■, 5 I t g - ' - ____ --I?. :A L v a n I-1Z7 -W— 'a — >ALT.A lT < 6 c i t y L ---^ — ■'— T— '■ I Ik, IL J U • / ' 2 . ' L • .-!■,T' ; .— ^ ■.'« " i f • . , ' ’ jo g E r ^^ r e r ^iiar [ori<^ M o e n - ; - Tdday^s forecastsc • A n ^ s^d ^wo^d telfio^o^jui^-sta^jhclday. y_o£-4br:the paity-during^th The A iid cii^feiir V • a’« fltgenlji^cdi hbd yrt tojo l x when Republicuis h __ ' Ciouclv wrtH'niih lilt •diyr^^e^^SJlponT K ^ o ^ ^ ^ S 3 : ^ -----------1'5.20 m p T T H r ^ m tiii u Z ___ _ ._rainJikcly.wiiighO«?lL Z^ot*lly~w ori^'«niervnit^of^tfais state -for maitM ^^o™ er-longtin«-sie'St8 ie-?iuditor)-Joc-— ?-.■ ^ wiii&n LhcnnainBtnyojf:.thei:r * ^ l^^os^aShsii-moolhs-Bs-after-op«Q-heart -H h Rted.her life vears.^«aid a _ srvlnffrilie::aisa«.uemoGiom BT^Biaatel the weyr.for. I Democratic Party' in Idiaho,” W elherell_-' _ _ t - - - ;8urgcry'Jbr'a ruptur®dI aoa6cttf.'S)M 'v^'64~ the grand ladyofldiE b : ' Htt8i0g:*up«visoi‘4it_ le of Idaho, not onlv Dwi)emocrat8.^but also femalesa to add. “Marge was ^ 1 — rrr:P«w»r^«H»Xc^fcn«i8 Democrat^ and sU?sJe’s^m g to oc sorely ^ » _ s t.:l.uke*s' R egionaltl.Medicd.Center,. .h - .•■li «s' a fine and^ p o ^ d p a teEg5^M jn , l55;inaBeTIef iatgd Stare^tfgffl^TOtPni^ngVTegacy ^ f ^ e p eop le-of—n e flssed .^ -'.'' • • - • ' thwt th*? Inngtlm^ fltslate.liemo_eMtJc:._ avriut S ' n ;3 5 ‘ Ial; a good Ii^o^ T ------ iZHmniediate-past, 1 -11 iL l:— lz!Z:zl. i:- T-T^-aHilajcSlieiwbnlit - ‘ A special "flufYlealess” chili feed, in causeijfdcalhi. rs& a'l^il 'CKflfniin'Knm ESraK Srtllbf Bbi9 lBe “ “the'passing.of an instinstitiition in Idaho,” „.Ju : ' “ Wendell got a Rulele rm ore'notfce'than ■ ' ~ e sa d ile n ^ Vy the i^fmine.’' lememberedlMl Mi»M6aL8DdJKt^4.yei ntionable eight-letter ■ /**Allldah'oans are sj SSrv:- .: . Healease j^HpOW ^-^ 'i~ mos^ after an unmentii : A e a th o fM a ^ MooiC’^it;** Democratic Gov. Andndius siud all at stateate buildings u treasiirerr aias one o f th6 ftw bHght ligl ‘‘ word was’used m advCTvCTtising. - - B ag#B 1 _ : “XNaturopamylicSi c e ^ t a g ^ - A bill th at'w ill be-be-wnsideted by^*- Houser;i>ommiMeo-r!»-rMonday would- ® a T l u p l i i — provide-a m^|r»_;of-tic<licensing-forlpeople— — = g s c hIdol c tn T/4i»h« ■ • Pareatsrsch^w j I s wader^oiiftop^ H^ViHs=m Titf!s=M a Soda Springs and WWilder reign as the . A -3 a n d A -4 b o y s .sstate basketball . large coiihties — - —f»htwnp»nni1^---- foUQM. ----- —toumameni-flciion^= - -- i»i»T>r - ^ - ^ -.CSIsweeps^j;^— • ■ DECL6---Sevjn--year-i0lho]d.jaraJL A U f i jL - ^ ^ B Idaho' finished a , ; *and hcr'IU-yeaf^ldSlStBTK ■ ’ ' .College, o f S buthcm watch televisioti and ptloy'sy when th^ get^^^^^H weekiend sw ee p in mmen's ei basketball by ^ home after school. .