PO 2258, Christchurch, New <I/;...";;;;;'Il;;IIlUl:;lllU WINSTON'S PETERED OUT - Murray Horton Who said this? "Here let me first acknowledge the heroic efforts of the Campaign Against Foreign Control 01 Aotearoa (CAFCA), and a certainfewjournalists, who have worked against the odds, and against a corrupted regime operating inviolation ofthe spirit and clear intention ofOul freedom of information laws...Only through arduom research by New Zealand First and by the CampaigIl AgainstForeign Control ofAotearoa - otherwise known as CAFCA, to whom we are indebted for much ofthis material - are we evenable to gauge the extent to which New Zealand no longer belongs to us..." The answer? Winston Peters, in speeches delivered at Eltham, Opunake, Inglewood, Turangi and Taupo, onMay 23 and 25, 1995, in the course ofhis "NewZealand Is Ours" national speaking tour. Since Peters picked National as his blushing bride, in December 1996, there have been howlsofoutrage and much use ofthe word "betrayal". Do we share thatview? Not me personally - 1certainly didn'tvote for NewZealand First. 1 have always regarded them as a Tory clone and, frankly, klnder lace ('"we'll bash you but not to death"). Peters has not :0 be trusted as far as one could throw them. Peters has his eye on the topjob, which wouldbe the sweetest revenge simply returned to his natural home. He is asmuch a product on his once and future National colleagues who sacked ofNational as Jim Anderton is ofLabour. However, plenty him in 1991 and became his bitterest enemies. For his part, of other well meaning souls (presumably including a lot Bolger, to use the urinary American saying, would rather who did vote for them) definitely do feel betrayed andwith have Peters inside the tent pissing out rather than outside very good reason. New Zealand First has won some pissing in (although a growing number of Peters' concessions, particularly in the field ofhealth (I personally Parliamentary colleagues, both "friends" andfoes, seem to am pleased that the iniquitous hospital outpatient charges think that he spends too much time pissing up. For my part, will be dropped) but otherwise the Coalition Agreement is Winston, next time you're at close quarters with JohnBanks, only a slightly watered down National platform. There is give him one for me. As for Winston's henchmen, starting nothing unexpected about this, as the Coalition is one with Big Tau, in appearance and actions they remind me 0 between Old and New National. Peters is a Muldoon nothing so much as the Tonton Macoutes of Haiti's protege, and represents Old National, which recognises a unlamented Duvalier dynasty). role for the State whilst being socially conservative (such as work for the dole proposals). Bolger has led New Plenty ofmedia coverage has been given to the breathtaking National, which went through a phase of extreme nature ofPeters' backflip, truly the most acrobatic feat seen Ruthlessness, and has now decided to put on a slightly in 1996, including the Olympics. Jim Anderton relea.,ed a (collt'd 011 p.3) The material in this issue may be reprinted provided the source is acknowledged. A copy would be appreciated. WATCHDOG 84 MAY 1997 PAGE 1 NUMBER84 MAY 1997 CONTENlS PAGE WINSTON'S PETERED OUT by Murray Horton . THE INTRIGUING STORY OF ROGER DOUGLAS AND HIS UNPLEASANT FRIENDS AT WHAREKAUHAU LODGE by Bill Rosenberg. .............. 6 IT'S OFFICIAL: BRIERLEY INVESTMENTS IS AN OVERSEAS COMPANY by Bill Rosenberg ............... 14 TELECOM: The World; Concert; Saigon; Competitors; Sky; Internet; Profits; Service?; Cellphone Towers. ............ 20 AMERICAN TNC TO ABANDON RUNAWAY TOXIC MINE And Tries To Bankrupt Coromande1 Watchdog. .......................... 29 THANKS MARTY.... 30 COMALCO: New Zealand; Australia; PNG; Latin America; The World. ............ 31 FORESTRY: Forestcorp; Petition; Hikoi; Big Boys; Ma1aysians ................. 32 WASTE MANAGEMENT: There Really Is Money In Shit ................ 36 Overseas Investment Commission by Bill Rosenberg OIC DECISIONS: JULY TO DECEMBER 1996 and appeals. ........... 37 "A BEGINNER'S GliDE TO FOREIGN CONTROL". .............. 70 CHEQUES: PLEASE MAKE THEM OUT CORRECTLY. .............. 71 "SOMEONE ELSE'S COUNTRY" ....................... 72 Review "GLOBAL DREAMS: IMPERIAL CORPORATIONS AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER" reviewed by Wolfgang Rosenberg ............. 72 Obituaries Monthly ReView; Jack Locke; Mark Moesbergen by Murray Horton ........... .. 74 DONATION FROM MONTHLY REVIEW . PUBLIC ASSET SOLD TO HONG KONG FOR $100! Sold For The Price Of Tuku's Underpants. .. 