Volume 23: Issue 1 January, 2012 LL II NN EE SS & PP OO II NN TT SS www.plsw.org THE EQUALITY STATE SURVEYOR PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS OF WYOMING Lines & Points 1|Page January 2012 Volume 23: Issue 1 January, 2012 L I N E S & P O I N T S www.plsw.org Boundary Marker & Cairn; Cairn was helpful in President Cotton Jones, PLS finding the marker. (Photo By Tom McDonald) Vice-President Cevin Imus, PLS THE EQUALITY STATE SURVEYOR On The Cover PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS OF WYOMING secretary/treasurer Marlowe Scherbel, PLS CONTENTS ~ Page 3 ~ PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Cotton Jones, PLS Area Governor And Announcements ~ Page 5 ~ THE PREXY PASTURE PARTY CHIEF By Mark Rehwaldt Paul Reid, PLS Wyoming Delegate ~ Page 6 ~ PROPOSED WIRELESS SYSTEM By Randy Showstack Lines & Points ~ Page 7 ~ editoriaL committee CMDR. PAUL SCHERBEL Committee Larry Perry, PLS By: Margaret Matray, Star-Tribune Chair [email protected] ~ Page 9 ~ TRI-STATE CORNER Editor Michael Flaim, PELS in Chief [email protected] By: Tom McDonald ~ Page 11 ~ Treasurer John “Jack” Studley, PLS [email protected] WY TERRITORY GLO CONTRACT NO. 1 By: Jack Studley Circulation Joel Ebner, PLS ~ Page 15 ~ [email protected] QUALITY CONTROL Advertising Pete Hutchison, PELS By: Herbert W. Stoughton [email protected] Copy Herbert W. Stoughton, PhD, PELS, CP 2011 PLSW SUSTAINING MEMBERS Editor [email protected] •John Baffert - Surv-KAP, LLC •Cathy Fromma - Trimble Editor Steven “Dennis” Dawson, PLS •Richard Monsen - Monsen Engineering at Large [email protected] •Bryan Baker - Frontier Precision Inc. Lines and Points is published by the Professional Land Advertising Information Surveyors of Wyoming. Lines and Points is not copyrighted and permission is hereby granted to reprint articles with appropriate Digital-ready, full-color advertising with payment should be credit. The Professional Land Surveyors of Wyoming assume mailed to Lines & Points, P.O. Box 8, Cheyenne, WY 82003. no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed in Advertising rates are as follows: Year Issue this publication. The articles as put forth in this journal are not Full Page $810 $210 necessarily those of PLSW or the Editorial staff of this journal. Half Page $540 $140 PLSW (Professional Land Surveyors of Wyoming) is a Quarter Page $310 $80 statewide organization of Registered Land Surveyors licensed to practice in the Equality State of Wyoming. PLSW is dedicated Business Card $160 $40 to improving the technical, legal, and business aspects of Employment Free Free surveying in the State of Wyoming. PLSW is affiliated with Special Rates apply for PLSW Chapters and cover placements. the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) and the Western Federation of Professional Land Surveyors (WestFed). For more information please contact Pete Hutchison or Jack Studley. Page|2 Lines & Points PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Seasons greetings to you all: As the fall season has come and gone, as well as Santa, I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday! Since the last column, for those that were not able to attend the Fall Technical Session, we had a great turn out as usual. Mark Schenewerk provided us with New Aspects in OPUS, as well as, a couple of areas related to OPUS processing. Also during Fall Tech., Lloyd Baker was presented with his Life Membership, and Mike Flaim and the Lines and Points staff with their award for Publication of the Year from NSPS. I have since attended the Fall Governor’s meeting in Gaithersburg, MD, in which the main topic was the reorganization of NSPS and ACSM. It was originally motioned to disband the organizations and create a new one, but due to some legal issues the organizations will now merge with NSPS taking the lead. As of now, the Geodesists (AAGS) are not joining but will be affiliates until they determine the outcome of the merger. They did hold their annual meetings along with us in Gaithersburg. GLIS has decided to not have any affiliation at this time and will handle their own affairs separately. The merger should be complete by January 1, 2012, with most noticing little change except for a slight reduction in dues for 2012. For those who are members please don’t forget to pay your dues and the benefits will remain the same. The next Governor’s and Director’s meetings for the new organization have yet to be determined. The Board of Directors decided not to have them in conjunction with ESRI in San Diego due to cost, but will continue to support ESRI’s Survey Summit. With that I look forward to seeing everyone in Sheridan for our Annual PLSW Meeting at the WES convention in February. Also remember to fill out your ballots and get them returned as soon as possible. We need your votes to make the By-law amendments and a non-vote is a “no” vote so please vote. I believe