— • . dpwning Salt £^ex:q^Ippimurtity College. * li^** "T""y inil ehildret^' P«g«D1-v “ they don’t get to spend as" mucfi time =th’^f=would=lllcc=:8t=tbe M e m b e r s ^ Uml _ ___ 12; : T ^activitiesr — - The mernbershii?I isiB^li^i^ited for th e . ‘•Kimberly-BTTd Sarah sp<spend iabout tw o * '^ ^ ^ H —:----- TJlayCTE'— ■. ■— P w P 3 - ^ '‘‘TheicTchool'day^tarts.rts_at about 7;I0 ::::whenjh<^8i:6topHgj»gt :^ h p nomially get-hoine at-alJ-a^ut~47?5^fllK^^^H Kimberly and Sarah. wRolho live'in t h e R 5 f f ~ J P ^ | - - -"R -I iver ari», are not alone. 'LIEe a habdfiil o f other sd;school districts in ^ i ; .d ^ h an ternTl Cassia< County w hsrak iiitiidanta aw .U «^^tpJo _' W ar aiid>the ecoi:onomy . ^ - the ~WMic Valley, Cassja;i|a County has a A Pyliiab'|u» jlJrtg :«;.d OTt^io^imjtor. “We "dpli - ■ - ' . •nroii^=«BKSRtf=ride=fiH=i ws of V hational ' '«eight or nine hoars a day ' same .time as' news J. ,.an.hourIf each.way, biit .there are recession, sales seensem -to be back to-. .>(J g i ^ g ______nomia^ locally. '______ ttents think that’s, i^ a s T b y pOr- B rssg g S S S |H ^ ^ i|j|j||£ __ IL SfSSS^ftid-R < ^ptRTtn«y=pi.‘^ n t^Jo n eS 7r=a^Filer-:^cpublica^-:B = m g^w^on^live^^ra P ig . El ;«"Orlo Maughanr‘^c6 nisidenn{ ; 1 2 miles from the^school." ittee. • ■ - . —Iii-high gear^ Maughan’s children ride:ide:'thc.bus.about_^, ^,He afsifsb'~expressed sdmie skeptipticism that one hour each way. ! . Uiere anire children who spend'2 - 2 K - h o iit^ ' • T ^in Falls City Engiiigineer Gaiy Young o ich day on the bus. Imows the value o f His wife. Laurel, andJ piparent famftiy «>!^ “ 'I r&ces stock cars but kn< jite the lack of rules, thwlere are safety on the city’s streeiccts: /■ SStevenson, M proachedd t:th e M in id o k a— Despit -Scbool.Botodm .laleJFcbriiaf •nov«vjdternative8_fo.r_parparents who ' •:prQposcd.ttIten}ate:bus..rput<Dutes. In'additionj are unhiihappy about the-lengthh (of-timp to cutting the am ount o f titime kids roust -cKiid niitin iA ^ d oii'the^hobl mbus.— ....... ■spend on.the-.bt^s,.the alteilternatives also '“ The onlyoi hitch iktHat I b ^ s ididOl ^ boards r " __-• Vwould save the district mone]mey.*--- ....... ........rtot < t impelled by statelaW.ti/7to.pnm ^|BB^B Shine the Ught^ ' Mlbe'^dlst’rlc t tobk'^ jr o p o s a ln in y r the~altCTe^tives parents musti1^raa"their p imittee Kas thwarted . • ^adviWment.‘a n d .is ,8chedul id hope the board grants thethe request. ^ . A state_SenaWcofmnj division on the matter laterJt -■ ■ti.Hiovc'to^sltiue.a bn^rti^tttjilight-oF-public^ S'bO&rtf tfu on ABtlgaiion u - tBW, afthftrttttii estrbut-it-iff>tbtally:il:deciecision^SiBt awareness into - idfthff's””I local” *’ —required to provide transportiortation. *« Bovemmen^. Today’s's ceditorial says th at__ _ ^ to be considered ftnd.ma(nade by the • ThT»-ara-no-BUtc-rulea school) tmstees.’^ H englesasaid. Hcngth*of-bus-T0utesr»aid-M _ ^ B U 8 /A 2 A DMIO situdent tu ar^ es home liTrtfiiral'C»Mni^C 6 u n iy :-“ Idaho Department ofif Educiation’s W hat piice energi rg y ? . i PrMiacnfBusTrwanl'aiits lo opcn' s o m c’" • • — •—environmentolly-^ensilnsitive^reasto'oil— — 9 iil^:^Q Il l a c i l Eg t a s s ^ tJB efeoii • development, ©ut wiirtiir the small amount of oil gainedTcally'sol'solve.this nation’s. ^ Tliex A ssb d ited P rett . ......... ............