\ i labr-i'V g31oo Daily Edition No. lprovine:* NKLSON, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1901 Eleventh Year Trades congress which wa< hi III Iher by all appearances, the railways had MISS STONE this year. LOKD MINTO MININQ IN stopped at in, obstacle to get iii. In WELLINGTON i Mi. Clayton gave a very full and | the cast they seemed to wait until n IN DANGER ' interesting account of the congress, TO RESIGN MICHIGAN region was thoroughly settled and COLLIERY and the various resolutions Whioh had built up befoiu thu enmpaniis dared been brought up al it. Uno resolution to put a line through, but in the was to the effeot that union men Kuolenays they put a railway through Emissary Sent to Negotiate should nut become members of militia Friction Between Him and J. Smith Tells of the almost anywhere through utterly Mines to Resume Above the organizations unless in case of danger undeveloped countty feeling perfectly cuntideiit that the country wonld build Release but Without to the country, This was passed after the Ministry the Alleged System In Vogue Zone of Damage by up at oneo and whal he had seen an extremely warm discussion. In Funds. Cause. There seemed to fully carry out theii Fire. support of the resolution eases were calculations. cited in which the militia bad been called out to overawe strikers. In suoh a ease a union luuii bad to face Baron De Blaqulre to Be Of­ Surprised at the Number of FISHERIES COMMISSIONER. Shortage of Goal Causes United States May Demand the probability uf threatening his lie Will Attend to Stocking Inland Compensation and Pun­ fellow union member with arms, and fered Appointment If Mlchlganders In Koot­ Alexandria Mine to helping to defeat the cuuso with Lakes of II. C. ishment of Outlaws. which lie was in sympathy. He said: Minto Steps Out. enay. (SPECIAL TO TUB Ml; I-.lt.) Start Again. ''I do not believe tbat it is in the in­ Victoria, Out. 11.—The Bteamer terest of any man to belong to any Danube due from Skagway has on organization by which the government board $101,000 of N. A. T. & T. Co.'a London, Oct, 11.—"We under­ A. J. Seott, of Hancock, Mich., Victoria, Oct. 11.-The Wellington London, dot. il.—After detailing can call him nut at any time to set hiin money upon which it hoped to obtain stand," says the Daily Chronicle, president of the Northwestern Devel* ulliery company has decided to plaoe tho history of tlio abduction of Miss a rebate here. lion. Mr. Sifton, bow- against Ins fellow man, and I never "that, owing to friction with lhe min­ opment Syndioate, who has been in um nl work in the Union mines Stone, tlio Spectator remarks: ever, has wired that the rebate does knew uf the militia being called out istry the Karl of Minto is not likely Nelson for the last two days leaves auove the mine which thoy ale Homi­ Prosidont Roosevelt and tlio Wash­ not apply to companies allhuiigb the t'*» protect the lights of thn working to complete bis term as Governor Gen­ for tho Lardeau this morning, where ng. This IH the mino in which the ington cabinet maintain justly that present shipment was mined on the man." eral of Canada. If he resigns tiie ap­ be will spend a week looking over the I'rible explosion followed by nikoavy tin* Sultan in responsible, as ii is Ins company's own property and it has One of the papers read at the con­ pointment will be offered lo Huron properties of the company, and inci­ loss of life occurred in midsummer. mlsguvernment whteli provokes brig­ royalty receipts for it. Negotiations gress was by ,T. S. Tot in, of Boston, De Blaqulre.'' dentally enjoying a little shooting. 'be oompany has been pouring water andage; and thoy Intend tn demand a~e still pending with Ottawa. Who strongly urged upon the unions into the mine at the rate of 1,000,000 reparation trom tlio I'orte. It will Mr. Scott stated that the shareholders the scrupulous carrying out of agree­ PUNISHMENT FOR RERELS. .lohn P. Babcock, tur eleven years allons a day and will have to enn- not lie limited, we imagine, lo £'•'., (nil). in Michigan in the By nd lea to bad been ments miulo with employers, as on chief deputy of the fishery commission 11110 to tin KU fur sumo time ^before The I'orte will be requested to punish ranoh intorestod iu the samples of ore this all security in business rested. Commandant Loiter to Be Shot- ot California bus been appo'n ted by ae firo is out but there are works the authors of the outrage, aud ns aud description of the properties sent A motion Diought up that all Innoi Others Get Iniprionment For Life. thorn, so much so that he had been the piovlnoial government tisb com­ ibovc tlie parts which aro on fire and lnriii'v in sure to shuflle and Ameriea missioner for Hritish Columbia. He employees holding confidential ap­ Middleboro, Cape Colony, Oct. II.