HUMANITARIAN AID ARRIVE FOR IDPS IN KYAUKME P -11 (NATIONal) NATIONAL N ATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Children Automobile entrepreneurs want opens new concrete road awarded for good Yangon Region government to allow in Myawady, Kayin State storytelling night parking at car dealing stations PAGE-3 P AGE-2 P AGE-4 Vol. IV, No. 266, 7th Waning of Pyatho 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Monday, 8 January 2018 Daingnet Media group collecting news people in Maungtaw, Rakhine State celebrate national day DaINGNET or Tdekkama, one of the native people of the Rakhine State, celebrated their national day yeterday with traditional songs, dances and music at Meegyoungswe village in the north of Buthi- daung Township. The Daingnet people said they hoped national day would help revive their race’s original name “Tdekkama,” develop their language and literature, preserve and prop- agate their near-extinct cul- ture, costumes and food, as well as establish connections with overseas Daingnet, ex- plained an official, who was part of the national day cele- bration committee. Living in areas, including Buthidaung and Maungtaw of Rakhine State, together with other ethnic natives — Mro, Members of the media group interviewing locals in Maungtaw Township in Rakhine State. PHOTO: DISTRICT IPRD Khamee, Thet, Maramagyi — Daingnet are striving to A MEDIA group, led by Dr. Myo reporters from news agencies, Tan Kaut village and Indin vil- They then continued to preserve their traditions and Thant Tin, Vice-chairman of My- such as The Standard Time lage in Yathedaung Township. the ARG agriculture camp in culture. This was the seventh anmar Press Council, arrived in Daily, Frontier, Myanmar Times, By midday, they had travelled Kinchaung village, travelled fur- national day celebration of Maungtaw Township, Rakhine, Shwe Mandalay, News Watch, to the Kyauk-Pandu coast and ther to Kanyin Chaung economic the Daingnet people, who yesterday. The group is collect- Tomorrow, Mizzima, Hantha- Alethan-Kyaw coast in Maung- zone and interviewed its Vice held their first national day ing news about Maungtaw’s res- waddy, DVB, MCN TV News, taw Township. Chairman, U Aung Myint Thein. commemoration at Letpan- toration efforts. Mawkun, 7day, and The Thanlyin Next, the group travelled Later, the group proceeded gon village in Minbya Town- Some 30 individuals are part Post; as well as independent and to Kainggyi (Mro) village, to the POE border entrance gate. ship in 2012. National day of the group, including members freelance reporters and journal- Maungtaw Township, and in- The media group will continue celebrations are held at vil- of the Myanmar Press Council, ists. In the morning, the group terviewed Village Administrator collecting news in Maungtaw un- lages where their people live. led by their Vice-Chairman; and arrived at Done Pite village, Koe U San Htun. til 8 January. —District IPRD —Myint Maung/Zeya 8 JANUARY 2018 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Children awarded for good storytelling THE second day of Children’s Department awarded the five Literature Festival hosted pri- consolidation prize winners of mary school level and middle primary school level story telling school level story telling contests contest. yesterday evening at the Aung Also, officials presented Kyaw Hall of Basic Education awards to the game winners at High School No.6 Botahtaung, the festival. Football and Htote Yangon. Si Htoe (border-crossing game) Director-General of Infor- competition are also to continue. mation and Public Relations A total of 58 students are Department U Ye Naing pre- to take part at the ad-lib con- sented awards to the first, first test which will be held today, it runner up and second runner is learnt. up students and Yangon Region At the evening, Saint Paul’s Education Department Deputy School alumni singers, Myanmar Director General Daw Khin Mar Peace Music Festival award win- Swe presented awards to five ning singers and guest singers consolidation prize winners of entertained the audiences to middle school level story telling the accompaniment of Myanma contest. Radio and Television (MRTV) U Thein Swe secretary of music band at the Children’s Alumni Association of Saint Literature Festival. Paul’s School awarded the first, Myanma Radio and Tele- first runner up and second run- vision (MRTV) music band will ner up winners and U Aye Kywel entertain from 4pm to 8pm today, Deputy Director-General of In- the final day of Children’s Litera- formation and Public Relations ture Festival.