GABLE HOUSE G. E. THEATER—Host Ronald Reagan stars as a Russian major edness and astigmatism are CHEAT NEW MEAT SEASONINft step the making of a big teen-age adventure story on BOWL, HAWTHORNE AT SE- In "The Iron Silence," debating the eighth season of the weekly of a, big-league player. Davis, all common refractive errors league baseball player. It be­ when he was discovered, was "W a 11 Disney's Wonderful SHOPPERS MARKET NO. 9 PULVEDA, TORRANCE. THEJ drama series on CBS-TV, Channel 2, Sunday at 9 p.m. based upon the si/e and shape gins with Davis' discovery at a pitcher. He was converted World of Color" Sundays. of the eyeball. They do not IS FRowtier Roosevelt High School, Los 2750 Pacific Coast Highway into an outfielder. He was a Oct. 1 and Oct. 8 NBC-TV cause blindness as such, but . Torrance Angeles, follows him through right -handed batter; the color broadcast 7:20-8:30 p.m. they can make seeing very dif­ the training camp with its leagues converted him into a Wearing English jodhpurs, ficult or impossible. However, myriad, intricate devices for lefty. stiff black velvet riding hats, each is corrected with a dif­ conditioning ball players, And the technical equip­ and appearing nonchalant at ferent kind of lens. through the elaborate farm ment involved in the training the reins of their spirited system right up to th« big of a big leaguer will be of pro­ "jumpers," Annette, Tommy Use classified. Call DA 5-1515 time. found interest to viewers, too. dim jdiiri, luut? ar.ross me roil­ CASH The hour-long special, nar­ How the aspiring players are ing Surrey fields for the Sunday - Monday rated by Mike Wallace and taught to hit provides a fas­ drama's climax. filmed by James Wong Howe, Bill Holden cinating story in itself. First Raymond S t o v o 1 d, local "WORLD OF contains shots of Leo Duro- they hit a basketball, then, landowner, dairy farmer and R Gift Gil Hodg­ SUSIE WONG" cher, Duke Snider, gradually, they are condition­ Master of the Chiddingfold Also es,, Don Drysdale, and a host ed to hitting a smaller and Hunt, started the hunt ahead big-league favorites O Jam** Robertton of other smaller ball until finally they of schedule for the sake of Justice Awards in action. are tagging a regulation base­ the television production. "FOXHOLE IN CAIRO" Few people who see a big- ball- served up by pitching Other members of the cast WINNERS' NAMES CHANGE EACH ISSUE league baseball game realize D machines. were also present. Tuesday Wednesday Rory Calhoun 1 "THE PLEASURE OP aw PANCHO VILLA" Gunsmoke Switches To Tuesdayfl f Also "Marshal Dillion," selected The weekly programs will Network. AaT^^fc Stanley Baker the CBS Radio "HELL IS A CITY" retelecasts from the popular star James Arness in the title "Marshal Dillon" will be is awaitin YOU "Gunsmoke" series, will begin role, with Dennis Weaver as brought to Channel 2 viewers * * TAKE THIS AD WITHIN ONE WEEK TO THE Tuesday, October 3, (7:30 to Chester, Milburn Stone as each Tuesday by Bell Brand U 8 p.m.) on KNXT, Channel 2. Doc and Amanda Blake as DRIVE-IN THEATER STORE IN WHICH YOUR NAME APPEARS Potato Chips and Procter & YOU WILL BE GIVEN $5. Kitty. Gamble on an alternate-week Redondo Beach Blvd. O'Connell Selection of programs for basis. M DA 4-2664 the "Marshal Dillon" series Hosts "Here's will be made with the earlier time period in mind. FIND YOUR NAME Hollywood* As previously announced, NO CONTEST Leok f°r v°»r " »" »" NOTHING When Helen O'Connell the original "Gunsmoke" HAVE ONE OF THESE TO ENTER *vtrv builn*" flrm lllf' " Ir**» sang wearing her sister series expands to « one-hour ed below. TO BUY Alice's blue gown, she secured series beginning Saturday, her musical future. September 30, from 10 to 11 DENTURE PROBLEMS? AL BAILEY BOWL-0-DROME And now Helen has a non- p.m. The CBS Television Net­ • Uneven Gum Rulges • Shallow Lower PLUMBING CO. singing career as co-host of work presentation will have Gum Ridge • Difficulty in Getting Used 21915 S. Western Ave. NBC-TV's "H e r e's Holly­ for the full- all new scripts to Dentures • Uneven Bite • Sagging 3008 Curtls St. Torrance wood" daytime series of in­ hour version. \ Facial Muscles • Recurring Sore Spots terviews (Monday through Created 10 years ago for the • V-shaped Palate • Sharp Bone Under Redondo Beach FA 1-3700 Friday, 2:30 p.m. PT; 3:30 CBS Radio Network by writ­ Gum Ridge 'Spongy. Gums 40 Lane*. AMP p.m. CT). er John Meston and producer For all Plumbing Needs It was in Toledo, near her Norman Macdonnell. "Gun- No extra charge Call FR Cocktails, Dtncinf home town of Lima, Ohio, smoke" became a television on difficult cases T.I.CAMPBUI that Helen gavt vocalizing a feature 1n 1955.
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