"Index to proper names in the survey" in "A survey of the poetry collection in manuscript of the Noble family of Huntingdon" The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation O'Donnell, Mary Ann. 2020. "Index to proper names in the survey" in "A survey of the poetry collection in manuscript of the Noble family of Huntingdon". Harvard Library Bulletin 28 (3), Fall 2017: 169-176. Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:42659952 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA Index to Proper Names in the Survey Page numbers are in bold. Other numbers signify entries in the four parts. A Blaney, 4.57.a th A., T., 4.40 Blaney, Henry Vincent, 5 lord, 4.62 Abney, Parnel, 95n159; 1.15 Booth, Robert, 1.19, 4.15 Abney, Tomas, 96n159; 1.15 Bower, Edward, 4.65.b Abney-Hastings, Edith Maud, countess Boyle, Michael, bishop of Cork, 4.24 st of Loudon, see Loudon Boyle, Richard, 1 earl of Cork, see Cork Addison, Tomas, 4.93 Boyle, Roger, see Orrery Amarinzio, Nivaldo, see Pizzi Bracci, Domenico Augusto, abbot, 4.50 Anne, queen, 4.62, 4.63, 4.64 Brackley, see Egerton Apathistarum Academy, 95; 1.9, 4.48 Bradbury, Silas, 1.15 Arcadian Academy, 11, 95; 4.48, 4.49 Brady, Nicholas, 4.62, 4.82.a Ariosto, Ludovico, 1.14 Bramhall, John, bishop of Derry, Armagh, archbishop of, see Bramhall; see archbishop of Armagh and primate of also Robinson Ireland, 1, 4, 19, 34, 39, 46, 67–68, 87, 96; 1.19, 2.2, 2.3, 4.14–4.32, 4.37, 4.44 Askew, Anthony, doctor, 1.25 Bramhall, Isabella (daughter of bishop Aston. Tomas, captain, 4.63 Bramhall), see Graham Attico, Evergete (Arcadian Academy Bramhall, Tomas, 4.37 name of Francis Hastings, 10th earl of Huntingdon), 95; 4.48, 4.49 Bridgewater family, 2.1 Bridgewater, Frances Stanley Egerton, B 1st countess of, 2.1 Bacon, Francis, 108n; 1.19 Bridgewater, John Egerton, 1st earl of, 2.1 Barnes, Tomas, 4.82 Brinn, 4.88 Barton, 4.88 Bristol, bishop of, see Westfeld Baxter, Richard, 4.32 Browne, Sir William, 1.25 Beal, Peter, 7n20, 37n62; 1.4 Brydges, Anne Stanley, baroness Beaumont, Francis, 31n53; 4.51 Chandos, see Chandos Beaumont, Sir John, 4.51 Buchan, Hannah, 2, 41; 3.1 Beaumont, Sir Tomas of Coleorton, 41; Buckhurst, Charles Sackville, Lord th 1.36 Buckhurst, 6 earl of Dorset, see Bickley, Francis, 1 Dorset nd Black, 4.88 Buckingham, George Villiers, 2 duke Bladen, Harriet, 1.12.b of, 4.55, 4.68.k, 4.68.m, 4.68.n, 4.68.n, 4.77 Bladen, Tomas, 1.12.b Mary Ann O’Donnell 169 Buckingham and Normanby, John Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, Shefeld, duke of, and 3rd earl of see Stuart Mulgrave, 119n212; 4.68.j Chartres, Philippe II, duc d’Orléans, see Burke, Ulick, 4.12 Orléans Burrows, John, 4.68.k, 4.68.n Chesterfeld, Catherine Stanhope, Butler, James, 1st duke of Ormond, see countess of, 1.2 Ormond Cibber, Colley, 4.98 Butler, Tomas, see Ossory