—Aung Min Han Director-General of IPRD U Ye Naing presents awards to a good storyteller. PHOTO: MNA Children get free food at Literature Festival Many donors were seen provid- ing free meals to children and parents at the Children's Lit- erature Festival in Botathaung Township, Yangon, on January 6. Amae Eain (Mom's House), a private high school and a boarder’s school, offered 20 types of food for free. Their menu included rice sprinkled with oil, steamed sticky rice, mont pyar talaet (a small pancake-like rice snack) and htantee mote (small yellow snacks made from toddy Children visiting the Literature Festival enjoying free food. palm fruits). PHOTO: MNA Other generous donors Daingnet people of Rakhine State celebrating their included the St. Paul School's for Democracy's branch in the gave away their products as free national day commemorative festival with traditional songs, dances and music at Meegyoungswe village in alumni, who offered mote hin- township also offered chicken food, noticeably NagarPyan tea northern Butheedaung Township on 7 January. gar, custard bread, gelatin juice porridge to all the parents and leaves, Premier Coffee, Mar Mar (neWS ON PAGE 1) and shwe yin aye (a liquid-based children at the Festival. noodles and Alpine bottled water. desert). The National League Some notable brands also —Ommar, Sandi Over 4,900 children participate in literature festival games Some 4,918 children took part part in the toy construction com- in various games on the second petition, along with 540 children day of the Children’s Litera- in Go Proverb, 638 children in ture Festival, which was held origami, 867 children in colour- yesterday at Basic Education ing, 116 children in storytelling High School No. 6 Botahtaung, and 372 children in house game Yangon. competitions. To sharpen the children’s Also, 1,970 children took part brainpower, individual and group in the group competitions. games were organised at the Additionally, some 300 festival. children attended the literary In the individual competi- talk and panel discussions. Children enjoying a games at Literature Festival in Yangon. PHOTO: MNA tions, some 415 children took —Aung Min Han 8 JANUARY 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker opens new concrete road in Myawady, Kayin State THE Thuwunnashlan new con- sentative U Sein Bo, a director of crete road was officially opened the Kayin Development Depart- during a ceremony in Myawady, ment, a district administrator Kayin State, yesterday morning. and the Chairman of the Town- At the opening ceremony, ship Development Committee, an official from the township De- formally cut the ribbon to open velopment Committee provided the road. a short briefing about the road, Next, the Amyotha Hluttaw while a senior citizen from the Speaker watched the dance per- town gave a speech thanking the formances of the students and authorities for the new concrete gave them cash prizes. road. The concrete road, built at Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker a cost of MM Ks26.15 million, Mahn Win Khaing Than, Kayin is 22 feet wide and 570 feet State Hluttaw Speaker U Saw long.—Htein Linn Aung Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than opens new concrete road in Myawady on 7 January Chit Khin, Pyithu Hlutaw repre- (IPRD) 2018. PHOTO: HTEIN LINN AUNG (IPRD) Second Engineering Council formation ceremony launches in Yangon WITH the aim of developing the council approved 60 members intra national Engineers. Engineering sector in Myanmar, under rules and laws, and the The Vice Chairman of the the second, or new, Myanmar chairman, vice-chairman and Myanmar Engineering Council Engineering Council was estab- secretary were elected from Dr. Nyi Hla Nge dealt with the lished with the selection of the these 60 member. improvement of the sector of My- council’s member at its office in The Union Minister also ex- anmar Engineering, the ongoing Yangon yesterday. plained the Duties, Ethics and procedure of the Council to gain The ceremony was attended Code of Conduct to be followed success, and the welcoming of by Union Minister for Construc- by each and every member, new generation to implement tion U Win Khaing, and respon- saying council members should the development of the nation. sible officials from Myanmar aware of “Conflict of Interest” Then, the newly elect- Engineering Council. and should strive to implement ed council members took Union Minister U Win Khaing, and responsible officials pose for During the ceremony, Union the aim of the council and to ful- the oath.—Myanmar News documentary photo. PHOTO: MNa Minister U Win Khaing said the fill the requirements of inter and Agency Chin State Chief Minister vows to conserve natural beauty of Chin State IN his New Year’s speech for U Hlaing Aung, Chairman 2018, Chin State Chief Minister of the Kennedy Sein Lann So Salai Lian Lwal said he would Pyay Association, said that emphasise conservation efforts his group has been distribut- to protect the rhododendron ing pamphlets informing the and cherry plants in the state. public about how to save these The Chief Minister also said precious flowers. "We planted that this year, the focus would two kinds of plants on Mt. Ken- be on conserving the different nedy and the Laytar mountain flora and fauna of Chin State, range," said U Hlaing Aung.
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