„, two party system returns to ty is headed by Tony Martin, candidate tor's orders, Mortimer decided not to Justin Arecchi, heading the Fordham |lnm nflcr a year's lapse when for SG president, and Frank Carling, run. seeking the post of vice-president. slate, is vice-president of the junior lie,,: Spirit party squares off with Tony Martin, a history major from fon//i(»ii party in this year's Col- Rounding out the ticket are Mike Hog- class. The Bergenfield, N. J., resident an and Pete Kiesel, running for secre- Pelham Bay, is presently editor of the has been chairman of the last three Sludent Government elections. junior class paper. Press '67. tary and treasurer, respectively. concerts held at Fordham. mpaisninK begins an Sunday, Frank Carling, an Honors Program Justin Arecchi leads the Fordham John Shanley, from Manhattan, is nary"27, with voting taking place English major, hails from Manhattan. chairman of junior weekend and ticket lunsday ami Friday, March 3 and party's slate, backed up by vice-presi- A leader in December's picketing of dential candidate John Shanley. Bill chairman of the 125th Anniversary Cardinal Spellman's residence protest- Ball. Karamitis is the ticket's secretary ing the Berrigan transfer, Carling is third party had petitioned to run hopeful, while Joe Burke eyes the Bill Karamitis, hailing from Berlin, Mates in the election, but with- currently vice-president of the Liberal Wisconsin, is both justice on the Stu- treasurer's post. - Club. ' earlier this week when one of its dent Court and co-chairman of The Revival party of Sean Miller, Secretary candidate Mike Hogan was V.O.T.E. bers was forced to drop out for Walt Mortimer, Tom O'Connor, and chairman of last year's Harvester. Joe Burke, secretary of the Class of h reasons, Jack Morris had hoped to make the Pete Kiesel, running tor treasurer, it stands now. the New Spirit par- '67, is assistant sports information di- elections a three-way race, but, on doc- is a varsity swimmer. rector. i 48, Ko. 3 Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y. 10458—February 18, 1966 o^gfe, 401 Mr. Fordham Sports, former baseball coach and Gradu- ate Manager of Athletics Emeritus, Jack Coffey passed away after an extended illness early Monday morning. Mr. Coffey's connection with Fordham dated back to 1905 when he enrolled as a freshman in the College, and ended in 1958 when he retired at the age of 70 from his dual posts as baseball mentor and coaching, and managing a num- graduate manager of athletics. ber of major and minor league Born in the winter of 1888, teams, he returned to Fordham just three miles east of the Rose Hill campus, he attended Morris as baseball coach, a position he had held in 1910 and 1913. THE KAMELKTTKS?: A low members of the Gloria C'ontrcrts High School prior to his enroll- DiUH'u <Sroui> l'nHbcr lip lor Sunday night's performance in Collins. ment at Fordham. In 1910, Under his tutelege, the. Rams graduated from Fordham with an fielded many outstanding teams, A.B. degree, Coffey- began what winning five Eastern champion- he liked to call "a prolonged ships and 14 metropolitan titles. series of peregrinations to points The popular mentor compiled a provincial" as a baseball player cumulative won and lost per- and manager. centage of .697, and sent 12 of Ballet, Jazz Quintet his men to the major leagues. Horizons, currently attempting to gain club recogni- After 12 years of playing, In 1954, the University showed tion, continues its diverse spring program with two unique its respect and admiration for programs in the coming week. him by renaming the Fordham The Gloria Conteras Dance Group will present a ballet Renovation field "Jack Coffey Fjeld." In 1958. program on Sunday evening in Collins Auditorium and the he was feted at a retirement din- Burton Greene Quintet will offer an evening of improvisa- ner which numbered among its tional jazz on Thursday in the dc ^.