BOARD MEETING DATE: WEDNESDAY 4 FEBRUARY 2015 TIME: 9:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. VENUE: BOARDROOM, WAVERLEY GATE, 2-4 WATERLOO PLACE, EDINBURGH EH1 3EG Members are reminded that they should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. It is also a member’s duty under the Code of Conduct to ensure that any changes in circumstances are reported to the Corporate Services Manager within one month of them changing. AGENDA Agenda Lead Item Member Welcome to Members of the Public and the Press Apologies for Absence 1. Items for Approval 1.1. Minutes of the Board Meeting held on 3 December 2014 BH * 1.2. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting held on 14 January 2015 BH * 1.3. Running Action Note BH * 1.4. Performance Management AMcM * 1.5. Corporate Risk Register DF * 1.6. Committee Memberships BH * 1.7. Audit & Risk Committee - Minutes of 8 December 2014 JB * 1.8. Healthcare Governance Committee - Minutes of 25 November 2014 MB * 1.9. Finance & Resources Committee - Minutes of 12 November 2014 GW * 1.10. Strategic Planning Committee - Minutes of 13 November & 11 BH * December 2014 1.11. East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership Shadow Board- MA * Minutes of 6 November 2014 1.12. Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership Shadow Board - RH * Minutes of 18 July 2014 1.13. Midlothian Health & Social Care Partnership Shadow Board Minutes PJ * of 23 October 2014 1.14. West Lothian Health & Care Partnership-Committee Sub - FT * Minutes of 18 December 2014 1.15. West Lothian Health & Care Partnership Board- Minutes of 9 FT * December 2014 * = paper attached # = to follow v = verbal report p = presentation ® = restricted For further information please contact Peter Reith, 35672, [email protected] 2. Items for Discussion (subject to review of the items for approval) 9 ( :35 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) 2.1. Healthcare Associated Infection Update MJ * 2.2. Unscheduled Care & Winter Planning MJ * 2.3. Consultant Vacancies AB * 2.4. Waiting Times Performance, Progress and Elective Capacity JC * Investment 2.5. Quality Report DF/MJ * 2.6. Our Health Our Care Our Future 2014-2024 AMcM * 2.7. Financial Position to December 2014 SG * 3. Next Development Session: Wednesday 4 March 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Boardroom, Waverley Gate. 4. Next Board Meeting: Special Meeting on Wednesday 4 March 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Boardroom, Waverley Gate, prior to the Development Session. 5. Resolution to take items in closed session 6. Minutes of the Private Meeting held on 3 December 2014 BH ® 7. Minutes of the Special Private Meeting held on 14 January 2015 BH ® 8. Matters Arising 9. Items for Approval 9.1. Royal Edinburgh Hospital Phase 1 Addendum Full Business Case SG ® 10. Items for Discussion 10.1. Edinburgh BioQuarter SG ® 11. Any Other Competent Business Board Meetings in 2015 Development Sessions in 2015 4 March 2015 (Special Meeting) 4 March 2015 1 April 2015 6 May 2015 24 June 2015* 15 July 2015 5 August 2015 2 September 2015 7 October 2015 4 November 2015 2 December 2015 DRAFT 1.1 LOTHIAN NHS BOARD Minutes of the Meeting of Lothian NHS Board held at 9.30am on Wednesday 3 December 2014, in the Boardroom, Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. Present: Non-Executive Board Members: Mr B Houston (Chair); Mrs S Allan (Vice Chair); Mr M Ash; Mr J Brettell; Dr M Bryce; Councillor D Grant; Councillor R Henderson; Professor J Iredale; Mr P Johnston; Councillor C Johnstone; Mr A Joyce (Employee Director); Mrs J McDowell; Mrs A Meiklejohn; Mrs A Mitchell; Councillor F Toner; Mr G Walker; Dr R Williams and Mr R Wilson. Executive and Corporate Directors: Mr T Davison (Chief Executive); Mr A Boyter (Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development); Mr J Crombie (Director of Scheduled Care); Dr D Farquharson (Medical Director); Mrs S Goldsmith (Director of Finance); Ms M Johnson (Executive Director Nursing, AHPs and Unscheduled Care); Professor A K McCallum (Director of Public Health and Health Policy) and Professor A McMahon (Director of Strategic Planning, Performance Reporting and Information). In Attendance: Dr M Douglas (Consultant in Public Health Medicine for item 68) and Mr D Weir (Corporate Services Manager). Apologies for absence were received from Mrs K Blair and Mr G Warner. Declaration of Financial and Non-Financial Interest The Chair reminded members they should declare any financial and non-financial interests they had in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. There were no declarations of interest. 57. Welcome and Introduction 57.1 The Chairman welcomed members of the public to the meeting. He also welcomed students from Edinburgh Napier University. It was noted one of their modules was on clinical governance and previous students attending the meeting had found it useful to experience the strategic approach adopted by the Board. 