VOLUME BUCHANAN, BERRIEN CO., MICH., THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1900. NUM BER 81 X. A POWERS DELAY B0EBS INVEST LADYBRAND COLLISION KILLS FOURTEEN AKRON ARRESTS THE RIOTERS MICHIGAN STATE British Garrison There Surrounded "by Take Twelve Men Into Custody, All Save HOLD BACK REPLY TO EVACUA­ Porce of Transvaal Soldiers. IN ADDITION THIRTY-ONE ARE One Pleading Guilty. TION PROPOSALS. INJURED. YOUNG MAN MEETS WITH PE­ Maseru, Basutoland, Sept. 4.—Com­ Akron; O., Sept. 2.—The authorities CULIAR ACCIDENT. CH69L BOOKS mandoes under Fouril, Grobelaar, of this city have finally begun making AND If Russia "Withdraws Its Minister and Excursion Train oh Philadelphia and arrests of persons alleged to have Troops From Fokin. McKinley Bemmer and Hassebrock, together While Riding- His Bicycle Out in the Reading Runs Into Milk Train taken part in the riot of last week, W ill Order Conger to with 200 of Theron's scouts, are Invest­ Country He .Is Attacked and at Hatfield, Pa., and Twelve men were locked up charged SCHOOL Tien Tsin. ing the British garrison at Ladybrnnd. Stung on the Tongue Is Wrecked. with rioting. A squad of police It is reported that the troops have al­ h y a Bee. ready burned their stores, and It is guarded, the jail throughout the night, Washington, Sept. 5.—General Chaf­ Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 3 —Fourteen We make a specialty of second hand fee . reported hostilities practically feared that they will be compelled to and Company F, O. N. G., was held and special discount text books, and persons were killed and over thirty Lansing, Mich., Sept. 4 — Howard E. ceased at Pekin. Message from Con­ surrender. General Hunter is hasten­ in its armory to suppress any possible Turner, of this city, while riding on these we save you money, ger, dated Aug. 30, not given out. ing to their relief. more injured, several fatally, In a col­ trouble arising as a result of the ar through the country on his wheel, was us your old books and we will all jw Conger and Chaffee instructed to put London, Sept. 4.—Under date of Bel­ lision between an excursion train and rests. All of those arrested are work stung bf- a bee Whieh left its stinger you ali wre can for those we need. dates in body of dispatches to defeat fast, Lord Roberts reports: “I have a milk train on the Bethlehem branch Ingmen residing in this city. in bis tongue. The young man’s Bring tliem at once, the sooner tbe Chinese trick of omitting them. to-day issued, under her Majesty’s of the Philadelphia and Reading rail­ When arranged in court the prison­ tongue became so swollen that he better. We cany the largest and Appeal to Li Hung Chang from flee­ warrant of July 4th, proclamations an­ way Sunday morning at Hatfield, ers all pleaded not guilty except one could not speak, and he came near be­ best stock of School and Correspond­ ing Chinese Emperor received in nouncing that the Transvaal will twenty-seven miles north of this city. He admitted having assaulted Jail ing arrested at Grand Ledge for being ence Tablets Pe oils, Pens, Ink Shanghai, in whch- fugitive monarch henceforth form a part of her Majesty’s The wrecked train consisted of ten Washer, and his hearing was set for drunk’ Note Books, Etc., snhown in South says he fears powers are angry. dominions.” day coaches, and was the first section Tuesday. In all the other cases bond western Micn.gan, and don't you Said Empress* frenzy against for­ London, Sept. 3.—General Christian of. a large excursion made up of per­ was fixed at $10,000. Crushed Against a- Post. forget it. ; eigners was roused by forged ultima­ de Wet, according to the Daily Mail’s sons from Bethlehem, Allentown, and Lansing, Mich., Aug. 31—Emanuel tum from powers demanding her ab- Cape Town advices, is reported to surrounding towns to Atlantic City. W ill Relieve Miners. Bopp, of North Lansing, was seri­ . dieation. have appeared again along the railway This section carried only those persons Washington, Sept. 1.—It has been ously, if not fatally, injured while Only reply from foreign Ministers in near Winburg road. who lived in Bethlehem and Allen­ decided by tbe administration to re­ running a heavy hook and ladder China to Czar’s proposal was from Pretoria, Sept. 2.—Presidents Kru­ town, and left the union depot in Beth­ lieve the miners and Indians at Cape wagon into a shed. The end of the Italian and unfavorable. ger and Steyn have gone to Barberton. lehem at 6:05 a. m., exactly thirty-five Nome, who will he in destitute cir­ tongue struck him In the breast, push­ Jiextto P 0 BUCHANAN Washington, Sept. 4.