^ • guests His Eminence Francis ffice Space Campus Center Ballroom. Contreras has choreographed for Cardinal Spellman, a former Baskinil Horizons, in cooperation with the New York aty Balleti the Ram second baseman whom Cof- the Student Government, is pres- . nce Festival irrenlly underway in the base- fey coached in 1910. Jacob s PiUow Da ently composing a club constitu- and tne Robert joffrev Company, ; Halls, are earmarked to pro- tlon which it hopes to have sane- The Greene the dean of men and a fully This past January, he was in- stalled as a charter member in boned following Student Govern- specia,izes ,„ free improvirationai • the boarder community, the National Collegiate Baseball ment elections. jazz Mr Greflne flrst acnieved ly, University business man- Hall of Fame in Washington, D.C. Ed DePasquale of the Horizons recognition at Town Hall •e basement area will be given public The plaque on the side of the staff reports a full schedule of and Judson Hall concerts in 1964. ing room, the new recreation area gym which was unveiled at the events for the next three months, Last year he organized the group. will extend under the entire dedication of Jack Coffey field beginning with, and heavily de- As in their custom, the length of Bishop's Hall. Activi- perhaps best sums up this great pendent upon, the success of the Quintct has no specific program ties will be accessible to students son of Fordham: "A true sports- two programs next week. aet for the Thursday evening on weekdays between 4 p.m. and man, scholar, and Christian gen- The Gloria Contreras Dance concert, but wiil improvise. Tick-. niidnieht. tleman." Group is affiliated with the Bal- ets are $1.50. Pete 2 THE FOIDHAM RAM Friday, February |j , Sophs Sell Out Beach Boys1 ROUND UP Council Proposes Double Concei Zli'.XZ. tr- ass 22srs«2iu.-sBes *5c ice inamfr u izzssxiS -ssc 4 T5J» Cilice! •:£ rrasrie is- senflnir j. Jirar-maL iscrt IT. £ Cea-jt Sis,, safi Urn* Ssjas wit syma»s Sffc-% W3ta. it Anasicaa Oifflege* JOB! Xa SeiBKi -if S ast MOTIF CaianrsL. &B6 SI- HE •nTXTM'nrrw-r SeSi?, '3E Wfcrt lb Is; JOT r"ardEE3 I SIB- a ise snnssc 3 acaninE i SO Report On Food Service the cth— -- rirc Leic iirxiic "Tig Tr5£3JiCE'- tC Beio-i <* e£"i'T-r5C -fL^IIcr ^ir 4--3I ^.11. .TiisdS H U Calls For Food Committee ~" —r^ilr.:? :f hieh-r,riced. poor quality cafeteria food by a 11-^ i, =_rr e:i"".K:j •;•:* rr-'.T.rriingf in eight other colleges in the X.Y. engaged n i_-«i_ T:.ls -A-as' i r'ir.dinr of the College Student Government on the i **) Lz ~±ji- re'.-er.: Fzoi Service report. second cr-c Tbr rr.-»:-r: v. i= the product of visits made by members Bob Bo^i ; c :•: 'j-ji :-;-:r_T_:!:-~ to the CoUege of Xew Rochelle, Columbia, selkwt ;-s, , Hunter CoUege 'Downtown). campus t Ci< well exhaj. > COMPUTERIZED DATING IS IN Manhattan. Manhattam-iile. I SJURamnap Marymount, Merc>' Coliege. and bate ow th .N.Y-U. These surveys were con- ing the te > Thwarted ducted for the purpose of in- time to suit vestigating food services in these the cour'- -•s-cossy rns.-ninr. the schools. noting t>- class" a»"* r~rie-r.ee of His Rm-al By comparison with these col- ««_ He-*- Tarr, K.T. I0QZ2 • P-5—«es XX m-as in- leges, the committee concluded ere. rsds-i, Or C*i',-: 2 =2 My ni the :.r.dy of the Ford- "that the complaints which are most frequently heard at Ford- fi; jtei^iE res paint. ham are also common to the Campus Two KiErees hive ryrealed con- majority of the schools inves- sds «M5 of His 5!ajest>"'s tigated-"' Calendar abduction. Ibe Ad- Engineers and Accountants: daitns tlsaj an ei'er- The Committee has reeom- TODAV Burrs Gaart scared tb<? inended the establishment of a CcJieee '!:•? P.-.::;. s sway. Kiiiie tbe Boost- fof>d committee similar to those CC 234. S j..n- er Qst£> irgies that tbe palace existing at Marymount and TMC '69 Dar.cv IF YOU WANT xisns ffstea ^raosed sufficient X.Y.U. The committees of these CC Ballrw-x. >:,"••'• ; :v. fesstesa tKSioe-rs 10 repel the TO-MORROW 12SSVCS- two colleges have been operating Foreign Students P •••':• GROWING ROOM...SEE US Oae tfaaig k cer^in: the royal effectively, resulting in an in- CC 254. S p.-r. SafpT: ^rsrred with the crease of communication between College '6S Party CC 229. S p.m. .: T: xr r li..;.i;~iii: Ccs^. koi lor fee food senice officials anri tht students. Army ROTC Bai: : z~. xrJ rr to ?T3*sr •srita CC Ballroom. 9 ;•::! : ii c~z±zlz r^J izidinrr. Good ss&rt- Sl'XD.W i i^d': zl;.- -V.Y.C. annispisre. SS-wesk Horizons P.ecitai ^ i&r~ri tc» jeer sj^sialtv. teitica Collirss Auditorui.-r. > t!d cp to WKOXESDAV Cheniistrj" Leotu:\- Freeman 103. 3::'," ;• ::•- Movie: "The Virgin ^; :"':- Coliir^; Auditoriurv.. • ]''• Faculty Seminar CC 23-!. S p.m. Tin RSPAV Eeta Alpha Psi ?-.:"-'!; CC 234. 4 p.m. Horizons Jazz Cor.-. •-•" CC Ballroom. S:>"v"! i.-- NEXT FKIDAV Era&mui Society Uvt:i:v These ore joSarie-d r>ci:«r?s oSeri CC 234, 3:30 p.m. Sociol3g>- Club Di-i;-^ :1 CC Music Room. - i'"' Lacnnec Dance CC Rallroom, !>:t"' i ::- Birthday Party February 24, 1966 Ma.-/mount Manhattan (221 East 7i>* S-«'l BROOKJLnf UNION GAS COKFAH7 i Free R.freshments E J?-|I:|J 1&5 JfoaUg-K Srraet, Brcc-klra, >\ Y.
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