Strengthening Local Governance for Health (HealthGov) Project First Quarterly Report, Year 2 October 1 to December 31, 2007 Cooperative Agreement No. 492-A-00-06-00037 31 January 2008 Prepared for Ms. Maria Paz de Sagun, CTO United States Agency for International Development/Manila Prepared by RTI International 3040 Cornwallis Road Post Office Box 12194 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 This report was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development/Manila The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Table of Contents Page List of Acronyms iii 1. Introduction 1 2. Summary of Major Activities and Accomplishments During the Report Period 3 3. Issues and Concerns Encountered During the Report Period 5 4. Major Project Activities Planned for the Next Period (Second Quarter Year 2) 5 5. Detailed Description of Activities Conducted During the Report Period 6 Project Management 6 Organization and Team Development 6 Corporate Management and Technical Support Visit 8 Revision of Year 2 Work Plan 8 Collaboration and coordination with Other CAs and National and Regional 9 Stakeholders 5.2 Project Implementation Activities 10 IR 1.1 Strengthening Key LGU Management Systems to Sustain Delivery of 10 Selected Health Services IR 1.2 Improving and Expanding LGU Financing for Health 16 IR 1.3 Improving Service Provider Performance 18 IR 1.4 Increasing Advocacy on Service Delivery and Financing 34 6. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) 40 7. Financial Report for the Quarter 41 HealthGov Project—First Quarterly Report Year 2 (October – December 2007) ii List of Acronyms AI avian influenza AIDS acquired immunedeficiency syndrome AIP annual investment plan AO administrative order ARMM Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao BCC behavior change communication BEmONC basic emergency obstetric and newborn care BHS barangay (village) health station BHW barangay health worker BLHD Bureau of Local Health Development CA cooperating agency CDLMIS Commodity Distribution and Logistics Management Information System CEDPA Centre for Development and Population Activities CEmONC comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care CHD Center for Health Development CHLSS Community Health and Living Standards Survey CHO City Health Office/Officer CSO civil society organization CSR contraceptive self-reliance CTO Cognizant Technical Officer DA Department of Agriculture DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government DOH Department of Health DOH Rep Department of Health representative EC European Commission EPDM evidence-based participatory decision-making EPI Expanded Program on Immunization F1 FOURmula ONE for Health FHSIS Field Health Services Information System FP family planning FSW female sex worker HealthGov Strengthening Local Governance for Health Project HealthPRO Health Promotion and Communications Project HIV/AIDS human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunedeficiency syndrome HPDP Health Policy Development Project HSR health sector reform ICV informed choice and voluntarism ID identification IHBSS integrated HIV/AIDS behavioral and serological surveillance HealthGov Project—First Quarterly Report Year 2 (October – December 2007) iii ILHZ inter-local health zone IR intermediate result IT information technology IUD intrauterine device LAC local AIDS council LCE local chief executive LFC Local Finance Committee LGU local government unit LHA Local Health Accounts LHAD Local Health and Development LICT Local Implementation and Coordination Team LSI living standard indicators LSS local services standards M&E monitoring and evaluation MARP most-at-risk population MCH maternal and child health MHO Municipal Health Officer/Officer MIPH municipal investment plan for health MIS management information system MLGU municipal local government unit MNCHN maternal, neonatal, and child health and nutrition MOP manual of procedures MSM men who have sex with men NCDPC National Center for Disease Prevention and Control NCR National Capital Region NEC National Epidemiology Center NGO non-government organization OFW overseas Filipino worker OH Office of Health OP operational plan OPD outpatient department PAR participatory action research PC Provincial Coordinator PFMP public finance management plan PHIC Philippine Health Insurance Corporation PhilHealth Philippine Health Insurance Corporation PHN Public Health Nurse PHO Provincial Health Office/Officer PHTL Provincial Health Team Leader PIPH Province-wide Investment Plan for Health PIR program implementation review PLGU provincial local government unit PMG Project Management Group PMIS performance management information system PNGOC Philippine Non-governmental Organization Council for HealthGov Project—First Quarterly Report Year 2 (October – December 2007) iv Population, Health and Welfare, Inc. PO people’s organization POPCOM Commission on Population PPA program, project, activity PPDO Provincial Planning and Development Office PRISM Private Sector Mobilization for Family Health Project PSEP Public Service Excellence Program PTAP provincial technical assistance plan RH reproductive health RHM Rural Health Midwife RHU rural health unit RPM Responsible Parenting Movement RPM-NFP Responsible Parenting Movement – Natural Family Planning RTI Research Triangle Institute SA situational analysis SBM-R Standards-based Management and Recognition SB Sangguniang Bayan (municipal legislative council) SDExH Service Delivery Excellence for Health SDIR Service Delivery Implementation Review SHIELD-ARMM Sustainable Health Initiatives through Empowerment and Local Development Project – Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao SIP service implementation plan SO3 Strategic Objective 3 SOAg Strategic Objective Agreement SP Sangguniang Panlalawigan (provincial legislative council) SS Sentrong Sigla (center of excellence) STI sexually transmitted infection TA technical assistance TAP technical assistance provider TB tuberculosis TBA traditional birth attendant TB-DOTS tuberculosis directly observed treatment, short course TB LINC Linking Initiatives and Networking to Control Tuberculosis Project TMIS Training Management Information System ToT training of trainers TWG Technical Working Group UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development USG United States Government VCT voluntary counseling and testing VSC voluntary surgical contraception WHO World Health Organization HealthGov Project—First Quarterly Report Year 2 (October – December 2007) v 1. Introduction RTI International and its partners are pleased to submit this first quarterly report for the second year of Strengthening Local Governance for Health (HealthGov) Project in the Philippines in accordance with USAID Cooperative Agreement No. 492-A-00-06-00037- 00. This report covers the period 1 October to 31 December 2007 and presents progress made against planned activities for project management and implementation and provision of technical assistance (TA) to the Department of Health Centers for Health Development (DOH CHDs) and local government units (LGUs) in the 23 provincial project sites. Issues and concerns encountered in project implementation and anticipated activities for implementation in the second quarter of Year 2 are also outlined in the report. HealthGov’s approved work plan for the period 1 October 2007 to 30 September 2008 states the overall strategic direction for the second year as follows: “The overall direction of the project for the second year of implementation will build on the foundations laid in the first year. The various scoping visits and data collection activities, workshops and orientations of LCEs and local government counterparts, and capacity building of NGOs, CSOs, and other stakeholders have provided the project with a strong local network of partners and in-depth knowledge of the situation on the ground. This has enabled the project to prepare initial provincial-level work plans that respond to local conditions, needs, and priorities. The design, piloting, and evaluation of TA interventions in the first year – including improved PIPH guidelines, SDIR and SDExH approaches, and CSR planning and monitoring tools – provide a menu of strategies and tools that LGUs can select from when they address their health priorities. More TA interventions will be developed during the second year of the project. HealthGov TA to LGUs is directed by a number of guiding principles: HealthGov assistance is demand-driven and strategic in nature; the project engages regional and local partners as technical assistance providers as described in our technical proposal and the work plan for Year 1; project activities are closely coordinated with other CAs; and HealthGov TA is guided by the DOH’s Health Sector Reform framework. Demand-driven. HealthGov TA is based on a thorough analysis of local conditions and participating LGUs are directly involved in the identification of their needs and priorities and in the selection of appropriate TA responses. To receive TA support, LGUs are expected to contribute some of their own resources to implement TA activities: their contributions are counted as cost share to the project. The partnership between the project and the LGU is based on a mutual commitment: to be eligible for further TA support the LGU is expected to implement the recommended actions resulting from earlier assistance.
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