The Prairie Edger NEWSLETTER OF PRAIRIE EDGE CHURCH JUNE 2019 Council Corner By Andrew Glerum, President of Council “I will remember the deeds of the On that same note, we also owe a We should all be excited and in Lord; yes, I will remember your huge THANK YOU to the outgoing prayer for who God has chosen to miracles of long ago. I will consid- council members. It has been a take over the needed roles in our er all your works and meditate on very busy past couple of years for church. all your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77: Scott VanderMolen (holding the We would also like to thank the 11-12 position of clerk last two years), folks on the Renewal Lab Team for Scott Olson (as chairman of the This is a great reminder that this the time and effort they are deacons the last two years) and is God’s church and he has a plan putting into our church to find our Mike Stackpole (taking care of our for us. The council would like to direction and to help us become Benevolence ministry.) Thank keep everyone informed, as well the church God wants us to be. you for your service. as excited, about the future. Thank you to the congregation for As a council, our next meetings supporting the Sunday night Our church has been blessed with will be to determine what we events as well as giving your feed- some great sermons, and the Holy want the job description to look back. Spirit has been speaking to our like for an interim pastor. The church Sunday after Sunday. We Prairie Edge CRC is still so amaz- search committee for our senior have also been introduced to ingly blessed with great members pastor will also be forming. We many great seminarians. and a strong faith. I am humbled look forward to hearing more and inspired by how so many peo- As a church body we will welcome about potential youth director ple are using their gifts and time 4 new council members in June, candidates. We will continue to to glorify God at our church. This and we are excited to see who look for ways to implement new summer will just be a new chapter God has chosen for those posi- ideas for small group ministries. in God’s story of our church. tions. P a g e 2 The Prairie Edger Each June, we celebrate our Annabelle Terpstra is graduating from graduates of all levels. We’re 8th grade at Kalamazoo Christian Mid- proud of all of them, and want to dle School. During her years at middle share a little bit about their school Anna was involved with Track, stories and plans. Basketball, Soccer, Musicals, and wor- ship leading at her youth group. She has also been involved with playing guitar and piano and singing on the Praise Team at church. Anna plans to attend Kalamazoo Christian High School in the fall. Her favorite Bible passage is Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not Annabelle Grace Terpstra be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they Kenadie Paige Daggett comfort me. You prepare a table be- fore me in the presence of my ene- Kenadie Daggett is graduating from mies. You anoint my head with oil, my 8th grade at Kalamazoo Christian Mid- cup over flows. Surely goodness and dle School. During her middle school love will follow me all the days of my years she had been involved in Travel life, and I will dwell in the house of the Softball, and she plays for Great Lakes Lord, forever.” Performance. She also played basket- ball and volleyball for the school Dawson Mark Zuiderveen teams. She was in the 8th grade school play and 8th grade Musical. Dawson Zuiderveen is graduating from 8th grade at Kalamazoo Kenadie plans to attend Kalamazoo Christian Middle School. He Christian High School in the fall. Her played football and basketball favorite Bible verse is: “I can do all during his time there. things through Christ who strengthens He plans to attend Kalamazoo me.” Phil. 4: 13. Christian High School in the fall. His favorite verse is 2 Timothy 1:7, The most important lesson she has “For God did not give us a spirit of learned so far is “to always be kind timidity, but a spirit of power, of and respectful to everyone.” love and of self-discipline.” P a g e 3 Noah Yonkers is graduating from 8th grade at Kalamazoo Christian Middle School. He played on the basketball team and the Rocket Football team, Westwood Little League Baseball, and has been a part of the Prairie Edge Middle School Youth Group and Cadets. He plans to attend Kalamazoo Christian High School and to play on the Basketball and Baseball teams. His favorite verse is Isaiah 53: 5, “But he was pierced for our trans- gressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Audrey Grace Vermeulen The lessons Noah has learned are Audrey Vermeulen is graduating and will be minoring in Theological to trust and pray to God when you from Portage Central High School. and Biblical studies. She plans to are going through a tough time. During her high school years she study abroad in college in hopes of has been involved in the IB pro- seeing more of the world. She will gram. She is also a member of the be competing on Biola’s Swim and National Society of High School Dive team on scholarship, com- Scholars. In her junior year she peting at the Division 2 level. studied abroad for 2 weeks in Her favorite Bible verse is: Romans Spain and this past summer she 10: 9-10, “If you confess with your was able to serve on the mission mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe team that went to Children of the in your heart that God raised him Promise in Haiti. from the dead, you will be saved. She has been a club swimmer for For it is with your heart that you the past 9 years, and this year she believe and are justified, and it is swam for Portage Central’s wom- with your mouth that you confess en’s swim team where she earned and are saved.” All State honors. The most important lesson she’s Noah Andrew Yonkers Audrey plans to attend Biola Uni- learned so far is “to not sweat the versity in LaMirada, California to small stuff in life because God has a continue her academic studies and plan; and always wear sunscreen athletic career. She has not made when out and about, since I am a a decision on her major yet, but is lifeguard and will be living in South- leaning towards Public Relations ern California in the fall.” and Communications & Marketing We’re so Proud of You! Hunter James Grinnell Hunter Grinnell is graduating from Vicksburg High School. During his high school years he participated in Vicks- burg’s Lacrosse program. He now Cameron James Warner spends most of his free time working at one of his two jobs and enjoying life Cameron Warner is graduating with friends. He was also a part of the Kaleb Peter Vlietstra from Mattawan High School. Education for Employment Professional During his high school years he Health Science his junior and senior Kaleb Vlietstra is graduating from has been involved in Varsity Ten- years. The summer before his junior Kalamazoo Christian High School, nis and Varsity Golf. He also year he traveled to Spain and France and his plan is to work for the achieved a black belt in Tae with other Spanish and French stu- family at K Vlietstra Landscape Kwando and became an Eagle dents. Services. Scout. His plans are to attend Kalamazoo Val- His favorite Bible verse is: Colos- His plan for the future is to ley Community College and then switch sians 3: 23, “Whatever you do, attend Kalamazoo Valley Com- to Western Michigan University. He work at it with all your heart, as munity College for business ad- hopes to enter WMU’s Physician’s As- working for the Lord, not for ministration, and then go to the sistant program. men.” Michigan State Police Academy His favorite Bible verse is Psalm 37: 23- in Lansing. 24, “If the Lord delights in a man’s way, His favorite Bible verse is Luke 6: he makes his steps firm; though he 31, “Do to others as you would stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord have them do to you.” upholds him with his hand.” The most important lesson he’s Hunter has learned that “a simple smile learned so far is to “Be ambi- can brighten anyone’s day. Be kind to tious, and don’t give up on one another and laugh as much as pos- dreams.” sible!” Sunday School by Heather VanDyke There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Jesus used the power of symbols as he frequently taught his followers about the kingdom of God by using parables. These images help our finite hu- man minds to begin to grasp the sheer wonder of our heavenly Father, and they help us to remember Jesus’ teachings.
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