the changes that are proposed are minor but very beneficial to us as an organization. I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year! Respectfully, Cotton D. Jones, President Professional Land Surveyors of Wyoming 3|Page January 2012 ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISC. (Casper Star-Tribune; Tues., Nov. 22, 2011, Business page C3) (Wyoming Tibune Eagle; Thur., Nov. 10, 2011, page A3) IN BRIEF WYO. STATE LANDS OFFICE ROlls OUT FROM STAFF & WIRE REPORTERS ONLINE MAPPING EOLOGICAL URVEY OFFERS NEW MAPS G S CHEYENNE - Outdoorsmen will soon have The Wyoming Geological Survey is offering for a new place to go online to look up which state sale 10 new maps for areas of the state. lands they may access for hunting and fishing, The maps provide geologic information to and which are off limits. address water, aggregate and mineral resources, The Office of State Lands and Investments plans surficial processes and earthquake hazards, as to roll out the new website within the next couple well as a map on a potential new geothermal area days and is seeking help from the public. State for energy production in northwest Wyoming. lands officials are encouraging people to report The project was accomplished with funding any inaccuracies they discover on the maps. from the U.S. Geological Survey, which was While they’re at it, people should report any matched by the state Legislature, according to a illegal junkyards or vehicle damage they discover press re1ease. on state land, Ryan Lance, director of the Office of For more information, call 307-766-2286, ex. 224. State Lands and Investments, said Wednasday at an interagency meeting about the website. The website is •The Wyoming Board of Registration is http://www.onanypc.com/StateLandAccess now offering Professional Land Surveyor On Wednasday, it asked visitors for a user name candidates the opportunity to take the 2-hour and password, but when it’s opened to the public, State Specific Examination on a given day each it will show roads, topography and the boundaries month during the year. of state and federal lands in Wyoming. •The Bureau of Land Management respectfully The federal government granted to Wyoming requests that readers of the Manual of Surveying two parcels of land, each measuring a square mile, Instructions (2009) report any errors found. Email for every 36-square mile township back when the with the details to [email protected]. state was founded. The state manages state trust For information and to view postings of reported land to raise money for public education. errata visit the BLM Manual website at: www.blmsurveymanual.org. Tentative WES Convention Schedule •There are educational resources available at the NGS Online Learning Center with Online 8:45-10:00 LightSquared Update; Curt Sumner, ACSM Modules, Presentations with Audio, and the 10:30-11:30 GNSS Satellite Constellation and FCC Upcoming and Past Classes at: Narrowband Update; www.ngs.noaa.gov/corbin/online_learing.shtml Bryan Baker, Frontier Precision •The NGS has announced that the CORS station 1:15-2:15 Governor of Wyoming Executive Order: Sage Grouse Core Areas. WYSH has now been added to the national Understanding the Concept and network. This station is in Sheridan, WY. Influence on Land Surveying and •The BLM has completed a project to scan Engineering Decisions Related to Energy Development and Related approximately 25,000 pages of field notes that Projects in Wyoming; had been transcribed. These pages are from field Bob Budd, Executive Director, notes of GLO surveys that are nearly illegible. Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust. Each page is posted on the Cadastral Survey Don Schramm, BLM-Retired website following the image of the original page. 2:45-3:45 Sage Grouse Core Areas, Part ll. Page|4 Lines & Points From The Prexy Pasture Party Chief By: MARK REHWALDT, PLS As I am writing this, there is one week of classes approved by the University, a student will have clear left and then finals. Prexy’s Pasture will have been path for obtaining the required 30 hours and know surveyed one more time and it will be time for the that they will be accepted by the Board. Pasture to take a well deserved winter break. The Land Surveying Program Advisory Board While Prexy’s Pasture will be taking a break, I will be had a preliminary meeting in November at the working on several pieces of the Land Surveying Program. PLSW Fall Technical Session. The main order of The first piece of the program that needs to be business was to discuss proposed bylaws. Once updated is the tuition. I, along with the Outreach the bylaws are formally approved by the College Credit Programs, the College of Engineering of Engineering and Applied Science, members will and Applied Science, the Civil and Architectural be appointed and the group will formally exist.
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