— sent out to inspect the properties t is these that the company Intends Is tired of being played with, a naval is one of the greatest fishery authori­ pointments under the government, Sentonco of death has been passed thoroughly and tako back more sam­ .0 wurk now. It will also put a, demonstration is quite nn tlio cards. ties on tho coast and Is highly spoken Bhould be shut out from acting as upon Commandant Loiter, tho Cape ples for assaying at the Scliool of louble shift to work in thu Alexan- The Sultan will, of Course, yield 011 of by Washington and Sacramento members of the congress evoked eon- Colony rebel, whose commando com­ Mines, which was situated at Hough­ Iria mines, This action is necessary tin. first sliuw of force. authorities. lie takes up bis duties sideiablo discussion, but was finally posed almost entirely of rebels, was ton, Mich., across Portage lake from ui account of Bhortage of coal coiise- hero on October lfith and goes almost defeated, oaptured by Major Scobell, south of Hancock. lucnt upon the disastei in the Exten- Miss STONE MAY SUFFER. immediately to the Jfrasor to study don mines and also to give work t On the Chinese question, on whioh Petersburg early last month, Lord Mr. Scott was much impressed with London, (let, 12.—"Tho Unitod the conditions thceei', Fberts says in he largo number of men thrown 0 a resolution had been introdueted bv Kitchener lias confirmed the sentence. the country, which he believes within States legation hero," says a despatch addition to his duties in establishing if employment by tbo disaster, The Mr. Clayton, be had met with consid­ Five of Letter's commando have boon the noxt twenty years will be tho from Constantinople in the Daily hatcheries and fostering tlie salmon -•ompany is also opening up a new erable opposition. Many uf tho mem- sentenced to Imprisonment for life. leading mining country of tho World. Tolegraph, "have received Informn* industry he intends Unit he sha'l take seam near the Extension mine. uers uf the congress seemed to think One, a youlh, has nem sentenced to tinn which they withhold, of soma ex- He had been Btruek with the immense up tho qucstiott.of stocking the lakes thnt the Chinese were not. so bad, twenty stokes with a rod to be fol­ peeled developments in the Stone amount of territory which was so of the upper ' Ith the delect­ While the sealing schooner Director were very harmless, in fact, Finding affair, tin Tuesday it was supposed lowed by Imprisonment until the close richly mineralized in British Colum- from Copper islands, was enming up out that sume of thoso who felt in able white fls fist. mi attempt would lie made to capture of "ic ">ar. lba, In Michigan tbo copper mines the straits, a Jap, whoso mind hud this way were shoemakers and tailors The solum 1 reached port become deranged, attempted to set tbo tho bandits, hut nothing lias heen were confined to one large lode which ho told them of onnditiuns in Vancou­ WELOOME AT TORONTO. this iiioini'i; Japan coast schooner on lire by saturating a sack hoard since Monday, when Mr. Hans* was about one hundred and fifty miles ver, where 00 per cent, of the tailors Toronto, Oct. 11.--The second day of with 683 of th. is she caught with coal oil and lighting it. He I111H reached Saiuakotl'. lie is not lung by fiom half a milo to a mile and 46 per cent, of tho shoemakers Toronto's welcome to the Royal visit­ during the season. The others were was discovered in time to prevent a provided with funds, but lias been wido. In this Dolt were many rich were Chinamen, ns well as almost all ors passed off most successfully. Over brought over on previous stoatnors. disaster. empowered to arrange tho lowest veins of copper, but veins which tho gaidoners. This brought the niat- 11,000 troops marched In review before iTins. The attempts to capluie tho neeflq-jL Enormously oxpensive opera­ u home to u'uwm en no aim..mi of .eu* tne Royal parly this morning and the OANADI-AN r.f'JUY T'.HJR. bandits liiiv,. made the brigands shy tions, as compared with tbo average ONE CASE OF SMALLPOX. soning could have and tbe motion, scene was one of the finest witnesned Montreal, Oct. II.— The Star's Lon­ of future traps, thus rendering nego­ mining properties of this country to which asked Iho government to ex- n tho tour.
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