Brookline–Beechview Catholic Parishes St. Catherine of Siena (1902 to Present) Church of the Resurrection (1909 to Present) St. Pius X (1954 to Present) Our Lady of Loreto (1959 to Present) St. Pamphilus (1960 to Present) May 26, 2019 Sixth Sunday of Easter Working Together to Live the Gospel Message PARISH PRIESTS AND DEACONS Rev. James Bachner………………...………….Pastor & Administrator Rev. Gary Oehmler…………………………...…..Parochial Vicar Rev. Fernando Torres…………………………..Parochial Vicar Mr. Mark S. Bibro…………………………..Deacon Mr. Tom O’Neill………………………Deacon Our combined Website: www.bbcatholic.com Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline: 1-888-808-1235 ST. PIUS X 3040 Pioneer Avenue, Pgh PA 15226 Office located at 1810 Belasco Ave. Pgh. PA 15216 Parish Ministry/Office ….…………...…………….. 412-531-2135 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA Fax ………………………………..……………...... 412-531-8543 1810 Belasco Avenue, Pgh PA 15216 Faith Formation Office …………..………………...412-563-1588 Parish Ministry/Office ….…………...…………….. 412-531-2135 Faith Formation Email (CCD)………..…..…[email protected] Fax ……………………………...………………......412-531-8543 Parish e-mail ……………………………[email protected] Faith Formation Office ……………...……………...412-531-2135 E-Mail ……………………….…[email protected] OUR LADY OF LORETO CCD e-mail ................. ……...………………[email protected] 1905 Pioneer Avenue, Pgh PA 15226 Office located at 1810 Belasco Ave. Pgh. PA 15216 Parish Ministry/Office ….………….……………….412-531-2135 Fax …………………………….………………........412-531-8543 E-Mail ………………………………..……[email protected] CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION ST. PAMPHILUS 1100 Creedmoor Avenue, Pgh PA 15226 1000 Tropical Avenue, Pgh PA 15216 Parish Ministry/Office ….…………..…………….. 412-563-4400 Office located at 1810 Belasco Ave. Pgh. PA 15216 Fax …………………………………..…………......412-563-4403 Parish Ministry/Office ….…………...…………….. 412-531-2135 Faith Formation Office ……….……….…………...412-343-9551 Fax ………………………………..……………...... 412-531-8543 E-Mail …………….…[email protected] E-Mail ………………………..…..…[email protected] Page Two St. Catherine of Siena Parish Horario de Misas en Español 1810 Belasco Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Beechview Domingo, a la 12:30pm Centro Parroquial:………………….412-531-2135 Fax:………………….…….…………412-531-8543 Horario de Misas en Ingles: Oficina de CCD: ……..…....412-531-2135 Ext. 23 Vigilia del Sábado: 4:00 pm Domingo: 10:30 am Personal de la Parroquia Pastor— Padre James Bachner Misa los Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes: 8:30am Vicario Parroquial — Padre Fernando Torres Vicario Parroquial — Padre Gary Oehmler Días Santos: Día: 7:00PM Diácono — Rev. Sr. Thomas O’Neill Diácono— Rev. Sr. Mark Bibro ¡¡¡¡GRACIAS!!!! A nuestra directora de la Catequesis del Buen Pastor, Marina Osthoff, y todas nuestras catequistas por su Ministerio Hispano 412.531.2135 dedicación a nuestros niños que recibieron su Primera Comu- Padre Fernando Torres nión el domingo pasado. Consuelo Cruz-Martinez-Directora de Evangelización. Gracias a todos los que donaron bolsitas de dulces (aguinaldos) Marina Osthoff- Coordinadora de Catequesis en Español para nuestros niños en celebración del Día del Niño. ¡Se les Maribel Acevedo-Servicios en español, lunes de 9am-2pm agradece su generosidad! Bendiciones a todos. Gigi D’Amico- Directora de Formación de Fe Hispana – 412.583.2195 Monica Ruiz– Directora de la Casa San Jose DOMI N GO DE PENTECOSTES - Celebraremos la venida Bill Scott-Director de Musica Latina del Espíritu Santo en una misa especial el domingo 9 de junio a las 12:30PM. Latino web-page: https://www.bbcatholic.com/española-amp- portuguesa CELEBRACION DEL DIA DE LOS PADRES - Honraremos a nuestros padres con una canción especial en nuestra misa do- minical el 16 de junio a las 12:30 PM. CORPUS CHRISTI - Nuestra misa bilingüe (inglés y español) del Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo será el domingo, 23 de CASA SAN JOSE junio a las 10:30 AM. Tendremos una procesión con el Santísi- Casa San José es un centro de recursos comunitarios mo al concluir la misa. Esta misa será celebrada por nuestro que defiende y fortalece obispo auxiliar William John Waltershied. a los Latinos. SANTO ROSARIO – El rezo del santo rosario está suspendido COMO PODEMOS AYUDAR: y se reiniciará el domingo 8 de septiembre. Proveemos información y referencias acerca de be- neficios, conexiones comunitarias, doctores, es- MISA EN PORTUGUES - Todos están invitados a la misa en cuelas y ayuda de emergencia. portugués la cual se celebra el tercer domingo de cada mes a las Ayudamos a tener el acceso a servicios de vivienda, 6:00PM en nuestra iglesia. Nota especial: por el mes de junio la necesidades médicas, crónicas, casos legales, misa en portugués se celebrará el domingo 9 de junio a las problemas familiares, inmigración, etc. 6:00PM. Asistencia con aplicaciones para trabajo y beneficios sociales. MATRIMONIO - Si está planeando casarse debe presentar Referencias a abogados de inmigración documentación 6 meses antes de la boda. Por favor vea a Padre Consejo y guía de personal bilingüe Fernando para coordinar su boda. Tratamos