Clancij, George, 4.36 Clark, William Andrews, Jr., 34 C Clarke, George, 4.65.b C., R., 4.12 Cliford, Lady Margaret, see Derby st Camden, John Jefries, 1 marquess, Cliford, Rosamond de, 4.93 4.46.c Clifon, Lady Alice Hastings, (daughter Campbell, Flora, suo jure countess of of Henry Hastings, 5th earl of Loudon, see Loudon Huntingdon and Elizabeth Stanley Campbell, “Orator,” 160n; 4.79 Hastings), 2.1 Campbell [poet], 4.88 Cobham, Richard Temple, 1st viscount, Campion, Edward, 4.3 4.65.a Canterbury, archbishop of (otherwise Codrington, Robert, 2, 3, 4, 34; 2.1, 4.6 unidentifed), 4.72 Cole, John, 4.57.a Canterbury, archbishop of, see Laud; see Congreve, William, 4.65 also Sancrof Coniers, Sir John, 4.12 th Capel, William, 4 earl of Essex, see Conway, Dorothy, see Rawdon Essex Conway, Edward, 1st and last earl Carew, Tomas, 4.69 (c. 1623–1683), 86; 4.39–4.43 Caroline, princess of Wales, 96n; 4.62.b Conway, Edward, 1st viscount (1564–1631), nd Caryll, John, 2 baron, 128; 4.68.l 86 Castlehaven, Anne Stanley Brydges Conway, Edward, 2nd viscount (1594– Touchet, see Chandos 1655), 86 Castlehaven family, 48 Conway family, 86–87; 4.39, 4.40, 4.41, Castlehaven, Mervin Touchet, 2nd earl 4.42, 4.43, 4.44 of, 2.1 Conyers, see Coniers Caulfeild, 4.57.a Cook, T., 4.89 Chandos, Anne Stanley Brydges, Cooper, Anthony Ashley, see Shafesbury baroness (also known as Anne Corbet, Richard, 4.52 Touchet, countess of Castlehaven), 2.1 Cork, Richard Boyle, 1st earl of, 39 th Chandos, Grey Brydges, 5 baron, 2.1 Cowley, Abraham, 4.54, 4.58, 4.68.o Charles I, king, 47–48, 67; 1.19, 4.9.c, Craven, Pat, 4.37 4.43, 4.51, 4.65.b, 4.69, 4.70, 4.77 Crowne, John, 4.68.k Charles II, king, 68, 86; 1.20, 1.22, 4.53, Crudeli, Tommaso, 1.9 4.59, 4.61, 4.62.b, 4.77, 4.98 170 Poetry Collection in Manuscript of the Noble Family of Huntingdon Cumberland, William, duke of, see Douglas, Lady Eleanor Touchett Davies, William Augustus see Davies Douglas Curll, Edmund, 4.65.a, 4.82.a Drayton, Michael, 4.93 Dryden, John, 32n56, 48; 4.86 D Dugdale, Sir William, 47 Dacres, Lady Dorothy, 4.69 Duvall, Mary, 4.6 Daniel, Richard, 4.88 Daniel, Samuel, 4.93 E Darling, 4.88 Egerton, Francis Stanley, see Bridgewater Davies, Edward, 4.4 Egerton, John, 1st earl of Bridgewater, see Davies, Ferdinando, 1.1 Bridgewater Davies, Lucy, see Huntingdon Egerton, Sir Richard, 2.1 Davies, John, 4.4, 4.8 Egerton, Sir Tomas, baron Ellesmere Davies, Sir John, 6n17, 48; 1.4, 4.4 and 1st viscount Brackley, 2.1 Davies Douglas, Lady Eleanor Touchett, Eleanor of Aquitaine, 4.93 2–3, 6n17, 48; 1.4, 4.4 Elizabeth, princess (daughter of Charles Davis, Tomas, 4.19 I), 47 Davis, W., 4.89 Elizabeth I, queen, 47; 2.1, 4.1 Davyes, Tomas, see Davis Ellesmere, see Egerton Deloney, Tomas, 4.93 Ellis, Henry, 4.46.e Derby, Alice Spenser Stanley, countess Ellis, S——, see Ellis, Swankey of, and aferward