28184 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 21 November 18, 2009 Joaquin River Delta] and who was very in- an agreement with environmentalists and the finest qualities of citizenship and leader- strumental to get us where we are here Sacramento interests to move the intake ship by taking an active part in the Boy Scouts today.’’ downstream to the Sacramento River. of America, Troop 900, and in earning the Graff is survived by his wife, Sharona [From the Contra Costa Times, Nov. 12, 2009] Barzilay, the assistant head at the College most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. Jonathan has been very active with his TOM GRAFF, CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL Preparatory School of Oakland; sister Clau- WATER PIONEER, DIES AT 65 dia Bial of Fort Lee, N.J.; daughter troop participating in many Scout activities. (By Mike Taugher) Samantha, son-in-law Miguel Helft, and Over the many years Jonathan has been in- grandchildren Avi and Rafael Helft of Oak- volved with Scouting, he has not only earned Thomas J. Graff, the Harvard-educated land; son Benjamin of San Jose; and daugh- lawyer who was among the most influential numerous merit badges, but also the respect ter Rebecca of Cambridge, Mass. environmentalists in California water policy of his family, peers, and community. A private memorial is scheduled this week- during the last 30 years, died Thursday Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join end. A public service will be scheduled in the morning after a long battle with cancer. He me in commending Jonathan Robert Hubbs coming weeks. was 65. for his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts Graff, of Oakland, gave up a career at a f of America and for his efforts put forth in prestigious San Francisco law firm to open RECOGNIZING THE CENTENNIAL achieving the highest distinction of Eagle the California office of the Environmental Scout. Defense Fund in the attic of a UC Berkeley ANNIVERSARY OF SAM HOUSTON fraternity house in 1971, helping the organi- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL f zation grow in the following decades into one HONORING SUTTER LAKESIDE of the most powerful voices on environ- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON mental issues ranging from climate change HOSPITAL OF LAKE COUNTY, OF TEXAS to oceans to water policy. CALIFORNIA Friends and colleagues recalled Graff as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES exceptionally smart, interested in the views Wednesday, November 18, 2009 HON. MIKE THOMPSON of others, a master negotiator and an ener- OF CALIFORNIA getic and forward thinker. He was devoted to Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his family and a good friend and mentor to Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the many colleagues, friends said. 100th anniversary of Sam Houston Elementary Wednesday, November 18, 2009 ‘‘He was one of the earliest environmental- School in the Oak Lawn neighborhood of Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam ists to advocate (that) if water could be mar- northern Dallas. keted and moved more freely, it would be Speaker, I rise today to honor Sutter Lakeside On December 6, 1909, the Oak Lawn Hospital of Lake County, California. On No- used more efficiently and we wouldn’t need School opened its doors to roughly 200 stu- more dams,’’ said Laura King Moon, assist- vember 19th, 2009, Sutter Lakeside will be ant general manager for the State Water dents under the leadership of Principal Mary hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for their Contractors, a water industry group. Spears. The school included eight classrooms, new Mobile Health Services Unit. ‘‘You could be arguing violently with him five of which were used for academic pur- The Mobile Health Services Unit project one minute and hugging him goodbye a half- poses, and was located near the corner of began over 2 years ago. Twenty percent of hour later. He was a lion in the water envi- Throckmorton Street and Dickason Avenue. Lake County’s residents and 31 percent of its ronmental movement over the last three Within a year, a petition was filed with the children are living below the poverty line. This decades,’’ King Moon added. Texas Board of Education to begin a kinder- Graff was born Jan. 20, 1944, in Honduras to fact, combined with the county’s rural nature, German Jews who had fled Nazi Germany. He garten program in the unused rooms of the means an unacceptably high number of resi- grew up in Syracuse, N.Y., and later at- school, and in March 1910 the first free kin- dents have no access to basic health care tended Harvard College, Harvard Law School dergarten under the control of the Dallas services. The Mobile Health Services Unit will and the London School of Economics. School Board opened with an attendance of ensure that these underserved populations re- At the Environmental Defense Fund, he 25 students. Shortly thereafter, the