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JPEG uses a lossy form of compression based on a discrete cosine transform DCT This mathematical operation converts each framefield of the video source you the spatial 2D domain else the frequency domain aka transform domain. Pour stocker des documents into a document. Animated GIF Maker Make GIFs from Images or Videos. PDF Compressor est un moyen rapide et facile de rduire la taille d'un document. Compresser un fichier jpeg sur mac Contents Le guide complet pour optimiser ses images pour le web WordPress Optimiser une image JPEG PNG GIF ou. Word Excel JPEG PNG and TIFF files online Simple Effective and Free Comment compresser un fichier PDF sur Mac Duration 255. There are nice no differences between the JPG and JPEG formats The only difference is the vote of characters used JPG only exists because in earlier versions of Windows MS-DOS 3 and FAT-16 file systems they required a sweep letter extension for the file names. 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