Proposals for the Paris Congress Source: Taxon, Vol. 3, No. 4 (May, 1954), pp. 123-134 Published by: International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1217784 . Accessed: 01/03/2014 08:50 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Taxon. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Sat, 1 Mar 2014 08:50:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions - 9551 Haenselera Boiss. ex DC. Prodr. 7: Haenselera Lag. Gen. Sp. P,. 13. 1816. 83. 1838. T.: T.: H. granatensisBoiss. ex DC. Rothmalera Font-Quer in Font-Quer et Rothm. Broteria. 9: 151. 1940. V o t es: In favour of conservation 1; Against conservation 10; Abstention 0. 9594 - Mulgedium Cass. Dict. Sci. Nat. 33: Cicerbita Wallr. Sched. Crit. 433. 1822. 296. 1824. T.: C. alpina (L.) Walr. T.: M. lyratum Cass. [= M. floridanum (L.) DC.]. V o t e s: In favour of conservation 1; Against conservation 9; Abstention 1. The Secretary of the Subcommittee RODOLFOE. G. PICHI-SERMOLLI Proposals for the Paris Congress* Proposal no. 182 etc.; and Rec. 82 C, 82 D, 82 E, 82 F give detailed advice on how to coin Proposed by: Harold St John, Honolulu epithets by latinizing names of men, or women, or Art. 33 geographic names, or how to form compound Add as the second (after words from two or more Greek or Latin paragraph words. All this instruction and is Adiantum capillus-veneris): "Epitl'.ts of counseling or of subdivisions of be good, and should be heeded in the future, but species species may there is needed an article taken from any source whatever, and may stating clearly the full of choice, in the and in even be composed arbitrarily. liberty past the future, of from E x a m e s: koa." coining epithets any p danielis, paysonorum, source, whether non-classic languages or Arg u ment: Actually a botanist has even from an arbitrarilyinvented word. complete liberty of choice in coining new names or epithets. As to generic names this Art. 59 is confirmedby Art.30, "It be taken liberty may Add the following: "If an author publishing from any source whatever, and even be may previous to 1953 did not state a basinym, but in an arbitrarymanner." composed absolutely his published name or epithet was evidently Rec. 30 A then gives good advice on how based the same name or to coin or to latinize names to be upon epithet published previously published in a group considered for new genera. then the second was For of and their sub- synonymous, publication epithets species a new combination and the infered original divisions, there is no Article covering the author'sname is cited enclosed in braces { }. manner of their formation.Sound admonitions are given in Rec. 33 C concerning publishing E x a m p 1 e: Kalmia polifolia Wang, var. epithets that are long, similar, unauthorized, rosmarinifolia{Pursh} Rehder in L. H. Bailey, Cyclop. Am. Hort. 2 : 854, 1900; Rehder, Cult. Trees Shrubs, xii, 525. 1949." *) Proposals 180-181 (see above) and 182- Bibliog. pp. 185 were received after 1 December 1953. Argument: It has long been trouble- They could not be included in the Recueil some to know how to cite the authorities Synoptique and the Section of Nomenclature for a combination for which the second will have to decide whether they will still author did not cite any basinym or reference, be taken into consideration. The proposals blut for which it is perfectly obvious that he 166-175 and 178-179 were formally published was adopting a name or epithet previously at an earlier date, the present publication used for an earlier synonym. gives further documentation. By inference his name is a transfer.If today 123 This content downloaded from on Sat, 1 Mar 2014 08:50:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions we cite it with an original parenthetical secundarium.Diploschistes scruposus (Schreb.) author, we indicate a positive reference that Norm. var. bryophilus (Ehrh.) Miill. Arg. ter. we cannot prove. Rehder (Bibliog. Cult. secundarium receptaculi. Ochrolechia parella Trees Shrubs p. xii, 1949) has proposed that (L.) Mass. ter. secundariumrosodisci." such infered be indicated basinyms by placing Bemerkungen: Die Proposition ist their author's name in square brackets. He in meiner Arbeit 'Uber eine einheitliche has used this device his throughout large Benennung von Bildungsabweichungen bei bibliography here cited. It distinguishes the den Flechten' (Ber. D. Bot. Ges. 67:59-68. infered from the clearly cited basinyms. 