Oak Lawn ceive the care they need, where they need it. was a champion of the idea of using market School changed its name to the Sam Houston forces to improve the environment by push- The entire Mobile Health Services Unit team School in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the at Sutter Lakeside deserves our thanks for ing for water marketing in California, and Battle of San Jacinto. for plans to cap-and-trade sulfur dioxide their efforts in making this project a reality. In emissions in the eastern states to combat Today, Sam Houston Elementary School particular, a debt of gratitude is owed to Char- acid rain. ‘‘He was a great listener,’’ recalled stands as the oldest school in the Dallas Inde- lie Melo, owner of American Custom Coach, Spreck Rosekrans, a water policy analyst at pendent School District to continue to operate who provided the expertise and leadership the organization. ‘‘He always got along with in its original building. For 100 years, the fac- that made this all possible. He was also so people.’’ ulty and staff of this institution have educated kind as to donate the unit’s solar panels. He was also a driving force behind the Cen- young people in North Texas to become re- Madam Speaker, it is appropriate at this tral Valley Project Improvement Act, the sponsible and productive members of society. 1992 law that reworked one of California’s time that we honor Sutter Lakeside Hospital biggest water projects and perhaps the most Through their hard work, Sam Houston Ele- and thank them for their contributions to the important piece of environmental legislation mentary has developed a legacy of excel- citizens of Lake County. The new Mobile in the career of Rep. George Miller, D-Mar- lence, and I am so proud to have this school Health Services Unit is an invaluable addition tinez. within my District in Texas. to the community and all involved in making ‘‘One of Tom’s great insights was in advo- Madam Speaker, I ask my fellow colleagues this happen are to be commended for their ef- cating for, and helping to develop, the water- to join me today in celebrating the success of forts. marketing agreements that helped bring the this institution’s century of existence and to f business world and the urban water commu- recognize the faculty and staff’s hard work and nity on board,’’ Miller said last year in a HONORING THE LIFE AND speech to Congress. continued determination to ensure a quality Graff was a leader in the political fights education for children in north Texas. MEMORY OF BILL BOYD against construction of a Peripheral Canal f around the Delta. When the Sierra Club was HON. SAM JOHNSON HONORING JONATHAN ROBERT debating whether to accept a compromise OF TEXAS HUBBS that would allow the canal to be built, Graff IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES argued that the canal would allow San Joa- quin Valley farmers and Southern California HON. SAM GRAVES Wednesday, November 18, 2009 to take too much water out of the estuary. OF MISSOURI Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Madam He sued the East Bay Municipal Utility Dis- Speaker, I invite my colleagues to join me in trict to block plans to tap into the American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honoring the life and memory of my friend, Bill River, starting a 17-year legal battle over the Wednesday, November 18, 2009 health of the river and the Oakland-based Boyd. Enclosed they may read a profile piece district’s contract rights to water. The util- Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly in the Dallas Morning News featuring Bill’s dis- ity eventually gave up its plans to build an pause to recognize Jonathan Robert Hubbs, a tinguished life of service, love of Texas, and intake on the American River and reached very special young man who has exemplified devotion to family. VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:52 Jun 21, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E18NO9.000 E18NO9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD November 18, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 21 28185 [From the Dallas Morning News, Aug. 31, ‘‘It stands for courage, and that’s what you U.S. SENATOR ROBERT C. BYRD 2009] need in a lawyer. You need someone that will WILLIAM M. ‘‘BILL’’ BOYD: STORIED DALLAS stand up against the state, against powerful ATTORNEY DEFENDED TEX WATSON, POLICE forces that you may be, as an individual, up HON. NICK J. RAHALL II CHIEF against,’’ he said. OF WEST VIRGINIA (By Rudolph Bush) In addition to his wife, Mr. Boyd’s sur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vivors include his sons, William Bradley William M. ‘‘Bill’’ Boyd, 71, a storied attor- Wednesday, November 18, 2009 ney who gave up a career in politics to build Boyd of New Orleans and Blake Edward Boyd up a successful McKinney law firm founded of Los Angeles; his sister, Betty Skelton of Mr.
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