10.2478/botlit-2019-0011 BOTANICA ISSN 2538-8657 2019, 25(1): 97–101 Short note NEW RECORDS OF VASCULAR PLANT DISTRIBUTION IN THE POLISH PART OF THE LITHUANIAN LAKELAND, NORTH-EASTERN POLAND Artur PLISZKO 1* & Monika Wo ź n i a k -Ch o d a C k a 2 1 Jagiellonian University, Institute of Botany, Department of Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Palaeobotany, Gronostajowa Str. 3, Kraków PL-30-387, Poland 2 Polish Academy of Sciences, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Department of Vascular Plants, Lubicz Str. 46, Kraków PL-31-512, Poland *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Pliszko A., Woźniak-Chodacka M., 2019: New records of vascular plant distribution in the Polish part of the Lithuanian Lakeland, north-eastern Poland. – Botanica, 25(1): 97–101. The paper presents new localities of 15 vascular plants recorded in the Polish part of the Lithuanian Lake- land, north-eastern Poland in 2017–2018, using the ATPOL cartogram method. Crepis capillaris, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Eragrostis albensis, Matthiola longipetala, Oenothera fruticosa, Oenothera glazioviana and Rubus armeniacus are listed as new species for the regional flora. Keywords: alien species, biological recording, floristics, geographical distribution, vascular plants. In many regions of Poland, distribution of vascular 20th century (so K o ł o w s K i , 1965, 1973, 1988a, 1988b; plants is insufficiently recognized due to a lack of in- MAZUR et al., 1978). The flora of the Polish part of tensive floristic studies (Za j ą c & Za j ą c , 2001, 2015). the Lithuanian Lakeland still attracts the interest The Lithuanian Lakeland is a physical-geographical among researchers (ja b ł o ń s K a , 2005; Pa w L i K o w s K i , macroregion between Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad 2008a, 2008b; Pa w L i K o w s K i et al., 2011, 2013; Oblast), Lithuania and Belarus. The Polish part of PL i s zk o , 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017a; wo ł K o w y c K i & the Lithuanian Lakeland is situated in north-eastern Pa w L i K o w s K i , 2016; wo ź n i a K -ch o d a c K a & PL i s zk o , Poland and covers about 3500 km². It comprises four 2017b). In this paper, new records of vascular plant mesoregions, namely the Romincka Forest, the East- distribution in the Polish part of the Lithuanian Lake- ern Suwałki Lakeland, the Western Suwałki Lake- land are presented, as an addition to the ATPOL da- land, and the Augustów Plain (Ko n d r a c K i , 2002). It tabase (Za j ą c & Za j ą c , 2001). lies in a transitory temperate climate zone with some Field surveys were carried out in 2017–2018 by influence from the continental climate (Gó r n i a K , using the ATPOL cartogram method (Za j ą c , 1978). 2000), where the average annual air temperature is Identification of plants followed ru t K o w s K i (2004). about 6.5°C and the average annual precipitation is Taxonomic treatment of Oenothera L. followed 550–600 mm (Lo r e n c , 2005). ro s t a ń s K i et al. (2004, 2010). Nomenclature and Floristic studies in the Polish part of the Lithua- geographical-historical status in the Polish flora fol- nian Lakeland began in the first half of the 19th centu- lowed Mi r e K et al. (2002), ro s t a ń s K i et al. (2010), ry (PL i s zk o , 2015 and references therein). However, and to K a r s K a -Gu Z i K et al. (2012). The geographical- significant contributions to the vascular plant flora historical status in the regional flora was based on of the region were made in the second half of the own observations and in accordance with the work by 97 PL i s zk o a., wo ź n i a K -ch o d a c K a M. Py š e K et al. (2004), ro s t a ń s K i et al. (2004, 2010) and The list comprises 15 species of vascular plants to K a r s K a -Gu Z i K et al. (2012). Voucher specimens are that belong to seven families (i.e. Asteraceae, Brassi- deposited at the Herbarium of the Institute of Botany caceae, Caryophyllaceae, Convolvulaceae, Ona- of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (KRA). graceae, Poaceae and Rosaceae). There are three The floristic list includes vascular plant species native species (i.e. Crepis capillaris, Oenothera ru- and their localities that were recorded within nine bricaulis and Senecio sylvaticus), 11 alien species 10-km square units of the ATPOL cartogram grid for (i.e. Cuscuta campestris, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Era- the first time (Fig. 1), compared to Za j ą c & Za j ą c grostis albensis, Eragrostis minor, Matthiola longi- (2001). The list is arranged alphabetically by the petala, Oenothera fruticosa, Oenothera glazioviana, names of the species and includes names of locali- Oenothera paradoxa, Rubus