80 11 Published by Foreign Control Watchdog Inc, Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand. Every member of the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) receives a copy of each issue of Foreign Control Watchdog. CAFCA's annual membership fee is $15. Send cheques to CAFCA, Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand. [email protected] WATCHDOG 84 MAY 1997 PAGE2 (cont'd/romp.1) sell, they will sell to a New Zealand company or individual, handy list of 20 detailed policy betrayals ("Seldom In Our retaining only a maximum of24.9%ifthey so wish. Nation's History Have So Few Sold Out So Many For So Little"; press statement, 11/12/96). They definitely coverthe "Where more than 24.9% of a company is already held field. For our purposes, I simply want to look at our issue ­ offshore, there may be no further sales to overseas interests foreign control. Mention that any substantive policy on it until the portion of the share register in foreign hands has had been abandoned was usually relegated to a footnote in fallen to less thanthat limit. media reports that struggled to itemise all the details ofthe sellout. "Where companies under effective foreign control are operating in a sector which is considered critical - such as It'sworth notingjustwhat was the New Zealand First policy transport, communications and utilities - they will be subject on foreign investment. The party came out very strongly on to regulation designed to better protect the New Zealand the issue in 1995, centring on Peters' speaking tour. Just the consumer. titles of those two of his speeches quoted above give the tenor of it: "We did not win by giving in"; and "Overseas "There will be no further sales of land to foreign interests, Investment Commission is Birch's straw man". The collected though leaseholds will be permitted. speeches (there are more ofthem) are stirring stuff. Write to Winston and ask for copies. Ifthe Treasurer can't seem to "Existingforeign land owners will bepermitted to retain their locate speeches made when he was simply the Leader of holdings, but in the event that they wish to sell, they must New Zealand First, then write to CAFCA and we'll gladly sell to New Zealanders. supplyyou with a set (enclose $5for copying andpostage). "Where a foreigner has bought land under existing Peters' campaign centred onthe battle against the Overseas immigration programmes, the undertakings given at the time Investment Amendment Bill (now Act; see previous ofapplication for residency will be strictly enforced". Watchdogs for details of the legislation and the campaign against it). His whole "NewZealand Is Ours" speaking tour The significance ofthe 24.9%limit is simply that, since 1973, was inthat context. His high proftle andextremely outspoken all laws on foreign control have defined as foreign any opposition to the Bill and to foreign investment in general ­ company more than 24.9% foreign owned. So Peters was "Thatcontempt mustbe reserved for the quislings who permit simply upholding the law, like any true conservative; at the New Zealand to be placed on the auction block and sold to same time, for reasons that even it couldn'tadequately explain, the highest bidder" (speech, 25/5/95) - saw New Zealand the Alliancewas promoting a limit of50%foreign ownership. First go rocketing up in the opinion polls, overtaking the Alliance (which held true in the 1996 election) and generally Peters was at pains to explain that New Zealand First was not having a more detailed and better articulated policy on the opposed to foreign investment, but only to foreign control: issue than the latter. CAFCA hosted a 1995 public meeting in "For we understand the difference between foreign the Christchurch Town Hall on the Bill, featuring both Jim investment and the corporate raid ofNew Zealand's assets" Anderton and Winston Peters. I considered that Peters spoke (speech, 23/5/95). And that policy was put in the context of better and presented a better policy (naturally I consider that the party's overall economic objectives: adding maximum I spoke better than either of them). Throughout this time value to exports; establishing a national savings policy to CAFCA was being approached by Peters' office for help, provide investmentfunds for the development ofNew zealand specifically by researcher Deborah Morris (now a Cabinet enterprise; using taxation to encourage investment in New Minister), speechwriter Rex Widerstrom and researcher Terry Zealand business development; and "above all else, the Heffernan (both since dumped or resigned in bitter employment ofNew Zealanders must be our first economic circumstances. We'll come to that). We sold them our planningpriority" (ibid). complete Overseas Investment Commission database to enable them to write speeches detailing who owned what in But, as they say, that was then and this is now. In fact, the rot each province and town as Peters spoke in those places. started then. When we asked for a favour in return - access Hence the references
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