<erican Legion baseball squad on a roll. Please see Sports, Page C-1 WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FAN WOOD Vol. 15, No. 25 Friday, June 23, 2000 50 cents t erguson cites campaign financing, gun control ByDAfUAMEOU Ferguson is not a career politi- THE RECORD-PRESS Career teacher hopes to restore voters' confidence by cian, A teacher, he currently teaches political science at Mike Ferguson is not your running 'common sense' campaign in the 7th District Bronkcialo Community College in father's Republican. Lincroft. He also owns an educa- Underneath the tan pants and Maryanne Connelly, the former influence on government. some of the public's faith in its tional consulting business. From navy sports coat lies a politician Fanwood mayor making her sec- Campaign finance reform is in elected officials. his experience studying and •par- who wants to bring reform to the ond run for U.S. Congress, in the the spotlight this election year Ferguson had no estimate of ticipating in American govern- halls of United States Congress. November election. because of growing public cyni- how much his campaign would be ment, hi1 said, ht> understands Ferguson won the Republican "The system is lacking people's cism toward fund-raising prac- spending on the current race, the need for reform. There are primary election for the 7th confidence," said Ferguson this tices, and Ferguson said he although he noted "we have had a fundament al am! "common Congressional District on June 6 week, suggesting that special believes the elimination of "soft lot of success in generating sup- sense" reforms, Ferguson said, and will face Democrat interests often have too much money" would help to restore port," (Continued on p;t>*e A-9) Briefs Clark man Westfield Library ready to begin killed in tabs new Reading Tournament WESTFIELD — Ladies and accident prosecutor gentlemen, start your reading. Families are invited to join Following impasse, the Summer Family Reading Motorcycle crash Tournament 2000, coming soon claims life on officials select to the Westfield Memorial Library. Springfield Ave. veteran attorney As families engage in a summer of reading enjoyment, ByDAHUMiOtl ByPARIAMEOU • they will have the opportunity Till': KKt'dltD I'KKSK to compete to see which family THE RECORD-I'REHS WESTFIELD — The Town reads the most material WESTFIELD — A motorcycle Council finally approved the checked out from the library accident Tuesday on Springfield appointment of a new town pros- between July 5 and August 31. Avenue claimed the life of a 30- ecutor Tuesday night, naming The winning family will year-old Clark resident. Brenda Coppola Culm to the post. receive a "Basket of Westfield," Attila Kovacs of Richard Lisa Cylwlski of the. Union filled with items donated by Street in Clark was riding his County Prosecutor's Office has area merchants. motorcycle past the Echo Lake been temporarily Tilling in tho Country Club at approximately position until the a new prosecu- For more details or an offi- 4:12 p.m. Tuesday when he was tor was appointed. The former cial entry form, visit the struck by a vehicle making a left municipal prosecutor, Rafaol Westfield Memorial Library, turn out of the club. The car was Betnncourt. handed in his resig- located at 550 East Broad driven by 17-year-old Westfield nation in April, when he decided Street in Westfield. resident Daniel Maus, who was to throw his hat into the ring for not charged with any wrongdo- the November Town Council ing. race. Betancourt, who had served Westfield Service League Westfield Police are still inves- HH prosecutor since 191)3, official- names provisional class tigating the accident. As of press GEORGE PACCIELLO/ ly ended his tenure the week of time, no criminal or motor vehi- RECORD-PRESS June ft. WESTFIELD — The cle charges had been made, and it Cuba hits been a solo practi- Westfield Service League has did not appear any were pending. tioner in Westfield since announced the 12 members of Police said a third vehicle, dri- Welcome February with a concentration on it* provisional class for 2000- ven by MileB Scott of Plainfield, criminal defense. Her practice 01. was involved in the accident. includes criminal mid civil litiga- to America tion, employment discrimination They are Robin Benito, According to Lt, John Parizeau of the Westfield Police The oeventh-grade class at the and matrimonial, real estate and Elizabeth Dwyer, Tracey Deprtment, witness reports and Terrlll Middle School In Scotch administrative hearings. Hobson, Jeanmarie Kecnan, subsequent police investigations, Plains held an "Ellis Island Culm served as assistant pros- Lee Kivetz, Patricia Mahoney, the car driven by Maus was exit- Arrival Day" simulation June ecutor in the KNHOX County Lisa Rohwetter, Rachel ing Echo Lake Country Club and 15, transforming the school IJroNi'cutor'» Office From 1981 to Schapow, Susan