Egerton, (wife of Ellis, Swankey, 1.13, 4.46.e Ferdinando Stanley, and then of Essex, William Capel, 4th earl of, 1.12.b Tomas Egerton) 2, 34, 39, 48; 1.1, 2.1 Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, 5th earl of, 1.1, F 2.1 Farewell, Tomas, 4.17, 4.18 Derby, Henry Stanley, 4th earl of, 2.1 Ferrers, Sir Robert Shirley, Lord Ferrars Derby, Lady Margaret Cliford Stanley, of Chartley, 1.22 (wife of Henry Stanley, 4th earl of Flatman, Tomas, 151n; 4.53 Derby), 2.1 Fletcher, John, 1.36, 4.51 Derry, bishop of, see Bramhall Ford, Simon, 48; 1.38, 4.4, 4.8–4.10 Devall, Mary, see Duvall Fountayne, John, 4.46.b Digby, Mary, 1.23 Francis I, emperor, Holy Roman Empire, Digby, Robert, 1.23 1.11 Digby, William, Baron Digby of Geashill, Freeman, Elizabeth (Hatfeld Maid), 4.59 1.23 Frentanus, Ne[?], 4.34 Dillon, John, 4.28 G Dillon, Wentworth, see Roscommon Dorset, Charles Sackville, Lord Garth, Samuel, 2; 4.63 Buckhurst, 6th earl of, 1.22 George I, king, 4.64.c, 4.65.a George III, king, 11 Mary Ann O’Donnell 171 Graham, Isabella Bramhall, 68n117, 87 Henry VII, king, 2.1 Graham, Lady Helen, see Rawdon, Lady Hobbes, Tomas, 4.32 Helen Holland, George, 4.29 Graham, Sir James, see also Menteith, 87 Holland, Guilielmus, 4.29 Granville, George, see Lansdowne Holland, William, see Guilielmus Gray, Tomas, 1.10 Horace, 114n196, 135n256; 4.46.d, 4.88 Grifth, Mr., 4.68.d Howard, 4.88 H Howard, Edward, 4.68.j Howe, John (Jack) Grobham, 4.43 [Hafaer?], 4.34 Hull, Tomas, 4.93 Haguenier, 1.34, 4.64.b Hume, Robert, 4.68.n Hammond, Paul, 4.68.a Huntingdon, Elizabeth Lewis Hastings, Handel, George Frederick, 4.67 countess of (wife of Teophilus, 7th Harding, Caleb, doctor, 1.8 earl of Huntingdon), 5; 1.1, 4.11 Hastings, Col. (later Gen.) Sir Charles, Huntingdon, Elizabeth Stanley Hastings, 95n159; 1.15 countess of (wife of Henry Hastings, Hastings, Elizabeth Stanley Hastings, 5th earl of Huntingdon), 4, 5, 41, 47; 1.1, countess of Huntingdon, see 1.2, 1.36, 2.1, 3.1 Huntingdon Huntingdon, Ferdinando Hastings, 6th Hastings, Henry, Lord Loughborough earl of, 5, 47, 48n91; 1.1, 1.3–1.5, 1.7, 1.27, (brother of Ferdinando, 6th earl of 4.2, 4.6–4.7, 4.9.c Huntingdon), 4.5 Huntingdon, Francis Hastings, 10th earl Hastings, Lady Alice, see Clifon of, 4, 11, 95; 1.8–1.9, 1.11–1.15, 4.45, Hastings, Lady Christiana or Christian, 4.46.a, 4.47–4.50; see also Attico (daughter of Lucy Hastings and Huntington, George Hastings, 8th earl Ferdinando, 6th earl of Huntingdon), of, 4 4; 1.5, 4.6 Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, 3rd earl of, Hastings, Lady Elizabeth (daughter of 47; 4.1 th Lucy Hastings and Ferdinando, 6 Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, 5th earl of, earl of Huntingdon), see Langham 31n53, 41, 47; 1.1, 1.27, 2.1, 4.51 Hastings, Lady Elizabeth (d.
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