armeniacus, Silene di- ties with the ATPOL cartogram units, habitats and chotoma and Sisymbrium loeselii), and one species dates of recording. Moreover, the abundance of each of uncertain geographical-historical status in the species in the presented localities is also included. flora, namely Oenothera casimiri. Among alien spe- Special signs are explained in the list. cies, Eragrostis albensis, Eragrostis minor, Oeno- Fig. 1. Study area (black dots) within the ATPOL cartogram grid 98 New records of vascular plant distribution in the Polish part of the Lithuanian Lakeland, north-eastern Poland thera paradoxa, Rubus armeniacus and Sisymbrium Poland (ro s t a ń s K i et al., 2010) and the origin (native loeselii should be treated as established alien spe- geographical range) of O. biennis has not been clari- cies in the regional flora. Moreover, some currently fied so far (ro s t a ń s K i et al., 2004), we decided to casual alien species such as Diplotaxis tenuifolia and treat O. casimiri as a species of uncertain status in the Oenothera glazioviana may become established in flora of the Polish part of the Lithuanian Lakeland. the future as evidenced in other regions of the coun- try (Za j ą c & Za j ą c , 2001, 2015; to K a r s K a -Gu Z i K et Floristic list al., 2012). Similarly, Matthiola longipetala and Explanations of special signs: Oenothera fruticosa, which are ornamental plants in * – an established alien species; ** – a casual al- Poland (ru t K o w s K i , 2004; ro s t a ń s K i et al., 2010), ien species; ? – a species of uncertain status in the have a potential to be naturalized (RANDALL , 2017 flora; ! – a species new to the flora of the Polish part and references therein). of the Lithuanian Lakeland; a1 – a very low abun- Comparing to previously published data (Za j ą c dance (1–10 individuals); a2 – a low abundance (11– & Za j ą c , 2001; PL i s zk o 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017a), 50 individuals); a3 – a moderate abundance (51–100 Crepis capillaris, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Eragrostis individuals); a4 – a high abundance (101–150 indi- albensis, Matthiola longipetala, Oenothera fruti- viduals); a5 – a very high abundance (more than 150 cosa, Oenothera glazioviana and Rubus armeniacus individuals). are new species for the flora of the Polish part of the Lithuanian Lakeland. Moreover, Crepis capillaris, ! Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr. (Asteraceae) – Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Oenothera glazioviana, Rubus Filipów Pierwszy (FB06), arable field with alfalfa, armeniacus and Silene dichotoma are also new for 22 July 2018, a5. the flora of the Western Suwałki Lakeland (PL i s zk o , * Cuscuta campestris Yunck. (Convolvulaceae) – 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017a). Compared to Ma L i ń s K i Marlinowo (FA95), arable field with legume mixture, (2000), Za j ą c & Za j ą c (2001, 2015), Mi c h a L e w s - 12 August 2018, a3. K a & no b i s (2005), wo ź n i a K -ch o d a c K a & PL i s zk o ** ! Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) D.C. (Brassicace- (2017a), wr ó b e L & no b i s (2017), new localities of ae) – Garbas Pierwszy (FB06), roadside verge, 22 Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Eragrostis albensis, Oeno- September 2018, a1. thera paradoxa and Rubus armeniacus presented in * ! Eragrostis albensis H. Scholz (Poaceae) – this paper are currently the north-easternmost points Suwałki (FB08), pavements in the north and central of their occurrence in the country. Furthermore, it parts of the town, 4 and 9 August 2018, a2. should be pointed out that Senecio sylvaticus was * Eragrostis minor Host (Poaceae) – Bakałarzewo included in the Red List of Vascular Plants of the (FB16), roadside verge, 7 August 2018, a2; Gołdap Western Suwałki Lakeland as a critically endan- (FA84), pavement, 8 August 2018, a3. gered species (PL i s zk o , 2017b), and the new local- ** ! Matthiola longipetala (Vent.) DC. (Brassi- ity in Śmieciuchówka is the third known locality of caceae) – Suwałki (FB08), construction site, Suwałki, this species in the region (PL i s zk o , 2014; PL i s zk o , 4 August 2018, a1. 2017a). ? Oenothera casimiri Rostański (Onagraceae) – The geographical-historical status of some Oeno- Suwałki (FB08), disused sand and gravel quarry, 19 thera species in Europe is an unresolved issue be- July 2017, a2. cause of the lack of data on their origin (ro s t a ń s K i et ** ! Oenothera fruticosa L. (Onagraceae) – al., 2004, 2010). Many Oenothera species are results Suwałki (FB08), dry roadside ditch, 29 July 2017, of spontaneous interspecific hybridization, for exam- a1.
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