Seib, Nancy making a left onto Springfield gym Into the Great Hall of Ellis 198(5. She in admitted to the barn Smith, Linda Thayer and Avenue. Kovacs was traveling Island, the first stop In America of the .State of New .Jersey, the Debbie Warner. towards E. Broad Street and was for millions of Immigrants. The United States District Court for struck by the front right of the Kids learned what the new the Court of New .Jersey and the » The league provides drivers car. arrivals had to go through — Supreme Court of the United for Mobile Meals in town and Kovacs was thrown from his health examinations, literacy States. "My background would be dispatchers for the Westfield motorcycle into the oncoming checks and a slew of questions extremely heiu'fic-ial to the posi- First Aid & Rescue Squad. traffic in the opposite lane, designed to determfne If the tion," .she. said. "I atn honored to In addition, the league oper- Parizeau said. He was then run Immigrants would make "good" be appointed to the position. 1 ates the Thrift and over by the third vehicle, driven Americans. Student* — Includ- look forward to serving the town ing 13-year-old Irish "Immi- 1 have lived in since 197<i." Consignment Shop on Elmer by Scott, according to police grant" Adam O'Hara (left) — Street in Westfield. The shop's reports. Cuba's tenure with Wcstfiutd also heard from Vincent begins immediately. proceeds are donated to region- The Westfield First Aid & DfPletro, a U.S. Park Ranger Rescue Squad responded to the The town spent two weeks al charities. assigned to Ellis Island, and without an official town prosecu- scene and transported Kovacs to several parents and grandpar- Grumpert Field, which was the tor, although had officials had ents who shared their immigra- two months to choose Elderly care group closest possible space big enough tion experiences. The event to serve as a helicopter landing Hetaneourt's successor. "The sets next meeting was part of * multi-discipline Union County Prosecutor has area. From Grumpert Field, unit encompassing English, Kovacs was airlifted by a already written us and properly CRANFORD — Caregivers social studies, math and sci- chastised us," said Councilman of Older People, also known as Northstar helicopter to ence classes. Morristown Memorial Hospital, Neil Sullivan. CO-OP, has scheduled its next (Continued on page A-9) (Continued on page A-9) meeting. The meeting is slated to be held at the Hansen House, located at 38 Springfield Ave. Candidates take their marks as Campaign 2000 looms (corner of Holly Street) in Cranford. Fanwood hopefuls cite downtown revitalization ... while SP eyes first mayoral vote It's slated to begin at 7 p.m. "I'm all in favor of the people vot- Wednesday. ByDAMAMEOU Wood said she is pleased with background in management and ByDAfUAMEOU the efforts the current adminis- electrical engineering and "can THE KECOKIM'KKSS ing for mayor," he said, noting Anyone interested in THE RECORD-PRESS that while he voted against the attending should note the tem- tration has made to revitalize the bring managerial and technical FANWOOD — Four candi- downtown area, although she experience to the council," he SCOTCH PLAINS — For the referendum question when the porary change of address. dates want to be on the Fanwood "would like to see more work said. first time, Scotch Plains resi- council was deciding whether to For more information on the Borough Council. Two of them with the downtown." The Democratic agreed that dents will be able to vote directly put it on the ballot, he voted for it -group or the meeting, please will be. "Spruce it up," Wood said. downtown development was a for their mayor this November. In as tt private citizen on election call (908) 276-9206 or (908) In November, Fanwood resi- "Clean it up behind the stores." major issue. "I think we clearly an ironic twist, their choice day, 245-2298. dents will determine whether Glennon, who has never before need to bring in business," he comes down to the last two may- Marks said he wants to mnin- two council incumbents have said. "There are some vacant ors appointed by the Township tnin an open and arceHHible gov- earned additional terms, or if one stores." Council. ernment and wan "upset by the Incumbent Democratic Mayor way (the mayoral ballot question; or more new council members "Fanwood is the small He added that he appreciates should take their place. the current council is trying to Martin Marks it* running for the was handled." Carol Wood and incumbent village town that we all keep up the Victorian look of the township's top spot against lust "It was rUHhed through with Inside Councilman Joel Whitaker repre- want to live in." borough. year's mayor, Republican Geri little public explanation," the sent the Republican party, facing Swindlehuret has been on the Samuel.
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