— ■■ Tridia. Cll:niina“and“Ycmen”abstaineined. Some dam ages andind losses to kuwaitt Otlth er j . _ — energy problem s?— ----- Third'W.Vorld delegates referredI bbitterly to nations andid icorporations: rescind , UNITED NATIONS —— 'The Security ihemeastisure as the ‘*surrender-resolsolution." annexation o!o f Kuwait; and dis'ctb'sc~tr-iic P l ee i e i i i g . ■ ”"CoVncir C on-Sa'turday pveiv erw helm lngly— While-ie-no^explteitly-stating.«ud uch on aim__ location o f mirmine fields a n d W by tmps. passed a resolution dietlictating allied ^e resoh)lution allows the allied cocoalition to Similar comonditionTw ereloTx presCTj demands that Iraq mustt m eet before a- resum eB war if Iraq'Ttoes-iiorot-swiftly Sunday at a titruce meeting among alii pled in-the-Gulf—cooperateite with-the-oounciKs-coadiliditions.- ------and—Iraqi.,.. nmilitary...commanders. -*formBl-ceBsc-firft is-adopte< ^ease-fire^as-deolared-bju .......... uard ------------------C--- :---- r- — ^War. ---------^ ^ ------- --------r— u :s r AAmbassadur ■ TTiomas-R; Q v . Baltic.istates.vptejte to d a y _ _______ ____— Eleven o f the l5-coun51I-i»ill-members-votcd—said-the. ie-resoiutixm-yir.Q.uld_« 8itablishta " 0 allies ThursdaIday after four days of| groUa^nd".' - 1. iq obeys-its fighting.-------- an naticnalists hope" ■ —-in >»' favorof lhe resolution;in; passed hpurs definite^er;end-to hostilities" If Iraq - Latvron and Esiontan lution-s^ing-terms for Ira< today’s indcpendonco« r refcrendums-will - b<before allied and Iraqi eommiimanders were to - provisionins.------- -----------------' ------7 —* — ---------The-rcsoluti nations in a march • mmeet near the Iraq-Kuwawait border-to Baghdidad must return all pris<risoners o f ..copitulation to the Security Council pasi :hard “ help unite the Baltic na bducted Kuwaiti civili:ilians and * . oway from the Soviet UrUnion. didiscuss the cease-firc. w ar,. ab< >tease see RESOLUTION/i4/A3 llieAstociBtcdFKlPreas : ’ Cuba opposed the resolsolution^ while plunderet■ed property; accept lipbilit;lityforwar - ____ ________ • . R IY A D H , SoSaudi.Arabia.=-.Ani ___^ nHi£|nai1IrDlUirft<trftwittg-tlifi-bnttleneia—- — ^ smenfreec . on the eve ofsdr.schedulcd truce talks,.. was cut to piecesxes when it ran into an — - AmoM«ao^iv4iiv4Soa-guaiding7the>^ Section A> Features......1-5Fe I ^ H ssraysmorcricaptives-nmay foilpw .3 • ■ escapec, U.S. route, officers I said , W eath er..:........2 CrosswordC r ......6 | leal. Salurday.— ^ lAfigdaHmes 1 7"' closely ththroughout 'their“ ordei N ation........... 4 ,8 Movies:.Me .......... 7 -I I to CBS Vice President D Don “Itke welooks destroyed like 1 about ; Business.......10 H “ • .. according tc DesertStorm ..5 Bu VM^N,Jordan — Lookitiking haggard D cCesaree v.who-accompanied the fourfo 60 vehicles ond'<nd'cophired another 80 OplnTon;.;.;...6-7 .
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