a los inmigrantes con dignidad, respeto y bon- INSCRIPCION DE IGLESIA, SACRAMENTO O QUIN- dad en el esfuerzo de preservar y celebrar su CEAÑERA - Si desea inscribirse en la iglesia o si tiene necesi- cultura única mientras les ayudamos a adaptarse dad de un bautizo, quinceañero u otro sacramento por favor con- a la vida en el área de Pittsburgh. tacte a Gigi al 412-583-2195. Localizado: La Sociedad de San Vicente DePaul: 2116 Broadway Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Dentro de los límites de nuestra parroquia, hay muchas per- [email protected] sonas necesitadas. Esta Sociedad anima a los que pueden Tel- 412-343-3111 Fax- 412-343-3210 aportar económicamente, en la segunda colección, el primer domingo de cada mes para ayudar a los necesitados. Para Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 10 am a 5 pm aquellos que quieran ser voluntarios de ayuda o para aquellos en necesidad de alimentos o ayuda financiera por favor lla- men al: 412-370-8936. COMBINED INFORMATION PAGE Page Three Sacrament of Baptism: Please note the St. Vincent dePaul Society— schedule changes for Baptisms, which must Each parish has an active St. Vincent dePaul Society be adhered to: that helps those in need. Contact the parish office for St. Catherine—1st and 3rd Sunday of this information. We also need volunteers, please contact your Parish Office. the month at 11:30am Resurrection—2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of FOOD PANTRY–Food pantries serve certain boundaries: the Month at 12:30pm -The Brookline Food Pantry is located at 1036 Brookline Blvd. 2nd Saturday of Month 9-11am. A Baptism preparation session is required for -The St. Catherine Food Pantry is located in the St. Cath- first time baptisms. Please call 412-531-2135 erine’s School Building on the corner of Crosby & to make arrangements. Pauline Avenues. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays 9:30am-11am. -The St. Pamphilus Food Pantry location is lower back Sacrament of Marriage: The Sacrament of level of Church Building 3rd Saturdays 10-11am. Matrimony requires a time of spiritual preparation. Arrangements should be made at least six months READINGS FOR THE WEEK before the date by meeting with the priest and before Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; any social plans are made. Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Sacrament of Reconciliation (CONFESSIONS): Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Monday at St. Pius X 6:15-6:45pm Jn 16:12-15 Wednesday at Resurrection 5:30-5:45pm Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Saturday at St. Catherine’s Noon-12:30pm Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 (for Ascension); otherwise Acts 18:1-8; Becoming a Catholic– We do have a program to Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20 instruct those who are interested in becoming Friday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Catholic. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Adults) Please contact Patty at 412-563-1588. Sunday: Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9; Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26; or, for Ascension, Beechview Manor: Manager can be reached at 412-571- Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or 2999 or 1926 Pauline Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216. Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 Creedmoor Court: Manager can be reached at 412-344- THE GIFT OF PEACE 1540 or 1050 Creedmoor Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15226. “There arose no little dissension and debate.” Did that happen at work this week? Most of us can recall run-ins with coworkers, even with the boss. Did it Religious Education: Children of the parish are happen while socializing with expected to receive Religious E ducation in a friends? Go easy on politics, relig- Catholic school or CCD program. Arrangements may be ion . even sports. At home? Even made by calling the one of the Religious Education the most peaceful household experi- Offices. ences a little “give and take” now and then. So where was it that “there Hospitalized Parishioners and Shut-Ins: Please call arose no little dissension and de- bate”? That tumultuous conflict oc- the Parish office if someone in your family is curred among our first Christian an- hospitalized or a shut-in. If a parishioner is not able to cestors, disrupting the community life of the early church. attend Mass, the priest and/or Eucharistic Ministers But today’s Acts of the Apostles shows how beautifully the can bring Communion to the home. Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus in today’s Gospel, helped the church achieve a grace-filled resolution. What evolved was Parish Registration: New parishioners are asked to that “reconciled diversity,” often encouraged by Pope Fran- register as are newlyweds and single young adults even if cis and even envisioned in today’s Revelation passage; and a wondrous experience of Jesus’ promised Gospel gift: “Peace registered before with their families.
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