SPEAKER PROFILES A. Gitesh Sarma, High Commissioner of India - Australia Born on 25th March 1961. Completed his B.A. (Hons) and M.A. in Political Science from Delhi University. Joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1986. Worked in Ministry of External Affairs as Under Secretary (Europe East) and Director (Central Asia). Mr. Sarma’s overseas assiGnments include Indian Missions in Russia, Ukraine, HonG KonG, Pakistan, and United KinGdom. He has been Ambassador of India to Uzbekistan and HiGh Commissioner of India in Fiji. Additionally, served as the Officer on Special Duty (IT Enabled Services) in the Information TechnoloGy Department of the state of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, India. He Was also Joint Secretary (External Relations) in the Department of Atomic EnerGy, Government of India. Mr. Sarma Was Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs until November 2019. https://WWW.hcicanberra.Gov.in/paGe/amb-profile/ The Hon Barry O’Farrell AO, High Commissioner Designate to India Mr O’Farrell Was announced as Australia’s HiGh Commissioner to India on Tuesday 18 February 2020. He served in the Parliament of NeW South Wales from 1995 to 2015, includinG as the State’s 43rd Premier betWeen 2011 and 2014. Australia’s most populous and multicultural State, NeW South Wales Generates a third of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product. As Premier, Mr O’Farrell initiated and led annual trade missions to India to promote economic, cultural, and social links betWeen NeW South Wales and the states of India. He has also served as NSW’s Special Envoy for India and has made a siGnificant contribution as the Deputy Chair of the Australia India Council Board. Mr O’Farrell has a Bachelor of Arts from the Australian National University, Canberra. Born in Melbourne, Mr O’Farrell GreW up in DarWin. He is married to Rosemary and they have tWo adult sons. https://www.dfat.Gov.au/about-us/our-people/homs/PaGes/hiGh-commissioner-to-india Ambassador Anil Wadhwa Ambassador Anil WadhWa Was a member of the Indian ForeiGn Service from 1979 to 2017 and has served as Indian Ambassador to Italy, Thailand, Oman, Poland, San Marino, and Lithuania. As Secretary (East) in the Ministry of External Affairs of India he oversaW relations With South East Asia, Gulf and West Asia, Pacific and Australasia. He has served as the Indian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to FAO, IFAD, WFP, UNESCAP and Worked with the OrGanisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The HaGue headinG the Government Relations and Media and Public Affairs Branches. Ambassador WadhWa has been India’s chief deleGate to the East Asia Summit, Asean - India, Asem, ACD, the Arab LeaGue, MekonG GanGa Cooperation, and ARF meetinGs. He has been leadinG the CII task force for WritinG the Australia an Economic StrateGy Report for the Indian Government. Ambassador WadhWa is currently a DistinGuished FelloW With the Vivekananda International Foundation, NeW Delhi, and an Independent Director on the Boards of some Corporate firms. https://en.Wikipedia.orG/Wiki/Anil_Wadhwa Jennifer Westacott AO, Chief Executive, BCA The Business Council of Australia is the nation’s premier business orGanisation, advocatinG for a stronGer and fairer society throuGh a more prosperous Australia. Jennifer Westacott AO has served as Chief Executive of the Business Council of Australia since 2011, brinGinG a unique combination of extensive policy experience in both the public and private sectors. Under her leadership, the Business Council tirelessly champions meaninGful policies that strenGthen the ability of businesses to GroW the economy for the benefit of all Australians. Jennifer built her career in the public sector, workinG in senior leadership positions in the NSW and Victorian Governments. She has served as the Director General of the NSW Department of Infrastructure, PlanninG and Natural Resources; the Secretary of the Victorian Department of Education and TraininG; and the Director of Housing in Victoria. She Was also the Deputy Director General of the NSW Department of Community Services, and the Deputy Director General of the NSW Department of HousinG. As a senior partner at KPMG, Jennifer advised major corporations on climate chanGe and sustainability and advised Governments across Australia on siGnificant reform priorities. Jennifer has an unrivalled understanding of hoW the public and private sectors intersect and can Work toGether to achieve the best outcomes in the national interest. Since 2013, Jennifer has served as a Non-Executive Director of Wesfarmers Limited. She is the Chair of the Western City & Aerotropolis Authority, Which is overseeinG the desiGn and delivery of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. The Global employment centre and investment hub Will surround the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport at BadGerys Creek. Jennifer is an Adjunct Professor at the City Futures Research Centre of the University of NSW. She is the inaugural Chair of the Board of Studio Schools of Australia, a patron of Mental Health Australia, the Co-Patron of Pride in Diversity, and a patron of the Pinnacle Foundation. In 2018, Jennifer Was made an Officer (AO) in the General Division of the Order of Australia. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of NeW South Wales and in 2017 received an Honorary Degree (Doctor of Letters) from her alma mater. She Was a Chevening Scholar at the London School of Economics. https://WWW.bca.com.au/jennifer_Westacott Dianne Tipping – Chair, Export Council of Australia Dianne has had a lonG and varied career in international trade promotion and facilitation. Dianne TippinG is the founder and ManaginG Director of Excon International Pty Ltd. a Global ManaGement Consultancy business that specializes in the teachinG/traininG and manaGement of International trade - particularly focusing on the diGital evolution by recoGnizinG the chanGinG needs of the international business community. Over the years Dianne has increasinGly developed practical proGrams and creative business tools that build the capability and capacity of companies to GroW internationally. Dianne is involved in the followinG orGanisations: Chair of the ECA (Export Council of Australia) ManaGinG Director Excon International Pty. Ltd. Director: AITTDF Ltd. (Australian International Trade and Transport Industry Development Fund) Chairman of the Education Committee for the Australian Institute of Export Chair Export Council of Australia Finance Committee Honorary Associate University of Sydney – Discipline School of Business Councilor – NSW State Council – NSW Business Chamber Director: CADF Pty. Ltd. (Industry FundinG Body) Director: ASL Aerospace Australia Pty. Ltd. Director: TradeIT Global (PVT) Ltd Director: Tradeit Global Pty.Ltd. ManaGinG Director: Ruby Roze Pty. Ltd. Director: APDA Ltd. Executive Committee Member of ReGional Development of Australia (RDA) – Sydney (Federal Government) Numerous Government and Non-Government Committees - includinG Committees With the Dept. of Home Affairs and the Dept. of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Australia Independent Consultant to ITC (The International Trade Centre/Geneva) Member of the Australian Customs Advisory Board Industry Committee Member for Australia’s National Committee on Trade Facilitation. Currently involved in the EU-Sri Lanka Trade-Related Assistance ProGram – increasinG SME’s Trade competitiveness in reGional and EU markets. (BuildinG the trade capability and capacity of SME’s) Currently involved in the EU - AfGhanistan Trade-Related Assistance ProGram – increasinG SME’s Trade competitiveness in reGional and EU markets. (BuildinG the trade capability and capacity of SME’s) Member of the East Sydney ReGional Advisory Council for NSW Business Chamber. Member of the Infrastructure Committee for NSW Business Chamber Member Australian Institute of Company Directors https://WWW.export.orG.au/trainers/diane-tippinG Vikram Singh, Country Head - Australia and New Zealand at Tata Consultancy Services Vikram SinGh has more than 21 years of Global experience in information technoloGy, strateGy and business development. As TCS’s senior leader in Australia and NeW Zealand, he is responsible for sales and operations across both markets. Vikram assumed his current role in 2019 after a decade runninG TCS’s operation in the Philippines, during Which time the company Was named TechnoloGy Company of the Year at the Asia CEO AWards. He previously Worked in business development roles in North America and in corporate sales in the company’s home market. He holds an MBA from India’s BK School of Management, a Masters in Sales & Marketing from IIRM in Jaipur, and a Bachelor of TechnoloGy in Electronics & Instrumentation from CET, Trivandrum. He is a patron of the Australia India Institute and represents TCS on the Confederation of Indian Industries, India’s peak business orGanisation. Vikram lives in Sydney With his Wife and tWo dauGhters and is an avid Golfer and badminton player. https://WWW.linkedin.com/in/vikram-sinGh-ba580a3/ Mr. Manish Gupta, Consul General of India, Sydney Manish Gupta is a career diplomat and a member of the Indian ForeiGn Service since 1998. In the course of a diplomatic career spanninG over 20 years, he has held various positions in NeW Delhi and abroad. He has extensive experience in dealinG with multilateral issues. Prior to assuminG his current responsibilities, he served in the Ministry of External Affairs as Joint Secretary for Overseas Indian Affairs overseeinG miGration and mobility, emiGration
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