Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations 34891 Dates and name of news- State and county Location paper where notice was Chief executive officer of Effective date of Community published community modification No. Winnebago ........... Village of Machesney May 10, 1995, May 17, Mr. Steve Kuhn, President May 1, 1995 ........... 171009 A Park. 1995, The Park Journal. of the Village of Machesney Park, 300 Machesney Road, Machesney Park, Illinois 61111. Will County ........... Village of Romeoville ... Mar. 27, 1995, Apr. 3, Ms. Sandra Gulden, Presi- June 19, 1995 ........ 170711 B 1995, Joliet Herald dent of the Village of News. Romeoville, 13 Montrose Drive, Romeoville, Illi- nois 60441. Will County ........... Unincorporated Areas . Mar. 27, 1995, Apr. 3, Mr. Charles Adelman, Will June 19, 1995 ........ 170695 B 1995, Joliet Herald County Executive, 302 News. North Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois 60431. New Jersey: Monmouth Township of Aberdeen Apr. 24, 1995, May 1, Mr. James M. Cox, Aber- Apr. 17, 1995 ......... 340312 A 1995, Asbury Park deen Township Man- & B Press. ager, 1 Aberdeen Drive, Aberdeen, New Jersey 07707. New York: Erie County .......... Town of Cheektowaga Mar. 16, 1995, Mar. 23, Mr. Dennis H. Gabryszak, Mar. 14, 1995 ......... 360231 E 1995, Cheektowaga Supervisor for the Town Times. of Cheektowaga, 3301 Broadway Street, Cheektowaga, New York 14227±1088. Monroe ................. Town of Greece ........... Apr. 17, 1995, May 4, Mr. Roger Boily, Super- Apr. 21, 1995 ......... 360417 E 1995, The Greece Post. visor of the Town of Greece, 2505 West Ridge Road, Rochester, New York 14626. North Carolina: Dare County ......... Unincorporated Areas . Mar. 28, 1995, Apr. 4, Mr. Robert V. Owens, Mar. 20, 1995 ......... 375348 1995, The Coastland Chairman of the Dare Times. County Board of Com- missioners, P.O. Box 1000, Manteo, North Carolina 27954. Gaston .................. City of Gastonia ........... May 8, 1995, May 15, The Honorable James B. May 2, 1995 ........... 370100 D 1995, The Gaston Ga- Garland, Mayor of the zette. City of Gastonia, P.O. Box 1748, Gastonia, North Carolina 28053± 1748. Rockingham Coun- City of Reidsville .......... Mar. 17, 1995, Mar. 24, The Honorable W. Clark Sept. 30, 1994 ....... 370209 B ty. 1995, Reidsville Review. Turner, Mayor of the City of Reidsville, 230 West Morehead Street, Reidsville, North Caro- lina 27320. Ohio: Montgomery City of Centerville ........ Mar. 18, 1995, Mar. 25, The Honorable Shirley Mar. 9, 1995 ........... 390408 C County. 1995, Centerville- Heintz, Mayor of the City Bellbrook Times. of Centerville, 100 West Spring Valley Road, Centerville, Ohio 45458. Tennessee: Hamil- Unincorporated Areas . Apr. 6, 1995, Apr. 13, Mr. Claude Ramsey, Ham- Sept. 30, 1995 ....... 470071 ton County. 1995, The Chattanooga ilton County Executive, Free Press. 208 County Courthouse, Fountain Square, Chat- tanooga, Tennessee 37402. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. Dated: June 22, 1995. 44 CFR Part 67 83.100, ``Flood Insurance.'') Richard T. Moore, Associate Director for Mitigation. Final Flood Elevation Determinations [FR Doc. 95±16415 Filed 7±3±95; 8:45 am] AGENCY: Federal Emergency BILLING CODE 6718±03±P Management Agency (FEMA). 34892 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations ACTION: Final rule. final in the communities listed below. PROPOSED BASE (100-YEAR) FLOOD Elevations at selected locations in each ELEVATIONS SUMMARY: Base (1% annual chance) community are shown. flood elevations and modified base #Depth in flood elevations are made final for the National Environmental Policy Act feet above ground. communities listed below. The base Source of flooding and location *Elevation flood elevations and modified base This rule is categorically excluded in feet flood elevations are the basis for the from the requirements of 44 CFR Part (NGVD) 10, Environmental Consideration. No floodplain management measures that CONNECTICUT each community is required either to environmental impact assessment has adopt or to show evidence of being been prepared. Bozrah (town), New London County (FEMA docket No. 7124) already in effect in order to qualify or Regulatory Flexibility Act remain qualified for participation in the Yantic River: National Flood Insurance Program At downstream corporate limits .......... *120 The Associate Director, Mitigation Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of (NFIP). Directorate, certifies that this rule is corporate limits ............................... *122 EFFECTIVE DATES: The date of issuance of exempt from the requirements of the Approximately 100 feet upstream of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) State Route 608 .............................. *165 Regulatory Flexibility Act because final Approximately 1,900 feet upstream of showing base flood elevations and or modified base flood elevations are Gilman Dam .................................... *243 modified base flood elevations for each required by the Flood Disaster Maps available for inspection at the community. This date may be obtained Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, Town Hall, Bozrah, Connecticut. by contacting the office where the maps and are required to establish and are available for inspection as indicated maintain community eligibility in the FLORIDA on the table below. National Flood Insurance Program. No Seminole County (unincorporated ADDRESSES: The final base flood regulatory flexibility analysis has been areas) (FEMA docket No. 7124) elevations for each community are prepared. Mud Lake: available for inspection at the office of Entire shoreline within county ............ *85 the Chief Executive Officer of each Regulatory Classification Howell Creek: community. The respective addresses Approximately 1,250 feet downstream are listed in the table below. This final rule is not a significant of Dyson Drive ................................ *30 regulatory action under the criteria of Approximately 0.66 mile downstream FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: of Red Bud Lake Road ................... *35 section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of Michael K. Buckley, P.E., Chief, Hazard Lake Lotus: September 30, 1993, Regulatory Entire shoreline within county ............ *64 Identification Branch, Mitigation Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735. Little Wekiva River: Directorate, 500 C Street, SW., Approximately 200 feet upstream of Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646±2756. Executive Order 12612, Federalism State Route 431 .............................. *64 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Approximately 900 feet upstream of This rule involves no policies that State Route 431 .............................. *64 Federal Emergency Management Agency Soldier Creek: (FEMA or Agency) makes final have federalism implications under At upstream side of State Route 427 *27 determinations listed below of base Executive Order 12612, Federalism, Approximately 150 feet upstream of flood elevations and modified base dated October 26, 1987. CSX Transportation ........................ *42 flood elevations for each community Maps available for inspection at the Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Seminole County Development Re- listed. The proposed base flood Reform view Department, County Services elevations and proposed modified base Building, Room W225, 1101 East flood elevations were published in This rule meets the applicable First Street, Sanford, Florida. newspapers of local circulation and an standards of section 2(b)(2) of Executive GEORGIA opportunity for the community or Order 12778. individuals to appeal the proposed Columbia County (unincorporated determinations to or through the List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67 areas) (FEMA docket No. 7124) community was provided for a period of Administrative practice and Savannah River: ninety (90) days. The proposed base Approximately 0.8 mile downstream flood elevations and proposed modified procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting of the City of Augusta dam and base flood elevations were also and recordkeeping requirements. locks ................................................ *151 Approximately 2,500 feet downstream published in the Federal Register. Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is of J. Strom Thurmond Dam ............ *203 This final rule is issued in accordance amended as follows: Watery Branch: with section 110 of the Flood Disaster At its mouth at the Savannah River ... *192 Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, PART 67Ð[AMENDED] Approximately 600 feet upstream of Point Comfort Road ........................ *195 and 44 CFR part 67. Jones Creek: The Agency has developed criteria for 1. The authority citation for part 67 At its mouth ........................................ *193 floodplain management in floodprone continues to read as follows: Approximately 4,200 feet upstream of its mouth ......................................... *197 areas in accordance with 44 CFR part Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; 60. Bettys Branch: Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 3 CFR, At its mouth ........................................ *197 Interested lessees and owners of real 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of property are encouraged to review the 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376. Bettys Branch Road ........................ *203 proof Flood Insurance Study and Flood Uchee Creek: Insurance Rate Map available at the § 67.11 [Amended] At its mouth ........................................ *198 Approximately 250 feet upstream of address cited below for each 2. The
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