58. Agenda reordering 58.1 It was agreed to reorder the agenda to discuss the Vale of Leven Report alongside the quality report. 59. Chairman’s Opening Comments 59.1 The Chairman read out a statement from Mrs Blair, Non Executive Board Member who was unable to attend the meeting. She had commented that she felt the Board had reached a critical time in terms of scrutiny and decision making. She felt whilst over the past few years the Board had been given some well argued assessments of the problems and challenges facing the organisation she felt the Board now had to step up and raise its game. She believed there was a need to make more radical decisions to effect change however unpalatable this might be to some stakeholders. Mrs Blair felt the Board should not keep repeating the same old rhetoric or accept the same reasons for non improvement. Nor should the Board accept the exercise of writing repeated reports with insufficient actions. 59.2 The Chairman commented he also wanted to make some opening remarks. He advised the Board were already aware of the tightening conditions under which health, social and community care systems were operating under. There had been a growing trend in demand and demographics through a principally aging population and the ability as a nation to simply fund that demand using the same system models as had evolved over the last 20 years was no longer appropriate. 59.3 The Chairman felt that the body of evidence for this was now accumulating rapidly from Mid Staffordshire, Francis and Keogh etc and more recently the need for investigations into performance shortcomings in Lanarkshire, Grampian and then more historically the Vale of Leven Report the findings from which would be considered by the Board later in the day. The Chairman felt more importantly perhaps that at an overall system level the last few months had seen authoritative comment and reports from the Head of the NHS in England, the Eve Commission, Audit Scotland and others which had made visible the pressures being faced within NHS Lothian. At the current meeting these issues would be discussed in terms of actions that needed to be considered against a position where the Board could not currently balance its books with other demands over the next few years. 59.4 The Board would in private session discuss in more detail further processes to enable it to reshape the healthcare system to meet these challenges. It was stressed that NHS Lothian was not alone in this endeavour. 59.5 The Chairman commented one benefit of the welter of comment in reports in recent times was that everyone in the NHS Scotland family as well as colleagues in Scottish Government, local authorities and other partners as well as politicians were working together to produce solutions. The recent announcement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer about additional resources was a manifestation of the position across the UK. The Chairman felt the current tough times might be the catalyst needed to make much more fundamental change and was therefore an opportunity to be seized upon and used to secure a better model for the future. 60. Items for Approval 60.1 The Chairman reminded members that the agenda for the current meeting had been circulated previously to allow Board members to scrutinise the papers and advise whether any items should move from the approval to the discussion section of the agenda. No such requests had been made. 2 60.2 The Chairman sought and received the approval of the Board to accept and agree the following recommendations contained in the previously circulated ‘for approval’ papers without further discussion. 60.3 Minutes of the previous Board meeting held on 1 October 2014 – Approved. 60.4 Performance Management – The Board received the update report on the existing performance against current 2014/15 HEAT targets and other relevant standards. It approved that performance would be presented against the all Scotland position where available using published ISD data. The Board would receive performance details where information was available by partnership from 2015. The Board also agreed to replace the previous performance reporting template with focussed information as positioned within the circulated paper. 60.5 Corporate Risk Register – The Board agreed to use the updated NHS Lothian corporate risk register, highlights of which were contained in section 3.2.1 and summarised in appendix 1, to inform Healthcare Governance assurance requirements. 60.6 Committee Membership and Terms of Reference - The Board agreed to appoint Elaine Duncan, Clinical Director at St Johns Hospital to the West Lothian Community Health and Care Partnership Board to replace James McCallum.
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