1954) naher und im einzelnen brackets are authorized in begriindet However, already praktisch ausgefiihrt worden. Als teras - the code, (Art. 59) for indicating the first auf das Grundwort des Ter- author of a such as zuruckgehend pre-starting-pointname, minus Teratologie - wird das bezeichnet, the genus Polygonum [Tourn.] L., or the was von manchen (!) Autoren durch die species Agaricus elegans [Pers.] Fries. Termini Aberration, Abnormitit, Anomalie, Rehder's use of brackets to indicate a second lusus, Modifikation, kind of is It is that Bildungsabweichung, thing confusing. proposed Monstrositit, pathologischer Fall, status mor- a new or be that a symbol sign used, pair bosus und teratologischer Fall bezeichnet of braces { } be used to enclose the infered wurde. Begriffsdefinition: Terata sind mor- first author's name. phologisch-anatomische Wachstumserschei- nungen, die nicht erblich sind und also nur Art. 79 (3) das einzelne Individuum (praktischnur Teile des Individuums) betreffen und nicht zum Delete the phrase, "with or without the addition of a transcribed With this normalen Entwicklungsgang geh6ren, und symbol." deren Merkmalenicht zu denen die deletion it will read, are geh6ren, "epithets illegitimate, das Taxon zu dem das Indivi- ..... (3) When the umschreiben, they exactly repeat generic. duum name (tautonym)." gehort. Delete from the examples under (3) Proposed by: V. J. Grumman,Berlin. Nasturtium nasturtium-aquaticum. Argument: This extension of the Proposal no. 184 tautonym rule to epithets with transcribed symbols was new in 1950. Such Linnaean Proposalfor the conservationof the generic epithets as nasturtium-aquaticum(L.) Karst. name Garuga Roxburgh (1814) of the have always been legal and accepted. The Burseraceae, versus Katoukalesiam Adanson epithet nasturtium-aquaticumdoes not exactly (1763). duplicate the generic name Nasturtium. It is Garuga Roxburgh, Hort. Bengal 33. 1814; even less similar to the generic name than the Roxburgh, P1. Corom. 3: 5. 1819; Roxburgh, epithets of Gossypium. gossypioides, and Fl. Ind. 2: 400. 1820; DeCandolle, Prodr. 2: Matricaria matricarioides which are given 80. 1825; Endlicher, Gen. plant. 1137. 1839; in the Code as examples of acceptable Blume, Mus. bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1. 15: 227. 1850; epithets, (see Arts 81, 65) or than Samanea Miquel, Fl. Ned. Ind. 1. 2: 654. 1859; saman, or Cajanus caian. As proposed above, Bentham & Hooker, Gen. plant. 1: 323. 1862; the section dealing with transcribed symbols Baillon. Hist. pl. 5: 313. 1874; Hooker, Fl. should be repealed. Then the Art. 79 (3) will Brit. Ind. 1: 528. 1875; Engler in DC, Mon. apply to tautonyms, as stated, and it will not Phan. 4: 4. 1883; Engler in Engler & apply to numerous other epithets that are Prantl, Nat. Pfl. fam. ed. 1. 3(4): 256. 1896 quite different in spelling from the generic and ed. 2. 19a: 416. 1931; Lam. Bull. Jard. names, and hence are not tautonyms. Bot. Buitenz. 3. 12: 325. 1932; Kalkman, Blumea 7 (2): 459. 1953. Proposal no. 183 Type species: Garuga pinnata Rox- New Art. 77 bis burgh, I.c. "Teratologische Fille werden hervorge- Size and area: 4 species in Continen- hoben durch teras in der Abbreviaturter. mit tal South East Asia, Northern and Eastern einem nachfolgenden Namen fur den betref- Malaysia,Northern Australia, Western Pacific. fenden Fall der Abweichung; ein zweiter KatoukalesiamAdanson, Families des Plan- Name kann den ersten Namen unterteilen. tes 2: 510, 531. 1763 (Katou. Kalesiam on Beispiel: Lecanora subfuscata Magn. ter. p. 510). 124 This content downloaded from on Sat, 1 Mar 2014 08:50:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Discussion: When publishing the Proposal no. 166 * the name Katoukalesiam under the heading Holomitrium Endlicher, Genera Plantarum "Genres Adanson the nouveaux", legalized 48. 1836, versus OlomitriuwmBrid., Bryol. vernacular name "Katou-Kalesjam",given by univ. 1: 226. 1826 [See also Taxon 3 (2): 75]. Van Rheede tot Draakenstein, Hort. Ind. Holomitrium Endl. Malabar. 4: 69. t. 33, 1673. Adanson did not Hornschuch, Fl. bras. mention a name. Adopted by: specific 1(2) :17 (1840); C. Miiller, Syn. musc. 1: 349 51 years later Roxburgh based his Garuga (1849); Dozy & Molkenboer, Musc. frond. pinnata on the same figure of the Hortus Arch. Ind. 18 (1854); Dozy & Molkenboer, Malabaricus, without mentioning Adanson's Bryol. jav. 1 :86 (1858); Jaeger & Sauerb., name, which has never been used again. The Gen. spec. m. adumbr. 1 :150 (1871), 2: 761 name Garuga Roxburgh however, has been (1878); Mitten, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 12:56 generally accepted in all taxonomic and other (1869); C. Miiller, Gen. m. fr. 253 (1901); publications. Brotherus in Engl. - Pr. Nat. Pfl. f.
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