—Chung Li, It is believed that they are preparing minutes behind the milk train. The cumstances at the beginning of th ing'him against a large post and pinr member of Chinese Foreign Office, was for flight. The general opinion is that latter train consisted of two milk cars winter season. At to-day’s cabinet ning him there, while two men were arrested by Austrians for complicity the war is now near the end; but. and two passenger coaches, and liac] meeting this matter was under com pushing against the back end of the In attacks on legations. Prince Ghing should the Boers construct stronghold;: stopped at every station on the road sideration, and it was decided to send wagon. It was found when he was Is trying to open negotiations with in the bush, or on the veldt, or else­ from Bethlehem en route to Phila­ an army transport to Cape Nome to released that his breast bone had allies. where and begin a system of raids the delphia. bring the suffering miners and In been broken and that two of his ribs Attempts "Were Unsuccessful. Major Lee in letter to wife of Lieu­ British would require further large- At 6:54 o’clock the milk train drew dians back to the United States. The were fractured. It is feared that he Homer, Mich., -Sept. 2.—The police tenant L. B. Lawton, Ninth Infantry, supplies of horses. up at the ‘ milk platform at Hatfield, transport will be well provisioned also sustained internal injuries. have under their care a man who is praises courage and coolness of lat­ Berlin, Sept. 2.—Dr. Leytls, the and in less than two minutes the spe­ and will carry a supply of medicine suffering from delirium tremens. In ter in Tien Tsin battle. Transvaal’s diplomatic representative cial excursion train, running at the for the benefit of those who are in ill Albion May Have to Fay. the town lock-up he made two unsuc­ German cabinet, appears inclined to spent yesterday in Berlin. He looked rate of thirty-five miles an hour, health. _________________ Albion, Mich., Ang. 31.—Albion is cessful attempts to commit suicide by follow Russia’s suggestion. Kaiser somewhat dispirited, but assured crashed into the rear of the milk train. The G. A. R. Encampment. threatened with a damage spit as a hanging. He gave his name as Homer declared Germany will not leave those with whom he talked that the The locomotive ploughed through the Chicago, Aug. 31.—The-- thirty- result of the death of Mrs. Fred J. Powers and said that iiis home is in Pekin. Boers will continue the struggle, hop­ two passenger coaches and crushed fourth annual encampment of the G. Reichow, it being claimed that a fall .Charlotte. He has relatives there who Nations holding back replies to evac­ ing that some turn of the world’s poli­ them as if they were eggshells. The A. R. adjourned, after electing Major upon a defective sidewalk was re­ have been summoned to come and uation proposals until attitude of each ties will help their cause. milk car immediately in front also was Leo Rasslgur of St. Louis commander- sponsible for her death. A commit­ take charge of him. is known. Loudon, Sept. 1.—Official reports badly wrecked. in-chief, choosing Denver for next tee appointed by the city council to Reported Russia is pouring Cos­ from Lord Roberts indicate that Pres­ There are conflicting stories as to meeting place, sending President Mc­ investigate the matter reports that it Wrench Dropped on Him. sacks into Manchuria, and no life is ident Kruger and the Boer troops responsibility for the accident Kinley an Indorsement by telegraph, is convinced that Mrs. Reichow’s Albion, Mich., Aug. 31.—Adelbert spared. under General Botha are in full re­ and criticising Commissioner of Pen­ death was not due to, the fall, but Sykes, a molder who has been work­ Washington, S e p t .3 I f Russia with­ treat northward from the Delagoa MACARTHUR TELLS OF BATTLE sions Evans." recommends a settlement upon a rea­ ing recently with the telephone gang draws its Minister and troops from Bay railroad. Lord Roberts in one Mrs. Mary L. Carr, Denver, was sonable basis. » here, received a dangerous wound. Pekin McKinley will order Conger, dispatch says President Kruger is re­ elected president of the the W. R. C. A lineman working with him acci­ Chaffee, and forces back to Tien Tsin. ported by natives to be making for Reports Uprising in Bohol With Casual­ N ever Rains bu® It Pours. dentally dropped a large wrench from ties—ISO of Enemy Killed. Next step will be proposal for inter­ Pilgrim’s Rest, northeast of Lyden- McClefnard Seriously 111. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 4 —Abraham a height of forty feet, and it struck national peace commission.
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